Exemplo n.º 1
def find_objects(bboxInfo, Z_THRESHOLD, SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD=np.array([1.6, 1.6]), SCORE_THRESHOLD=0.6,
                 object_cls_weights={}, same_cls_boost = 2.):

    :param bboxInfo: Bounding Box表格(pandas.DataFrame类型),index必须为自然顺序。
                     每一行代表一个预测出来的bounding box,包含下面的列:
                     * 'instanceNumber'列:表示当前bounding box所在的层面的InstanceNumber,编号从1开始。
                     * 'xmin'列:表示当前bounding box的左上角x坐标(高度[H]方向)。
                     * 'ymin'列:表示当前bounding box的左上角y坐标(左右[W]方向)。
                     * 'xmax'列:表示当前bounding box的右下角x坐标(高度[H]方向)。
                     * 'ymax'列:表示当前bounding box的右下角y坐标(左右[W]方向)。
                     * 'class'列:表示当前bounding box的预测类别(如'object', 'mass'等)。
                     * 'prob'里:表示当前bounding box的预测概率。
    :param Z_THRESHOLD: 每个新层面向前做贪心匹配时往前找的最大层面数
    :param SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD: 判断同一层面两个框是否为等价类的中心点偏移阈值
    :param SCORE_THRESHOLD: 判断不同层面两个框是否匹配的sim_metric_3d阈值
    :param object_cls_weights: 检出框的类别的权重
    :param same_cls_boost: 当不同层面两个框匹配时,如果类别相同的奖励系数
    :return objectInfo: 在bnd上附加一列'object',取值为-1, 1..n。
                        -1代表当前Bounding box不属于任何一个object;
                        1..n代表当前bounding box所属的结节编号。
                        我们不允许一个结节在同一个层面内存在多个重合的bounding box(一个等价类中没有匹配上的框设为-1)。
    ":return objects: 结节信息的列表,每个元素为一个字典
    # 初始化匹配anchor的度规类AnchorMetric:
    anchor_metric = AnchorMetric(dim=2)
    # 首先计算同一层面内dice coefficient比较高的, 并且认为这些bounding box标记了同一个结节
    bboxInfo = bboxInfo.copy()
    # 初始化并查集
    unionFindSet = bboxInfo.index.tolist()
    objectSlices = {}
    for i in bboxInfo["instanceNumber"].unique():
        lst = bboxInfo.query("instanceNumber == @i")
        if len(lst) > 1:
            for j1 in range(len(lst.index)):
                for j2 in range(j1 + 1, len(lst.index)):
                    # 如果两个box中心点相对位移小于SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD,那么认为这两个box表示同一个结节
                    iou = anchor_metric.iou(get_bounding_box_nparray(lst.iloc[j1]), get_bounding_box_nparray(lst.iloc[j2]))
                    if iou > 0 and np.all(anchor_metric.center_deviation_iou(get_bounding_box_nparray(lst.iloc[j1]),
                                  get_bounding_box_nparray(lst.iloc[j2])) < SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD):
                        # 将两个box插入一颗等价类树
                        union(lst.index[j1], lst.index[j2], unionFindSet)
        objectSlices[i] = lst.index.tolist()

    for i in range(len(unionFindSet)):
        unionFindSet[i] = find_parent(unionFindSet[i], unionFindSet)
    # unionFindSet保存了当前bounding box与本层面内其他bounding box的归属关系
    # 对于bounding box i,如果bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"] != i,
    # 那么表明它与bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"]表示同一个结节
    bboxInfo["unionFindSet"] = unionFindSet
    # 在不同层面间对结节进行匹配,并且获得结节列表
    objects = []
    BOXID_VALUE = 10000
    for curZ in sorted(objectSlices.keys()):
        # 枚举之前的所有结节,检查最后一个层面,如果与当前层面的instanceNumber差值在Z_THRESHOLD之内,那么作为备选结节加入lastBoxes
        lastBoxes = [{"objectID": k["id"],
                      "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]),
                      "class": bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["class"],
                      "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["prob"]}
                      for k in objects if 0 < curZ - bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["instanceNumber"] <= \
        # 枚举本层面所有bounding box,每个框的评分为类别评分*置信度概率
        curBoxes = [{"matched": False,
                     "boxID": k,
                     "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k]),
                     "class": bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"],
                     "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"],
                     "score": object_cls_weights[bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"]] * bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"]}
                     for k in objectSlices[curZ]]
        # 对于有多个box表示一个结节的,只选择其中一个
        # (选择bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"] == i的那个,即等价类树的根节点)
        curBoxes_root = \
                    [{"boxID": k,
                     "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k]),
                     "class": bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"],
                     "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"]}
                     for k in objectSlices[curZ] if bboxInfo.loc[k]["unionFindSet"] == k]
        # 选取每个等价类中评分最高的框,"matched"记录该框是否与前层结节相匹配(最大权匹配),若没有则视为新结节插入。
        curBoxes_union = []
        for i in curBoxes_root:
            Boxes_union = [j for j in curBoxes if bboxInfo.loc[j["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"] == i["boxID"]]
            Boxes_union = sorted(Boxes_union, key=lambda  k: k["score"])
        # 如果在之前层面(Z_THRESHOLD以内)没有结节,将新的等价类插入作为新结节的开始
        if len(lastBoxes) == 0:
            for k in curBoxes_union:
                add_object(objects, k["boxID"])
        # 建立二分图
        g = nx.Graph()
        g.add_nodes_from([i["boxID"] + BOXID_VALUE for i in curBoxes])
        g.add_nodes_from([i["objectID"] for i in lastBoxes])
        for i in lastBoxes:
            for j in curBoxes:
                # 定义不同层面的3D中心点相对偏移(sim_metric),因为结节在3D上移动很少,只对中心点相对偏移在一定阈值内的两个结节做匹配
                evalScore = anchor_metric.center_deviation_sqrt(i["bndbox"], j["bndbox"])
                if evalScore < SCORE_THRESHOLD:
                    if i["class"] not in object_cls_weights or j["class"] not in object_cls_weights:
                        print "object class not found in objects_cls_weights"
                        raise KeyError
                    object_weight = object_cls_weights[i["class"]] * i["prob"]
                    box_weight = object_cls_weights[j["class"]] * j["prob"]
                    # we suppress 3d matching for misaligned boxes, only valid for matching lung objects
                    misalign_suppress = np.exp(-evalScore)
                    # 定义不同层面两个bounding box的分数作为边权
                    if i["class"] == j["class"]:
                        matchingScore = same_cls_boost * object_weight * box_weight * misalign_suppress
                        matchingScore = object_weight * box_weight * misalign_suppress
                    g.add_weighted_edges_from([[i["objectID"], j["boxID"] + BOXID_VALUE, matchingScore]])
        # 求出最大权匹配,networkx2.0之后nx.algorithms.max_weight_matching返回set,之前版本都是字典(本代码默认用较低版本运行)
        matchRes = nx.algorithms.max_weight_matching(g)
        matched_object_list = []
        reduced_matched_object_list = []
        for i in matchRes.keys():
            if i < BOXID_VALUE:

        if len(matched_object_list) == 0:
            for i in curBoxes_union:
                # 对于没有匹配上的bounding box,认为是一个新结节的开始
                if i["matched"] == False:
                    add_object(objects, i["boxID"])

        elif len(matched_object_list) == 1:
            box_union = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[0]] - BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]
            box_union_index = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if
                               bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"] == box_union]
            if len(box_union_index) != 1:
                print ('there should be one and only one box for the same equivalent class in curBoxes_union')
                raise IndexError
            curBoxes_union[box_union_index[0]]["matched"] = True
        # 检查最大权匹配出的框有没有在一个等价类中,如果有,舍弃边权较低的那条边
            for j in range(len(matched_object_list)):
                if j < len(matched_object_list) - 1:
                    for k in range(len(matched_object_list)-j-1):
                        # 两个匹配了的框的等价类ID
                        box_union1 = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[j]]-BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]
                        box_union2 = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[j+k+1]]-BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]

                        box_union_index1 = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"]== box_union1]
                        box_union_index2 = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"]== box_union2]

                        if len(box_union_index1) != 1 or len(box_union_index2) != 1:
                            print ('there should be one and only one box for the same equivalent class in curBoxes_union')
                            raise  IndexError
                        curBoxes_union[box_union_index1[0]]["matched"] = True
                        curBoxes_union[box_union_index2[0]]["matched"] = True
                        if box_union1 == box_union2:
                            if g[matched_object_list[j]][matchRes[matched_object_list[j]]]['weight'] <= \
                                if matched_object_list[j] in reduced_matched_object_list:
                            elif matched_object_list[j+k+1] in reduced_matched_object_list:

        # 对于已经匹配上的bounding box,加入对应的objectList中
        for i in reduced_matched_object_list:

            objects[i - 1]["objectList"].append(matchRes[i] - BOXID_VALUE)

        for i in curBoxes_union:
            # 对于没有匹配上的bounding box,认为是一个新结节的开始
            if i["matched"] == False:
                add_object(objects, i["boxID"])

    object_result = [-1] * len(bboxInfo)
    for i in objects:
        for j in i["objectList"]:
            object_result[j] = i["id"]

    bboxInfo["object"] = object_result
    return bboxInfo[["instanceNumber", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "class", "prob", "object"]], objects
def find_objects_ensemble_stacking(bboxInfo_list,
                                   SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD=np.array([1.6, 1.6]),
                                       "mass": 6,
                                       "calcific nodule": 5,
                                       "solid nodule": 4,
                                       "GGN": 3,
                                       "0-3nodule": 2,
                                       "nodule": 1,
                                       "pleural nodule": 3
    :param bboxInfo_List: 一个列表,每个元素对应多模型中一个模型预测出的Bounding Box表格(pandas.DataFrame类型)的列表,index必须为自然顺序。
                     每一行代表一个预测出来的bounding box,包含下面的列:
                     * 'instanceNumber'列:表示当前bounding box所在的层面的InstanceNumber,编号从1开始。
                     * 'xmin'列:表示当前bounding box的左上角x坐标(高度[H]方向)。
                     * 'ymin'列:表示当前bounding box的左上角y坐标(左右[W]方向)。
                     * 'xmax'列:表示当前bounding box的右下角x坐标(高度[H]方向)。
                     * 'ymax'列:表示当前bounding box的右下角y坐标(左右[W]方向)。
                     * 'class'列:表示当前bounding box的预测类别(如'object', 'mass'等)。
                     * 'prob'里:表示当前bounding box的预测概率。
    :param Z_THRESHOLD: 每个新层面向前做贪心匹配时往前找的最大层面数
    :param MODEL_WEIGHT_LIST: 存储各模型权重的列表,用于模型结果的加权
    :param MODEL_CONF_LIST: 存储各模型置信度概率的列表,用于估计各模型各检出框为真阳的概率
    :param OBJECT_FREQ_THRESH: 匹配时判断是否保留各等价类框的频率阈值
    :param SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD: 判断同一层面两个框是否为等价类的中心点偏移阈值
    :param SCORE_THRESHOLD: 判断不同层面两个框是否匹配的sim_metric_3d阈值
    :param object_cls_weights: 检出框的类别的权重
    :param same_cls_boost: 当不同层面两个框匹配时,如果类别相同的奖励系数
    :return objectInfo: 在bnd上附加一列'object',取值为-1, 1..n。
                        -1代表当前Bounding box不属于任何一个object;
                        1..n代表当前bounding box所属的结节编号。
                        我们不允许一个结节在同一个层面内存在多个重合的bounding box(一个等价类中没有匹配上的框设为-1)。
    ":return objects: 结节信息的列表,每个元素为一个字典
    # compute normalized model weights
    norm_weight_list = norm_weight(MODEL_WEIGHT_LIST)

    print 'bboxInfo_list:'
    print bboxInfo_list
    bboxInfo = pd.DataFrame()
    for i, bboxInfo_df in enumerate(bboxInfo_list):
        bboxInfo_i = bboxInfo_df.copy()
        bboxInfo_i['model_idx'] = i
        bboxInfo_i['prob'] = bboxInfo_i['prob'] * norm_weight_list[i]
        bboxInfo = bboxInfo.append(bboxInfo_i, ignore_index=True)

    assert len(bboxInfo_list) == len(MODEL_WEIGHT_LIST), 'bounding box list and model weight list must contain the same' \
                                                         'number of models'
    # 初始化匹配anchor的度规类AnchorMetric:
    anchor_metric = AnchorMetric(dim=2)
    # 初始化并查集
    unionFindSet = bboxInfo.index.tolist()
    objectSlices = {}

    print 'bboxInfo:'
    print bboxInfo
    for i in bboxInfo["instanceNumber"].unique():
        lst = bboxInfo.query("instanceNumber == @i")
        if len(lst) > 1:
            for j1 in range(len(lst.index)):
                for j2 in range(j1 + 1, len(lst.index)):
                    # 如果两个box中心点相对位移小于SAME_BOX_THRESHOLD,那么认为这两个box表示同一个结节
                    iou = anchor_metric.iou(
                    if iou > 0 and np.all(
                                get_bounding_box_nparray(lst.iloc[j2])) <
                        # 将两个box插入一颗等价类树
                        union(lst.index[j1], lst.index[j2], unionFindSet)
        objectSlices[i] = lst.index.tolist()

    for i in range(len(unionFindSet)):
        unionFindSet[i] = find_parent(unionFindSet[i], unionFindSet)
    # unionFindSet保存了当前bounding box与本层面内其他bounding box的归属关系
    # 对于bounding box i,如果bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"] != i,
    # 那么表明它与bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"]表示同一个结节
    bboxInfo["unionFindSet"] = unionFindSet
    # 在不同层面间对结节进行匹配,并且获得结节列表
    objects = []
    BOXID_VALUE = 10000
    for curZ in sorted(objectSlices.keys()):
        # 枚举之前的所有结节,检查最后一个层面,如果与当前层面的instanceNumber差值在Z_THRESHOLD之内,那么作为备选结节加入lastBoxes
        lastBoxes = [{"objectID": k["id"],
                      "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]),
                      "class": bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["class"],
                      "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["prob"]}
                      for k in objects if 0 < curZ - bboxInfo.loc[k["objectList"][-1]]["instanceNumber"] <= \
        # 枚举本层面所有bounding box,每个框的评分为类别评分*置信度概率
        curBoxes = [
                "matched": False,
                "boxID": k,
                "model_idx": bboxInfo.loc[k]["model_idx"],
                "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k]),
                "class": bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"],
                "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"],
            #"score": OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS[bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"]] * bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"]}
            for k in objectSlices[curZ]
        # 对于有多个box表示一个结节的,只选择其中一个
        # (选择bboxInfo.loc[i]["unionFindSet"] == i的那个,即等价类树的根节点)
        curBoxes_root = \
                    [{"boxID": k,
                     "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k]),
                     "class": bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"],
                     "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"]}
                     for k in objectSlices[curZ] if bboxInfo.loc[k]["unionFindSet"] == k]
        # 首先找到每个等价类中包括的框,并根据AnchorMetric.nms方法合并框.如果合并之后框的置信度>=OBJ_THRESH, 则保留该框否则视为假阳不保留.
        curBoxes_union = []
        for i in curBoxes_root:
            Boxes_union = [
                j for j in curBoxes
                if bboxInfo.loc[j["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"] == i["boxID"]
            Boxes_union_model_idx = [j['model_idx'] for j in Boxes_union]
            # merged all boxes detected by different models into one
            # count the occurence (frequency) of boxes predicted by each model in the specified equivalent class
            idx_count_dict = {
                model_idx: Boxes_union_model_idx.count(model_idx)
                for model_idx in range(len(bboxInfo_list))
            bndbox_list = [j["bndbox"] for j in Boxes_union]
            class_list = [j["class"] for j in Boxes_union]
            weight_list = [
                j["prob"] / idx_count_dict[j["model_idx"]] for j in Boxes_union
            merged_bndbox, merged_weight, merged_cls = anchor_metric.nms(
            if merged_weight >= OBJ_THRESH:
                    # add the id
                    -1,  # -1 stands for merged
                    merged_weight * OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS[merged_cls]

        # # 根据保留后的等价类枚举本层面所有bounding box,每个框的评分为类别评分*置信度概率
        # curBoxes_kept = []
        # for i in curBoxes_union:
        #     curBoxes_kept += [{"matched": False,
        #                  "boxID": k,
        #                  "bndbox": get_bounding_box_nparray(bboxInfo.loc[k]),
        #                  "class": bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"],
        #                  "prob": bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"],
        #                  "score": object_cls_weights[bboxInfo.loc[k]["class"]] * bboxInfo.loc[k]["prob"]}
        #                  for k in objectSlices[curZ] if bboxInfo.loc[k]["unionFindSet"] == bboxInfo.loc[i["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"]]

        # 如果在之前层面(Z_THRESHOLD以内)没有结节,将新的等价类插入作为新结节的开始
        if len(lastBoxes) == 0:
            for k in curBoxes_union:
                add_object(objects, k["boxID"])
        # 建立二分图
        g = nx.Graph()
        g.add_nodes_from([i["boxID"] + BOXID_VALUE for i in curBoxes_union])
        g.add_nodes_from([i["objectID"] for i in lastBoxes])
        for i in lastBoxes:
            for j in curBoxes_union:
                # 定义不同层面的3D中心点相对偏移(sim_metric),因为结节在3D上移动很少,只对中心点相对偏移在一定阈值内的两个结节做匹配
                evalScore = anchor_metric.center_deviation_sqrt(
                    i["bndbox"], j["bndbox"])
                if evalScore < SCORE_THRESHOLD:
                    if i["class"] not in OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS or j[
                            "class"] not in OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS:
                        print "object class not found in OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS"
                        raise KeyError
                    object_weight = OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS[i["class"]] * i["prob"]
                    box_weight = OBJECT_CLS_WEIGHTS[j["class"]] * j["prob"]
                    # we suppress 3d matching for misaligned boxes, only valid for matching lung objects
                    misalign_suppress = np.exp(-evalScore)
                    # 定义不同层面两个bounding box的分数作为边权
                    if i["class"] == j["class"]:
                        matchingScore = SAME_CLS_BOOST * object_weight * box_weight * misalign_suppress
                        matchingScore = object_weight * box_weight * misalign_suppress
                        i["objectID"], j["boxID"] + BOXID_VALUE, matchingScore
        # 求出最大权匹配,networkx2.0之后nx.algorithms.max_weight_matching返回set,之前版本都是字典(本代码默认用较低版本运行)
        matchRes = nx.algorithms.max_weight_matching(g)
        matched_object_list = []
        reduced_matched_object_list = []
        for i in matchRes.keys():
            if i < BOXID_VALUE:

        if len(matched_object_list) == 0:
            for i in curBoxes_union:
                # 对于没有匹配上的bounding box,认为是一个新结节的开始
                if i["matched"] == False:
                    add_object(objects, i["boxID"])

        # elif len(matched_object_list) == 1:
        #     box_union = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[0]] - BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]
        #     box_union_index = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if
        #                        bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"] == box_union]
        #     if len(box_union_index) != 1:
        #         print ('there should be one and only one box for the same equivalent class in curBoxes_union')
        #         raise IndexError
        #     curBoxes_union[box_union_index[0]]["matched"] = True
        # # 检查最大权匹配出的框有没有在一个等价类中,如果有,舍弃边权较低的那条边
        # else:
        #     for j in range(len(matched_object_list)):
        #         if j < len(matched_object_list) - 1:
        #             for k in range(len(matched_object_list)-j-1):
        #                 # 两个匹配了的框的等价类ID
        #                 box_union1 = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[j]]-BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]
        #                 box_union2 = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[j+k+1]]-BOXID_VALUE]["unionFindSet"]
        #                 box_union_index1 = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"]== box_union1]
        #                 box_union_index2 = [i for i in range(len(curBoxes_union)) if bboxInfo.loc[curBoxes_union[i]["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"]== box_union2]
        #                 if len(box_union_index1) != 1 or len(box_union_index2) != 1:
        #                     print ('there should be one and only one box for the same equivalent class in curBoxes_union')
        #                     raise  IndexError
        #                 curBoxes_union[box_union_index1[0]]["matched"] = True
        #                 curBoxes_union[box_union_index2[0]]["matched"] = True
        #                 if box_union1 == box_union2:
        #                     if g[matched_object_list[j]][matchRes[matched_object_list[j]]]['weight'] <= \
        #                             g[matched_object_list[j+k+1]][matchRes[matched_object_list[j+k+1]]]['weight']:
        #                         if matched_object_list[j] in reduced_matched_object_list:
        #                             reduced_matched_object_list.remove(matched_object_list[j])
        #                     elif matched_object_list[j+k+1] in reduced_matched_object_list:
        #                         reduced_matched_object_list.remove(matched_object_list[j+k+1])

        # 对于已经匹配上的bounding box,加入对应的objectList中
        for i in range(len(matched_object_list)):
            box_union = bboxInfo.loc[matchRes[matched_object_list[i]] -
            box_union_index = [j for j in curBoxes_union if \
                                bboxInfo.loc[j["boxID"]]["unionFindSet"] == box_union]
            if len(box_union_index) != 1:
                    'there should be one and only one box for the same equivalent class in curBoxes_union'
                raise IndexError
            box_union_index[0]["matched"] = True
            objects[matched_object_list[i] -
                    1]["objectList"].append(matchRes[matched_object_list[i]] -

        for i in curBoxes_union:
            # 对于没有匹配上的bounding box,认为是一个新结节的开始
            if i["matched"] == False:
                add_object(objects, i["boxID"])

    object_result = [-1] * len(bboxInfo)
    for i in objects:
        for j in i["objectList"]:
            object_result[j] = i["id"]

    bboxInfo["object"] = object_result
    return bboxInfo[[
        "instanceNumber", "xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax", "class", "prob",
    ]], objects