Exemplo n.º 1
 def _getMelody(self,
                slowToFast       = 0.9,
                simpleToComplex  = 0.1,
                lowToHigh        = 0.8,
                breakAmount      = 0.5,
     """Returns a Track instance with a melody, mostly containing single notes."""
     lengthInBars = int(lengthInBars) 
     track = Track()
     pos = 0.0
     while pos < lengthInBars:
         """Length of the note(s).
         Calculating length as 2 ** length. -> 0 is a whole, -1 is a half, etc.
         maxLength = 2   # 4 wholes
         minLength = -5  # 1/32
         mode = (3.0 * slowToFast + simpleToComplex) / 4.0
         steepness = 10
         length = 2 ** int(round(((-abs(maxLength-minLength)) * beta(mode, steepness)) + maxLength))
         if random.random() < breakAmount:
             chord = Chord()
             """Number of notes taken."""
             maxNumberOfNotes = 3
             mode = simpleToComplex
             steepness = 100
             numberOfNotes = int(round(maxNumberOfNotes * beta(mode, steepness) ** 4.0)) + 1
             """Deciding if pentatonic or not."""
             pentatonic = simpleToComplex <= 0.5
             """Length of the note(s).
             Calculating length as 2 ** length. -> 0 is a whole, -1 is a half, etc.
             maxLength = 2   # 4 wholes
             minLength = -5  # 1/32
             mode = (3.0 * slowToFast + simpleToComplex) / 4.0
             steepness = 10
             length = 2 ** int(round(((-abs(maxLength-minLength)) * beta(mode, steepness)) + maxLength))
             """Octaves of the note(s).
             I was a little bit tired when I wrote this code... irgh
             # number of octaves
             maxNumberOfOctaves = 7
             mode = (4.0 * simpleToComplex + (1.0 - lowToHigh)) / 5.0
             steepness = 40
             numOctaves = int(round(beta(mode, steepness) * (maxNumberOfOctaves-1))) + 1
             # choosing specific octaves
             minOctave = 0
             maxOctave = 7
             mode = (4.0 * lowToHigh + simpleToComplex) / 5.0
             steepness = 400
             octave = beta(mode, steepness) * (maxOctave - minOctave) + minOctave
             if lowToHigh <= 0.5:
                 octave = math.floor(octave)
                 octave = math.ceil(octave)
             minOctave = int(octave)
             maxOctave = int(octave)
             cnt = 0
             if lowToHigh <= 0.5:
                 while numOctaves > 1:
                     if cnt % 2 == 0:
                         minOctave -= 1
                         maxOctave += 1
                     numOctaves -= 1
                     cnt += 1
                 while numOctaves > 1:
                     if cnt % 2 == 0:
                         maxOctave += 1
                         minOctave -= 1
                     numOctaves -= 1
                     cnt += 1
             chord = scale.getRandomChord(minOctave          = minOctave,
                                            maxOctave        = maxOctave,
                                            minSize          = numberOfNotes,
                                            maxSize          = numberOfNotes,        # number of notes in the chord
                                            keyAsBase        = True,    # only baseNote is the key, models getRandomNote
                                            basicOnly        = False,     # contain only I, IV, V and parallel as base note
                                            seconds          = True,    # if chords may contain seconds
                                            thirds           = True,     # if chords may contain thirds
                                            fourths          = (not pentatonic),    # if chords may contain fourths
                                            fifths           = True,    # if chords may contain fourths
                                            sixths           = True,    # if chords may contain sixths
                                            sevenths         = (not pentatonic),    # if chords may contain sevenths
                                            allowDirectSemitones   = True,    # if direct semitones shall be allowed in the chord)
             track.appendChord(chord, length)
         pos += length
     return track
Exemplo n.º 2
    def getSynth(self,
                               melodyToPad      = 0.5,
                               calmToExciting   = 0.5,
                               brightToDark     = 0.5,
                               softToHard       = 0.5,
                               clearToRich      = 0.5,
        """This method returns a Synth matching the requirements.
        It uses REALLY COOL algorithms to embed the parameters into the Synth.
        Python's random module is used to generate random parameters. Therefore, a seed can be used to 
        generate the exact same song twice. That seed needs to be fed to the Composer instance.
        The beta-distribution is used a lot in this code as its density function can be centered 
        very easily and it naturally yields values in [0.0, 1.0].
        More on the beta distribution in the misc.additionalmath module.

        """Set up synth."""
        synth = Synth(samplerate)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_ALL_WAVEFORM, Waveform.SAW)
        """Oscillator gain"""
        #synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_ALL_GAIN, 1.0)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_1_GAIN, 1.0)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_2_GAIN, 1.0)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_3_GAIN, 1.0)
        """Oscillator detune
        Depends on 
            - brightToDark
            - clearToRich
        for i in range(SynthParameters.NUM_OSCILLATORS):
            mode = (brightToDark + 2.0 * clearToRich) / 3.0
            steepness = 1000      # high steepness, we dont want to much detune
            maxDetune = 50.0    # 50 cents
            detune = 2.0 * maxDetune * beta(mode, steepness) - maxDetune
            synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_1_DETUNE + i, detune)

        """Volume envelope
        Depends on:
            - melodyToPad
            - calmToExciting
            - softToHard
        maxAttack   =  4.0
        maxDecay    =  3.0
        maxRelease  =  10.0
        for i in range(SynthParameters.NUM_OSCILLATORS):
            mode = (5.0 * melodyToPad + (1.0 - calmToExciting) + (1.0 - softToHard)) / 7.0
            steepness = 40
            attack  = maxAttack     * beta(mode, steepness) ** 1.5
            decay   = maxDecay      * beta(mode, steepness) ** 1.5
            mode = (3.0 * melodyToPad + (1.0 - calmToExciting) + (1.0 - softToHard)) / 5.0
            steepness = 40
            release = maxRelease    * beta(mode, steepness)

            synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_1_VOLUME_ENEVELOPE_ATTACK + i, attack)
            synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_1_VOLUME_ENEVELOPE_DECAY + i, decay)
            synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_1_VOLUME_ENEVELOPE_RELEASE + i, release)
        """Cutoff + Resonance
        Depend on:
            - melodyToPad        (resonance not)
            - calmToExciting
            - softToHard
        # for i in range(SynthParameters.NUM_OSCILLATORS):
        # cutoff
        mode = ((1.0 - melodyToPad) + calmToExciting + 3.0 * softToHard) / 5.0
        steepness = 20
        cutoff = beta(mode, steepness) ** 3.0
        # resonance
        mode = (calmToExciting + softToHard) / 2.0
        steepness = 2
        resonance = beta(mode, steepness) ** 1.5
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_ALL_CUTOFF, cutoff)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.OSC_ALL_RESONANCE, resonance)
        Depend on 
            - calmToExciting
            - softToHard
        mode = calmToExciting
        steepness = 3
        frequency = beta(mode, steepness) ** 2.0
        mode = (calmToExciting + softToHard) / 2.0
        steepness = 20
        lfoToVolume = beta(mode, steepness) ** 6.0
        mode = (calmToExciting + softToHard) / 2.0
        steepness = 20
        lfoToFilter = beta(mode, steepness) ** 6.0
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.LFO_FREQUENCY, frequency)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.LFO_TO_VOLUME, lfoToVolume)
        synth.setParameter(SynthParameters.LFO_TO_FILTER, lfoToFilter)

        return synth