Exemplo n.º 1
 def addPhoto(content, title = "", comment = "", isUrl=False):
     Logger.LogParameters(funcname = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, func_vars = vars(), module = "PhotoManager")
         imageName = RandomID.gen()
         if not isUrl:
             fileObj = StringIO(content.read())
             #url = "http://www.didao8.com:8080/static/44/thumb/nvLcHMu1JS3mepZPkQBqriG4ANthz2s5.jpg"
             fileObj = StringIO(urllib2.urlopen(content).read())
         img = Image.open(fileObj)
         width, height = img.size
         fileName = "%s%s%s" % (imageName, ".", img.format)
         filePath = (PHOTO_DATA_ROOT + "%s") % fileName
         photo = Photo(title=title, comment=comment, datetime = time.time(),
                       imageName=fileName, width = width, height = height)
         return Err.genOK(photo.id)
     except Exception, ex:
         print ex
         Logger.SaveLogDebug(ex, level=Logger.LEVEL_ERROR, module = "PhotoManager")
         return Err.genErr(Err.ERR_ADD_PHOTO_FAIL)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def getPhotos(page=1, prePage=5):
     Logger.LogParameters(funcname = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, func_vars = vars(), module = "PhotoManager")
         photos = []
         intPage = int(page)
         intPrePage = int(prePage)
         photoItems = Photo.objects.all()[(intPage-1)*intPrePage:intPage*intPrePage]
         attrList = ["id", "title", "comment", "datetime", "width", "height", "imageName"]
         for item in photoItems:
             photo = {key:getattr(item, key) for key in attrList}
             photo["imageUrl"] = getPhotoUrl(item.imageName)
         return Err.genOK(photos)
     except Exception, ex:
         print ex
         Logger.SaveLogDebug(ex, level=Logger.LEVEL_ERROR, module = "PhotoManager")
         return Err.genErr(Err.ERR_GET_PHOTO_LIST_FAIL)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def getPhoto(imageName, pointX=0, pointY=0, needWidth=0):
     Return a StringIO obj, use StringIO.getvalue() to get the content
     Logger.LogParameters(funcname = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, func_vars = vars(), module = "PhotoManager")
         imagePath = getPhotoPath(imageName)
         needWidth, pointX, pointY = int(needWidth), int(pointX), int(pointY)
         im = Image.open(imagePath)
         width, height = im.size
         imgFormat = im.format
         scale = float(height)/width
         box = (0, 0, width, height)
         if needWidth > 0 and pointX < width and pointY < height:
             if needWidth + pointX > width:
                 needWidth = width - pointX
             needHeight = needWidth * scale
             if needHeight + pointY > height:
                 needHeight = height - pointY
                 needWidth = needHeight / scale
             if needHeight < 1:
                 needHeight = 1
             if needWidth < 1:
                 needWidth = 1
             print needHeight, needWidth    
             #print needWidth, needHeight, scale
             box = (pointX, pointY, int(pointX + needWidth), int(pointY + needHeight))
         region = im.crop(box)
         container = StringIO()
         region.save(container, imgFormat)
         return Err.genOK([container, imgFormat])
     except Exception, ex:
         print ex
         Logger.SaveLogDebug(ex, level=Logger.LEVEL_ERROR, module = "PhotoManager")
         return Err.genErr(Err.ERR_GET_PHOTO_DATA_FAIL)