Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, metric, get_hyp_config_fn, run_fn, top_k_fn,
     self.get_hyperparameter_configuration = get_hyp_config_fn
     self.run_then_return_val_performance = run_fn
     self.top_k = top_k_fn
     self.get_best_performance = get_best_fn
     self.history = History()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,
     assert (metric == 'val_loss' or metric == 'val_accuracy')
     assert (resource_type == 'epoch' or resource_type == 'training_time')
     self.searcher = searcher
     self.evaluator = evaluator
     self.metric = metric
     self.resource_type = resource_type
     self.history = History()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_description_deletion(self):
        ht = HistoryTracker(gen_proj(), History())
        ht.stage(POp_DelDesc, 0)

        p2 = gen_proj()
        self.assertTrue(same(ht.ctx, p2))


        self.assertTrue(same(ht.ctx, p2))
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    root = VarTk()
    root.title(_("Edit history test"))

    menubar = VarMenu(root)

    global hotkeys
    hotkeys = HotKey(root)

    editmenu = VarMenu(menubar, tearoff = False)
        label = _("Undo"),
        command = undo,
        accelerator = hotkeys.get_keycode_string(undo)
        label = _("Redo"),
        command = redo,
        accelerator = hotkeys.get_keycode_string(redo)
    menubar.add_cascade(label = _("Edit"), menu = editmenu)

    root.config(menu = menubar)

    root.after(5000, reg_hotkeys)

    root.columnconfigure(0, weight = 1)
    root.rowconfigure(0, weight = 1)

    history = History()

    global tracker
    tracker = HistoryTracker(history)

    cnv = HistCanvasDnD(root, history_tracker = tracker)
    cnv.grid(row = 0, column = 0, sticky="NEWS")

        10, 10, 100, 100,
        tags = "DnD",
        fill = "red"

Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, layouts = [], build_path = None, **kw):
        # Any description in GUI project has a serial number.
        self.__next_id = 0

        QProject.__init__(self, **kw)

        self.build_path = build_path

        self.layouts = {}
        for l in layouts:
            # backward compatibility
            if isinstance(l, tuple):

            dn = l.desc_name
                l_dict = self.layouts[dn]
            except KeyError:
                self.layouts[dn] = l_dict = {}
            l_dict[l.lid] = l

        self.history = History()
Exemplo n.º 6
class SimpleArchitectureSearchHyperBand(HyperBandExtended):
    Hyperband algorithm for simple architecture search experiments. It is designed
    to maximize the hyperband algorithm, thus some arguments need to conform certain
    specifications. For more flexibility, one can use HyperBandExtended and
    define the required functions.
        searcher: DeepArchitect Searcher (RandomSearch is most common)
        evaluator: DeepArchitect Evaluator. The evaluator is similar to the normal
            evaluator defined in DeepArchitect (see mnist tutorial) with one
            difference: The evaluate function takes in (DeepArchitect inputs,
            DeepArchitect outputs, max resource) and returns a dictionary:
                    {"val_accuracy": ...,
                     "history": {"resource": [], "val_acc": [], etc.}}
                where "history" is the history of evaluating that architecture
        metric: must be either "val_loss" or "val_accuracy"
        resource_type must be either "epoch" or "training_time"

    The Configurations T and Performance P will have the following representations
        Configurations T = (arch_id, (inputs, outputs)). Note that inputs,
            outputs, and hs sampled from the searcher are enough to define
            an architecture
        Performance P = (final_val_perf, dict("resource":[], "val_loss":[]...))

    TODO: perhaps have an enabled mode of "multiworker" or not?
    def __init__(self,
        assert (metric == 'val_loss' or metric == 'val_accuracy')
        assert (resource_type == 'epoch' or resource_type == 'training_time')
        self.searcher = searcher
        self.evaluator = evaluator
        self.metric = metric
        self.resource_type = resource_type
        self.history = History()

    def get_hyperparameter_configuration(self, n):
        configs = []
        for i in range(n):
            (inputs, outputs, h_value_his,
             searcher_token) = self.searcher.sample()
            configs.append((i, (inputs, outputs)))
        return configs

    def run_then_return_val_performance(self, T, r):
        P = []
        for (arch_id, (inputs, outputs)) in T:
            results = self.evaluator.evaluate(inputs, outputs, r)
            P.append(results['val_accuracy'], results['history'])
        return P

    def top_k(self, T, P, k):
        reverse = False if self.metric == 'val_loss' else True
        # combine T, P and sort according to validation performance
        sorted_tp = sorted(list(zip(T, P)),
                           key=lambda tp: tp[1][0],
        # map back to only T and get the top k
        return list(map(lambda tp: tp[0], sorted_tp[:k]))

    def get_best_performance(self, T, P, best_config, best_perf):
        assert (len(T) == len(P) == 0)
        get_max = False if self.metric == 'val_loss' else True
        cur_config, cur_perf = T[0], P[0]
        if (self.metric == 'val_accuracy'):
            return cur_config if best_config == None or (
                cur_perf[0] > best_perf[0]) else best_config
        elif (self.metric == 'val_loss'):
            return cur_config if best_config == None or (
                cur_perf[0] < best_perf[0]) else best_config

    def graph_hyperband(self, save_dir='./tmp/hyperband.jpg'):
        """More customized graphing functionality
        import pandas as pd
        from plotnine import *
        data = self.history.convert_to_graph_hyperband_ready(
            self.metric, self.resource_type)
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        plot = ggplot(
                color='factor(configuration)')) + geom_line()

    def graph_sucessiveHalving(self, bracket_id, save_dir='./tmp/sh.jpg'):
        import pandas as pd
        import plotnine as plot
        data = self.history.convert_a_bracket_to_graph_ready(
            bracket_id, self.metric, self.resource_type)
        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
        plot = ggplot(
                color='factor(configuration)')) + geom_line()
Exemplo n.º 7
class HyperBandExtended(object):
    """An Extended Version of HyperBand Algorithm (Li et. al 2017)
    The main difference is that the user is not restricted to using the validation
    loss as the metric. The user will need to define the following functions:
        get_hyp_config_fn(n): returns a list of n sampled configurations
        run_fn(T, r): takes list of configurations T and resource r for each
            config, and returns the results (often a validation metric) from
            evaluating that configuration with resource r
        top_k_fn(T, P, k): takes in list of config T, list of validation performance
            P, integer k and returns the (sorted) top k list of configuration
        get_best_fn (T, P, cur_config, cur_perf): takes in list of
            validation performance T, list of corresponding configs P, best config
            and best validation performance so far. Returns the updated best
            config and best validation performance.
    NOTE: T, P, and r need to be consistent across functions. We recommend the
    following representation:
    - resource r should be a float or an int, and serializable.
    - T should take the form list of (config_id, config_representation). Each
    element should be serializable (for storage in History object)
    - For validation performance P, there are 2 possible representations:
        (1) the most basic form is a list of float indicating the validation
            result at each resource r.
        (2) Another common representation is P = list[(val_perf, history)],
        where val_perf is the validation performance of a particular configuration,
        and history is a dictionary of results (progression of val_loss and val_perf
        vs intervals of resources) from evaluating configuration. This is particularly
        useful when graphing so that we have a more complete picture of the evaluation.
        For an example see ArchitectureSearchHyperBand class.

    This class also stores all history in a History object, for reference and
    graphing purposes.
    def __init__(self, metric, get_hyp_config_fn, run_fn, top_k_fn,
        self.get_hyperparameter_configuration = get_hyp_config_fn
        self.run_then_return_val_performance = run_fn
        self.top_k = top_k_fn
        self.get_best_performance = get_best_fn
        self.history = History()

    def evaluate(self, R, eta=3):
        """HyperBand algorithm for hyperparameter optimization
            R (int): maximum amount of resource that can be allocated to a single
            eta (int): the proportion of configurations discarded in each round of
        Return: configuration with the best performance, and the corresponding
        s_max = int(math.floor(math.log(
            R, eta)))  # number of grid search, or "bracket"
        B = (s_max + 1) * R  # total resources
        best_config, best_perf = None, None
        for s in xrange(s_max, -1, -1):
            n = int(math.ceil(float(B) * (eta**s) / (float(R) *
                                                     (s + 1))))  # num configs
            r = R * (eta**(-s))  # resource for each config
            # begin SuccessiveHalving
            T = self.get_hyperparameter_configuration(n)
            self.history.total_configs += n
            for i in xrange(s + 1):
                if len(T) == 0:  # no more configurations
                    return max_perf
                n_i = int(math.floor(n * (eta**(-i))))
                r_i = int(math.floor(r * (eta**i)))
                P = self.run_then_return_val_performance(T, r_i)
                self.history.record_succesiveHalving(s, T, P, r_i)
                k = int(math.floor(float(n_i) / eta))
                if (k == 0): break
                T = self.top_k(T, P, k)
                self.history.total_resources += len(T) * r_i
            self.history.record_best_of_bracket(s, T, P)

             best_perf) = self.get_best_performance(T, P, best_config,

        self.history.record_best_config(best_config, best_perf)
        return (best_config, best_perf)

    def graph_hyperband(self, save_dir='./tmp/hyperband.jpg'):
        """Extract from history and show Hyperband graph (best performance for
        each successive halving bracket)

    def graph_sucessiveHalving(self, bracket_id, save_dir='./tmp/sh.jpg'):