Exemplo n.º 1
    def __get_parser(self, engine):
        charset = (settings.FILE_CHARSET
                   if settings.is_overridden('FILE_CHARSET') else 'utf-8')
        if engine == "jinja2":
            from compressor.offline.jinja2 import Jinja2Parser
            env = settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT()
            parser = Jinja2Parser(charset=charset, env=env)
        elif engine == "django":
            from compressor.offline.django import DjangoParser
            parser = DjangoParser(charset=charset)
            raise OfflineGenerationError(
                "Invalid templating engine specified.")

        return parser
Exemplo n.º 2
    def setUp(self):
        self._old_compress = settings.COMPRESS_ENABLED
        self._old_compress_offline = settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE
        self._old_template_dirs = settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS
        self._old_offline_context = settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT
        self.log = StringIO()

        # Reset template dirs, because it enables us to force compress to
        # consider only a specific directory (helps us make true,
        # independant unit tests).
        # Specify both Jinja2 and Django template locations. When the wrong engine
        # is used to parse a template, the TemplateSyntaxError will cause the
        # template to be skipped over.
        django_template_dir = os.path.join(settings.TEST_DIR, 'test_templates',
        jinja2_template_dir = os.path.join(settings.TEST_DIR,
        settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = (django_template_dir, jinja2_template_dir)

        # Enable offline compress
        settings.COMPRESS_ENABLED = True
        settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE = True

        if "django" in self.engines:
            self.template_path = os.path.join(django_template_dir,

            with io.open(self.template_path,
                         encoding=settings.FILE_CHARSET) as file:
                self.template = Template(file.read())

        self._old_jinja2_get_environment = settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT

        if "jinja2" in self.engines:
            # Setup Jinja2 settings.
            settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT = lambda: self._get_jinja2_env(
            jinja2_env = settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT()
            self.template_path_jinja2 = os.path.join(jinja2_template_dir,

            with io.open(self.template_path_jinja2,
                         encoding=settings.FILE_CHARSET) as file:
                self.template_jinja2 = jinja2_env.from_string(file.read())
Exemplo n.º 3
    def compress(self, log=None, **options):
        Searches templates containing 'compress' nodes and compresses them
        "offline" -- outside of the request/response cycle.

        The result is cached with a cache-key derived from the content of the
        compress nodes (not the content of the possibly linked files!).
        engine = options.get("engine", "django")
        extensions = options.get('extensions')
        extensions = self.handle_extensions(extensions or ['html'])
        verbosity = int(options.get("verbosity", 0))
        if not log:
            log = StringIO()
        if not self.get_loaders():
            raise OfflineGenerationError("No template loaders defined. You "
                                         "must set TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your "
                                         "settings or set 'loaders' in your "
                                         "TEMPLATES dictionary.")
        templates = set()
        if engine == 'django':
            paths = set()
            for loader in self.get_loaders():
                    module = import_module(loader.__module__)
                    get_template_sources = getattr(module,
                        'get_template_sources', None)
                    if get_template_sources is None:
                        get_template_sources = loader.get_template_sources
                    paths.update(smart_text(origin) for origin in get_template_sources(''))
                except (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError):
                    # Yeah, this didn't work out so well, let's move on

            if not paths:
                raise OfflineGenerationError("No template paths found. None of "
                                             "the configured template loaders "
                                             "provided template paths. See "
                                             "https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/topics/templates/ "
                                             "for more information on template "
            if verbosity > 1:
                log.write("Considering paths:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n")

            for path in paths:
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path,
                        followlinks=options.get('followlinks', False)):
                    templates.update(os.path.join(root, name)
                        for name in files if not name.startswith('.') and
                            any(fnmatch(name, "*%s" % glob) for glob in extensions))
        elif engine == 'jinja2':
            env = settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT()
            if env and hasattr(env, 'list_templates'):
                templates |= set([env.loader.get_source(env, template)[1] for template in
                            env.list_templates(filter_func=lambda _path:
                            os.path.splitext(_path)[-1] in extensions)])

        if not templates:
            raise OfflineGenerationError("No templates found. Make sure your "
                                         "TEMPLATE_LOADERS and TEMPLATE_DIRS "
                                         "settings are correct.")
        if verbosity > 1:
            log.write("Found templates:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(templates) + "\n")

        contexts = settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT
        if isinstance(contexts, six.string_types):
                module, function = get_mod_func(contexts)
                contexts = getattr(import_module(module), function)()
            except (AttributeError, ImportError, TypeError) as e:
                raise ImportError("Couldn't import offline context function %s: %s" %
                                  (settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT, e))
        elif not isinstance(contexts, (list, tuple)):
            contexts = [contexts]
        contexts = list(contexts) # evaluate generator

        parser = self.__get_parser(engine)
        compressor_nodes = OrderedDict()
        for template_name in templates:
                template = parser.parse(template_name)
            except IOError:  # unreadable file -> ignore
                if verbosity > 0:
                    log.write("Unreadable template at: %s\n" % template_name)
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:  # broken template -> ignore
                if verbosity > 0:
                    log.write("Invalid template %s: %s\n" % (template_name, smart_text(e)))
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:  # non existent template -> ignore
                if verbosity > 0:
                    log.write("Non-existent template at: %s\n" % template_name)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                if verbosity > 0:
                    log.write("UnicodeDecodeError while trying to read "
                              "template %s\n" % template_name)

            for context_dict in contexts:
                context = parser.get_init_context(context_dict)
                context = Context(context)
                    nodes = list(parser.walk_nodes(template, context=context))
                except (TemplateDoesNotExist, TemplateSyntaxError) as e:
                    # Could be an error in some base template
                    if verbosity > 0:
                        log.write("Error parsing template %s: %s\n" %
                                  (template_name, smart_text(e)))
                if nodes:
                    template.template_name = template_name
                    template_nodes = compressor_nodes.setdefault(template, OrderedDict())
                    for node in nodes:
                        template_nodes.setdefault(node, []).append(context)

        if not compressor_nodes:
            raise OfflineGenerationError(
                "No 'compress' template tags found in templates."
                "Try running compress command with --follow-links and/or"

        if verbosity > 0:
            log.write("Found 'compress' tags in:\n\t" +
                                   for t in compressor_nodes.keys())) + "\n")

        log.write("Compressing... ")
        block_count = 0
        compressed_contexts = []
        results = []
        offline_manifest = OrderedDict()
        for template, nodes in compressor_nodes.items():
            template._log = log
            template._log_verbosity = verbosity

            for node, contexts in nodes.items():
                for context in contexts:
                    if context not in compressed_contexts:
                    if not parser.process_template(template, context):

                    parser.process_node(template, context, node)
                    rendered = parser.render_nodelist(template, context, node)
                    key = get_offline_hexdigest(rendered)

                    if key in offline_manifest:

                        result = parser.render_node(template, context, node)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise CommandError("An error occurred during rendering %s: "
                                           "%s" % (template.template_name, smart_text(e)))
                    result = result.replace(
                        settings.COMPRESS_URL, settings.COMPRESS_URL_PLACEHOLDER
                    offline_manifest[key] = result
                    block_count += 1


        context_count = len(compressed_contexts)
        log.write("done\nCompressed %d block(s) from %d template(s) for %d context(s).\n" %
                  (block_count, len(compressor_nodes), context_count))
        return block_count, results
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compress(self, engine, extensions, verbosity, follow_links, log):
        Searches templates containing 'compress' nodes and compresses them
        "offline" -- outside of the request/response cycle.

        The result is cached with a cache-key derived from the content of the
        compress nodes (not the content of the possibly linked files!).

        if not self.get_loaders():
            raise OfflineGenerationError("No template loaders defined. You "
                                         "must set TEMPLATE_LOADERS in your "
                                         "settings or set 'loaders' in your "
                                         "TEMPLATES dictionary.")
        templates = set()
        if engine == 'django':
            paths = set()
            for loader in self.get_loaders():
                    module = import_module(loader.__module__)
                    get_template_sources = getattr(module,
                    if get_template_sources is None:
                        get_template_sources = loader.get_template_sources
                        for origin in get_template_sources(''))
                except (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError):
                    # Yeah, this didn't work out so well, let's move on

            if not paths:
                raise OfflineGenerationError(
                    "No template paths found. None of "
                    "the configured template loaders "
                    "provided template paths. See "
                    "https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/templates/ "
                    "for more information on template "
            if verbosity >= 2:
                log.write("Considering paths:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(paths) + "\n")

            for path in paths:
                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path,
                        os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, name), path)
                        for name in files if not name.startswith('.') and any(
                            fnmatch(name, "*%s" % glob)
                            for glob in extensions))
        elif engine == 'jinja2':
            env = settings.COMPRESS_JINJA2_GET_ENVIRONMENT()
            if env and hasattr(env, 'list_templates'):
                templates |= set([
                    env.loader.get_source(env, template)[1]
                    for template in env.list_templates(
                        filter_func=lambda _path: os.path.splitext(_path)[
                            -1] in extensions)

        if not templates:
            raise OfflineGenerationError("No templates found. Make sure your "
                                         "TEMPLATE_LOADERS and TEMPLATE_DIRS "
                                         "settings are correct.")
        if verbosity >= 2:
            log.write("Found templates:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(templates) + "\n")

        contexts = settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT
        if isinstance(contexts, str):
                module, function = get_mod_func(contexts)
                contexts = getattr(import_module(module), function)()
            except (AttributeError, ImportError, TypeError) as e:
                raise ImportError(
                    "Couldn't import offline context function %s: %s" %
                    (settings.COMPRESS_OFFLINE_CONTEXT, e))
        elif not isinstance(contexts, (list, tuple)):
            contexts = [contexts]

        parser = self.__get_parser(engine)
        fine_templates = []

        if verbosity >= 1:
            log.write("Compressing... ")

        for template_name in templates:
                template = parser.parse(template_name)
                template.template_name = template_name
            except IOError:  # unreadable file -> ignore
                if verbosity >= 1:
                    log.write("Unreadable template at: %s\n" % template_name)
            except TemplateSyntaxError as e:  # broken template -> ignore
                if verbosity >= 1:
                    log.write("Invalid template %s: %s\n" %
                              (template_name, smart_str(e)))
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:  # non existent template -> ignore
                if verbosity >= 1:
                    log.write("Non-existent template at: %s\n" % template_name)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                if verbosity >= 1:
                    log.write("UnicodeDecodeError while trying to read "
                              "template %s\n" % template_name)

        contexts_count = 0
        nodes_count = 0
        offline_manifest = OrderedDict()
        errors = []

        for context_dict in contexts:
            compressor_nodes = OrderedDict()
            for template in fine_templates:
                context = Context(parser.get_init_context(context_dict))

                    nodes = list(parser.walk_nodes(template, context=context))
                except (TemplateDoesNotExist, TemplateSyntaxError) as e:
                    # Could be an error in some base template
                    if verbosity >= 1:
                        log.write("Error parsing template %s: %s\n" %
                                  (template.template_name, smart_str(e)))

                if nodes:
                    template_nodes = compressor_nodes.setdefault(
                        template, OrderedDict())
                    for node in nodes:
                        nodes_count += 1
                        template_nodes.setdefault(node, []).append(context)

            pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
            for template, nodes in compressor_nodes.items():
                template._log = log
                template._log_verbosity = verbosity

                pool.submit(self._compress_template, offline_manifest, nodes,
                            parser, template, errors)

            contexts_count += 1

        # If errors exist, raise the first one in the list
        if errors:
            raise errors[0]
        elif not nodes_count:
            raise OfflineGenerationError(
                "No 'compress' template tags found in templates."
                "Try running compress command with --follow-links and/or"

        if verbosity >= 1:
                "done\nCompressed %d block(s) from %d template(s) for %d context(s).\n"
                % (len(offline_manifest), nodes_count, contexts_count))
        return offline_manifest, len(
            offline_manifest), offline_manifest.values()