Exemplo n.º 1
 def __createFeatureMatchers(self):
     self._fm = list()
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(1250, 650), Point(1250 + 300, 650 + 200)))) # middle right
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(700, 600), Point(700 + 400, 600 + 300))))  # center
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(1250, 125), Point(1450 + 200, 125 + 400)))) #top right
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(1200, 300), Point(1200 + 500, 300 + 300)))) #top right
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(200, 50), Point(200 + 600, 50 + 400))))
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(800, 50), Point(800 + 300, 50 + 200))))
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(300, 400), Point(300 + 250, 400 + 350)))) # middle left
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(800, 300), Point(800 + 300, 300 + 200))))
     self._fm.append(FeatureMatcher(Box(Point(200, 650), Point(200 + 300, 650 + 200))))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def trimSides(self, newWidth):
        # type: (int) -> Image
        widthToCutOutLeft = int((self.width() - newWidth) / 2)

        areaToCut = Box(Point(widthToCutOutLeft, 0),
                        Point(widthToCutOutLeft + newWidth, self.height()))
        return self.subImage(areaToCut)
 def __boxAroundFeatureForFrame(self, frameID):
     topLeftPoint = self.__getTopLeftForFrame(frameID)
     box = Box(
         Point(topLeftPoint.x + self.__startingBox.width(),
               topLeftPoint.y + self.__startingBox.hight()))
     return box
Exemplo n.º 4
 def __boundingBoxAroundContour(self, contour):
     Xmin = int(np.min(contour[:, 1]))
     Xmax = int(np.max(contour[:, 1]))
     Ymin = int(np.min(contour[:, 0]))
     Ymax = int(np.max(contour[:, 0]))
     box = Box(Point(Xmin, Ymin), Point(Xmax, Ymax))
     return box
Exemplo n.º 5
    def shiftImageHorizontally(self, pixelsToShift):
        # type: (int) -> Image

        boxSizeOfImage = Box.createUsingDimesions(self.width(), self.height())

        fillerWidth = abs(pixelsToShift)
        imageWithFillerOnBothSides = self.padSidesToMakeWider(fillerWidth * 2)
        boxEncompasingImage = boxSizeOfImage.translateBy(Vector(
            fillerWidth, 0))

        #slide "boxEncompasingImage" to the left or to the right depending if xDrift is negative or positive
        boxAroundAreaThatWeNeedToCrop = boxEncompasingImage.translateBy(
            Vector(pixelsToShift, 0))
        return imageWithFillerOnBothSides.subImage(
Exemplo n.º 6
    def showWindowAndWaitForTwoClicks(self, image):

        keyPress = self.showWindowAndWaitForClick(image)
        if not self.userClickedMouse():
            return keyPress

        point1 = self.featureCoordiate

        img = Image(image)

        keyPress = self.showWindowAndWaitForClick(image)
        if not self.userClickedMouse():
            return keyPress

        point2 = self.featureCoordiate

        if point1.x <= point2.x:
            self.featureBox = Box(point1, point2)
            #second Click was to the left of the first. Reverse the two points
            self.featureBox = Box(point2, point1)

        return keyPress
    def __updateRedDotsSearchArea(self, boxAroundRedDots):
        dotsShift = int(self.__distanceBetweenRedPoints() / 2)

        bottomRightLimit_x = self.__getImage().width() - 200
        bottomRightLimit_y = self.__getImage().height() - 200

        topLeftX = min(max(boxAroundRedDots.topLeft.x - dotsShift, 1),
                       bottomRightLimit_x - 100)
        topLeftY = min(max(boxAroundRedDots.topLeft.y - dotsShift, 1),
                       bottomRightLimit_y - 100)
        bottomRightX = min(boxAroundRedDots.bottomRight.x + dotsShift,
        bottomRightY = min(boxAroundRedDots.bottomRight.y + dotsShift,

        redDotsSearchArea = Box(Point(topLeftX, topLeftY),
                                Point(bottomRightX, bottomRightY))
        return redDotsSearchArea
 def __initial_search_area2(self):
     # type: () -> Box
     if (self.__frame.is_high_resolution()):
         return Box(Point(1400, 1000), Point(1900, 1400))
         return Box(Point(900, 300), Point(1400, 800))
 def __defaultBoxAroundFeature(self):
     box = Box(
         Point(self.__getTopLeft().x + self.__startingBox.width(),
               self.__getTopLeft().y + self.__startingBox.hight()))
     return box
Exemplo n.º 10
#/usr/bin/env python
from math import sqrt
from hpp.corbaserver.manipulation import ProblemSolver, Constraints, \
    ConstraintGraph, ConstraintGraphFactory, Rule
from hpp.gepetto import PathPlayer
from hpp.gepetto.manipulation import ViewerFactory
from hpp import Transform
import CORBA, sys, numpy as np
from common import generateRandomConfig, writeTrajInYaml, robot, ps, \
    Box, Table, vf

objects = list()
objects.append(Box(name='box', vf=vf))
robot.setJointBounds("box/root_joint", [-1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 2])

# Loaded as an object to get the visual tags at the right position.
table = Table(name='table', vf=vf)

q_init = [
    0.6000022397992977, -0.6781023282014177, 1.0227731536350761,
    -0.026501735815611785, 0.026519221784192294, 0.7066117724333544,
    0.7066075232640208, -7.425303327690214e-06, -3.104979264370574e-05,
    -0.5336970777582547, 0.7998833793330343, -0.3411868362719986,
    -0.001701417910656863, -7.425312934111446e-06, -3.104992049186117e-05,
    -0.5337106744153133, 0.799914920807006, -0.341204781088912,
    -0.0017014177824483088, 0.0, 0.5558260964981129, 0.28504014455571497,
    0.19401590944614103, 0.003941049852447548, -0.5228672465592601,
    -6.095997813993427e-05, 0.001283145908800703, 0.10028131572105346, 0.0,
    0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.28502261804473694, -0.1940282332221976,
    -0.0038866982587039012, -0.5226794809165282, 0.00011731350732173029,
    -0.00127685849617846, 0.10046668823166613, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
Exemplo n.º 11
 def topPart(self, height):
     # type: (integer) -> Image
     box = Box(Point(0, 0), Point(self.width(), height))
     return self.subImage(box)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def bottomPart(self, height):
     # type: (integer) -> Image
     box = Box(Point(0,
                     self.height() - height),
               Point(self.width(), self.height()))
     return self.subImage(box)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def drawDriftVectorOnImage(self, driftVector):
     if driftVector is not None:
         vectorStart = Point(100, 100)
         vectorEnd = vectorStart.translateBy(driftVector)
         vectorBox = Box(vectorStart, vectorEnd)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def drawFrameID(self, frameID):
     self.drawTextInBox(Box(Point(0, 0), Point(80, 50)), frameID)