Exemplo n.º 1
def test_booleans():

    # ==============================================================================
    # Make a box and a sphere
    # ==============================================================================

    box = Box.from_width_height_depth(2, 2, 2)
    box = Mesh.from_shape(box)

    A = box.to_vertices_and_faces()

    sphere = Sphere(Point(1, 1, 1), 1)
    sphere = Mesh.from_shape(sphere, u=30, v=30)

    B = sphere.to_vertices_and_faces()

    # ==============================================================================
    # Remesh the sphere
    # ==============================================================================

    B = remesh(B, 0.3, 10)

    # ==============================================================================
    # Compute the boolean mesh
    # ==============================================================================

    V, F = boolean_union(A, B)

    mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(V, F)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def volume(self):
     if self.radius == 0:
         return self.box.volume
         xr = self.box.xsize - 2 * self.radius
         yr = self.box.ysize - 2 * self.radius
         zr = self.box.zsize - 2 * self.radius
         # box without the radius layer
         inner = xr * yr * zr
         # sides
         sides = Box.from_width_height_depth(xr, yr, zr).area * self.radius
         # cylinder along all edges, base circle x height
         edges = (self.radius**2 * pi) * (xr + yr + zr)
         # eight time corner, 1/8th of a sphere = 1 sphere
         corns = 4. / 3. * pi * self.radius**3
         return inner + sides + edges + corns
import time

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.geometry import Box

from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene

with RosClient() as client:
    robot = client.load_robot()
    scene = PlanningScene(robot)
    assert robot.name == 'ur5_robot'

    brick = Box.from_width_height_depth(0.11, 0.07, 0.25)

    for i in range(5):
        mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(brick.vertices, brick.faces)
        cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'brick')
        cm.frame.point.y += 0.5
        cm.frame.point.z += brick.zsize * i


    # sleep a bit before removing the bricks

Exemplo n.º 4

# ==============================================================================
# Main
# ==============================================================================

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from random import uniform
    from compas.geometry import Box
    from compas.geometry import Polygon
    from compas_plotters import GeometryPlotter

    n = 100
    box = Box.from_width_height_depth(10, 3, 5)

    x, y, _ = zip(*box.points)
    xmin, xmax = min(x), max(x)
    ymin, ymax = min(y), max(y)
    x = [uniform(xmin, xmax) for i in range(n)]
    y = [uniform(ymin, ymax) for i in range(n)]
    z = [0] * n
    points = list(zip(x, y, z))

    plotter = GeometryPlotter(show_axes=False)

    polygon = Polygon(points)

from compas.geometry import Box, Translation
from compas.geometry import dot_vectors
from compas.datastructures import Mesh

from compas_view2.app import App

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1)
cage = Mesh.from_shape(box)
cage.update_default_edge_attributes({'crease': 0})

top = sorted(
    key=lambda face: dot_vectors(cage.face_normal(face), [0, 0, 1]))[-1]
bottom = sorted(
    key=lambda face: dot_vectors(cage.face_normal(face), [0, 0, -1]))[-1]

c0 = cage.copy()
c1 = c0.transformed(Translation.from_vector([1.5, 0, 0]))
c2 = c1.transformed(Translation.from_vector([1.5, 0, 0]))
c3 = c2.transformed(Translation.from_vector([1.5, 0, 0]))
c4 = c3.transformed(Translation.from_vector([1.5, 0, 0]))
c5 = c4.transformed(Translation.from_vector([1.5, 0, 0]))

c1.edges_attribute('crease', 1, keys=list(cage.face_halfedges(top)))
c1.edges_attribute('crease', 1, keys=list(cage.face_halfedges(bottom)))

c2.edges_attribute('crease', 2, keys=list(cage.face_halfedges(top)))
c2.edges_attribute('crease', 2, keys=list(cage.face_halfedges(bottom)))

c3.edges_attribute('crease', 3, keys=list(cage.face_halfedges(top)))
Exemplo n.º 6
number_of_courses = 7

# brick dimensions

width = 0.240
height = 0.052
depth = 0.116

# horizontal joints

gap = 0.02

# brick geometry

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(width, height, depth)
brick = Block.from_vertices_and_faces(box.vertices, box.faces)

# halfbrick geometry

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(0.5 * (width - gap), height, depth)
halfbrick = Block.from_vertices_and_faces(box.vertices, box.faces)

# empty assembly

assembly = Assembly()

# add bricks in a staggered pattern

for i in range(number_of_courses):
    dy = i * height
Exemplo n.º 7
from compas.datastructures import Assembly
from compas.datastructures import Part
from compas.geometry import Box
from compas.geometry import Cylinder
from compas.geometry import Circle
from compas.geometry import Plane
from compas.geometry import Translation
from compas.geometry import Rotation
from compas.geometry import Frame

from compas_view2.app import App

assembly = Assembly()

a = Part(name='A',
         geometry=Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1))

b = Part(name='B',
         frame=Frame([0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0]),
         shape=Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1),
         features=[(Cylinder(Circle(Plane.worldXY(), 0.2), 1.0), 'difference')])

b.transform(Rotation.from_axis_and_angle([0, 0, 1], radians(45)))
b.transform(Translation.from_vector([0, 0, 1]))


assembly.add_connection(a, b)

viewer = App()
Exemplo n.º 8
from compas.geometry import Polyline
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.utilities import hex_to_rgb

from compas_rhino.artists import PointArtist, PolylineArtist, MeshArtist

# @me add restart option to init
from compas.rpc import Proxy

proxy = Proxy()

# ==============================================================================
# Make a box and a sphere
# ==============================================================================

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(2, 2, 2)
box = Mesh.from_shape(box)

A = box.to_vertices_and_faces()

sphere = Sphere(Point(1, 1, 1), 1)
sphere = Mesh.from_shape(sphere, u=30, v=30)

B = sphere.to_vertices_and_faces()

# ==============================================================================
# Remesh the sphere
# ==============================================================================
Exemplo n.º 9
from compas.geometry import Box
from compas.geometry import Translation
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.datastructures import mesh_quads_to_triangles
from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide_quad
from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer import MultiMeshViewer
from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer import MeshObject
import compas_libigl as igl

# ==============================================================================
# Input Geometry
# ==============================================================================

# create a box mesh around the center of the world

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(5.0, 3.0, 1.0)
a = Mesh.from_shape(box)

# create a box mesh around the center of the world

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(1.0, 5.0, 3.0)
b = Mesh.from_shape(box)

# ==============================================================================
# Booleans
# ==============================================================================

# convert meshes to data
Exemplo n.º 10
def box():
    box = Box.from_width_height_depth(2, 2, 2)
    return Mesh.from_shape(box)
Exemplo n.º 11
from compas.geometry import Box
from compas.geometry import Circle
from compas.geometry import Cylinder
from compas.geometry import Frame
from compas.geometry import Plane
from compas.geometry import Sphere

# Box
b1 = Box(Frame.worldXY(), 5, 1, 3)  # xsize, ysize, zsize
b2 = Box.from_width_height_depth(5, 3,
                                 1)  # width=xsize, height=zsize, depth=ysize
assert str(b1) == str(b2)

# Sphere
s1 = Sphere([0, 0, 0], 5)

# Cylinder
plane = Plane([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1])
circle = Circle(plane, 5)
c1 = Cylinder(circle, height=4)
Exemplo n.º 12
from compas.geometry import Box, Translation
from compas_occ.brep import BRep

A = BRep.from_box(Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1))
B = BRep.from_box(
    Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1).transformed(
        Translation.from_vector([0.5, 0, 1])))


C = BRep.from_boolean_union(A, B)


Exemplo n.º 13
from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.datastructures import mesh_transform_numpy
from compas.utilities import rgb_to_hex
from compas.geometry import Translation
from compas.geometry import Rotation

from compas_viewers.objectviewer import ObjectViewer

viewer = ObjectViewer(activate_selection=True)
# make 10 random meshes
# with random position and orientation
for i in range(10):
    T = Translation.from_vector([rdi(0, 10), rdi(0, 10), rdi(0, 5)])
    R = Rotation.from_axis_and_angle([0, 0, 1.0], radians(rdi(0, 180)))
    X = T * R
    box = Box.from_width_height_depth(rdi(1, 3), rdi(1, 3), rdi(1, 3))
    mesh = Mesh.from_shape(box)
    mesh_transform_numpy(mesh, X)

               name="Mesh.%s" % i,
                   'color': rgb_to_hex((rdi(0, 255), rdi(0, 255), rdi(0,
                   'edges.width': 2,
                   'opacity': 0.7,
                   'vertices.size': 10,
                   'vertices.on': True,
                   'edges.on': False,
                   'faces.on': True,
Exemplo n.º 14
from compas.geometry import Plane
from compas.geometry import centroid_points

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.datastructures import mesh_quads_to_triangles
from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide_quad

from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer import MultiMeshViewer
from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer.model import MeshObject

import compas_libigl as igl

origin = Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

cube = Box.from_width_height_depth(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
sphere = Sphere(origin, 0.95 * sqrt(0.5 ** 2 + 0.5 ** 2))

xcyl = Cylinder(Circle(Plane(origin, Vector(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 0.35), 2.0)
ycyl = Cylinder(Circle(Plane(origin, Vector(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)), 0.35), 2.0)
zcyl = Cylinder(Circle(Plane(origin, Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), 0.35), 2.0)

a = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(cube.vertices, cube.faces)
a = mesh_subdivide_quad(a, k=3)
b = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(* sphere.to_vertices_and_faces(u=30, v=30))
c = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(* xcyl.to_vertices_and_faces(u=30))
d = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(* ycyl.to_vertices_and_faces(u=30))
e = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(* zcyl.to_vertices_and_faces(u=30))

Exemplo n.º 15
# ==============================================================================
# Geometry
# ==============================================================================

R = 1.4

P = Point(0, 0, 0)
X = Vector(1, 0, 0)
Y = Vector(0, 1, 0)
Z = Vector(0, 0, 1)
YZ = Plane(P, X)
ZX = Plane(P, Y)
XY = Plane(P, Z)

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(2 * R, 2 * R, 2 * R)
sphere = Sphere(P, 1.25 * R)

cylx = Cylinder((YZ, 0.7 * R), 3 * R)
cyly = Cylinder((ZX, 0.7 * R), 3 * R)
cylz = Cylinder((XY, 0.7 * R), 3 * R)

# ==============================================================================
# CSG Model
# ==============================================================================

model = ShapeModel(name="booleans")

model.mesh_lmin = 0.2
model.mesh_lmax = 0.2
import time

from compas.datastructures import Mesh
from compas.geometry import Box, Translation

from compas_fab.backends import RosClient
from compas_fab.robots import CollisionMesh
from compas_fab.robots import PlanningScene

with RosClient('localhost') as client:
    robot = client.load_robot()
    scene = PlanningScene(robot)

    brick = Box.from_width_height_depth(0.016, 0.012, 0.031)
    brick.transform(Translation.from_vector([0, 0, brick.zsize / 2.]))

    for i in range(5):
        mesh = Mesh.from_shape(brick)
        cm = CollisionMesh(mesh, 'brick_wall')
        cm.frame.point.y += 0.5
        cm.frame.point.z += brick.zsize * i


    # sleep a bit before terminating the client
Exemplo n.º 17
from compas.utilities import rgb_to_hex
from compas.geometry import Translation
from compas.geometry import Rotation

from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer import MultiMeshViewer
from compas_viewers.multimeshviewer import MeshObject

# make 10 random meshes
# with random position and orientation
meshes = []
for i in range(10):
    T = Translation(
        [random.randint(0, 10),
         random.randint(0, 10),
         random.randint(0, 5)])
    R = Rotation.from_axis_and_angle([0, 0, 1.0],
                                     radians(random.randint(0, 180)))
    X = T * R
    box = Box.from_width_height_depth(random.randint(1,
                                                     3), random.randint(1, 3),
                                      random.randint(1, 3))
    mesh = Mesh.from_shape(box)
    mesh_transform_numpy(mesh, X)

    # this is not ideal and should be handled behind the screens
    meshes.append(MeshObject(mesh, color=rgb_to_hex((210, 210, 210))))

viewer = MultiMeshViewer()
viewer.meshes = meshes
Exemplo n.º 18
# block dimensions

W = 2.0
H = 0.5
D = 1.0

# ==============================================================================
# Assembly
# ==============================================================================

assembly = Assembly()

# default block

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(W, H, D)
brick = Block.from_shape(box)

# make all blocks
# place each block on top of previous
# shift block randomly in XY plane

for i in range(N):
    block = brick.copy()
    block.transform(Translation.from_vector([0, 0, 0.5 * H + i * H]))

# mark the bottom block as support

assembly.node_attribute(0, 'is_support', True)
Exemplo n.º 19
arm = robot.add_link('arm', visual_meshes=[mesh], visual_color=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0))

cylinder = Cylinder(Circle(Plane(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), 0.08), 1.0)
cylinder.transform(Translation.from_vector([0, 0, 0.5]))
mesh = Mesh.from_shape(cylinder)
forearm = robot.add_link('forearm',
                         visual_color=(0.0, 1.0, 1.0))

cylinder = Cylinder(Circle(Plane(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1)), 0.11), 0.01)
mesh = Mesh.from_shape(cylinder, u=32)
wrist = robot.add_link('wrist',
                       visual_color=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(0.04, 0.3, 0.22)
box.transform(Translation.from_vector([0, 0, 0.15]))
mesh = Mesh.from_shape(box)
hand = robot.add_link('hand', visual_meshes=[mesh], visual_color=(0, 0, 1.0))

# ==============================================================================
# Joints
# ==============================================================================

base_joint = robot.add_joint('base-shoulder',
                             origin=Frame(Point(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 0, 0),
                                          Vector(0, 1, 0)),
                             axis=Vector(0, 0, 1),
Exemplo n.º 20
import compas_rhino
from compas_rhino.artists import BoxArtist, MeshArtist

# ==============================================================================
# Paths
# ==============================================================================

HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
FILE_O = os.path.join(HERE, 'data', 'block.json')

# ==============================================================================
# Block and Blank
# ==============================================================================

box = Box.from_width_height_depth(200, 200, 200)
block = Mesh.from_shape(box)

vertex = next(
        'x': (float('-inf'), 0),
        'y': (0, float('inf')),
        'z': (0, float('inf'))
block.vertex_attribute(vertex, 'z', 120)

vertex = next(
        'x': (0, float('inf')),
        'y': (0, float('inf')),
        'z': (0, float('inf'))
Exemplo n.º 21
# from compas_assembly.geometry import Arch
from compas_assembly.datastructures import Block, Assembly, assembly_interfaces_numpy
# from compas_assembly.rhino import AssemblyArtist
# from compas_assembly.blender import AssemblyArtist
# from compas.rpc import Proxy

from compas_view2.app import App
from compas_view2.objects import Object, MeshObject, NetworkObject

Object.register(Block, MeshObject)
Object.register(Assembly, NetworkObject)

# proxy = Proxy('compas_assembly.datastructures')
# proxy.restart_server()

b1 = Block.from_shape(Box.from_width_height_depth(1, 1, 1))

T = Translation.from_vector([0, 0, 1])
R = Rotation.from_axis_and_angle([0, 0, 1], radians(45))

b2 = b1.transformed(T * R)

assembly = Assembly()


# arch = Arch(rise=5, span=10, thickness=0.7, depth=0.5, n=40)
# assembly = Assembly.from_geometry(arch)
