def automated_smoothing_constraints(mesh, points = None, curves = None, surface = None, mesh2 = None):
	"""Apply automatically point, curve and surface constraints to the vertices of a mesh to smooth.

	mesh : Mesh
		The mesh to apply the constraints to for smoothing.
	points : list
		List of XYZ coordinates on which to constrain mesh vertices. Default is None.
	curves : list
		List of Rhino curve guids on which to constrain mesh vertices. Default is None.
	surface : Rhino surface guid
		A Rhino surface guid on which to constrain mesh vertices. Default is None.
	mesh2 : Rhino mesh guid
		A Rhino mesh guid on which to constrain mesh vertices. Default is None.

	constraints : dict
		A dictionary of mesh constraints for smoothing as vertex keys pointing to point, curve or surface objects.


	if surface:
		surface = RhinoSurface.from_guid(surface)
	if curves:
		curves = [RhinoCurve.from_guid(curve) for curve in curves]
	if mesh2:
		mesh2 = RhinoMesh.from_guid(mesh2)

	constraints = {}
	constrained_vertices = {}

	vertices = list(mesh.vertices())
	vertex_coordinates = [mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey) for vkey in mesh.vertices()]
	if points is not None and len(points) != 0:
		constrained_vertices.update({vertices[closest_point_in_cloud(rs.PointCoordinates(point), vertex_coordinates)[2]]: point for point in points})

	if mesh2 is not None:
		constraints.update({vkey: mesh2.guid for vkey in mesh.vertices()})

	if surface is not None:
		constraints.update({vkey: surface.guid for vkey in mesh.vertices()})
	if curves is not None and len(curves) != 0:
		boundaries = [split_boundary for boundary in mesh.boundaries() for split_boundary in list_split(boundary, [boundary.index(vkey) for vkey in constrained_vertices.keys() if vkey in boundary])]
		boundary_midpoints = [Polyline([mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey) for vkey in boundary]).point(t = .5) for boundary in boundaries]
		curve_midpoints = [rs.EvaluateCurve(curve, rs.CurveParameter(curve, .5)) for curve in curves]
		midpoint_map = {i: closest_point_in_cloud(boundary_midpoint, curve_midpoints)[2] for i, boundary_midpoint in enumerate(boundary_midpoints)}
		constraints.update({vkey: curves[midpoint_map[i]].guid for i, boundary in enumerate(boundaries) for vkey in boundary})
	if points is not None:

	return constraints
def automated_smoothing_surface_constraints(mesh, surface):
	"""Apply automatically surface-related constraints to the vertices of a mesh to smooth: kinks, boundaries and surface.

	mesh : Mesh
		The mesh to apply the constraints to for smoothing.
	surface : Rhino surface guid
		A Rhino surface guid on which to constrain mesh vertices.

	constraints : dict
		A dictionary of mesh constraints for smoothing as vertex keys pointing to point, curve or surface objects.


	surface = RhinoSurface.from_guid(surface)
	constraints = {}

	points = [rs.AddPoint(point) for point in surface.kinks()]
	curves = surface.borders(type = 0)

	constraints.update({vkey: surface.guid for vkey in mesh.vertices()})

	for vkey in mesh.vertices_on_boundary():
		xyz = mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey)
		projections = {curve: distance_point_point(xyz, RhinoCurve.from_guid(curve).closest_point(xyz)) for curve in curves}
		constraints.update({vkey: min(projections, key = projections.get)})

	key_to_index = {i: vkey for i, vkey in enumerate(mesh.vertices_on_boundary())}
	vertex_coordinates = tuple(mesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey) for vkey in mesh.vertices_on_boundary())
	constraints.update({key_to_index[closest_point_in_cloud(rs.PointCoordinates(point), vertex_coordinates)[2]]: point for point in points})
	return constraints
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_variable_thick_shell(mesh, minthick, maxthick):
    bkeys = mesh.vertices_on_boundary()
    bpts = [mesh.get_vertex_attributes(k, ['x', 'y', 'z']) for k in bkeys]
    fkeys = mesh.face.keys()
    dist_dict = {
        fkey: closest_point_in_cloud(mesh.face_centroid(fkey), bpts)[0]
        for fkey in mesh.face
    min_ = min(dist_dict.values())
    max_ = max(dist_dict.values())
    for fkey in fkeys:
        thick = (((dist_dict[fkey] - min_) * (maxthick - minthick)) /
                 (max_ - min_)) + minthick
        mesh.set_face_attribute(fkey, 'thick', thick)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def pull_to_mesh(self, s_mesh, name):
        # self.pos, self.f_id = s_mesh.closest_point(self.pos)
        d, xyz, i = cg.closest_point_in_cloud(self.pos, s_mesh.face_centroids)
        self.f_id = s_mesh.gkey_fkey[geometric_key(xyz)]

        # self.update_pos(self.pos)
        edge = self.pull_to_edge(s_mesh, self.f_id)

        if edge is not None:
            self.edge = edge
            self.is_intersection = True

        # self.vel = s_mesh.get_vector_on_face(self.pos, self.f_id, name)
        self.vel = s_mesh.c_mesh.face_attribute(key=self.f_id, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_closest_pt(pt, pts):
     Finds the closest point of 'pt' in the point cloud 'pts'.

    pt: :class: 'compas.geometry.Point'
    pts: list, :class: 'compas.geometry.Point3d'

        The closest point
    ci = closest_point_in_cloud(point=pt, cloud=pts)[2]
    return pts[ci]
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_closest_pt_index(pt, pts):
    Finds the index of the closest point of 'pt' in the point cloud 'pts'.

    pt: compas.geometry.Point3d
    pts: list, compas.geometry.Point3d

        The index of the closest point
    ci = closest_point_in_cloud(point=pt, cloud=pts)[2]
    # distances = [distance_point_point_sqrd(p, pt) for p in pts]
    # ci = distances.index(min(distances))
    return ci
Exemplo n.º 7
    def create_sk3_branch(u, v):
        def find_vertices(u, v):
            sk3_joint_u = sk3_joints[u]

            # inside of network_u, find vertices on the verge
            leaf_u = descendent_tree[u][
                v]  # this is network local key, not convexhull mesh
            leaf_u = sk3_joint_u.network_convexhull[leaf_u]
            nbrs = sk3_joint_u.convexhull_mesh.vertex_neighbors(leaf_u,
            keys = [
                sk3_joint_u.descendent_tree[leaf_u][nbr]['lp'] for nbr in nbrs
            points = [sk3_joint_u.vertex_coordinates(key) for key in keys]

            return points

        if u in joints and v in joints:
            # its an internal edge
            points_u = find_vertices(u, v)
            points_v = find_vertices(v, u)

            if len(points_u) != len(points_v):
                mesh = get_convex_hull_mesh(points_u + points_v)
                points_v = points_v[::-1]
                index = closest_point_in_cloud(points_u[0], points_v)[2]
                points_v = points_v[index:] + points_v[:index]

                vertices = points_u + points_v
                faces = []
                n = len(points_u)
                for i in range(n):
                    faces.append([i, (i + 1) % n, (i + 1) % n + n, i + n])

                mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces)

            if u in leafs:
                leaf, joint = u, v
            elif v in leafs:
                leaf, joint = v, u

            points_joint = find_vertices(joint, leaf)
            network = networks[joint]

            u_local = descendent_tree[joint][joint]
            v_local = descendent_tree[joint][leaf]

            vec = [
                i * (1 - joint_length)
                for i in network_global.edge_vector(joint, leaf)
            points_leaf = [add_vectors(pt, vec) for pt in points_joint]

            vertices = points_joint + points_leaf
            faces = []
            n = len(points_joint)
            for i in range(n):
                faces.append([i, (i + 1) % n, (i + 1) % n + n, i + n])

            mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces)

        return mesh