Exemplo n.º 1
clf = commons.best_model

# Run deep vs light unconsciousness
print(f"Bootstrap: Graph {graph} at eml5_vs_emf5_step_{s}")
bootstrap_filename = commons.OUTPUT_DIR + f"bootstrap/bootstrap_10000_Final_model_{graph}_eml5_vs_emf5_step_{s}.csv"
boot_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((1, 6)))
names = ['epoch', 'graph', 'Acc_Dist Mean', 'Acc_Dist Std', 'acc_interval_low', 'acc_interval_high']
boot_data.columns = names
c = 0

if graph != "both":
    print(f"MODE {graph}")
    print(f"FINAL Model Graph {graph} at emf5 vs eml5")
    X, y, group = filter_dataframe(graph, 'emf5', 'eml5', s)

if graph == "both":
    print(f"MODE {graph}")
    print(f"FINAL Model Graph {graph} at emf5 vs eml5")
    X_pli, y_pli, group_pli = filter_dataframe('pli', 'emf5', 'eml5', s)
    X_aec, y_aec, group_aec = filter_dataframe('aec', 'emf5', 'eml5', s)
    X = np.hstack((X_aec, X_pli))
    if np.array_equal(y_aec, y_pli):
        print("Y-values equal")
        y = y_aec
    if np.array_equal(group_aec, group_pli):
        print("group-values equal")
        group = group_aec

#build pipeline with best model
Exemplo n.º 2
# This will be given by the srun in the bash file
# Get the argument
EPOCHS = {"ind","emf5","eml5","ec8"} # to compare against baseline
GRAPHS = ["aec", "pli", "both"]
Steps = ['01', '10']
clf = commons.best_model

for s in Steps:
    for graph in GRAPHS:
        for epoch in EPOCHS:
            final_acc_filename = commons.OUTPUT_DIR + f"final_models/FINAL_MODEL_{graph}_ec1_vs_{epoch}_step_{s}.pickle"

            if graph != "both":
                print(f"MODE {graph}")
                print(f"FINAL Model Graph {graph} at ec1 vs {epoch}")
                X, y, group = filter_dataframe(graph, 'ec1', epoch, s)

            if graph == "both":
                print(f"MODE {graph}")
                print(f"FINAL Model Graph {graph} at ec1 vs {epoch}")
                X_pli, y_pli, group_pli = filter_dataframe('pli', 'ec1', epoch, s)
                X_aec, y_aec, group_aec = filter_dataframe('aec', 'ec1', epoch, s)
                X = np.hstack((X_aec, X_pli))
                if np.array_equal(y_aec, y_pli):
                    print("Y-values equal")
                    y = y_aec
                if np.array_equal(group_aec, group_pli):
                    print("group-values equal")
                    group = group_aec

            #build pipeline with best model
import commons
from commons import load_pickle, find_best_model
from commons import classify_loso_model_selection
from commons import DummyEstimator, print_summary, filter_dataframe, search_space

# Get the argument
analysis_param = sys.argv[1]

best_clf_filename = commons.OUTPUT_DIR + f'best_clf_{analysis_param}.pickle'

# Parse the parameters
(graph, epoch, feature_group) = analysis_param.split("_")

print(f"Graph {graph} at ec1 vs {epoch} with feature {feature_group}")

X, y, group = filter_dataframe(graph, epoch, feature_group)

# Create a pipeline
pipe = Pipeline([('imputer',
                  SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean')),
                 ('scaler', StandardScaler()),
                 ('clf', DummyEstimator())])  # Placeholder Estimator

# We will use as many processor as possible for the gridsearch
gs = GridSearchCV(pipe, search_space, cv=LeaveOneGroupOut(), n_jobs=-1)

accuracies, f1s, cms, best_params = classify_loso_model_selection(
    X, y, group, gs)

# Saving the performance metrics
clf_data = {