def stockPriceAlert(stockNum,priceAlert,type=-1): print stockNum,priceAlert,type priceAlert = float(priceAlert) type = int(type) stockName,nowPrice,yesterdayPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,changeRate = stockDetail(stockNum) #print stockName,nowPrice,yesterdayPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,changeRate msg = '' if (type == -1) and (priceAlert >= float(nowPrice)): msg = stockNum + ' fall bellow ' + str(priceAlert) + ',Now:' + str(nowPrice) elif (type == 1) and (priceAlert <= float(nowPrice)): msg = stockNum + ' goes over ' + str(priceAlert) + ',Now:' + str(nowPrice) if msg != '': print msg smsHandle.sendSMS(msg) #stockPriceAlert(stockNum,priceAlert*(1-1/100.0),-1) threads=[] t = MyThread(stockPriceAlert,(stockNum,priceAlert*(1-1/100.0),-1),stockPriceAlert.__name__) threads.append(t) t = MyThread(stockPriceAlert,(stockNum,priceAlert*(1+1/100.0),1),stockPriceAlert.__name__) threads.append(t) for i in threads: i.start() else: sleep(5) stockPriceAlert(stockNum,priceAlert,type)
def getNowOptionsExpectGains(stockNum): dic = getOptionDetails(stockNum) for agreementName in dic: print agreementName optionExpectGains(stockNum,agreementName,dic[agreementName]['AVGPrice']) sleep(5)
def stockPriceMonitor(stockNum,AVGPrice,rate=0.01): AVGPrice = float(AVGPrice) rate = float(rate) stockName,nowPrice,yesterdayPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,changeRate = stockDetail(stockNum) nowPrice = float(nowPrice) #print stockName,nowPrice,yesterdayPrice,maxPrice,minPrice,changeRate change = (nowPrice - AVGPrice)/AVGPrice msg = '' if abs(change) >= rate: msg = stockNum + ' change:' + str(int(change*10000)/100.0) + '% | ' + str(AVGPrice) + ' -> ' + str(nowPrice) if msg != '': print msg smsHandle.sendSMS(msg) stockPriceMonitor(stockNum,float(nowPrice)) else: sleep(5) stockPriceMonitor(stockNum,float(AVGPrice))
sData = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data) lists = sData.find('article',{}) firstDiv = lists.div print firstDiv sys.exit() userName = firstDiv.a.contents[0] content = replaceSign(firstDiv.a.nextSibling,0) time = replaceSign(firstDiv.find('span',{'class':'info'}).contents[0]) if time <= dateToday(): #sms.SMS().sendSMS(content) to='*****@*****.**' subj= 'New message from ' + userName + ' in weibo' text = content if text not in sended: try: myEmail.sendmessage(server,subj,text,to) sended.append(text) except Exception,e: print e sleep(10) weiboFollowing(id) if __name__ == '__main__': try: if sys.argv[1] != '': weiboFollowing(sys.argv[1]) except: print "usage: id \nNow following __moka__(the author's love)" weiboFollowing(1843543427)
lists = sData.find('article', {}) firstDiv = lists.div print firstDiv sys.exit() userName = firstDiv.a.contents[0] content = replaceSign(firstDiv.a.nextSibling, 0) time = replaceSign(firstDiv.find('span', {'class': 'info'}).contents[0]) if time <= dateToday(): #sms.SMS().sendSMS(content) to = '*****@*****.**' subj = 'New message from ' + userName + ' in weibo' text = content if text not in sended: try: myEmail.sendmessage(server, subj, text, to) sended.append(text) except Exception, e: print e sleep(10) weiboFollowing(id) if __name__ == '__main__': try: if sys.argv[1] != '': weiboFollowing(sys.argv[1]) except: print "usage: id \nNow following __moka__(the author's love)" weiboFollowing(1843543427)