Exemplo n.º 1
    def getplotvals(self, mproperty="vs"):

        #  How many y and x values will we need?

        ## The plot width - needs to be stored as property for the plot function to work.
        self.plot_width = self.bottomrightpoint.longitude - self.upperleftpoint.longitude
        ## The plot height - needs to be stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        self.plot_height = self.upperleftpoint.latitude - self.bottomrightpoint.latitude
        ## The number of x points we retrieved. Stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        if (self.xsteps):
            self.num_x = int(self.xsteps)
            self.num_x = int(math.ceil(self.plot_width / self.spacing)) + 1

        ## The number of y points we retrieved. Stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        if (self.ysteps):
            self.num_y = int(self.ysteps)
            self.num_y = int(math.ceil(self.plot_height / self.spacing)) + 1

        ## The 2D array of retrieved material properties.
        self.materialproperties = [[
            MaterialProperties(-1, -1, -1) for x in xrange(self.num_x)
        ] for x in xrange(self.num_y)]

        u = UCVM(install_dir=self.installdir, config_file=self.configfile)

        ### MEI
        if (self.datafile != None):
            data = u.import_binary(self.datafile, self.num_x, self.num_y)
            print "\nUsing --> " + self.datafile
            print "expecting x ", self.num_x, " y ", self.num_y
            #  Generate a list of points to pass to UCVM.
            ucvmpoints = []
            for y in xrange(0, self.num_y):
                for x in xrange(0, self.num_x):
                    ucvmpoints.append(Point(self.upperleftpoint.longitude + x * self.spacing, \
                                            self.bottomrightpoint.latitude + y * self.spacing, \
            data = u.query(ucvmpoints, self.cvm)

        i = 0
        j = 0
        isfloat = 0
        if (self.datafile != None):
            isfloat = 1
        for matprop in data:
            if isfloat:
                self.materialproperties[i][j].setProperty(mproperty, matprop)
                self.materialproperties[i][j] = matprop
            j = j + 1
            if j >= self.num_x:
                j = 0
                i = i + 1
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getplotvals(self):

        point_list = []
        # Generate the list of points.

        toto = self.toelevation
        if (toto <= 0):
            toto = toto - 1
            toto = toto + 1

        for i in np.arange(self.startelevation, toto, self.spacing):

        u = UCVM(install_dir=self.installdir,

        if (self.datafile != None):
            print "\nUsing --> " + self.datafile
            data = u.import_matprops(self.datafile)
            if len(data) == 0:
                print "ERROR: no matprops plot data."
            data = u.query(point_list, self.cvm, elevation=1)

        tmp = []
        for matprop in data:
            ## create the blob
            if (self.datafile == None):  ## save an external copy of matprops
                b = {
                    'vp': float(matprop.vp),
                    'vs': float(matprop.vs),
                    'density': float(matprop.density)

        if (self.datafile == None):
            blob = {'matprops': tmp}
            u.export_matprops(blob, self.filename)
            u.export_metadata(self.meta, self.filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getplotvals(self):

        point_list = []

        # Generate the list of points.
        for i in xrange(self.startingpoint.depth, self.todepth + 1,
                      self.startingpoint.latitude, i))

        u = UCVM()
        data = u.query(point_list, self.cvm)

        for matprop in data:
            self.vplist.append(float(matprop.vp) / 1000)
            self.vslist.append(float(matprop.vs) / 1000)
            self.rholist.append(float(matprop.density) / 1000)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def getplotvals(self):

        point_list = []

        # Generate the list of points.
        # for i in xrange(int(self.startingpoint.depth), int(self.todepth + 1), int(self.spacing)):
        self.meta['depth'] = []
        for i in np.arange(self.startingpoint.depth, self.todepth + 1,
                      self.startingpoint.latitude, i))

        u = UCVM(install_dir=self.installdir, config_file=self.configfile)

        if (self.datafile != None):
            print "\nUsing --> " + self.datafile
            data = u.import_matprops(self.datafile)
            if len(data) == 0:
                print "ERROR: no matprops plot data."
            data = u.query(point_list, self.cvm)
#        print "NUMBER of data found ", len(data)

        tmp = []
        for matprop in data:
            ## create the blob
            if (self.datafile == None):  ## save an external copy of matprops
                b = {
                    'vp': float(matprop.vp),
                    'vs': float(matprop.vs),
                    'density': float(matprop.density)

        if (self.datafile == None):
            blob = {'matprops': tmp}
            u.export_matprops(blob, self.filename)
            u.export_metadata(self.meta, self.filename)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def getplotvals(self):

        #  How many y and x values will we need?

        ## The plot width - needs to be stored as property for the plot function to work.
        self.plot_width = self.bottomrightpoint.longitude - self.upperleftpoint.longitude
        ## The plot height - needs to be stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        self.plot_height = self.upperleftpoint.latitude - self.bottomrightpoint.latitude
        ## The number of x points we retrieved. Stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        self.num_x = int(math.ceil(self.plot_width / self.spacing)) + 1
        ## The number of y points we retrieved. Stored as a property for the plot function to work.
        self.num_y = int(math.ceil(self.plot_height / self.spacing)) + 1

        #  Generate a list of points to pass to UCVM.
        ucvmpoints = []

        for y in xrange(0, self.num_y):
            for x in xrange(0, self.num_x):
                ucvmpoints.append(Point(self.upperleftpoint.longitude + x * self.spacing, \
                                        self.bottomrightpoint.latitude + y * self.spacing, \

        ## The 2D array of retrieved material properties.
        self.materialproperties = [[
            MaterialProperties(-1, -1, -1) for x in xrange(self.num_x)
        ] for x in xrange(self.num_y)]

        u = UCVM()
        data = u.query(ucvmpoints, self.cvm)

        i = 0
        j = 0

        for matprop in data:
            self.materialproperties[i][j] = matprop
            j = j + 1
            if j >= self.num_x:
                j = 0
                i = i + 1
Exemplo n.º 6
    def getplotvals(self):

        point_list = []

        proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=11, ellps='WGS84')

        x1, y1 = proj(self.startingpoint.longitude,
        x2, y2 = proj(self.endingpoint.longitude, self.endingpoint.latitude)

        num_prof = int(math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + \

        for j in xrange(int(self.startingpoint.depth),
                        int(self.todepth) + 1, int(self.vspacing)):
            for i in xrange(0, num_prof + 1):
                x = x1 + i * (x2 - x1) / float(num_prof)
                y = y1 + i * (y2 - y1) / float(num_prof)
                lon, lat = proj(x, y, inverse=True)
                point_list.append(Point(lon, lat, j))

        u = UCVM()
        data = u.query(point_list, self.cvm)

        ## Private number of x points.
        self.num_x = num_prof + 1
        ## Private number of y points.
        self.num_y = (int(self.todepth) - int(self.startingpoint.depth)) / int(
            self.vspacing) + 1

        ## The 2D array of retrieved material properties.
        self.materialproperties = [[
            MaterialProperties(-1, -1, -1) for x in xrange(self.num_x)
        ] for x in xrange(self.num_y)]

        for y in xrange(0, self.num_y):
            for x in xrange(0, self.num_x):
                self.materialproperties[y][x] = data[y * self.num_x + x]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def getplotvals(self, mproperty='vs'):

        point_list = []
        lon_list = []
        lat_list = []
        depth_list = []

        proj = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=11, ellps='WGS84')

        x1, y1 = proj(self.startingpoint.longitude,
        x2, y2 = proj(self.endingpoint.longitude, self.endingpoint.latitude)

        num_prof = int(math.sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + \

        #        cnt=0
        jstart = self.startingdepth
        for j in xrange(int(self.startingdepth),
                        int(self.todepth) + 1, int(self.vspacing)):
            depth_list.append(round(j, 3))
            for i in xrange(0, num_prof + 1):
                x = x1 + i * (x2 - x1) / float(num_prof)
                y = y1 + i * (y2 - y1) / float(num_prof)
                lon, lat = proj(x, y, inverse=True)
                point_list.append(Point(lon, lat, j))
                if (j == jstart):
                    lon_list.append(round(lon, 5))
                    lat_list.append(round(lat, 5))
#                if(cnt < 10) :
#                   print("point.. lon ",lon, " lat ",lat," j ",j)
#                   cnt += 1

        self.lon_list = lon_list
        self.lat_list = lat_list
        self.depth_list = depth_list
        #        print("total points generated..", len(point_list))
        #        print("total lon..", len(lon_list))
        #        print("total lat..", len(lat_list))
        #        print("total lat..", len(depth_list))

        u = UCVM(install_dir=self.installdir, config_file=self.configfile)

        ### MEI -- TODO, need to have separate routine that generates cross section datafile
        if (self.datafile != None):
            ## Private number of x points.
            self.num_x = num_prof + 1
            ## Private number of y points.
            self.num_y = (int(self.todepth) - int(self.startingdepth)) / int(
                self.vspacing) + 1
            print "\nUsing -->" + self.datafile
            print "expecting x ", self.num_x, " y ", self.num_y
            data = u.import_binary(self.datafile, self.num_x, self.num_y)
            ## this set of data is only for --datatype: either 'vs', 'vp', 'rho', or 'poisson'
            ## The 2D array of retrieved material properties.
            self.materialproperties = [[
                MaterialProperties(-1, -1, -1) for x in xrange(self.num_x)
            ] for x in xrange(self.num_y)]
            datapoints = data.reshape(self.num_y, self.num_x)

            for y in xrange(0, self.num_y):
                for x in xrange(0, self.num_x):
                    tmp = datapoints[y][x]
                    if (mproperty == 'vp'):
                        self.materialproperties[y][x].setProperty('Vp', tmp)
                    if (mproperty == 'density'):
                            'Density', tmp)
                    if (mproperty == 'poisson'):
                            'Poisson', tmp)
                    if (mproperty == 'vs'):
                        self.materialproperties[y][x].setProperty('Vs', tmp)
            data = u.query(point_list, self.cvm)

            ## Private number of x points.
            self.num_x = num_prof + 1
            ## Private number of y points.
            self.num_y = (int(self.todepth) - int(self.startingdepth)) / int(
                self.vspacing) + 1

            ## The 2D array of retrieved material properties.
            self.materialproperties = [[
                MaterialProperties(-1, -1, -1) for x in xrange(self.num_x)
            ] for x in xrange(self.num_y)]

            for y in xrange(0, self.num_y):
                for x in xrange(0, self.num_x):
                    self.materialproperties[y][x] = data[y * self.num_x + x]