Exemplo n.º 1
# Get the name of the current directory.
project_name = "gaelk"  #os.path.basename(os.path.realpath("."))

# Version used to tag the generated Docker image, using the UNIX timestamp or the given version.
if "VERSION" not in os.environ:
    version = str(int(time.time()))
    version = os.environ["VERSION"]

# Execute "docker-compose build" and abort if it fails.
    ["docker-compose", "-f", "../docker-compose.yml", "build"])

# Load the services from the input docker-compose.yml file.
# TODO: run parallel builds.
compose_file = ComposeFile("../docker-compose.yml")

# Iterate over all services that have a "build" definition.
# Tag them, and initiate a push in the background.
push_operations = dict()
for service_name, service in compose_file.services.items():
    if "build" in service:
        compose_image = "{}_{}".format(project_name, service_name)
        registry_image = "{}/{}:{}".format(registry, compose_image, version)
        # Re-tag the image so that it can be uploaded to the registry.
        subprocess.check_call(["docker", "tag", compose_image, registry_image])
        # Spawn "docker push" to upload the image.
        push_operations[service_name] = subprocess.Popen(
            ["docker", "push", registry_image])
        # Replace the "build" definition by an "image" definition,
        # using the name of the image on the registry.
    print("export DOCKER_REGISTRY=localhost:5000 # use a local registry")

# Get the name of the current directory.
project_name = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath("."))

# Generate a Docker image tag, using the UNIX timestamp.
# (i.e. number of seconds since January 1st, 1970)
version = str(int(time.time()))

# Execute "docker-compose build" and abort if it fails.
subprocess.check_call(["docker-compose", "-f", "docker-compose.yml", "build"])

# Load the services from the input docker-compose.yml file.
# TODO: run parallel builds.
compose_file = ComposeFile("docker-compose.yml")

# Iterate over all services that have a "build" definition.
# Tag them, and initiate a push in the background.
push_operations = dict()
for service_name, service in compose_file.services.items():
    if "build" in service:
        compose_image = "{}_{}".format(project_name, service_name)
        registry_image = "{}/{}_{}:{}".format(registry, project_name, service_name, version)
        # Re-tag the image so that it can be uploaded to the registry.
        subprocess.check_call(["docker", "tag", compose_image, registry_image])
        # Spawn "docker push" to upload the image.
        push_operations[service_name] = subprocess.Popen(["docker", "push", registry_image])
        # Replace the "build" definition by an "image" definition,
        # using the name of the image on the registry.
        del service["build"]
#!/usr/bin/env python

from common import ComposeFile
import yaml

config = ComposeFile()

# The ambassadors need to know the service port to use.
# Those ports must be declared here.
ports = yaml.load(open("ports.yml"))

def generate_local_addr():
    last_byte = 2
    while last_byte < 255:
        yield "127.127.0.{}".format(last_byte)
        last_byte += 1

for service_name, service in config.services.items():
    if "links" in service:
        for link, local_addr in zip(service["links"], generate_local_addr()):
            if link not in ports:
                    "Skipping link {} in service {} "
                    "(no port mapping defined). "
                    "Your code will probably break.".format(link, service_name)
            if "extra_hosts" not in service:
                service["extra_hosts"] = {}
Exemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python

from common import ComposeFile, parallel_run
import os
import subprocess

config = ComposeFile()

project_name = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath("."))

# Get all services in our compose application.
containers_data = subprocess.check_output([
    "docker", "ps",
    "--filter", "label=com.docker.compose.project={}".format(project_name),
    "--format", '{{ .ID }} {{ .Label "com.docker.compose.service" }}',

# Get all existing ambassadors for this application.
ambassadors_data = subprocess.check_output([
    "docker", "ps",
    "--filter", "label=ambassador.project={}".format(project_name),
    "--format", '{{ .ID }} '
                '{{ .Label "ambassador.container" }} '
                '{{ .Label "ambassador.service" }}',

# Build a set of existing ambassadors.
ambassadors = dict()
for ambassador in ambassadors_data.split('\n'):
    if not ambassador:
#!/usr/bin/env python

from common import ComposeFile
import yaml

config = ComposeFile()

# The ambassadors need to know the service port to use.
# Those ports must be declared here.
ports = yaml.load(open("ports.yml"))

def generate_local_addr():
    last_byte = 2
    while last_byte < 255:
        yield "127.127.0.{}".format(last_byte)
        last_byte += 1

for service_name, service in config.services.items():
    if "links" in service:
        for link, local_addr in zip(service["links"], generate_local_addr()):
            if link not in ports:
                print("Skipping link {} in service {} "
                      "(no port mapping defined). "
                      "Your code will probably break.".format(
                          link, service_name))
            if "extra_hosts" not in service:
                service["extra_hosts"] = {}
            service["extra_hosts"][link] = local_addr