Exemplo n.º 1
    def _designMatrixSize(self):
        Compute the size of the design matrix for a n-D problem of order d.
        Can also compute the Taylors factors (i.e. the factors that would be
        applied for the taylor decomposition)

        :param int dim: Dimension of the problem
        :param int deg: Degree of the fitting polynomial
        :param bool factors: If true, the out includes the Taylor factors

        :returns: The number of columns in the design matrix and, if required,
            a ndarray with the taylor coefficients for each column of
            the design matrix.
        dim = self.dim
        deg = self.deg
        init = 1
        dims = [0] * (dim + 1)
        cur = init
        prev = 0
        #if factors:
        #    fcts = [1]
        fact = 1
        for i in irange(deg):
            diff = cur - prev
            prev = cur
            old_dims = list(dims)
            fact *= (i + 1)
            for j in irange(dim):
                dp = diff - old_dims[j]
                cur += dp
                dims[j + 1] = dims[j] + dp
        #    if factors:
        #        fcts += [fact]*(cur-prev)
        self.size = cur
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _process(self, block):
        "process 64 byte block"
        # unpack block into 16 32-bit ints
        X = struct.unpack("<16I", block)

        # clone state
        orig = self._state
        state = list(orig)

        # round 1 - F function - (x&y)|(~x & z)
        for a,b,c,d,k,s in self._round1:
            t = (state[a] + F(state[b],state[c],state[d]) + X[k]) & MASK_32
            state[a] = ((t<<s) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s))

        # round 2 - G function
        for a,b,c,d,k,s in self._round2:
            t = (state[a] + G(state[b],state[c],state[d]) + X[k] + 0x5a827999) & MASK_32
            state[a] = ((t<<s) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s))

        # round 3 - H function - x ^ y ^ z
        for a,b,c,d,k,s in self._round3:
            t = (state[a] + (state[b] ^ state[c] ^ state[d]) + X[k] + 0x6ed9eba1) & MASK_32
            state[a] = ((t<<s) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s))

        # add back into original state
        for i in irange(4):
            orig[i] = (orig[i]+state[i]) & MASK_32
Exemplo n.º 3
def _shmem_as_ndarray(raw_array, shape=None, order='C'):
    address = ctypes.addressof(raw_array)
    length = len(raw_array)
    size = ctypes.sizeof(raw_array)
    item_size = size // length

    if shape is None:
        shape = (length, )
        assert np.prod(shape) == length
    dtype = CTYPES_TO_NUMPY.get(raw_array._type_, None)
    if dtype is None:
        raise TypeError("Unknown conversion from {} to numpy type".format(
    strides = tuple(item_size * np.prod(shape[i + 1:], dtype=int)
                    for i in irange(len(shape)))
    if order != 'C':
        strides = strides[::-1]
    d = _dummy()
    d.__array_interface__ = {
        'data': (address, False),
        'typestr': dtype.str,
        'desc': dtype.descr,
        'shape': shape,
        'strides': strides,
    return np.asarray(d)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def evaluate(self, reg, points, out):
        Evaluate the spatial averaging on a set of points

        :param ndarray points: Points to evaluate the averaging on
        :param ndarray out: Pre-allocated array for the result
        xdata = reg.xdata
        ydata = reg.fitted_ydata[:, np.newaxis]  # make it a column vector
        d, n = xdata.shape
        designMatrix = self.designMatrix
        dm_size = designMatrix.size
        Xx = np.empty((dm_size, n), dtype=xdata.dtype)
        WxXx = np.empty(Xx.shape, dtype=xdata.dtype)
        XWX = np.empty((dm_size, dm_size), dtype=xdata.dtype)
        inv_bw = scipy.linalg.inv(reg.bandwidth)
        kernel = reg.kernel
        for i in irange(points.shape[1]):
            dX = (xdata - points[:, i:i + 1])
            Wx = kernel(np.dot(inv_bw, dX))
            designMatrix(dX, out=Xx)
            np.multiply(Wx, Xx, WxXx)
            np.dot(Xx, WxXx.T, XWX)
            Lx = linalg.solve(XWX, WxXx)[0]
            out[i] = np.dot(Lx, ydata)
        return out
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _process(self, block):
        "process 64 byte block"
        # unpack block into 16 32-bit ints
        X = struct.unpack("<16I", block)

        # clone state
        orig = self._state
        state = list(orig)

        # round 1 - F function - (x&y)|(~x & z)
        for a1,b1,c1,d1,k1,s1 in self._round1:
            t = (state[a1] + F(state[b1],state[c1],state[d1]) + X[k1]) & MASK_32
            state[a1] = ((t<<s1) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s1))

        # round 2 - G function
        for a1,b1,c1,d1,k1,s1 in self._round2:
            t = (state[a1] + G(state[b1],state[c1],state[d1]) + X[k1] + 0x5a827999) & MASK_32
            state[a1] = ((t<<s1) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s1))

        # round 3 - H function - x ^ y ^ z
        for a1,b1,c1,d1,k1,s1 in self._round3:
            t = (state[a1] + (state[b1] ^ state[c1] ^ state[d1]) + X[k1] + 0x6ed9eba1) & MASK_32
            state[a1] = ((t<<s1) & MASK_32) + (t>>(32-s1))

        # add back into original state
        for i in irange(4):
            orig[i] = (orig[i]+state[i]) & MASK_32
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, x, out=None):
        Creates the design matrix for polynomial fitting using the points x.

        :param ndarray x: Points to create the design matrix.
            Shape must be (D,N) or (N,), where D is the dimension of
            the problem, 1 if not there.

        :param int deg: Degree of the fitting polynomial

        :param ndarray factors: Scaling factor for the columns of the design
            matrix. The shape should be (M,) or (M,1), where M is the number
            of columns of the out. This value can be obtained using
            the :py:func:`designMatrixSize` function.

        :returns: The design matrix as a (M,N) matrix.
        dim, deg = self.dim, self.deg
        #factors = self.factors
        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
        dim = x.shape[0]
        if out is None:
            s = self._designMatrixSize(dim, deg)
            out = np.empty((s, x.shape[1]), dtype=x.dtype)
        dims = [0] * (dim + 1)
        out[0, :] = 1
        cur = 1
        for i in irange(deg):
            old_dims = list(dims)
            prev = cur
            for j in irange(x.shape[0]):
                dims[j] = cur
                for k in irange(old_dims[j], prev):
                    np.multiply(out[k], x[j], out[cur])
                    cur += 1
        #if factors is not None:
        #    factors = np.asarray(factors)
        #    if len(factors.shape) == 1:
        #        factors = factors[:,np.newaxis]
        #    out /= factors
        return out
Exemplo n.º 7
    def evaluate(self, reg, points, out):
        d, m = points.shape
        norm = np.zeros((m, ), points.dtype)
        xdata = reg.xdata[..., np.newaxis]
        ydata = reg.fitted_ydata
        correction = self.correction
        N = reg.N
        inv_bw = scipy.linalg.inv(reg.bandwidth)
        kernel = reg.kernel

        # iterate on the internal points
        for i, ci in np.broadcast(irange(N), irange(correction.shape[0])):
            diff = correction[ci] * (xdata[:, i, :] - points)
            #tdiff = np.dot(inv_cov, diff)
            #energy = np.exp(-np.sum(diff * tdiff, axis=0) / 2.0)
            energy = kernel(np.dot(inv_bw, diff)).squeeze()
            out += ydata[i] * energy
            norm += energy

        out[norm > 0] /= norm[norm > 0]
        return out
Exemplo n.º 8
def _botev_fixed_point(t, M, I, a2):
    l = 7
    I = large_float(I)
    M = large_float(M)
    a2 = large_float(a2)
    f = 2 * np.pi**(2 * l) * np.sum(I**l * a2 * np.exp(-I * np.pi**2 * t))
    for s in irange(l, 1, -1):
        K0 = np.prod(np.arange(1, 2 * s, 2)) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)
        const = (1 + (1 / 2)**(s + 1 / 2)) / 3
        time = (2 * const * K0 / M / f)**(2 / (3 + 2 * s))
        f = 2 * np.pi ** (2 * s) * \
            np.sum(I ** s * a2 * np.exp(-I * np.pi ** 2 * time))
    return t - (2 * M * np.sqrt(np.pi) * f)**(-2 / 5)
Exemplo n.º 9
def bootstrap_result(worker, start_repeats, end_repeats):
    #print("Starting worker {} from {} to {}".format(worker, start_repeats, end_repeats))
        for i in irange(start_repeats, end_repeats):
            #print("Worker {} runs iteration {} with fit: {}".format(worker, i, fit))
            new_fit = fit(shuffled_x[..., i % nx, :], shuffled_y[i % ny, :],
                          *fit_args, **fit_kwrds)
            #print("new_fit = {}".format(new_fit))
            result_array[i + 1] = new_fit(eval_points)
            for ea, attr in izip(extra_arrays, extra_attrs):
                ea[i + 1] = getattr(new_fit, attr)
    except Exception:
        traceback.print_exc(None, sys.stderr)
Exemplo n.º 10
def bootstrap(fit, xdata, ydata, CI, shuffle_method=bootstrap_residuals,
              shuffle_args=(), shuffle_kwrds={}, repeats=3000,
              eval_points=None, full_results=False, nb_workers=None,
              extra_attrs=(), fit_args=(), fit_kwrds={}):
    This function implement the bootstrap algorithm for a regression algorithm.
    It is capable of spreading the load across many threads using shared memory
    and the :py:mod:`multiprocess` module.

    :type  fit: callable
    :param fit:
        Method used to compute regression. The call is::

            f = fit(xdata, ydata, *fit_args, **fit_kwrds)

        Fit should return an object that would evaluate the regression on a
        set of points. The next call will be::


    :type  xdata: ndarray of shape (N,) or (k,N) for function with k predictors
    :param xdata: The independent variable where the data is measured

    :type  ydata: ndarray
    :param ydata: The dependant data

    :type  CI: tuple of float
    :param CI: List of percentiles to extract

    :type  shuffle_method: callable
    :param shuffle_method:
        Create shuffled dataset. The call is::

          shuffle_method(xdata, ydata, y_est, repeat=repeats, *shuffle_args,

        where ``y_est`` is the estimated dependant variable on the xdata.

    :type  shuffle_args: tuple
    :param shuffle_args: List of arguments for the shuffle method

    :type  shuffle_kwrds: dict
    :param shuffle_kwrds: Dictionnary of arguments for the shuffle method

    :type  repeats: int
    :param repeats: Number of repeats for the bootstraping

    :type  eval_points: ndarray or None
    :param eval_points: List of points to evaluate. If None, eval_point
        is xdata.

    :type  full_results: bool
    :param full_results: if True, output also the whole set of evaluations

    :type  nb_workers: int or None
    :param nb_worders: Number of worker threads. If None, the number of
        detected CPUs will be used. And if 1 or less, a single thread
        will be used.

    :type  extra_attrs: tuple of str
    :param extra_attrs: List of attributes of the fitting method to extract on
        top of the y values for confidence intervals

    :type  fit_args: tuple
    :param fit_args: List of extra arguments for the fit callable

    :type  fit_kwrds: dict
    :param fit_kwrds: Dictionnary of extra named arguments for the fit callable

    :rtype: :py:class:`BootstrapResult`
    :return: Estimated y on the data, on the evaluation points, the requested
        confidence intervals and, if requested, the shuffled X, Y and the full
        estimated distributions.
    xdata = np.asarray(xdata)
    ydata = np.asarray(ydata)
    y_fit = fit(xdata, ydata, *fit_args, **fit_kwrds)

    shuffled_x, shuffled_y = shuffle_method(y_fit, xdata, ydata,
                                            *shuffle_args, **shuffle_kwrds)
    nx = shuffled_x.shape[-2]
    ny = shuffled_y.shape[0]
    extra_values = []
    for attr in extra_attrs:
        extra_values.append(getattr(y_fit, attr))

    if eval_points is None:
        eval_points = xdata
    if nb_workers is None:
        nb_workers = mp.cpu_count()

    multiprocess = nb_workers > 1

# Copy everything in shared mem
    if multiprocess:
        ra = sharedmem.zeros((repeats + 1, len(eval_points)), dtype=float)
        result_array = ra.np
        sx = sharedmem.array(shuffled_x)
        sy = sharedmem.array(shuffled_y)
        ep = sharedmem.array(eval_points)

        def make_ea(ev):
            return sharedmem.zeros((repeats + 1, len(ev)), dtype=float)
        eas = [make_ea(ev) for ev in extra_values]
        extra_arrays = [ea.np for ea in eas]
        pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count(), bootstrap_workers.initialize_shared,
                       (nx, ny, ra, eas, sx, sy, ep, extra_attrs,
                        fit, fit_args, fit_kwrds))
        result_array = np.empty((repeats + 1, len(eval_points)), dtype=float)

        def make_ea(ev):
            return np.empty((repeats + 1, len(ev)), dtype=float)
        extra_arrays = [make_ea(ev) for ev in extra_values]
        bootstrap_workers.initialize(nx, ny, result_array, extra_arrays,
                                     shuffled_x, shuffled_y, eval_points,
                                     extra_attrs, fit, fit_args, fit_kwrds)

    result_array[0] = y_fit(eval_points)

    for ea, ev in izip(extra_arrays, extra_values):
        ea[0] = ev

    base_repeat = repeats // nb_workers
    if base_repeat * nb_workers < repeats:
        base_repeat += 1

    for i in irange(nb_workers):
        end_repeats = (i + 1) * base_repeat
        if end_repeats > repeats:
            end_repeats = repeats
        if multiprocess:
                             (i, i * base_repeat, end_repeats))
            bootstrap_workers.bootstrap_result(i, i * base_repeat, end_repeats)

    if multiprocess:
    CIs = getCIs(CI, result_array, *extra_arrays)

    # copy the array to not return a view on a larger array
    y_eval = np.array(result_array[0])

    if not full_results:
        shuffled_y = shuffled_x = result_array = None
        extra_arrays = ()
    elif multiprocess:
        result_array = result_array.copy()  # copy in local memory
        extra_arrays = [ea.copy for ea in extra_arrays]

    return BootstrapResult(y_fit, y_fit(xdata), eval_points, y_eval, tuple(CI), CIs,
                           shuffled_x, shuffled_y, result_array)