Exemplo n.º 1
def main(params):
    opts = get_params(params)
    print(opts, flush=True)
    device = opts.device

    force_eos = opts.force_eos == 1

    if opts.probs == 'uniform':
        probs = np.ones(opts.n_features)
    elif opts.probs == 'powerlaw':
        probs = 1 / np.arange(1, opts.n_features + 1, dtype=np.float32)
        probs = np.array([float(x) for x in opts.probs.split(',')],
    probs /= probs.sum()

    print('the probs are: ', probs, flush=True)

    train_loader = OneHotLoader(n_features=opts.n_features,

    # single batches with 1s on the diag
    test_loader = UniformLoader(opts.n_features)

    # define sender (speaker) agent #
    sender = Sender(n_features=opts.n_features, n_hidden=opts.sender_hidden)
    sender = RnnSenderReinforce(sender,

    # define receiver (listener) agent #
    receiver = Receiver(n_features=opts.n_features,
    receiver = RnnReceiverDeterministic(receiver,

    # define  channel #
    channel = Channel(vocab_size=opts.vocab_size, p=opts.channel_repl_prob)

    game = SenderReceiverRnnReinforce(

    optimizer = core.build_optimizer(game.parameters())

    callbacks = [
        core.ConsoleLogger(as_json=True, print_train_loss=True)

    if opts.checkpoint_dir:
        info in checkpoint_name:
            - n_features as f
            - vocab_size as vocab
            - random_seed as rs
            - lr as lr
            - sender_hidden as shid
            - receiver_hidden as rhid
            - sender_entropy_coeff as sentr
            - length_cost as reg
            - max_len as max_len
            - sender_noise_scale as sscl
            - receiver_noise_scale as rscl
            - channel_repl_prob as crp
            - sender_entropy_common_ratio as scr
        checkpoint_name = (
            f'{opts.name}' + '_aer' +
            ('_uniform' if opts.probs == 'uniform' else '') +
            f'_f{opts.n_features}' + f'_vocab{opts.vocab_size}' +
            f'_rs{opts.random_seed}' + f'_lr{opts.lr}' +
            f'_shid{opts.sender_hidden}' + f'_rhid{opts.receiver_hidden}' +
            f'_sentr{opts.sender_entropy_coeff}' + f'_reg{opts.length_cost}' +
            f'_max_len{opts.max_len}' + f'_sscl{opts.sender_noise_scale}' +
            f'_rscl{opts.receiver_noise_scale}' +
            f'_crp{opts.channel_repl_prob}' +

    trainer = core.Trainer(game=game,

    print('<div id="prefix test without eos">')
    prefix_test(trainer.game, opts.n_features, device, add_eos=False)
    print('<div id="prefix test with eos">')
    prefix_test(trainer.game, opts.n_features, device, add_eos=True)
    print('<div id="suffix test">')
    suffix_test(trainer.game, opts.n_features, device)
    print('<div id="replacement test">')
    replacement_test(trainer.game, opts.n_features, opts.vocab_size, device)
    print('<div id="dump">')
    dump(trainer.game, opts.n_features, device, False)
def c2p():
    m0 = Word.Mask('00ff')
    m1 = Word.Mask('0f0f')

    print "=[ c2p 1x1 ham6 (blitter + mangled) ]=".center(48, '-')

    def MakeWord(c, color):
        # mangle: [ 0  0  0  0 r0 r1 r2 r3 g0 g1 g2 g3 b0 b1 b2 b3] =>
        #         [r0 g0 b0 b0 r1 g1 b1 b1 r2 g2 b2 b2 r3 g3 b3 b3]
        return Word([Bit.Var(c[0], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 3, color)])

    A = Array.Make(MakeWord)
    N = len(A)
    Array.Print("Data:", *A)

    B = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 8) & m0) | (b & ~m0),
         N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 2, 2), Channel(A, 0, 2), Channel(B, 0, 2))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 8) & ~m0) | (b & m0),
         N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 0, 2), Channel(A, 2, 2), Channel(B, 2, 2))
    Array.Print("Swap 8x4:", *B)

    C = [Array.Zero(N / 4, 16) for i in range(4)]
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 4) & m1) | (b & ~m1),
         N / 4, 1, Channel(B, 1, 3), Channel(B, 0, 3), Channel(C[0]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 4) & m1) | (b & ~m1),
         N / 4, 1, Channel(B, 3, 3), Channel(B, 2, 3), Channel(C[2]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 4) & ~m1) | (b & m1),
         N / 4, 1, Channel(B, 0, 3), Channel(B, 1, 3), Channel(C[1]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 4) & ~m1) | (b & m1),
         N / 4, 1, Channel(B, 2, 3), Channel(B, 3, 3), Channel(C[3]))
    Array.Print("[0]:", *C[0])
    Array.Print("[1]:", *C[1])
    Array.Print("[2]:", *C[2])
    Array.Print("[3]:", *C[3])
def c2p(bitplane_output=True):
    m0 = Word.Mask('ff00')
    m1 = Word.Mask('f0f0')
    m2 = Word.Mask('cccc')

    print "=[ c2p 1x1 4bpl (blitter + mangled) ]=".center(48, '-')

    def MakeWord(c, color):
        return Word([
            Bit.Var(c[0], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 3, color)

    A = Array.Make(MakeWord)
    N = len(A)
    Array.Print("Data:", *A)

    B = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m0) | ((b >> 8) & ~m0), N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 0, 2),
         Channel(A, 2, 2), Channel(B, 0, 2))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 8) & m0) | (b & ~m0), N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 0, 2),
         Channel(A, 2, 2), Channel(B, 2, 2))
    Array.Print("Swap 8x4:", *B)

    C = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m1) | ((b >> 4) & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 0, 1),
         Channel(B, 1, 1), Channel(C, 0, 1))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 4) & m1) | (b & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 0, 1),
         Channel(B, 1, 1), Channel(C, 1, 1))
    Array.Print("Swap 4x2:", *C)

    if bitplane_output:
        D = [Array.Zero(N / 4, 16) for i in range(4)]
        Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m2) | ((b >> 2) & ~m2), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(C, 0, 3), Channel(C, 2, 3), Channel(D[0], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m2) | ((b >> 2) & ~m2), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(C, 1, 3), Channel(C, 3, 3), Channel(D[1], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 2) & m2) | (b & ~m2), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(C, 0, 3), Channel(C, 2, 3), Channel(D[2], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 2) & m2) | (b & ~m2), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(C, 1, 3), Channel(C, 3, 3), Channel(D[3], 0, 0))
        Array.Print("[0]:", *D[0])
        Array.Print("[1]:", *D[1])
        Array.Print("[2]:", *D[2])
        Array.Print("[3]:", *D[3])
        D = Array.Zero(N, 16)
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 2) & ~m2) | (b & m2), N / 4, 2,
             Channel(C, 2, 2), Channel(C, 0, 2), Channel(D, 0, 2))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 2) & m2) | (b & ~m2), N / 4, 2,
             Channel(C, 0, 2), Channel(C, 2, 2), Channel(D, 2, 2))
        Array.Print("Swap 2x2:", *D)
Exemplo n.º 4
def c2p(bitplane_output=True):
    m0 = Word.Mask('00ff')
    m1 = Word.Mask('0f0f')
    m2 = Word.Mask('5555')

    print "=[ c2p 2x1 4bpl (blitter + mangled) ]=".center(48, '-')

    # premangled pixels:
    # 1) [- - - - a b c d] => [a b - - c d - -]
    # 2) [- - - - e f g h] => [- - e f - - g h]
    def MakeWord(c, color):
        return Word([Bit.Var(c[0], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[0], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[1], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 0, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 1, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[2], 3, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 2, color),
                     Bit.Var(c[3], 3, color)])

    A = Array.Make(MakeWord)
    N = len(A)
    Array.Print("Data:", *A)

    B = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 8) & m0) | (b & ~m0),
         N / 2, 1, Channel(A, 1, 1), Channel(A, 0, 1), Channel(B, 0, 1))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 8) & ~m0) | (b & m0),
         N / 2, 1, Channel(A, 0, 1), Channel(A, 1, 1), Channel(B, 1, 1))
    Array.Print("Swap 8x2:", *B)

    C = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a & ~m1) | ((b >> 4) & m1)),
         N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 0, 1), Channel(B, 1, 1), Channel(C, 0, 1))
    Blit(lambda a, b: (((a << 4) & ~m1) | (b & m1)),
         N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 0, 1), Channel(B, 1, 1), Channel(C, 1, 1))
    Array.Print("Swap 4x2:", *C)

    if bitplane_output:
        D = [Array.Zero(N / 2, 16) for i in range(4)]
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a >> 1) & m2) | (b & ~m2)),
             N / 2, 1, Channel(C, 0, 1), Channel(C, 0, 1), Channel(D[0], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a >> 1) & m2) | (b & ~m2)),
             N / 2, 1, Channel(C, 1, 1), Channel(C, 1, 1), Channel(D[2], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a << 1) & ~m2) | (b & m2)),
             N / 2, 1, Channel(C, 0, 1), Channel(C, 0, 1), Channel(D[1], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a << 1) & ~m2) | (b & m2)),
             N / 2, 1, Channel(C, 1, 1), Channel(C, 1, 1), Channel(D[3], 0, 0))
        Array.Print("[0]:", *D[0])
        Array.Print("[1]:", *D[1])
        Array.Print("[2]:", *D[2])
        Array.Print("[3]:", *D[3])
        D = Array.Zero(N * 2, 16)
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a >> 1) & m2) | (b & ~m2)),
             N, 1, Channel(C, 0, 0), Channel(C, 0, 0), Channel(D, 0, 1))
        Blit(lambda a, b: (((a << 1) & ~m2) | (b & m2)),
             N, 1, Channel(C, 0, 0), Channel(C, 0, 0), Channel(D, 1, 1))
        Array.Print("Expand 2x1:", *D)
def c2p(bitplane_output=True):
    print "=[ c2p 2x1 4bpl (blitter + mangled) ]=".center(48, '-')

    # premangled pixels:
    # 1) [- - - - a b c d] => [a b - - c d - -]
    # 2) [- - - - e f g h] => [- - e f - - g h]
    def MakeWord(c, color):
        return Word([
            Bit.Var(c[0], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[0], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[1], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 0, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 1, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[2], 3, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 2, color),
            Bit.Var(c[3], 3, color)

    # premangled pixel buffer: [AB CD EF GH] => [AB EF CD GH]
    def ArrayMake(fn):
        return [
            fn("abef", color="31m"),
            fn("cdgh", color="32m"),
            fn("ijmn", color="33m"),
            fn("klop", color="34m"),
            fn("qruv", color="35m"),
            fn("stwx", color="36m"),
            fn("ABEF", color="31;1m"),
            fn("CDGH", color="32;1m"),
            fn("IJMN", color="33;1m"),
            fn("KLOP", color="34;1m"),
            fn("QRUV", color="35;1m"),
            fn("STWX", color="36;1m")

    A = ArrayMake(MakeWord)
    N = len(A)
    Array.Print("Data:", *A)

    m0 = Word.Mask('f0f0')
    m1 = Word.Mask('aaaa')

    B = [Array.Zero(N / 2, 16) for i in range(2)]
    Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m0) | ((b >> 4) & ~m0), N / 2, 1, Channel(A, 0, 1),
         Channel(A, 1, 1), Channel(B[0]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 4) & m0) | (b & ~m0), N / 2, 1, Channel(A, 0, 1),
         Channel(A, 1, 1), Channel(B[1]))
    print("Swap 4x2:")
    Array.Print("[0]:", *B[0])
    Array.Print("[1]:", *B[1])

    C = [Array.Zero(N / 2, 16) for i in range(4)]
    Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m1) | ((b >> 1) & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B[0]),
         Channel(B[0]), Channel(C[0]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: (a & m1) | ((b >> 1) & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B[1]),
         Channel(B[1]), Channel(C[2]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 1) & m1) | (b & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B[0]),
         Channel(B[0]), Channel(C[1]))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 1) & m1) | (b & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B[1]),
         Channel(B[1]), Channel(C[3]))
    print("Expand 2x1:")
    Array.Print("[0]:", *C[0])
    Array.Print("[1]:", *C[1])
    Array.Print("[2]:", *C[2])
    Array.Print("[3]:", *C[3])
Exemplo n.º 6
def c2p(bitplane_output=True):
    m0 = Word.Mask('00ff')
    m1 = Word.Mask('0f0f')
    m2 = Word.Mask('3333')
    m3 = Word.Mask('5555')

    print "=[ c2p 1x1 4bpl (blitter) ]=".center(48, '-')

    def MakeWord(chars, color):
        bits = []
        for c in chars:
            for i in range(4):
                bits.append(Bit.Var(c, i, color))
        return Word(bits)

    A = Array.Make(MakeWord)
    N = len(A)
    Array.Print("Data:", *A)

    B = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 8) & m0) | (b & ~m0), N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 2, 2),
         Channel(A, 0, 2), Channel(B, 0, 2))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 8) & ~m0) | (b & m0), N / 4, 2, Channel(A, 0, 2),
         Channel(A, 2, 2), Channel(B, 2, 2))
    Array.Print("Swap 8x4:", *B)

    C = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 4) & m1) | (b & ~m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 1, 1),
         Channel(B, 0, 1), Channel(C, 0, 1))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 4) & ~m1) | (b & m1), N / 2, 1, Channel(B, 0, 1),
         Channel(B, 1, 1), Channel(C, 1, 1))
    Array.Print("Swap 4x2:", *C)

    D = Array.Zero(N, 16)
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 2) & m2) | (b & ~m2), N / 4, 2, Channel(C, 2, 2),
         Channel(C, 0, 2), Channel(D, 0, 2))
    Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 2) & ~m2) | (b & m2), N / 4, 2, Channel(C, 0, 2),
         Channel(C, 2, 2), Channel(D, 2, 2))
    Array.Print("Swap 2x2:", *D)

    if bitplane_output:
        E = [Array.Zero(N / 4, 16) for i in range(4)]
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 1) & m3) | (b & ~m3), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(D, 1, 3), Channel(D, 0, 3), Channel(E[0], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 1) & m3) | (b & ~m3), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(D, 3, 3), Channel(D, 2, 3), Channel(E[2], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 1) & ~m3) | (b & m3), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(D, 0, 3), Channel(D, 1, 3), Channel(E[1], 0, 0))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 1) & ~m3) | (b & m3), N / 4, 1,
             Channel(D, 2, 3), Channel(D, 3, 3), Channel(E[3], 0, 0))
        Array.Print("[0]:", *E[0])
        Array.Print("[1]:", *E[1])
        Array.Print("[2]:", *E[2])
        Array.Print("[3]:", *E[3])
        E = Array.Zero(N, 16)
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a >> 1) & m3) | (b & ~m3), N / 2, 1,
             Channel(D, 1, 1), Channel(D, 0, 1), Channel(E, 0, 1))
        Blit(lambda a, b: ((a << 1) & ~m3) | (b & m3), N / 2, 1,
             Channel(D, 0, 1), Channel(D, 1, 1), Channel(E, 1, 1))
        Array.Print("Swap 1x1:", *E)