Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, hostname, username, password=None, key_filename=None):

        self.node_name = hostname
        self.host_name = hostname
        self.user_name = username
        self.version = ''
        self.private_key = None
        self.btfs_cmd_interval = 0

        #init ssh client
        self.client = paramiko.SSHClient()

        self.btfs = BtfsCmd()



        #open ssh sftp
        self.sftp = self.client.open_sftp()
    def __init__(self,node0, node1, node2):
        self.node0 = node0
        self.node1 = node1
        self.node2 = node2

        self.btfs = BtfsCmd()
class Regions():
    def __init__(self,node0, node1, node2):
        self.node0 = node0
        self.node1 = node1
        self.node2 = node2

        self.btfs = BtfsCmd()

    def two_nodes_add_get_file(self):
        """Add and get file on two nodes in different regions (Linux)"""
        #1.On node1, create a file:
        #      $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        tmp_file = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.node0.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.On node2, get file:
        #   $ btfs get <file_hash> -o file2.txt
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('get %s -o file2.txt' % f_hash))

        #4 $ ls -l
        res = self.node2.exec_btfs_command('ls -l')
        if 'file2.txt' not in res:
            raise Exception('file2.txt can not found')

        file2 = self.node2.exec_btfs_command('cat file2.txt')

        if tmp_file != file2:
            raise Exception('/tmp/file.txt and file1.txt content is different')

    def two_nodes_add_and_cat_file(self):
        """Test Case Name: Add and cat file on two nodes in different regions (Linux)"""

        #1.On node1, create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.node0.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.On node1, cat local file
        #   $ cat /tmp/file.txt
        tmp_file = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #4.On node2, cat file:
        #   $ btfs cat <file_hash>
        cat_file = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('cat %s' % f_hash))

        if tmp_file != cat_file:
            raise Exception('/tmp/file.txt and cat content is different')

    def two_nodes_add_and_cat_large_file(self):
        """Test Case Name: Add and cat a large file(5MB) on two nodes in different regions (Linux)"""
        #1.On node1, create a 5MB size file:
        #   $ head -c 5000000 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt && md5sum /tmp/file.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1
        tmp_md5 = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 5000000 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt && md5sum /tmp/file.txt | cut -d \' \' -f 1')

        #2.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.On node2, cat file:
        #    $ btfs cat <file_hash> | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1
        cat_md5 = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('cat %s | md5sum | cut -d \' \' -f 1' % f_hash))

        if tmp_md5 != cat_md5:
            raise Exception('md5 and cat md5 is different')

    def two_nodes_add_and_pin_file(self):
        """Test Case Name: Add and pin file on two nodes in different regions (Linux)"""
        #1.On node1, create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.On node1, cat local file
        #   $ cat /tmp/file.txt
        tmp_content = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #4.On node2, pin file:
        #   $ btfs  pin add  <file_hash>
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('pin add %s' % f_hash))

        #5.On node2, cat file:
        #   $ btfs cat <file_hash>
        cat_content = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('cat %s' % f_hash))

        if cat_content != tmp_content:
            raise Exception('tmp content and cat content is different')

    def two_nodes_pin_and_remove_pin_file(self):
        """Test Case Name: Pin and Remove pin file on two nodes in different regions (Linux)"""
        #1.On node1, create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.On node1, cat local file
        #   $ cat /tmp/file.txt
        tmp_content = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #4.On node2, pin file:
        #   $ btfs  pin add  <file_hash>
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('pin add %s' % f_hash))

        #5.On node1, remove pin:
        #   $ btfs pin rm <file_hash>
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('pin rm %s' % f_hash))

        #6.On node1, run GC(garbage collection):
        #   $ btfs repo gc
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('repo gc'))

        #7.On node2, cat file:
        #   $ btfs cat <file_hash>
        cat_content = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('cat %s' % f_hash))

        if cat_content != tmp_content:
            raise Exception('tmp content and cat content is different')

    def three_nodes_swarm_cross_network_connection(self):
        """Test Case Name: Swarm - cross network connection in different regions (Linux)"""
        #1.On node1, remove all bootstrap peers:
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        #   $ btfs bootstrap rm --all
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))

        #   $ btfs bootstrap rm --all
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap rm --all'))

        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))
        if res != '':
            raise Exception('bootstrap list Bootstrap is not deleted clean')

        #2.On node3, remove all bootstrap peers:
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        #   $ btfs bootstrap rm --all
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))

        #   $ btfs bootstrap rm --all
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap rm --all'))

        #   $ btfs bootstrap list
        res = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))
        if res != '':
            raise Exception('bootstrap list Bootstrap is not deleted clean')

        #3.On node1, remove all other peers:
        #   $ for node in $(btfs swarm peers); do btfs swarm disconnect $node; done;
        #   $ btfs swarm peers
        #   $ for node in $(btfs swarm peers); do btfs swarm disconnect $node; done;
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command('for node in $(%s swarm peers); do %s swarm disconnect $node; done;' % (self.btfs.cmd_name(),self.btfs.cmd_name()))

        #   $ btfs swarm peers
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('swarm peers'))

        #4.On node3, remove all other peers:
        #   $ for node in $(btfs swarm peers); do btfs swarm disconnect $node; done;
        #   $ btfs swarm peers
        #   $ for node in $(btfs swarm peers); do btfs swarm disconnect $node; done;
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command('for node in $(%s swarm peers); do %s swarm disconnect $node; done;' % (self.btfs.cmd_name(),self.btfs.cmd_name()))

        #   $ btfs swarm peers
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('swarm peers'))

        #5.On node1,  create a 5MB size file:
        #   $ head -c 5000000 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt && md5sum /tmp/file.txt | cut -d ' ' -f 1
        tmp_md5 = self.node0.exec_btfs_command('head -c 5000000 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt && md5sum /tmp/file.txt | cut -d \' \' -f 1')

        #6.On node1, add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #7.On node2, get connection info:
        #   $ btfs id -f "<addrs>"
        node1_addr = self.node1.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('id -f "<addrs>"'))

        #8.On node1, connect to node2:
        #   $ btfs swarm connect <Lan_addr>
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('swarm connect %s' % node1_addr))

        #9.On node3, connect to node2:
        #   $ btfs swarm connect <Lan_addr>
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('swarm connect %s' % node1_addr))

        #10.On node3, cat file:
        #   $ btfs cat <file_hash> | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1
        cat_md5 = self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('cat %s | md5sum | cut -d \' \' -f 1' % f_hash))
        if cat_md5 != tmp_md5:
            raise Exception('md5 and cat md5 is different')

        #11.Recover bootstrap nodes on node1 and node 3:
        #    $ btfs bootstrap add /ip4/
        #    $ btfs bootstrap add /ip4/
        #    $ btfs bootstrap add /ip4/
        #   Run:
        #    $ btfs bootstrap list
        lan_addr_0 = '/ip4/'
        lan_addr_1 = '/ip4/'
        lan_addr_2 = '/ip4/'

        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_0))
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_1))
        self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_2))
        #    $ btfs bootstrap list
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))
        if (lan_addr_0 not in res) or (lan_addr_1 not in res) or(lan_addr_2 not in res):
            raise Exception('node0 bootstrap add fail')

        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_0))
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_1))
        self.node2.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap add %s' % lan_addr_2))
        #    $ btfs bootstrap list
        res = self.node0.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('bootstrap list'))
        if (lan_addr_0 not in res) or (lan_addr_1 not in res) or(lan_addr_2 not in res):
            raise Exception('node2 bootstrap add fail')
Exemplo n.º 4
class BtfsNode():
    def __init__(self, hostname, username, password=None, key_filename=None):

        self.node_name = hostname
        self.host_name = hostname
        self.user_name = username
        self.version = ''
        self.private_key = None
        self.btfs_cmd_interval = 0

        #init ssh client
        self.client = paramiko.SSHClient()

        self.btfs = BtfsCmd()



        #open ssh sftp
        self.sftp = self.client.open_sftp()

    def set_btfs_cmd_interval(self, t):
        self.btfs_cmd_interval = t

    def set_private_key(self, key_string):
        self.private_key = key_string

    def set_version(self, v):
        self.version = v

    def close(self):

    def exec_btfs_command(self, cmd, args=None):
        rlog.info('%s=>$%s' % (self.host_name, cmd))

        _, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command(cmd)
        out = stdout.read().replace('\n', '')
        err = stderr.read().replace('\n', '')
        if out != '':
            rlog.info('[stdout]:%s' % (out))
        if err != '':
            rlog.error('[stderr]:\n%s' % err)

        #The command interval should not be too short
        if self.btfs_cmd_interval > 0:
        if err != '':
            raise Exception("exec command %s" % err)

        return out

    def reset(self):
        """Initialize node test environment"""
        #confirm if there is still a btfs process
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            'ps -aux | grep "btfs daemon" | grep -v "grep"')
        if res != '':
            arrs = res.split()
            pid = arrs[1]
            self.exec_btfs_command('kill %s' % pid)

        self.exec_btfs_command('rm -rf *')
        self.exec_btfs_command('rm -rf btfs/bin')
        self.exec_btfs_command('rm -rf ~/.btfs')
        self.exec_btfs_command('sudo rm -rf /btfs')
        self.exec_btfs_command('sudo rm -rf /btns')

    def install_btfs_from_binary(self, binary):
        """Install BTFS (Linux)"""

        self.client.exec_command('mkdir -p btfs/bin')

        self.client.open_sftp().put(binary, 'btfs/bin/btfs')

        self.sftp.chmod('btfs/bin/btfs', 0755)

        #btfs init
        init_cmd = 'init'
        if self.private_key != None:
            init_cmd = init_cmd + '-i=%s' % self.private_key

        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('init'))
        if not res.endswith('readme'):
            raise Exception("btfs init fail")

    def version_test(self):
        """Show version (Linux)"""

        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args("version"))
        if not res.endswith(self.version):
            raise Exception("btfs binary version is incorrect")

    def config_test(self):
        """Show and change config (Linux)"""
        #check if FilestoreEnabled is false
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('config show | grep FilestoreEnabled'))
        if not res.endswith('false,'):
            raise Exception("FilestoreEnabled not false")

        #change config of FilestoreEnabled
                'config Experimental.FilestoreEnabled true --json'))

        #check if FilestoreEnabled is true
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('config show | grep FilestoreEnabled'))
        if not res.endswith('true,'):
            raise Exception("FilestoreEnabled not true")

    def start_daemon(self):
        """Start BTFS daemon (Linux)"""
        #confirm if there is still a btfs process
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            'ps -aux | grep "btfs daemon" | grep -v "grep"')
        if res != '':
            raise Exception(
                'The previous daemon process did not close, please check')

        #start daemon
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.nohup_with_args("daemon > log.txt 2>&1 &"))
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('tail log.txt -n 1')
        if not res.endswith('Daemon is ready'):
            raise Exception('Daemon is not ready')

    def one_node_get_set_file_test(self):
        """Add and get file on one node (Linux)"""

        #1.Create a file:
        #   $head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        tmp_file = self.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.Add file to BTFS:
        #   $btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add /tmp/file.txt'))

        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3. Get file just added:
        #   $btfs get <file_hash>
        self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('get %s' % f_hash))

        #4.$ls -l
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls')

        #Check if the file exists
        if f_hash not in res:
            raise Exception('can not find: %s' % f_hash)

        #5.Get the file and save to another name
        #   $btfs get <file_hash> -o file1.txt
        f_name = 'file1.txt'
            self.btfs.with_args('get %s -o %s' % (f_hash, f_name)))

        #check if the file exists
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls')

        if f_name not in res:
            raise Exception('can not find: %s' % f_name)

        #check if the contents of /tmp/file.txt and file1.txt is the same.
        file = self.exec_btfs_command('cat %s' % f_name)
        if tmp_file != file:
            raise Exception('/tmp/file.txt and file1.txt content is different')

    def one_node_add_and_cat_file(self):
        """Add and cat file on one node (Linux)"""
        #1.Create a file:
        #   $head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.Add file to BTFS:
        #   $btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add  /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        f_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.Cat local file and file just added to BTFS
        #   $cat /tmp/file.txt
        #   $btfs cat <file_hash>
        #cat /tmp/file.txt
        tmp_file = self.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #btfs cat <file_hash>
        cat_file = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('cat %s' % f_hash))

        #check if the contents of /tmp/file.txt and cat content is the same.
        if tmp_file != cat_file:
            raise Exception('/tmp/file.txt and cat content is different')

    def one_node_add_and_list_dir(self):
        """Test Case Name: Add and list directory and file on one node (Linux)"""

        #1.Create directory:
        #       $mkdir -p testData testData/dir1
        #  Create file:
        #       $echo "test" > testData/file1
        #       $head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > testData/dir1/file2
        #       $ls -l testData
        #       $ls -l testData/dir1
        # mkdir -p testData testData/dir1
        self.exec_btfs_command('mkdir -p testData testData/dir1')

        # echo "test" > testData/file1
        self.exec_btfs_command('echo "test" > testData/file1')

        # head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > testData/dir1/file2
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > testData/dir1/file2')

        # ls -l testData
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls -l testData')
        if 'file1' not in res:
            raise Exception('can not find file:file1')

        # ls -l testData/dir1
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls -l testData/dir1')
        if 'file2' not in res:
            raise Exception('can not find file: file2')

        #2.Add directory to BTFS:
        #       $ btfs add -r testData

        # btfs add -r testData
        #   testData
        #   | __
        #       file1
        #   | __dir1
        #       | __file2
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add -r testData'))
        arrs = res.split()

        file2_hash = arrs[1]  #hash of /testData/dir/file2
        file1_hash = arrs[3]  #hash of testData/file1
        dir1_hash = arrs[5]  #hash of testData/dir1
        testData_hash = arrs[7]  #hash of testData

        #3.List directory just added:
        #       $ btfs ls <testData_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('ls %s' % testData_hash))
        if file1_hash not in res:
            raise Exception(
                'file1 is not in the result of btfs ls <testData_hash>')

        if dir1_hash not in res:
            raise Exception(
                'dir1 is not in the result of btfs ls <testData_hash>')

        #4.List sub-directory just added:
        #       $ btfs ls <dir1_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('ls %s' % dir1_hash))
        if file2_hash not in res:
            raise Exception('file2 is not in the result of btfs ls <dir hash>')

    def mount_and_unmount_btfs_to_local_fs(self):
        """Test Case Name: Mount and unmount BTFS to local file system (Linux)"""

        #1.Mount BYFS:
        #    $sudo mkdir /btfs /btns
        #    $sudo chown `whoami` /btfs /btns
        #    $btfs mount

        #sudo mkdir /btfs /btns
        self.exec_btfs_command('sudo mkdir /btfs /btns')

        #sudo chown `whoami` /btfs /btns
        self.exec_btfs_command('sudo chown `whoami` /btfs /btns')

        #btfs mount

        #2.ls -l /:
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls -l /')
        if ('btfs' not in res) or ('btns' not in res):
            raise Exception('btfs and btns not found')

        #3.Create directory:
        #       $mkdir -p test
        #  Create file
        #       $head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1
        #       $cat test/file1

        #mkdir -p test
        self.exec_btfs_command('mkdir -p test')

        #head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1
        self.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1')

        #cat test/file1
        file1 = self.exec_btfs_command('cat test/file1')

        #4.Add directory to BTFS:
        #       $ btfs add -r test
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add -r test'))
        arrs = res.split()

        test_dir_hash = arrs[3]

        #5.Go to btfs mount dir:
        #       $ cd /btfs/<test_dir_hash>
        #       $ ls -l
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('cd /btfs/%s;ls' % test_dir_hash)
        if 'file1' not in res:
            raise Exception('file1 not found in /btfs/%s' % test_dir_hash)

        #6.Cat file1:
        #       $ cat file1
        cat_file1 = self.exec_btfs_command('cd /btfs/%s;cat file1' %
        if cat_file1 != file:
            Exception('file1  and cat content is different')

        #7.Unmount BTFS:
        #       $ cd /
        #       $ fusermount -u /btfs
        #       $ fusermount -u /btns
        self.exec_btfs_command('cd /;fusermount -u /btfs;fusermount -u /btns')

        #8.List directory:
        #       ls -l /
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('ls -l /')
        #if 'btfs' in res:
        #    raise  Exception('btfs still exists')
        #if 'btns' in res:
        #    raise  Exception('btns still exists')

    def publish_and_resolve_ipns_names(self):
        """Test Case Name: Publish and resolve IPNS names  (Linux)"""
        #1.Create directory:
        #       $ mkdir -p test
        # Create file:
        #       $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1
        #       $ cat test/file1
        # $mkdir -p test
        self.exec_btfs_command('mkdir -p test')

        # $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1
        self.exec_btfs_command('head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > test/file1')

        # $ cat test/file1
        file_content = self.exec_btfs_command('cat test/file1')

        #2.Add directory to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add -r test
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add -r test'))
        arrs = res.split()

        test_dir_hash = arrs[3]

        #3.Publish name:
        #   $ btfs name publish <test_dir_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('name publish %s' % test_dir_hash))

        #4.Resolve name:
        #   $ btfs name resolve
        resolve = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('name resolve'))
        if resolve not in res:
            raise Exception('btfs name resolve fail')

        #5.Modify file1:
        #   $ vi test/file1
        self.exec_btfs_command('echo "hello world" >> test/file1')

        #6.Add to BTFS again:
        #   $ btfs add -r test
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add -r test'))
        arrs = res.split()

        test_dir_hash = arrs[3]

        #7.Publish again:
        #   $ btfs  name publish <test_dir_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('name publish %s' % test_dir_hash))

        #8.Resolve name again:
        #   $ btfs name resolve
        resolve = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('name resolve'))
        if resolve not in res:
            raise Exception('btfs name resolve fail')

    def show_stats(self):
        """Test Case Name: Show stats (Linux)"""
        #1.Show stats:
        #   $ btfs stats bitswap
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('stats bitswap'))
        if 'dup blocks received' not in res:
            raise Exception('stats bitswap fail')

    def add_file_and_get_dag(self):
        """Test Case Name: Add file and get DAG (Linux)"""
        #1.Create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')
        file_content = self.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.Add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add  /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        file_hash = arrs[1]

        #3.Get file just added:
        #   $ btfs object get <file_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('object get %s' % file_hash))
        if file_content not in res:
            raise Exception('file content not in dag')

    def api_show_node_id(self):
        """Test Case Name: API - show node id (Linux)"""
        #1. $ curl http://localhost:5001/api/v0/id
        res = self.exec_btfs_command('curl http://localhost:5001/api/v0/id')

        if ('ID' not in res) or ('PublicKey' not in res) \
                or ('Addresses' not in res) or ('AgentVersion' not in res) \
                    or('ProtocolVersion' not in res):
            raise Exception('the node id retrieved from the API is incorrect ')

    def one_node_api_add_and_get_file(self):
        """Test Case Name: API - add and get file on one node (Linux)"""
        #1. Create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #2.Show file content:
        #   $ cat /tmp/file.txt
        file_content = self.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #3.Call API to add file to BTFS:
        #   $ curl -F "file=@/tmp/file.txt"
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            'curl -F "file=@/tmp/file.txt"')
        text = json.loads(res)
        file_hash = text['Hash']

        #4.Cat file:
        #   $ btfs cat <file_hash>
        file_cmd_cat = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('cat %s' % file_hash))
        if file_cmd_cat != file_content:
            raise Exception('Content error retrieved from btfs cat')

        #5.Call API to get file:
        #   $ curl -o - http://localhost:5001/api/v0/get?arg=<file_hash>
        file_api_get = self.exec_btfs_command(
            'curl -o - http://localhost:5001/api/v0/get?arg=%s' % file_hash)
        if file_cmd_cat not in file_api_get:
            raise Exception('Content error retrieved from btfs api')

    def one_node_key_gen_ecdsa(self):
        """key gen ecdsa key pair to publish"""
        #1.Create a file:
        #   $ head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt
            'head -c 10 /dev/urandom | base64 > /tmp/file.txt')

        #3.Show file content:
        #   $ cat /tmp/file.txt
        tmp_content = self.exec_btfs_command('cat /tmp/file.txt')

        #3.Add file to BTFS:
        #   $ btfs add  /tmp/file.txt
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(self.btfs.with_args('add  /tmp/file.txt'))
        arrs = res.split()
        file_hash = arrs[1]

        #4.Generate an ECDSA key pair
        #   $ btfs key gen -t=ecdsa test-ecdsa
            self.btfs.with_args('key gen -t=ecdsa test-ecdsa'))

        #5.Publish name:
        #   $ btfs name publish --key=test-ecdsa <file_hash>
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            self.btfs.with_args('name publish --key=test-ecdsa %s' %
        arrs = res.split()
        peer_id = arrs[2].rstrip(':')

        #6.Call API to get file:
        #   $ curl<peer id>
        content = self.exec_btfs_command('curl' %
        if content != tmp_content:
            raise Exception('content and tmp content is different')

    def stop_daemon(self):
        """Stop BTFS daemon (Linux)"""
        #   $ btfs shutdown



        #1.$ ps -ef | grep btfs
        res = self.exec_btfs_command(
            'ps -aux | grep "btfs daemon" | grep -v "grep"')
        if res != "":
            raise Exception('btfs daemon did not completely quit')