Exemplo n.º 1
def update(request):
    rtName = request.REQUEST.get("name", "")
    redirectURL = '/cloudman/message/?msg='
    groups = request.META.get('ADFS_GROUP','')
    groupsList = groups.split(';') ;
    userIsSuperUser = isSuperUser(groupsList)
    ## Check - Logged in user has administrative privileges
    if not userIsSuperUser:
        message = "You don't have cloudman resource manager privileges. Hence you are not authorized to update Resource Type " + rtName;
        html = "<html><body> %s.</body></html>" % message
        return HttpResponse(html)
    ## Get the Resource Type Object
    resourceTypeObject = None
        resourceTypeObject = ResourceType.objects.get(name=rtName)
    except ResourceType.DoesNotExist:
        failureMessage = "Resource Type with Name " + rtName + " could not be found"
        return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL+failureMessage)
    oldRTInfo = getResourceTypeInfo(resourceTypeObject)
    ## if this is a form submission, then do the update or else display the form for update
    if request.method == 'POST':
        ## Existing values
        currName = resourceTypeObject.name
        currResourceClass = resourceTypeObject.resource_class
        currHepSpecs = resourceTypeObject.hepspecs
        currMemory = resourceTypeObject.memory
        currStorage = resourceTypeObject.storage
        currBandwidth = resourceTypeObject.bandwidth
        ## Get the new values
        newName = request.POST['name']
        newResourceClass = request.POST['resource_class']
        newHepSpecs = request.POST['hepspecs']
        newMemory = request.POST['memory']
        newStorage = request.POST['storage']
        newBandwidth = request.POST['bandwidth']
        comment  = request.POST['comment']
        except ValidationError as e:
            message ='Edit Resource Type Form  '+', '.join(e.messages)
            html = "<html><HEAD><meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"4; url=/cloudman/resourcetype/list/\"></HEAD><body> %s.</body></html>" % message
            return HttpResponse(html)
        ## If resource parameters are changed, then validate them
        errorMsg = checkAttributeValues(newHepSpecs, newMemory, newStorage, newBandwidth)
        if (errorMsg != ''):
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + errorMsg)
        ## convert empty values for the following fields into None i.e NULL and if not empty, then round off to 3 decimals 
        if (newHepSpecs == ''):
            newHepSpecs = None
            newHepSpecs = round((float(newHepSpecs)), 3)
        if (newMemory == ''):
            newMemory = None
            newMemory = round((float(newMemory)), 3)
        if (newStorage == ''):
            newStorage = None
            newStorage = round((float(newStorage)), 3)
        if (newBandwidth == ''):
            newBandwidth = None
            newBandwidth = round((float(newBandwidth)), 3)
        ## Check atleast one parameter is changed from its existing value
        if ( (currName == newName) and (currResourceClass == newResourceClass) and (currHepSpecs== newHepSpecs) and (currMemory == newMemory) and (currStorage == newStorage) and (currBandwidth == newBandwidth) ):
            message = 'No New Value provided for any field to perform Edit Operation. Hence Edit Resource Type ' + rtName + ' aborted'
            return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + message)
        ## If name is changed, then validate it and if success, then assign the new name to the object
        if (currName != newName):
            if (newName == ''):
                errorMsg = 'Name field cannot be left blank. So Edit Resource Type operation stopped'
                return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + errorMsg)
            nameExists = checkNameIgnoreCase(newName)
            if nameExists:
                msgAlreadyExists = 'Resource Type ' + newName + ' already exists. Hence Edit Resource Type Operation Stopped'
                return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + msgAlreadyExists);
            resourceTypeObject.name = newName
        ## check the remaining parameters and if changed, then assign to the object
        if (currResourceClass != newResourceClass):
            resourceTypeObject.resource_class = newResourceClass
        if (currHepSpecs != newHepSpecs):
            resourceTypeObject.hepspecs = newHepSpecs
        if (currMemory != newMemory):
            resourceTypeObject.memory = newMemory
        if (currStorage != newStorage):
            resourceTypeObject.storage = newStorage
        if (currBandwidth != newBandwidth):
            resourceTypeObject.bandwidth = newBandwidth
        ## update the object and return the success message to the user
        newRTInfo = getResourceTypeInfo(resourceTypeObject)
        objectId = resourceTypeObject.id 
        if addUpdateLog(request,newName,objectId,comment,oldRTInfo,newRTInfo,'resourcetype',True):
            message = 'Resource Type ' + rtName + ' Successfully Updated'
            message = 'Error in Updating Resource Type ' + rtName
        html = "<html><HEAD><meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"4; url=/cloudman/resourcetype/list/\"></HEAD><body> %s.</body></html>" % message
        return HttpResponse(html)
    ## if it is not form submission, then call the template to display the update form 
        form = ResourceTypeForm()
        return render_to_response('resourcetype/update.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 2
def update(request):
	regionName = request.REQUEST.get("name", "")
	redirectURL = '/cloudman/message/?msg='
	groups = request.META.get('ADFS_GROUP','')
	groupsList = groups.split(';') ;
	## Update is allowed if user has either cloudman resource manager privileges or 
	## belongs to the egroup selected as administrative e-group for this region
	if  not isUserAllowedToUpdateOrDeleteRegion(regionName,groupsList):
		message = "You neither have membership of administrative group of region " + regionName + " nor possess Cloudman Resource Manager Privileges. Hence you are not authorized to Edit Region";
		html = "<html><body> %s.</body></html>" % message
		return HttpResponse(html)
	## Get the region Object
	regionObject = None
		regionObject = Region.objects.get(name=regionName)
	except Region.DoesNotExist:
		failureMessage = "Region with Name " + regionName + " could not be found"
		return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL+failureMessage)
	oldRegionInfo = getRegionInfo(regionObject)
	## If the current request is due to form submission then do update 
	## or else return to template to display the update form
	if request.method == 'POST':
	        ## Existing values
		currName = regionObject.name
		currDescription = regionObject.description
		currAdmin_group = regionObject.admin_group
		## New Values
		newName = request.POST['name']
		newDescription = request.POST['description']
		newAdmin_group = request.POST['admin_group']
		comment = request.REQUEST.get("comment", "")
		except ValidationError as e:
			message ='Edit Region Form  '+', '.join(e.messages)
			html = "<html><HEAD><meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"4; url=/cloudman/region/list/\"></HEAD><body> %s.</body></html>" % message
			return HttpResponse(html)
		## Check for atleast one field value change
		if ( (currName == newName) and (currDescription == newDescription) and (currAdmin_group == newAdmin_group) ):
			message = 'No New Value provided for any field to perform Edit Operation. Hence Edit Region ' + regionName + ' aborted'
			return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + message)
		## Assign the new name to the region if it is changed
		if (currName != newName):
			if (newName == ''):
				errorMsg = 'Region name field cannot be left blank. So Edit Region operation stopped'
				return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + errorMsg)
			regionExists = checkNameIgnoreCase(newName)
			if regionExists:
				msgAlreadyExists = 'Region ' + newName + ' already exists. Hence Edit Region Operation Stopped'
				return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + msgAlreadyExists);
			regionObject.name = newName
		## Assign the new description if it is changed
		if (currDescription != newDescription):
			regionObject.description = newDescription
		## If admin egroup is changed, then first check its existence in the local egroups table
		## If not present, then check its existence in the external egroup database through ldap
		## If checked using external database and found, then add the egroup to the local egroups table
		## If not found both local and external, then return an error to the user
		egroup = None
		if (currAdmin_group != newAdmin_group):
			if (newAdmin_group == ''):
				errorMsg = 'Admin E-Group field cannot be left blank. So Edit Region operation stopped'
				return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + errorMsg)
				egroup = Egroups.objects.get(name=newAdmin_group)
			except Egroups.DoesNotExist:
				if not (checkEGroup(newAdmin_group)):
					errorMessage = 'Selected Admin E-Group ' + newAdmin_group + ' does not exists'
					return HttpResponseRedirect(redirectURL + errorMessage)
				egroup = Egroups(name=newAdmin_group)
			regionObject.admin_group = egroup
		## Save the new values and return success message to the user
		newRegionInfo = getRegionInfo(regionObject)
		objectId = regionObject.id 
		if addUpdateLog(request,newName,objectId,comment,oldRegionInfo,newRegionInfo,'region',True):
			message = 'Region ' + regionName + ' Successfully Updated'
			message = 'Error in Updating Region ' + regionName
		html = "<html><HEAD><meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" content=\"4; url=/cloudman/region/list/\"></HEAD><body> %s.</body></html>" % message

      		return HttpResponse(html)

	return render_to_response('region/update.html',locals(),context_instance=RequestContext(request))