Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_code():
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.ogrerefapp.root_dir, "python_ogre.h" )
                        , environment.ogrerefapp.cache_file )

    defined_symbols.append( 'OGREREFAPP_VERSION_' + environment.ogrerefapp.version )
    if environment._USE_THREADS:

    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.ogrerefapp.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2 )

    filter_declarations (mb)

#     common_utils.set_declaration_aliases( mb.global_ns, customization_data.aliases( environment.ogrerefapp.version ) )
    # fix shared Ptr's that are defined as references but NOT const...
    find_nonconst ( mb.namespace( 'OgreRefApp' ) )
    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True

    ogrerefapp_ns = mb.namespace( 'OgreRefApp' )
#     common_utils.fix_unnamed_classes( ogre_ns.classes( name='' ), 'OgreRefApp' )

#     common_utils.configure_shared_ptr(mb)
#     configure_exception( mb )
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    set_call_policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ('OgreRefApp') )
    for cls in ogrerefapp_ns.classes():
        cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t() )
        ## because we want backwards pyogre compatibility lets add leading lowercase properties
        common_utils.add_LeadingLowerProperties ( cls )

    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrerefapp )

    #Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("")

    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrerefapp_',doc_extractor= extractor)
    for inc in environment.ogrerefapp.include_dirs :
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append(inc )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.ogrerefapp.generated_dir )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files( environment.ogrerefapp.version ) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes( environment.ogrerefapp.version ) )

    mb.split_module(environment.ogrerefapp.generated_dir, huge_classes)
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_ogrenewt():
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.root_dir, "python_ogrenewt.h" )
                        , environment.ogrenewt.cache_file )
                        'ogrenewt_NONCLIENT_BUILD','OIS_NONCLIENT_BUILD' ] #, 'OIS_STATIC_BUILD' ]
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.ogrenewt.version )
    if environment._USE_THREADS:
    if environment.isLinux():

    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , cflags=environment.ogrenewt.cflags
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2 )

    ## This module depends on Ogre
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    filter_declarations (mb)
    # fix shared Ptr's that are defined as references but NOT const...
    find_nonconst ( mb.namespace( 'Ogre' ) )

    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True

    # the manual stuff all done here !!!
    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )
    # We need to tell boost how to handle calling (and returning from) certain functions
    set_call_policies ( mb.global_ns.namespace ('OgreNewt') )
    # here we fixup functions that expect to modifiy their 'passed' variables  
    add_transformations ( mb )
    # now add properties
    for cls in mb.namespace ('OgreNewt').classes():
        cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t()  )
        common_utils.add_LeadingLowerProperties ( cls )
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.ogrenewt )

    # create the doc extractor we'll be using
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("")
    #Creating the actual code. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_ogrenewt_', doc_extractor= extractor)
    for incs in environment.ogrenewt.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( incs )
    mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files(environment.ogrenewt.version) )

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.ogrenewt.version) )

    mb.split_module(environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, huge_classes)

#     return_pointee_value_source_path \
#         = os.path.join( environment.pyplusplus_install_dir
#                         , 'pyplusplus_dev'
#                         , 'pyplusplus'
#                         , 'code_repository' )
#                         ## , 'return_pointee_value.hpp' ) ## Removed AJM 1/1/07

#     return_pointee_value_target_path \
#         = os.path.join( environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 'return_pointee_value.hpp' )

#     if not os.path.exists( return_pointee_value_target_path ):
#         shutil.copy( return_pointee_value_source_path, environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir )

    if environment.isMac():
       ## now we need to ensure a series of headers and additional source files are
      ## copied to the generated directory..
      basePath = os.path.join(environment.Config.PATH_OgreAddons,'ogrenewt', 'OgreNewt_Main')
      common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'inc'),
                              destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 
                              recursive= False,
                              extensions = ['h'] )
      common_utils.copyTree ( sourcePath = os.path.join(basePath, 'src'),
                              destPath = environment.ogrenewt.generated_dir, 
                              recursive= False,
                              collapse = True, # put all the source in a single directory
                              extensions = ['cpp'] )
Exemplo n.º 3
def generate_code():
#     messages.disable( 
# #           Warnings 1020 - 1031 are all about why Py++ generates wrapper for class X
#           messages.W1020
#         , messages.W1021
#         , messages.W1022
#         , messages.W1023
#         , messages.W1024
#         , messages.W1025
#         , messages.W1026
#         , messages.W1027
#         , messages.W1028
#         , messages.W1029
#         , messages.W1030
#         , messages.W1031
#         , messages.W1035
# #         , messages.W1040 
# #         , messages.W1038        
#         , messages.W1041
#         , messages.W1036 # pointer to Python immutable member
#         , messages.W1033 # unnamed variables
#         , messages.W1018 # expose unnamed classes
# #         , messages.W1049 # returns reference to local variable
#         , messages.W1014 # unsupported '=' operator
#          )
    xml_cached_fc = parser.create_cached_source_fc(
                        os.path.join( environment.cegui.root_dir, "python_CEGUI.h" )
                        , environment.cegui.cache_file )
    defined_symbols.append( 'VERSION_' + environment.cegui.version.replace ('.','_')   )

    if environment._USE_THREADS:

    mb = module_builder.module_builder_t( [ xml_cached_fc ]
                                          , gccxml_path=environment.gccxml_bin
                                          , working_directory=environment.root_dir
                                          , include_paths=environment.cegui.include_dirs
                                          , define_symbols=defined_symbols
                                          , indexing_suite_version=2
                                          , cflags=environment.ogre.cflags
    # if this module depends on another set it here                                           
    mb.register_module_dependency ( environment.ogre.generated_dir )
    filter_declarations (mb)
    ns=mb.global_ns.namespace ('CEGUI')                                      
    print "\n\n"
    for f in c.member_functions():
        print "LENGTH ", len( ns.member_functions(f.name ) ), "for ", f.name
        for c in ns.member_functions(f.name ):
           print "==:", c.decl_string
        print f.decl_string  
# #     sys.exit()
    change_cls_alias( mb.global_ns.namespace ('CEGUI') )

    mb.classes().always_expose_using_scope = True
#     mb.class_('::CEGUI::Scrollbar').member_functions('subscribeEvent').exclude()
    configure_exception( mb )

    hand_made_wrappers.apply( mb )

    set_call_policies (mb)
    for cls in mb.global_ns.namespace ('CEGUI').classes():
        cls.add_properties( recognizer=ogre_properties.ogre_property_recognizer_t()  )
        common_utils.add_LeadingLowerProperties ( cls )
    v=mb.global_ns.namespace ('CEGUI') .class_('ScriptModule').variable('d_identifierString')
    print "INCLUDE:", v
    print "DONE" 
    ## add additional version information to the module to help identify it correctly 
    common_utils.addDetailVersion ( mb, environment, environment.cegui )
    #Creating code creator. After this step you should not modify/customize declarations.
    extractor = exdoc.doc_extractor("")
    mb.build_code_creator (module_name='_cegui_', doc_extractor= extractor)
    print "VARIABLE exportable:", v.exportable
    for incs in environment.cegui.include_dirs:
        mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( incs )
    mb.code_creator.user_defined_directories.append( environment.cegui.generated_dir )
#     mb.code_creator.replace_included_headers( customization_data.header_files(environment.cegui.version) )
    ## we need to remove the previous one
    lastc = mb.code_creator.creators[ mb.code_creator.last_include_index() ]
    mb.code_creator.remove_creator( lastc )  
    # and now add our precompiled ones..
    for x in range (len (customization_data.header_files( environment.cegui.version ) ), 0 ,-1 ):
        h = customization_data.header_files( environment.cegui.version )[x-1]        
        mb.code_creator.adopt_creator ( include.include_t ( header= h ), 0)

    huge_classes = map( mb.class_, customization_data.huge_classes(environment.cegui.version) )
    mb.split_module(environment.cegui.generated_dir, huge_classes)