Exemplo n.º 1
    def task(self, collectionfile_id):
        thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
        fpath = thefile.path
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        complete = True
        data = {}
        m = meta["meta"]
        if not m["artist"]:
            complete = False
            data["artist_missing"] = True
        if not m["title"]:
            complete = False
            data["title_missing"] = True
        if not m["release"]:
            complete = False
            data["release_missing"] = True
        if not m["artistid"]:
            complete = False
            data["artistid_missing"] = True
        if not m["releaseid"]:
            complete = False
            data["releaseid_missing"] = True
        if not m["recordingid"]:
            complete = False
            data["recordingid_missing"] = True

        return (complete, data)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def task(self, collectionfile_id):
        thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
        fpath = thefile.path
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        complete = True
        data = {}
        m = meta["meta"]
        if not m["artist"]:
            complete = False
            data["artist_missing"] = True
        if not m["title"]:
            complete = False
            data["title_missing"] = True
        if not m["release"]:
            complete = False
            data["release_missing"] = True
        if not m["artistid"]:
            complete = False
            data["artistid_missing"] = True
        if not m["releaseid"]:
            complete = False
            data["releaseid_missing"] = True
        if not m["recordingid"]:
            complete = False
            data["recordingid_missing"] = True

        return (complete, data)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: jobs.py Projeto: MTG/dunya
def _check_existing_directories(coll):
    # For all of the matched directories, look at the contents of them and
    # remove/add files as needed
    # We don't remove from the docserver because it's not very important to
    # remove them, and it's complex to cover all cases. We do this separately
    for cd in coll.collectiondirectory_set.all():
        files = os.listdir(cd.full_path)
        mp3files = _get_mp3_files(files)
        existing_f = cd.collectionfile_set.all()
        existing_names = [f.name for f in existing_f]

        to_remove = set(existing_names) - set(mp3files)
        to_add = set(mp3files) - set(existing_names)
        same_files = set(mp3files) & set(existing_names)

        for rm in to_remove:
            # If it was renamed, we will make a CollectionFile in
            # the to_add block below

        for f in same_files:
            # Look through all files and see if the mbid has changed. If it's changed,
            # update the reference
            fileobject = cd.collectionfile_set.get(name=f)
            meta = compmusic.file_metadata(os.path.join(cd.full_path, f))
            recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
            if recordingid != fileobject.recordingid:
                fileobject.recordingid = recordingid

        if to_add:
            # If there are new files in the directory, just run _match again and
            # it will create the new file objects
            _match_directory_to_release(coll.collectionid, cd.full_path)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _check_existing_directories(coll):
    # For all of the matched directories, look at the contents of them and
    # remove/add files as needed
    # We don't remove from the docserver because it's not very important to
    # remove them, and it's complex to cover all cases. We do this separately
    for cd in coll.collectiondirectory_set.all():
        files = os.listdir(cd.full_path)
        mp3files = _get_mp3_files(cd.full_path, files)
        existing_f = cd.collectionfile_set.all()
        existing_names = [f.name for f in existing_f]

        to_remove = set(existing_names) - set(mp3files)
        to_add = set(mp3files) - set(existing_names)
        same_files = set(mp3files) & set(existing_names)

        for rm in to_remove:
            # If it was renamed, we will make a CollectionFile in
            # the to_add block below

        for f in same_files:
            # Look through all files and see if the mbid has changed. If it's changed,
            # update the reference
            fileobject = cd.collectionfile_set.get(name=f)
            meta = compmusic.file_metadata(os.path.join(cd.full_path, f))
            recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
            if recordingid != fileobject.recordingid:
                fileobject.recordingid = recordingid

        if to_add:
            # If there are new files in the directory, just run _match again and
            # it will create the new file objects
            _match_directory_to_release(coll.collectionid, cd.full_path)
Exemplo n.º 5
def directory(request, dirid):
    """ A directory that wasn't matched to a release in the collection.
    This could be because it has no release tags, or the release isn't in
    the collection.
    We want to group together as much common information as possible, and
    link to musicbrainz if we can.
    directory = get_object_or_404(models.CollectionDirectory, pk=dirid)

    rematch = request.GET.get("rematch")
    if rematch is not None:
        # TODO: Change to celery
        get_object_or_404(models.CollectionDirectory, pk=dirid)
        return redirect('dashboard-directory', dirid)

    full_path = directory.full_path
    files = os.listdir(full_path)
    releaseids = set()
    releasename = set()
    artistids = set()
    artistname = set()
    for f in files:
        fname = os.path.join(full_path, f)
        if compmusic.is_mp3_file(fname):
            data = compmusic.file_metadata(fname)
            relid = data["meta"]["releaseid"]
            relname = data["meta"]["release"]
            aname = data["meta"]["artist"]
            aid = data["meta"]["artistid"]
            if relid and relname:
            if aname and aid:

    got_release_id = len(releaseids) == 1
    # TODO: This won't work if there are more than 1 lead artist?
    got_artist = len(artistids) == 1

    if directory.musicbrainzrelease:
        matched_release = directory.musicbrainzrelease
        matched_release = None

    ret = {
        "files": sorted(files),
        "directory": directory,
        "got_release_id": got_release_id,
        "got_artist": got_artist,
        "matched_release": matched_release
    if got_release_id:
        ret["releasename"] = list(releasename)[0]
        ret["releaseid"] = list(releaseids)[0]
    if got_artist:
        ret["artistname"] = list(artistname)[0]
        ret["artistid"] = list(artistids)[0]
    return render(request, 'dashboard/directory.html', ret)
Exemplo n.º 6
def directory(request, dirid):
    """ A directory that wasn't matched to a release in the collection.
    This could be because it has no release tags, or the release isn't in
    the collection.
    We want to group together as much common information as possible, and
    link to musicbrainz if we can.
    directory = get_object_or_404(models.CollectionDirectory, pk=dirid)

    rematch = request.GET.get("rematch")
    if rematch is not None:
        # TODO: Change to celery
        directory = get_object_or_404(models.CollectionDirectory, pk=dirid)
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('dashboard.views.directory', args=[dirid]))

    collection = directory.collection
    full_path = os.path.join(collection.root_directory, directory.path)
    files = os.listdir(full_path)
    meta = {}
    releaseids = set()
    releasename = set()
    artistids = set()
    artistname = set()
    for f in files:
        fname = os.path.join(full_path, f)
        if compmusic.is_mp3_file(fname):
            data = compmusic.file_metadata(fname)
            relid = data["meta"]["releaseid"]
            relname = data["meta"]["release"]
            aname = data["meta"]["artist"]
            aid = data["meta"]["artistid"]
            if relid and relname:
            if aname and aid:

    got_release_id = len(releaseids) == 1
    # TODO: This won't work if there are more than 1 lead artist?
    got_artist = len(artistids) == 1
    print "releaseids", releaseids
    print "artistids", artistids

    if directory.musicbrainzrelease:
        matched_release = directory.musicbrainzrelease
        matched_release = None

    ret = {"files": sorted(files), "directory": directory, "got_release_id": got_release_id, "got_artist": got_artist, "matched_release": matched_release}
    if got_release_id:
        ret["releasename"] = list(releasename)[0]
        ret["releaseid"] = list(releaseids)[0]
    if got_artist:
        ret["artistname"] = list(artistname)[0]
        ret["artistid"] = list(artistids)[0]
    return render(request, 'dashboard/directory.html', ret)
Exemplo n.º 7
def docserver_add_mp3(collectionid, releaseid, fpath, recordingid):
    meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
    mp3type = models.SourceFileType.objects.get_by_extension("mp3")
    title = meta["meta"].get("title")

        doc = models.Document.objects.get_by_external_id(recordingid)
        docserver_add_sourcefile(doc.pk, mp3type, fpath)
    except models.Document.DoesNotExist:
        docserver_add_document(collectionid, mp3type, title, fpath, recordingid)
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: util.py Projeto: imclab/dunya
def docserver_add_mp3(collectionid, releaseid, fpath, recordingid):
    meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
    mp3type = models.SourceFileType.objects.get_by_extension("mp3")
    title = meta["meta"].get("title")

        doc = models.Document.objects.get_by_external_id(recordingid)
        docserver_add_sourcefile(doc.pk, mp3type, fpath)
    except models.Document.DoesNotExist:
        docserver_add_document(collectionid, mp3type, title, fpath, recordingid)
Exemplo n.º 9
def run_file(module, filename, mbid=None):
    if not mbid:
        if filename.lower().endswith(".mp3"):
            md = compmusic.file_metadata(filename)
            mbid = md["meta"]["recordingid"]
    if mbid:
        module.musicbrainz_id = mbid
        ret = module.run(mbid, filename)
        save_data(module, ret)
        logging.error("Cannot find a mbid in this file. Use the mbid argument")
Exemplo n.º 10
def run_file(module, filename, mbid=None):
    if not mbid:
        if filename.lower().endswith(".mp3"):
            md = compmusic.file_metadata(filename)
            mbid = md["meta"]["recordingid"]
    if mbid:
        module.musicbrainz_id = mbid
        ret = module.run(filename)
        save_data(module, ret)
        logging.error("Cannot find a mbid in this file. Use the mbid argument")
Exemplo n.º 11
def _get_musicbrainz_release_for_dir(dirname):
    """ Get a unique list of all the musicbrainz release IDs that
    are in tags in mp3 files in the given directory.
    release_ids = set()
    for fname in _get_mp3_files(os.listdir(dirname)):
        fpath = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        rel = meta["meta"]["releaseid"]
        if rel:
    return list(release_ids)
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: jobs.py Projeto: darad/dunya
def _get_musicbrainz_release_for_dir(dirname):
    """ Get a unique list of all the musicbrainz release IDs that
    are in tags in mp3 files in the given directory.
    release_ids = set()
    for fname in _get_mp3_files(os.listdir(dirname)):
        fpath = os.path.join(dirname, fname)
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        rel = meta["meta"]["releaseid"]
        if rel:
    return list(release_ids)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def task(self, collectionfile_id):
        import hindustani_importer
        hi = hindustani_importer.HindustaniReleaseImporter()

        thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
        fpath = thefile.path
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        m = meta["meta"]
        recordingid = m["recordingid"]
        if not recordingid:
            thefile.add_log_message("This file has no recording id tag")
        mbrec = compmusic.mb.get_recording_by_id(recordingid, includes=["tags"])
        mbrec = mbrec["recording"]
        tags = mbrec.get("tag-list", [])
        res = {}

        raags = hi._get_raag_tags(tags)
        taals = hi._get_taal_tags(tags)
        layas = hi._get_laya_tags(tags)
        forms = hi._get_form_tags(tags)
        res["recordingid"] = recordingid

        missingr = [r for _, r in raags if hi._get_raag(r) is None]
        missingt = [t for _, t in taals if hi._get_taal(t) is None]
        missingf = [f for _, f in forms if hi._get_form(f) is None]
        missingl = [l for _, l in layas if hi._get_laya(l) is None]

        if missingr:
            res["missingr"] = missingr
        if missingt:
            res["missingt"] = missingt
        if missingf:
            res["missingf"] = missingf
        if missingl:
            res["missingl"] = missingl

        res["gotraag"] = len(raags) > 0
        res["gottaal"] = len(taals) > 0
        res["gotform"] = len(forms) > 0
        res["gotlaya"] = len(layas) > 0
        res["raag"] = [r for _, r in raags]
        res["taal"] = [t for _, t in taals]
        res["form"] = [f for _, f in forms]
        res["laya"] = [l for _, l in layas]
        r = raags and not missingr
        t = taals and not missingt
        f = forms and not missingf
        l = layas and not missingl
        if r and t and f and l:
            return (True, res)
            return (False, res)
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: jobs.py Projeto: MTG/dunya
def _create_collectionfile(cd, name):
       cd: a collectiondirectory
       name: the name of the file, with no path information
    path = os.path.join(cd.full_path, name)
    meta = compmusic.file_metadata(path)
    recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
    size = os.path.getsize(path)
    cfile, created = models.CollectionFile.objects.get_or_create(name=name, directory=cd, recordingid=recordingid, defaults={'filesize': size})
    if not created:
        cfile.filesize = size
Exemplo n.º 15
def docserver_add_mp3(collectionid, releaseid, fpath, recordingid):
    meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
    mp3type = models.SourceFileType.objects.get_by_slug("mp3")
    title = meta["meta"].get("title")

        document = models.Document.objects.get_by_external_id(recordingid)
        collection = models.Collection.objects.get(collectionid=collectionid)
        if collection not in document.collections.all():
    except models.Document.DoesNotExist:
        document = docserver_create_document(collectionid, recordingid, title)

    docserver_add_sourcefile(document.pk, mp3type.pk, fpath)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def task(self, collectionfile_id):
     thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
     fpath = thefile.path
     meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
     m = meta["meta"]
     recordingid = m["recordingid"]
     mbrec = compmusic.mb.get_recording_by_id(recordingid, includes=["tags"])
     mbrec = mbrec["recording"]
     tags = mbrec.get("tag-list", [])
     res = {}
     raagas = []
     taalas = []
     for t in tags:
         tag = t["name"]
         if compmusic.tags.has_raaga(tag):
         if compmusic.tags.has_taala(tag):
     res["recordingid"] = recordingid
     missingr = []
     missingt = []
     for r in raagas:
         except carnatic.models.Raaga.DoesNotExist:
             except carnatic.models.RaagaAlias.DoesNotExist:
     if missingr:
         res["missingr"] = missingr
     for t in taalas:
         except carnatic.models.Taala.DoesNotExist:
             except carnatic.models.TaalaAlias.DoesNotExist:
     if missingt:
         res["missingt"] = missingt
     res["gotraaga"] = len(raagas) > 0
     res["gottaala"] = len(taalas) > 0
     res["raaga"] = raagas
     res["taala"] = taalas
     if raagas and taalas and not missingt and not missingr:
         return (True, res)
         return (False, res)
Exemplo n.º 17
def _create_collectionfile(cd, name):
       cd: a collectiondirectory
       name: the name of the file, with no path information
    path = os.path.join(cd.full_path, name)
    meta = compmusic.file_metadata(path)
    recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
    size = os.path.getsize(path)
    cfile, created = models.CollectionFile.objects.get_or_create(
        defaults={'filesize': size})
    if not created:
        cfile.filesize = size
def jingjuRecordingIDreader(folder):
    mp3Files = []
    recordingIDs = []
    for name in listdir(folder):
        if not name.startswith('.'):
            name = "/Users/gong/Documents/MTG document/Jingju arias/京剧之星/" + name + '/'
            files = [ join(name, f) for f in listdir(name) if isfile(join(name,f)) and f.endswith('.mp3')]
            mp3Files = mp3Files + files

    ii = 1
    length = len(mp3Files)
    for f in mp3Files:
        print 'reading recording ID ', ii, 'of total', length
        ii += 1
    return recordingIDs
Exemplo n.º 19
def _match_directory_to_release(collectionid, root):
    """ Try and match a single directory containing audio files to a release
        that exists in the given collection.

        collectionid: the ID of the collection we want the directory to be in
        root: the root path of the directory containing audio files
    coll = models.Collection.objects.get(pk=collectionid)
    collectionroot = coll.root_directory
    print root
    print "======="
    # Remove the path to the collection from the path to the files (we only store relative paths)
    if not collectionroot.endswith("/"):
        collectionroot += "/"
    if root.startswith(collectionroot):
        # This should always be true since we scan from the collection root
        shortpath = root[len(collectionroot):]
        shortpath = root
    # Try and find the musicbrainz release for the files in the directory
    cd, created = models.CollectionDirectory.objects.get_or_create(collection=coll, path=shortpath)
    rels = _get_musicbrainz_release_for_dir(root)
    if len(rels) == 1:
        releaseid = rels[0]
            therelease = models.MusicbrainzRelease.objects.get(mbid=releaseid, collection=coll)
            cd.musicbrainzrelease = therelease
            cd.add_log_message("Successfully matched to a release", None)

            mp3files = _get_mp3_files(os.listdir(root))
            for f in mp3files:
                meta = compmusic.file_metadata(os.path.join(root, f))
                recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
                cfile, created = models.CollectionFile.objects.get_or_create(name=f, directory=cd, recordingid=recordingid)

        except models.MusicbrainzRelease.DoesNotExist:
            cd.add_log_message("Cannot find this directory's release (%s) in the imported releases" % (releaseid, ), None)
    elif len(rels) == 0:
        cd.add_log_message("No releases found in ID3 tags", None)
        cd.add_log_message("More than one release found in ID3 tags", None)
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: jobs.py Projeto: darad/dunya
def _match_directory_to_release(collectionid, root):
    """ Try and match a single directory containing audio files to a release
        that exists in the given collection.

        collectionid: the ID of the collection we want the directory to be in
        root: the root path of the directory containing audio files
    coll = models.Collection.objects.get(pk=collectionid)
    collectionroot = coll.root_directory
    print root
    print "======="
    # Remove the path to the collection from the path to the files (we only store relative paths)
    if not collectionroot.endswith("/"):
        collectionroot += "/"
    if root.startswith(collectionroot):
        # This should always be true since we scan from the collection root
        shortpath = root[len(collectionroot):]
        shortpath = root
    # Try and find the musicbrainz release for the files in the directory
    cd, created = models.CollectionDirectory.objects.get_or_create(collection=coll, path=shortpath)
    rels = _get_musicbrainz_release_for_dir(root)
    if len(rels) == 1:
        releaseid = rels[0]
            therelease = models.MusicbrainzRelease.objects.get(mbid=releaseid, collection=coll)
            cd.musicbrainzrelease = therelease
            cd.add_log_message("Successfully matched to a release", None)

            mp3files = _get_mp3_files(os.listdir(root))
            for f in mp3files:
                meta = compmusic.file_metadata(os.path.join(root, f))
                recordingid = meta["meta"].get("recordingid")
                cfile, created = models.CollectionFile.objects.get_or_create(name=f, directory=cd, recordingid=recordingid)

        except models.MusicbrainzRelease.DoesNotExist:
            cd.add_log_message("Cannot find this directory's release (%s) in the imported releases" % (releaseid, ), None)
    elif len(rels) == 0:
        cd.add_log_message("No releases found in ID3 tags", None)
        cd.add_log_message("More than one release found in ID3 tags", None)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def task(self, collectionfile_id):
        thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
        fpath = thefile.path
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        m = meta["meta"]
        recordingid = m["recordingid"]
        mbrec = compmusic.mb.get_recording_by_id(recordingid, 
                includes=["tags", "work-rels"])["recording"]
        tags = mbrec.get("tag-list", [])
        res = {}
        m, u, f = self._get_tags_from_list(tags)
        recms = m[:]
        recus = u[:]
        recfs = f[:]
        works = mbrec.get("work-relation-list", [])

        wkms = []
        wkus = []
        wkfs = []

        # If there's a work, get its id and the id of its composer
        # Also scan for makam/usul tags here too
        for w in works:
            if w["type"] == "performance":
                wid = w["work"]["id"]
                mbwork = compmusic.mb.get_work_by_id(wid, includes=["tags"])["work"]
                tags = mbwork.get("tag-list", [])
                m, u, f = self._get_tags_from_list(tags)

        wkms = set(wkms)
        wkus = set(wkus)
        wkfs = set(wkfs)
        recms = set(recms)
        recus = set(recus)
        recfs = set(recfs)

        res["makamerr"] = []
        res["usulerr"] = []
        res["formerr"] = []
        if wkms and recms and wkms != recms:
            res["makamerr"].append("Work and Recording makams don't match")
        if wkus and recus and wkus != recus:
            res["usulerr"].append("Work and Recording usuls don't match")
        if wkfs and recfs and wkfs != recfs:
            res["formerr"].append("Work and Recording forms don't match")

        # de-duplicate the lists
        res["makams"] = list(wkms | recms)
        res["usuls"] = list(wkus | recus)
        res["forms"] = list(wkfs | recfs)

        res["recordingid"] = recordingid

        missingm = []
        for m in res["makams"]:
            except makam.models.Makam.DoesNotExist:
        for u in res["usuls"]:
            except makam.models.Usul.DoesNotExist:
        for f in res["form"]:
            except makam.models.Form.DoesNotExist:

        if missingm:
            res["missingm"] = missingm
        if missingu:
            res["missingu"] = missingu
        if missingf:
            res["missingf"] = missingf

        res["gotmakam"] = len(res["makams"]) > 0
        res["gotusul"] = len(res["usuls"]) > 0
        res["gotform"] = len(res["forms"]) > 0
        if res["makams"] and res["usuls"] and res["forms"]:
            return (True, res)
            return (False, res)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def task(self, collectionfile_id):
        thefile = models.CollectionFile.objects.get(pk=collectionfile_id)
        fpath = thefile.path
        meta = compmusic.file_metadata(fpath)
        m = meta["meta"]
        recordingid = m["recordingid"]
        mbrec = compmusic.mb.get_recording_by_id(recordingid, 
                includes=["tags", "work-rels"])["recording"]
        tags = mbrec.get("tag-list", [])
        res = {}
        m, u, f = self._get_tags_from_list(tags)
        recms = m[:]
        recus = u[:]
        recfs = f[:]
        works = mbrec.get("work-relation-list", [])

        wkms = []
        wkus = []
        wkfs = []

        # If there's a work, get its id and the id of its composer
        # Also scan for makam/usul tags here too
        for w in works:
            if w["type"] == "performance":
                wid = w["work"]["id"]
                mbwork = compmusic.mb.get_work_by_id(wid, includes=["tags"])["work"]
                tags = mbwork.get("tag-list", [])
                m, u, f = self._get_tags_from_list(tags)

        wkms = set(wkms)
        wkus = set(wkus)
        wkfs = set(wkfs)
        recms = set(recms)
        recus = set(recus)
        recfs = set(recfs)

        res["makamerr"] = []
        res["usulerr"] = []
        res["formerr"] = []
        if wkms and recms and wkms != recms:
            res["makamerr"].append("Work and Recording makams don't match")
        if wkus and recus and wkus != recus:
            res["usulerr"].append("Work and Recording usuls don't match")
        if wkfs and recfs and wkfs != recfs:
            res["formerr"].append("Work and Recording forms don't match")

        # de-duplicate the lists
        res["makams"] = list(wkms | recms)
        res["usuls"] = list(wkus | recus)
        res["forms"] = list(wkfs | recfs)

        res["recordingid"] = recordingid

        missingm = []
        for m in res["makams"]:
            except makam.models.Makam.DoesNotExist:
        for u in res["usuls"]:
            except makam.models.Usul.DoesNotExist:
        for f in res["form"]:
            except makam.models.Form.DoesNotExist:

        if missingm:
            res["missingm"] = missingm
        if missingu:
            res["missingu"] = missingu
        if missingf:
            res["missingf"] = missingf

        res["gotmakam"] = len(res["makams"]) > 0
        res["gotusul"] = len(res["usuls"]) > 0
        res["gotform"] = len(res["forms"]) > 0
        if res["makams"] and res["usuls"] and res["forms"]:
            return (True, res)
            return (False, res)