Exemplo n.º 1
    def multiple_solver(self, G, sources, grounds, finitegrounds):
        """Solver used for advanced mode."""  
        Gsolve = G
        if finitegrounds[0] != -9999:
            Gsolve = G + sparse.spdiags(finitegrounds.T, 0, G.shape[0], G.shape[0])
        ##remove infinite grounds from graph
        infgroundlist = np.where(grounds==np.Inf)
        infgroundlist = infgroundlist[0]
        numinfgrounds = infgroundlist.shape[0]
        dst_to_delete = []
        for ground in range(1, numinfgrounds+1):
            dst = infgroundlist[numinfgrounds-ground]
            #Gsolve = deleterowcol(Gsolve, delrow = dst, delcol = dst)
            keep = np.delete(np.arange(0, sources.shape[0]), dst)
            sources = sources[keep]            
        Gsolve = ComputeBase.deleterowcol(Gsolve, delrow = dst_to_delete, delcol = dst_to_delete)
        self.state.create_amg_hierarchy(Gsolve, self.options.solver)
        voltages = ComputeBase.solve_linear_system(Gsolve, sources, self.options.solver, self.state.amg_hierarchy)
        del Gsolve

        numinfgrounds = infgroundlist.shape[0]
        if numinfgrounds>0:
            #replace infinite grounds in voltage vector
            for ground in range(numinfgrounds,0, -1): 
                node = infgroundlist[numinfgrounds - ground] 
                voltages = np.asmatrix(np.insert(voltages,node,0)).T
        return np.asarray(voltages).reshape(voltages.size)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def emit(self, record):
         msg = self.format(record)
         msg = msg.strip('\r')
         status_msg = None
         if ('\n' not in msg and 'elapsed' not in msg): # dispay simple info messages in the status bar
             plain_msg = logging._defaultFormatter.format(record)
             if (record.levelname == 'INFO'):
                 status_msg = (plain_msg, 1)
             elif (record.levelname == 'DEBUG'):
                 status_msg = (plain_msg, 2) 
         evt = wxLogEvent(message=msg, levelname=record.levelname, status_msg=status_msg)
         wx.PostEvent(self.dest, evt) # @UndefinedVariable
         (hours,mins,secs) = ComputeBase.elapsed_time(self.last_gui_yield_time)
         if (secs > 0) or (mins > 0) or (hours > 0):
             self.last_gui_yield_time = time.time()
             wx.SafeYield(None, True)  # @UndefinedVariable
             wx.GetApp().Yield(True)  # @UndefinedVariable
     except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
Exemplo n.º 3
    def on_menuFileRunBatch_select(self, event):
        wildcard = "Options Files (*.ini)|*.ini" 
        result = dialog.fileDialog(self, 'Select any number of Circuitscape Options Files within one directory', '', '', wildcard ) 
        if result.accepted==True:
            wx.BeginBusyCursor()  # @UndefinedVariable
            GUI.logger.debug('Running Circuitscape in batch mode')
            startTime = time.time()
            startTimeHMS = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
            self.statusBar.SetStatusText('Batch start ' + str(startTimeHMS), 0)
            job = 0
            numjobs = len(result.paths)
            for selection in result.paths:
                job += 1
                _configDir, configFile = os.path.split(selection)
                GUI.logger.debug('Processing ' + configFile)
                self.statusBar.SetStatusText('Batch start ' + str(startTimeHMS) + '. Running job ' + str(job) +'/' + str(numjobs), 0)
                    cs = Compute(selection, GUI.log_handler)
                except RuntimeError as error:
                    wx.EndBusyCursor()  # @UndefinedVariable
                    message = str(error)
                    dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Error', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)  # @UndefinedVariable
                except MemoryError:
                    wx.EndBusyCursor()  # @UndefinedVariable
                    wx.EndBusyCursor()  # @UndefinedVariable

                    result, _solver_failed = cs.compute()
                    GUI.logger.debug('Finished processing ' + configFile)
                except RuntimeError as error:
                    message = str(error)
                    dial = wx.MessageDialog(None, message, 'Error', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)  # @UndefinedVariable
                except MemoryError:
            GUI.logger.debug('Done with batch operations.')
            wx.EndBusyCursor()  # @UndefinedVariable

            (hours,mins,secs) = ComputeBase.elapsed_time(startTime)
            if hours > 0:
                self.statusBar.SetStatusText('Batch job took ' + str(hours) +' hours ' + str(mins) + ' minutes to complete.',2)
                self.statusBar.SetStatusText('Batch job took ' + str(mins) +' minutes ' + str(secs) + ' seconds to complete.',2)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def read_graph(self, filename):
        """Reads arbitrary graph from disk. Returns sparse adjacency matrix and node names ."""
        graph_list = CSIO.load_graph(filename)

            zeros_in_resistance_graph = False           
            nodes = ComputeBase.deletecol(graph_list,2) 
            node_names = np.unique(np.asarray(nodes, dtype='int32'))
            nodes[np.where(nodes>= 0)] = ComputeBase.relabel(nodes[np.where(nodes>= 0)], 0)
            node1 = nodes[:,0]
            node2 = nodes[:,1]
            data = graph_list[:,2]
            ######################## Reclassification code
            if self.options.use_reclass_table == True:
                    reclass_table = CSIO.read_point_strengths(self.options.reclass_file)    
                    raise RuntimeError('Error reading reclass table.  Please check file format.')
                for i in range (0,reclass_table.shape[0]):
                    data = np.where(data==reclass_table[i,0], reclass_table[i,1],data)
                Compute.logger.info('Reclassified landscape graph using %s'%(self.options.reclass_file,))
            if self.options.habitat_map_is_resistances == True:
                zeros_in_resistance_graph = (np.where(data==0, 1, 0)).sum() > 0
                conductances = 1/data
                conductances = data
            numnodes = node_names.shape[0]
            G = sparse.csr_matrix((conductances, (node1, node2)), shape = (numnodes, numnodes))

            g_graph = np.maximum(Gdense, Gdense.T) # To handle single or double entries for elements BHM 06/28/11
            g_graph = sparse.csr_matrix(g_graph)
            raise RuntimeError('Error processing graph/network file.  Please check file format')
        if zeros_in_resistance_graph == True:
            raise RuntimeError('Error: zero resistance values are not currently allowed in network/graph input file.')
        return g_graph, node_names
Exemplo n.º 5
 def read_focal_nodes(self, filename):
     """Loads list of focal nodes for arbitrary graph."""  
     focal_nodes = CSIO.load_graph(filename)
         if filename == self.options.habitat_file:#If graph was used as focal node file, then just want first two columns for focal_nodes.
             focal_nodes = ComputeBase.deletecol(focal_nodes, 2)
         focal_nodes = np.unique(np.asarray(focal_nodes))
         raise RuntimeError('Error processing focal node file.  Please check file format')
     return focal_nodes
Exemplo n.º 6
    def single_ground_solver(G, src, dst, solver_type, ml):
        """Solver used for pairwise mode."""  
        n = G.shape[0]
        rhs = np.zeros(n, dtype = 'float64')
        if src==dst:
            voltages = np.zeros(n, dtype = 'float64')
            rhs[dst] = -1
            rhs[src] = 1
            voltages = ComputeBase.solve_linear_system (G, rhs, solver_type, ml)

        return voltages
Exemplo n.º 7
 def on_initialize(self, event):
     self.state = {}
     self.state['version'] = __version__       
     #LOAD LAST self.options
     configFile = 'circuitscape.ini'
     self.options = self.LoadOptions(configFile) 
     self.options.version = self.state['version']
     self.options.log_level = 'INFO'
     ##Set all objects to reflect options
     if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
         _icon = wx.Icon('cs_logo.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO) # @UndefinedVariable
     self.components.Image1.file = get_packaged_resource('cs_logo.jpg')
     self.statusBar = self.CreateStatusBar()
     GUI.log_handler = GUILogger(self)
     GUI.logger = ComputeBase._create_logger("circuitscape_gui", getattr(logging, self.options.log_level.upper()), None, False, GUI.log_handler)
     self.Bind(EVT_WX_LOG_EVENT, self.onLogEvent)    
Exemplo n.º 8
    def advanced_module(self, g_habitat, out, source_map, ground_map, source_id=None, component_with_points=None):
        solver_called = False
        solver_failed = False
        node_map = None 
        if component_with_points != None:
            G = g_habitat.get_graph()
            G = ComputeBase.laplacian(G)
            node_map = g_habitat.node_map
        vc_map_id = '' if source_id==None else str(source_id)
        if self.options.write_cur_maps:
        for comp in range(1, g_habitat.num_components+1):
            if (component_with_points != None) and (comp != component_with_points):

            if self.options.data_type == 'raster':
                c_map = np.where(g_habitat.component_map == comp, 1, 0)
                local_source_map = np.multiply(c_map, source_map)
                local_ground_map = np.where(c_map, ground_map, 0) 
                del c_map
                have_sources = (np.where(local_source_map, 1, 0)).sum() > 0
                have_grounds = (np.where(local_ground_map, 1, 0)).sum() > 0
                c_map = np.where(g_habitat.components == comp, 1, 0)
                sources = np.zeros(g_habitat.num_nodes)
                for idx in range(0, source_map.shape[0]):
                    sources = np.where(g_habitat.node_map == source_map[idx,0], source_map[idx,1], sources)
                grounds = -9999 * np.ones(g_habitat.num_nodes)
                for idx in range(0, ground_map.shape[0]):
                    grounds = np.where(g_habitat.node_map == ground_map[idx,0], ground_map[idx,1], grounds)
                if self.options.ground_file_is_resistances:
                    _grounds = 1 / grounds
                    grounds = np.where(grounds == -9999, 0, _grounds)
                    grounds = np.where(grounds == -9999, 0, grounds)
                have_sources = (np.where(sources, 1, 0)).sum() > 0
                have_grounds = (np.where(grounds, 1, 0)).sum() > 0
            if not (have_sources and have_grounds):
            if component_with_points == None:
                (G, node_map) = g_habitat.prune_nodes_for_component(comp)
                G = ComputeBase.laplacian(G)
            if self.options.data_type == 'raster':
                (rows, cols) = np.where(local_source_map)
                values = local_source_map[rows,cols]
                local_sources_rc = np.c_[values,rows,cols]
                (rows, cols) = np.where(local_ground_map)
                values = local_ground_map[rows,cols]
                local_grounds_rc = np.c_[values,rows,cols]
                del rows, cols, values, local_source_map, local_ground_map 
                numnodes = node_map.max()
                sources = np.zeros(numnodes)
                grounds = np.zeros(numnodes)
                num_local_sources = local_sources_rc.shape[0]
                num_local_grounds = local_grounds_rc.shape[0]
                for source in range(0, num_local_sources):
                    src = self.grid_to_graph(local_sources_rc[source,1], local_sources_rc[source,2], node_map)
                    # Possible to have more than one source at a node when there are polygons
                    sources[src] += local_sources_rc[source,0] 
                for ground in range(0, num_local_grounds):
                    gnd = self.grid_to_graph (local_grounds_rc[ground,1], local_grounds_rc[ground,2], node_map)
                    # Possible to have more than one ground at a node when there are polygons
                    grounds[gnd] += local_grounds_rc[ground,0] 

            (sources, grounds, finitegrounds) = self.resolve_conflicts(sources, grounds)

            solver_called = True
                voltages = self.multiple_solver(G, sources, grounds, finitegrounds) 
                del sources, grounds
            except MemoryError:
                raise MemoryError
                voltages = -777
                solver_failed = True

            if solver_failed==False:
                ##Voltage and current mapping are cumulative, since there may be independent components.
                if self.options.write_volt_maps or (self.options.scenario=='one-to-all'):
                    out.accumulate_v_map(vc_map_id, voltages, node_map)
                if self.options.write_cur_maps:
                    out.accumulate_c_map(vc_map_id, voltages, G, node_map, finitegrounds, None, None)
        if solver_failed==False and self.options.write_volt_maps:
        if (self.options.write_cur_maps) and ((source_id == None) or ((source_id != None) and (self.options.write_cum_cur_map_only==False))):
            out.write_c_map(vc_map_id, node_map=node_map)
        if self.options.scenario=='one-to-all':
            if solver_failed==False:
                (row, col) = np.where(source_map>0)
                vmap = out.get_v_map(vc_map_id)
                voltages = vmap[row,col]/source_map[row,col] #allows for variable source strength
        elif self.options.scenario=='all-to-one':
            if solver_failed==False:
                voltages = 0 #return 0 voltage/resistance for all-to-one mode           

        # Advanced mode will return voltages of the last component solved only for verification purposes.  
        if solver_called==False:
            voltages = -1

        return voltages, out.get_c_map(vc_map_id, True), solver_failed
Exemplo n.º 9
    def single_ground_all_pair_resistances(self, g_habitat, fp, cs, report_status):
        """Handles pairwise resistance/current/voltage calculations.  
        Called once when focal points are used, called multiple times when focal regions are used.
        options = self.options
        last_write_time = time.time()
        numpoints = fp.num_points()
        parallelize = options.parallelize

        # TODO: revisit to see if restriction can be removed 
        if options.low_memory_mode==True or self.state.point_file_contains_polygons==True:
            parallelize = False
        if (self.state.point_file_contains_polygons == True) or (options.write_cur_maps == True) or (options.write_volt_maps == True) or (options.use_included_pairs==True) or (options.data_type=='network'):
            use_resistance_calc_shortcut = False
            use_resistance_calc_shortcut = True # We use this when there are no focal regions.  It saves time when we are also not creating maps
            shortcut_resistances = -1 * np.ones((numpoints, numpoints), dtype='float64') 
        solver_failed_somewhere = [False]
        Compute.logger.info('Graph has ' + str(g_habitat.num_nodes) + ' nodes, ' + str(numpoints) + ' focal nodes and '+ str(g_habitat.num_components)+ ' components.')
        resistances = -1 * np.ones((numpoints, numpoints), dtype = 'float64')         #Inf creates trouble in python 2.5 on Windows. Use -1 instead.
#         if use_resistance_calc_shortcut==True:
#             num_points_to_solve = numpoints
#         else:
#             num_points_to_solve = numpoints*(numpoints-1)/2
        num_points_to_solve = 0
        max_parallel = 0
        for c in range(1, int(g_habitat.num_components+1)):
            if not fp.exists_points_in_component(c, g_habitat):
            num_parallel = 0
            for (pt1_idx, pt2_idx) in fp.point_pair_idxs_in_component(c, g_habitat):
                if pt2_idx == -1:
                    if (use_resistance_calc_shortcut==True):
                        max_parallel = max(max_parallel, num_parallel)
                        num_parallel = 0
                        max_parallel = max(max_parallel, num_parallel)
                        num_parallel = 0
                num_parallel += 1
                num_points_to_solve += 1
        Compute.logger.debug('max parallel possible = ' + str(max_parallel) + ', will parallelize = ' + str(parallelize))
        num_points_solved = 0
        for c in range(1, int(g_habitat.num_components+1)):
            if not fp.exists_points_in_component(c, g_habitat):
            G_pruned, local_node_map = g_habitat.prune_nodes_for_component(c)
            G = ComputeBase.laplacian(G_pruned)
            del G_pruned 
            if use_resistance_calc_shortcut:
                voltmatrix = np.zeros((numpoints,numpoints), dtype='float64')     #For resistance calc shortcut

            G_dst_dst = local_dst = None
            for (pt1_idx, pt2_idx) in fp.point_pair_idxs_in_component(c, g_habitat):
                if pt2_idx == -1:
                    if parallelize:
                    if (local_dst != None) and (G_dst_dst != None):
                        G[local_dst, local_dst] = G_dst_dst
                        local_dst = G_dst_dst = None
                    if (use_resistance_calc_shortcut==True):
                        Compute.get_shortcut_resistances(pt1_idx, voltmatrix, numpoints, resistances, shortcut_resistances)
                        break #No need to continue, we've got what we need to calculate resistances

                if parallelize:
                    self.state.worker_pool_create(options.max_parallel, True)

                if report_status==True:
                    num_points_solved += 1
                    if use_resistance_calc_shortcut==True:
                        Compute.logger.info('solving focal node ' + str(num_points_solved) + ' of '+ str(num_points_to_solve))
                        Compute.logger.info('solving focal pair ' + str(num_points_solved) + ' of '+ str(num_points_to_solve))
                local_src = fp.get_graph_node_idx(pt2_idx, local_node_map)
                if None == local_dst:
                    local_dst = fp.get_graph_node_idx(pt1_idx, local_node_map)
                    G_dst_dst = G[local_dst, local_dst]
                    G[local_dst, local_dst] = 0

                if self.state.amg_hierarchy == None:
                    self.state.create_amg_hierarchy(G, self.options.solver)

                if use_resistance_calc_shortcut:
                    post_solve = self._post_single_ground_solve(G, fp, cs, resistances, numpoints, pt1_idx, pt2_idx, local_src, local_dst, local_node_map, solver_failed_somewhere, use_resistance_calc_shortcut, voltmatrix)
                    post_solve = self._post_single_ground_solve(G, fp, cs, resistances, numpoints, pt1_idx, pt2_idx, local_src, local_dst, local_node_map, solver_failed_somewhere)
                if parallelize:
                    self.state.worker_pool.apply_async(Compute.parallel_single_ground_solver, args=(G, local_src, local_dst, options.solver, self.state.amg_hierarchy), callback=post_solve)
                    #post_solve(self.state.worker_pool.apply(Compute.parallel_single_ground_solver, args=(G, local_src, local_dst, options.solver, self.state.amg_hierarchy)))
                        voltages = Compute.single_ground_solver(G, local_src, local_dst, options.solver, self.state.amg_hierarchy)
                        voltages = None

                if options.low_memory_mode==True or self.state.point_file_contains_polygons==True:
            (hours,mins,_secs) = ComputeBase.elapsed_time(last_write_time)
            if mins > 2 or hours > 0: 
                last_write_time = time.time()
                CSIO.write_resistances(options.output_file, resistances, incomplete=True)# Save incomplete resistances    


        # Finally, resistance to self is 0.
        if use_resistance_calc_shortcut==True: 
            resistances = shortcut_resistances
        for i in range(0, numpoints):
            resistances[i, i] = 0

        return resistances, solver_failed_somewhere[0]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def one_to_all_module(self, g_map, poly_map, points_rc):
        """Overhead module for one-to-all AND all-to-one modes with raster data."""  
        last_write_time = time.time()

        out = Output(self.options, self.state, False)
        if self.options.write_cur_maps:
            if self.options.write_max_cur_maps:
        fp = FocalPoints(points_rc, self.state.included_pairs, False)
        fp = FocalPoints(fp.get_unique_coordinates(), self.state.included_pairs, False)
        point_ids = fp.point_ids
        points_rc_unique = fp.points_rc
        included_pairs = self.state.included_pairs
        resistance_vector = np.zeros((point_ids.size,2), float)
        solver_failed_somewhere = False
        if self.options.use_included_pairs==False: #Will do this each time later if using included pairs
            point_map = np.zeros((self.state.nrows, self.state.ncols), int)
            point_map[points_rc[:,1], points_rc[:,2]] = points_rc[:,0]
            #combine point map and poly map
            poly_map_temp = self.get_poly_map_temp(poly_map, point_map, point_ids)
            unique_point_map = np.zeros((self.state.nrows, self.state.ncols), int)
            unique_point_map[points_rc_unique[:,1], points_rc_unique[:,2]] = points_rc_unique[:,0]

            (strength_map, strengths_rc) = self.get_strength_map(points_rc_unique, self.state.point_strengths)            

            g_habitat = HabitatGraph(g_map=g_map, poly_map=poly_map_temp, connect_using_avg_resistances=self.options.connect_using_avg_resistances, connect_four_neighbors_only=self.options.connect_four_neighbors_only)
            Compute.logger.info('Graph has ' + str(g_habitat.num_nodes) + ' nodes and '+ str(g_habitat.num_components) + ' components.')
            component_with_points = g_habitat.unique_component_with_points(unique_point_map)
            if Compute.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                g_habitat = HabitatGraph(g_map=g_map, poly_map=poly_map, connect_using_avg_resistances=self.options.connect_using_avg_resistances, connect_four_neighbors_only=self.options.connect_four_neighbors_only)
                Compute.logger.info('Graph has ' + str(g_habitat.num_nodes) + ' nodes and '+ str(g_habitat.num_components) + ' components.')
            component_with_points = None

        for pt_idx in range(0, point_ids.size): # These are the 'src' nodes, pt_idx.e. the 'one' in all-to-one and one-to-all

            Compute.logger.info('solving focal node ' + str(pt_idx+1) + ' of ' + str(point_ids.size))

            if self.options.use_included_pairs==True: # Done above otherwise    
                points_rc_unique_temp = np.copy(points_rc_unique)
                point_map = np.zeros((self.state.nrows, self.state.ncols), int)
                point_map[points_rc[:,1], points_rc[:,2]] = points_rc[:,0]       

                #loop thru exclude[point,:], delete included pairs of focal point from point_map and points_rc_unique_temp
                for pair in range(0, point_ids.size):
                    if (pt_idx !=  pair) and not self.state.included_pairs.is_included_pair(point_ids[pt_idx], point_ids[pair]):
                        pt_id = point_ids[pair]
                        point_map = np.where(point_map==pt_id, 0, point_map)
                        points_rc_unique_temp[pair, 0] = 0 #point will not be burned in to unique_point_map

                poly_map_temp = self.get_poly_map_temp2(poly_map, point_map, points_rc_unique_temp, included_pairs, pt_idx)
                g_habitat = HabitatGraph(g_map=g_map, poly_map=poly_map_temp, connect_using_avg_resistances=self.options.connect_using_avg_resistances, connect_four_neighbors_only=self.options.connect_four_neighbors_only)

                unique_point_map = np.zeros((self.state.nrows, self.state.ncols),int)
                unique_point_map[points_rc_unique_temp[:,1], points_rc_unique_temp[:,2]] = points_rc_unique_temp[:,0]
                (strength_map, strengths_rc) = self.get_strength_map(points_rc_unique_temp, self.state.point_strengths)
            src = point_ids[pt_idx]
            if unique_point_map.sum() == src: # src is the only point
                resistance_vector[pt_idx,0] = src
                resistance_vector[pt_idx,1] = -1            
            else: # there are points to connect with src point
                if self.options.scenario == 'one-to-all':
                    strength = strengths_rc[pt_idx,0] if self.options.use_variable_source_strengths else 1
                    source_map = np.where(unique_point_map == src, strength, 0)
                    ground_map =  np.where(unique_point_map == src, 0, unique_point_map)
                    ground_map =  np.where(ground_map, np.Inf, 0) 
                    self.options.remove_src_or_gnd = 'rmvgnd'
                else: # all-to-one
                    if self.options.use_variable_source_strengths==True:
                        source_map = np.where(unique_point_map == src, 0, strength_map)
                        source_map = np.where(unique_point_map, 1, 0)
                        source_map = np.where(unique_point_map == src, 0, source_map)
                    ground_map =  np.where(unique_point_map == src, np.Inf, 0)                    
                    self.options.remove_src_or_gnd = 'rmvsrc'
                #FIXME: right now one-to-all *might* fail if there is just one node that is not grounded (I haven't encountered this problem lately BHM Nov 2009).
                resistance, current_map, solver_failed = self.advanced_module(g_habitat, out, source_map, ground_map, src, component_with_points)
                if not solver_failed:
                    if self.options.write_cur_maps:
                        out.accumulate_c_map_with_values('', current_map)
                        if self.options.write_max_cur_maps:    
                            out.store_max_c_map_values('max', current_map)
                    Compute.logger.warning('Solver failed for at least one focal node. Focal nodes with failed solves will be marked with value of -777 in output resistance list.')
                resistance_vector[pt_idx,0] = src
                resistance_vector[pt_idx,1] = resistance
                if solver_failed==True:
                    solver_failed_somewhere = True

            (hours,mins,_secs) = ComputeBase.elapsed_time(last_write_time)
            if mins > 2 or hours > 0: 
                last_write_time = time.time()
                CSIO.write_resistances(self.options.output_file, resistance_vector, incomplete=True)
        if not solver_failed_somewhere:
            if self.options.write_cur_maps:
                out.write_c_map('', True)
                if self.options.write_max_cur_maps:
                    out.write_c_map('max', True)

        CSIO.write_resistances(self.options.output_file, resistance_vector)
        return resistance_vector, solver_failed_somewhere 
Exemplo n.º 11
 def on_logLevelChoice_select(self, event):
     log_lvl = event.GetSelection()
     self.options.log_level = GUI.OPTIONS_LOG_LEVEL[log_lvl]
     GUI.logger = ComputeBase._create_logger("circuitscape_gui", getattr(logging, self.options.log_level), None, False, GUI.log_handler)
     GUI.logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.options.log_level.upper()))
     GUI.log_handler.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.options.log_level.upper()))