Exemplo n.º 1
class Watcher:
    def __init__(self):
        self.watchlist = [x[0] for x in db.get_watch_list()]
        self.ul = UserLookup()

    def should_note(self, id: int) -> bool:
        return id in self.watchlist

    def remove_user(self, id: int):
        if id in self.watchlist:

    async def watch_user(self, mes: discord.Message, _):
        userid = self.ul.parse_id(mes)
        if not userid:
            await mes.channel.send(
                "I was unable to find a user in that message")


        username = self.ul.fetch_username(client, userid)
        await mes.channel.send(
            f"{username} has been added to the watch list. :spy:")

    async def unwatch_user(self, mes: discord.Message, _):
        userid = self.ul.parse_id(mes)
        if not userid:
            await mes.channel.send(
                "I was unable to find a user in that message")
        elif userid not in self.watchlist:
            await mes.channel.send("...That user is not being watched")


        username = self.ul.fetch_username(client, userid)
        await mes.channel.send(
            f"{username} has been removed from the watch list.")

    async def get_watchlist(self, mes: discord.Message, _):
        if len(self.watchlist) == 0:
            await mes.channel.send("There are no users being watched")

        output = "```"
        for userid in self.watchlist:
            username = self.ul.fetch_username(client, userid)
            if username:
                output += f"{username} ({userid})\n"
                # If we couldn't find them, just prune them

        output += "```"

        await mes.channel.send(output)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     self.user_cache = {}
     self.xp_multiplier = 1
     self.ul = UserLookup()
Exemplo n.º 3
class Tracker:
    def __init__(self):
        self.user_cache = {}
        self.xp_multiplier = 1
        self.ul = UserLookup()

    Refresh database

    Collects up-to-date data for leaderboard members

    Input: server - Discord server object

    async def refresh_db(self, server):
        leaders = db.get_leaders()

        # Iterate thru every leader on the leaderboard and collect data
        for leader in leaders:
            leader_id = leader[0]
            leader_xp = leader[1]
            leader_monthly = leader[4]
            leader_month = leader[5]
            user = discord.utils.get(server.members, id=leader_id)

            # Update users that are still in the server
            if user != None:
                leader_name = f"{user.name}#{user.discriminator}"
                leader_avatar = user.avatar

                # NOTE: May be worth to populate the cache here as well
                db.set_user_xp(leader_id, leader_xp, leader_name,
                               leader_avatar, leader_monthly, leader_month)
            # Otherwise, prune their username/avatar so that they don't appear on the leaderboard
                db.set_user_xp(leader_id, leader_xp, None, None,
                               leader_monthly, leader_month)

    Grant user xp

    Updates user XP, levels, and roles

    user - Discord user object
    server - The server the message originated from
    xp_add - Amount of xp to add. If None, award automatic amount from speaking

    async def give_xp(self, user, server, xp_add=None):
        user_id = user.id
        xp = 0
        monthly_xp = 0
        next_role = None
        curr_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        out_message = None

        if user_id not in self.user_cache:
            xp = db.fetch_user_xp(user_id)
            monthly_xp = db.fetch_user_monthly_xp(user_id)

            # Since they weren't in the cache, make sure they have the correct roles
            next_role = await self.check_roles(user, xp)
            # If user is in cache, get that value instead
            user_data = self.user_cache[user_id]
            last_mes_time = user_data.timestamp

            # Check their last timestamp if we aren't manually adding XP
            # NOTE: Mayor Lewis used to only give XP if they spoke in a "new" minute. But that would involve rounding a datetime, and I can't be bothered.
            if xp_add == None:
                dt = curr_time - last_mes_time
                # Users only get XP every minute, so if not enough time has elapsed, ignore them
                if dt < datetime.timedelta(minutes=1):
                    return None

            # Else, grab their data
            xp = user_data.xp
            monthly_xp = user_data.monthly_xp
            next_role = user_data.next_role_at

            # Check if we've rolled over to a new month
            if last_mes_time.month != curr_time.month:
                monthly_xp = 0

        if not xp_add:
            xp_add = XP_PER_MINUTE * self.xp_multiplier

        xp += xp_add
        monthly_xp += xp_add

        # If we have earned enough XP to level up, award and find next role
        if next_role != None and xp >= next_role:
            # Find what the congratulatory message should be
            # Not very efficient, but there will likely only be a handful of ranks
            for rank in RANKS:
                rank_xp = rank["level"] * XP_PER_LVL
                if rank_xp == next_role:
                    if rank['message'] != "":
                        out_message = f"<@{user_id}> {rank['message']}"

                    if rank['welcome']['message'] != "":
                        for welcome_id in rank['welcome']['channels']:
                            chan = discord.utils.get(server.channels,
                            await chan.send(
                                f"Hello <@{user_id}>! {rank['welcome']['message']}"

            next_role = await self.check_roles(user, xp)

        username = f"{user.name}#{user.discriminator}"
        avatar = user.avatar

        # Update their entry in the cache
        self.user_cache[user_id] = UserData(xp, monthly_xp, curr_time,
                                            username, avatar, next_role)
        # Update their entry in the database
        db.set_user_xp(user_id, xp, username, avatar, monthly_xp,

        return out_message

    Check roles

    Make sure the user has the correct roles, given their XP

        user - Discord user object
        xp - User's XP value - int

    async def check_roles(self, user, xp):
            user_roles = user.roles
            user_role_ids = [x.id for x in user.roles]
        except AttributeError:
            user_role_ids = []

        new_roles = []
        lowest_missing_xp = None

        # This doesn't require RANKS to be in order
        for rank in RANKS:
            role_id = rank["role_id"]
            # If they're missing a role, check if they qualify
            if role_id not in user_role_ids:
                role_xp = rank["level"] * XP_PER_LVL
                # If user has enough XP, give them the role
                if role_xp <= xp:
                # Otherwise, keep track if this should be the next role to earn
                elif lowest_missing_xp == None or role_xp < lowest_missing_xp:
                    lowest_missing_xp = role_xp

        if new_roles != []:
            # Go through our new role IDs, and get the actual role objects
            for role_id in new_roles:
                role = discord.utils.get(user.guild.roles, id=role_id)
                if role != None:

            # The role list *replaces* the old list, not appends to it
            await user.edit(roles=user_roles)

        return lowest_missing_xp

    Remove item from cache

    Removes a user from the user cache, in the event they leave the server

    def remove_from_cache(self, user_id):
        if user_id in self.user_cache:
            del self.user_cache[user_id]

    Add XP

    Adds the specified amout of XP to a user

    async def add_xp(self, message):
            payload = commonbot.utils.strip_words(message.content, 1)
            # Treat last word as XP to be awarded
            xp = int(payload.split(" ")[-1])
            userid = self.ul.parse_id(message)
            # Incase they didn't give an XP, don't parse ID as XP lol
            if xp == userid:
                return "Was unable to find XP value in that message"
            user = discord.utils.get(message.guild.members, id=userid)
            if user != None:
                await self.give_xp(user, message.guild, xp)
                return f"{xp} XP given to {user.name}#{user.discriminator}"
                return "Was unable to find that user in the server"
        except (IndexError, ValueError):
            return f"`{CMD_PREFIX}addxp XP USER`"

    Set bonus XP

    Sets the XP multiplier

    async def set_bonus_xp(self, _):
        self.xp_multiplier = 2
        return "XP multiplier is now x2!"

    Reset bonus XP

    Resets the XP multiplier

    async def reset_bonus_xp(self, _):
        self.xp_multiplier = 1
        return "XP multiplier has been reset"
Exemplo n.º 4
import discord
import db
from math import floor
from utils import requires_admin

import commonbot.utils
from commonbot.user import UserLookup

ul = UserLookup()

    f"View your XP: `{CMD_PREFIX}xp`\n"
    f"View your level: `{CMD_PREFIX}lvl`\n"
    f"Set XP to be x2: `{CMD_PREFIX}bonusxp`\n"
    f"Reset XP multiplier: `{CMD_PREFIX}nobonusxp`\n"
    f"Give XP to a user: `{CMD_PREFIX}addxp USER XP` (Can be negative)\n"
    f"Define a custom message: `{CMD_PREFIX}define NAME [%mention%] MESSAGE`\n"
    f"List custom commands: `{CMD_PREFIX}list`\n"
    f"Remove a custom message: `{CMD_PREFIX}remove NAME`\n"
    f"Speak a message as the bot: `{CMD_PREFIX}say CHAN_ID message`. If you want to send images they must be attachments *not URLs*.\n"
    f"Edit a message spoken by the bot: `{CMD_PREFIX}edit MESSAGE_ID new_message`\n"
    f"Display info on a user: `{CMD_PREFIX}userinfo [USER]`\n"
    f"Display info on bot settings: `{CMD_PREFIX}info`\n"
    f"View available ranks: `{CMD_PREFIX}ranks`\n"
    f"Add a game to be announced: `{CMD_PREFIX}addgame URL`\n"
    f"View all games to be announced: `{CMD_PREFIX}getgames`\n"
    f"Remove all games to be announced: `{CMD_PREFIX}cleargames`\n"
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self):
     self.watchlist = [x[0] for x in db.get_watch_list()]
     self.ul = UserLookup()