Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print 'plot_PSTH.py <out prefix> <in1.psf.pk> [in2.psf.pk] ...'
        print 'Options:'
        print '  --n_bins=#       Number of 1-ms bins'

    # -- parse options and arguments
    args, opts = parse_opts2(sys.argv[1:])

    of = args[0]
    files = args[1:]
    print 'OF =', of
    print 'FILES =', files

    n_bins = DEF_NBINS
    if 'n_bins' in opts:
        n_bins = int(opts['n_bins'])
        print '  * n_bins =', n_bins

    db = {}
    load_db(files, db, n_bins=n_bins)

    # -- plot
    fpic = of + '.pdf'
    flog = of + '.bstim.log'
    flog2 = of + '.snr.log'

    pp = PdfPages(fpic)
    plot_all(db, pp, log=flog, log2=flog2)

    print 'Done.'
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print USAGE

    args, opts = parse_opts2(sys.argv[1:])
    mode = args[0]

    # -- parsing extra arguments (mainly for backward compatibility)
    if mode == 'feature':
        get_features(args[1], args[2], opts)
    elif mode == 'cluster':
        cluster(args[1], args[2], opts)
    elif mode == 'collate':
        collate(args[1], args[2], opts)
        raise ValueError('Invalid mode')

    print 'Done.                                '
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print 'cmp_impedance.py [opts] <impedance log 1a.txt> <impedance log' \
                '1b.txt> [<log 2a.txt> <log 2b.txt>] ...'
        print 'cmp_impedance.py: compare pairs of impedance log files.'
        print 'Options:'
        print '   --plot=<filename.pdf>'

    # -- parse options and arguments
    args, opts = parse_opts2(sys.argv[1:])

    plot = None
    if 'plot' in opts:
        plot = opts['plot']
        print '* Plotting into', plot

    # -- do the work
    files = args
    cmp_impedance_all(files, plot=plot)
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        print USAGE

    args, opts = parse_opts2(sys.argv[1:])

    of = args[0]
    files = args[1:]
    print 'Output prefix:', of

    # -- process options
    if 'flist' in opts:
        flistpx = ''
        if 'flistpx' in opts:
            flistpx = opts['flistpx']

        for f in open(opts['flist']).readlines():
            fp = f.strip()
            if flistpx != '':
                fp = os.path.join(flistpx, fp)
        print 'Using the followings:'
        for f in files:
            print '  ', f

    multi = False
    fkey = FKEY
    if 'multi' in opts:
        multi = True
        if 'key' in opts:
            fkey = opts['key'].split(',')
        print 'Enable multiple array data processing'
        print 'Multiple array data key:', fkey

        noerr = True
        for f in files:
            found = False
            for i_k, k in enumerate(fkey):
                if k in f:
                    found = True
            if not found:
                noerr = False
                print '** Not matching file name:', f

        if not noerr:
            print '** Error occured!'

    exclude_img = None
    if 'exclude_img' in opts:
        exclude_img = opts['exclude_img'].split(',')
        print 'Exclude unwanted images:', exclude_img

    n_maxtrial = N_MAXTRIAL
    if 'n_maxtrial' in opts:
        n_maxtrial = int(opts['n_maxtrial'])
        print 'Setting n_maxtrial:', n_maxtrial

    n_bins = N_BINS
    if 'n_bins' in opts:
        n_bins = int(opts['n_bins'])
        print 'Setting n_bins:', n_bins

    assert all([os.path.exists(f) for f in files])

    # -- main loop
        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
        convert(files, of, multi=multi, fkey=fkey, \
                exclude_img=exclude_img, n_maxtrial=n_maxtrial, n_bins=n_bins)
        print 'Cleaning up...'

    print 'Done.'
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(rseed=RSEED):
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print 'Prep Mode:'
        print 'summarizedp_cv.py prep <d\'-CV output.pk> <combined frate.pk>'
        print 'Note: input pickle files are made by combine_firrate_data.py'
        print 'Result Formatting Mode:'
        print 'summarizedp_cv.py res [options] <d\'-CV output A.pk> <d\'-CV output M.pk> <d\'-CV output P.pk>'
        print 'Options:'
        print '   --prndp            Print d\' values'
        print '   --doplot           Plot PSTHs of blanks for each channel'
        print '   --px=prefix        Prefix of output files'
        print '   --bad=ch1,ch2,..   Comma separated list of 1-based bad channels'
        print '   --ng=ch1,ch2,...   Comma separated list of 1-based not-so-good channels'
        print '   --topn=#           Pick top # channels' 

    # parse options and arguments
    args, opts = parse_opts2(sys.argv[1:])

    mode = args[0]

    # prepare d'-cv computation
    if mode == 'prep':
        fo = args[1]
        fi = args[2]
        print '* Output d\'-CV result:', fo

        db = pk.load(open(fi))
        res = dp_cv(db)
        pk.dump(res, open(fo, 'wb'))
    # or give the results...
    elif mode == 'res':
        doplot, prndp, topn, px = False, False, TOPN, PREF
        bad = []
        ng = []

        if 'doplot' in opts:
            from matplotlib import rc, use
            import pylab as pl
            doplot = True
            print '* DOPLOT'
        if 'prndp' in opts:
            prndp = True
            print '* PRNDP'
        if 'topn' in opts:
            topn = int(opts['topn'])
            print '* TOPN =', topn
        if 'bad' in opts:
            bad = [int(b) for b in opts['bad'].split(',')]
            print '* BAD =', bad
        if 'ng' in opts:
            ng = [int(b) for b in opts['ng'].split(',')]
            print '* NG =', ng
        if 'px' in opts:
            px = opts['px']
            print '* PX =', px

        files = args[1:]
        db = load_all(files, skipchk=True)
        pick_top(db, topn, bad=bad, ng=ng, prndp=prndp, px=px)
        if doplot:
            ipage = plot_all(db, px=px)
            pl.savefig(px +'_p%d.pdf' % (ipage))
            print 'Done.'
        print 'Unrecognized mode. Aborting.'