Exemplo n.º 1
 def collect_interfaces_info(idl_path_list):
     info_collector = InterfaceInfoCollector()
     for idl_path in idl_path_list:
     info = info_collector.get_info_as_dict()
     # TestDictionary.{h,cpp} are placed under
     # Source/bindings/tests/idls/core. However, IdlCompiler generates
     # TestDictionary.{h,cpp} by using relative_dir.
     # So the files will be generated under
     # output_dir/core/bindings/tests/idls/core.
     # To avoid this issue, we need to clear relative_dir here.
     for value in info['interfaces_info'].itervalues():
         value['relative_dir'] = ''
     component_info = info_collector.get_component_info_as_dict()
     return info, component_info
Exemplo n.º 2
 def collect_interfaces_info(idl_path_list):
     info_collector = InterfaceInfoCollector()
     for idl_path in idl_path_list:
         if os.path.basename(idl_path) in NON_BLINK_IDL_FILES:
     info = info_collector.get_info_as_dict()
     # TestDictionary.{h,cpp} are placed under
     # Source/bindings/tests/idls/core. However, IdlCompiler generates
     # TestDictionary.{h,cpp} by using relative_dir.
     # So the files will be generated under
     # output_dir/core/bindings/tests/idls/core.
     # To avoid this issue, we need to clear relative_dir here.
     for value in info['interfaces_info'].itervalues():
         value['relative_dir'] = ''
     component_info = info_collector.get_component_info_as_dict()
     return info, component_info
Exemplo n.º 3
class DatabaseBuilder(object):
  def __init__(self, database):
    """DatabaseBuilder is used for importing and merging interfaces into
    the Database"""
    self._info_collector = InterfaceInfoCollector()

    self._database = database
    self._imported_interfaces = []
    self._impl_stmts = []
    self.conditionals_met = set()

    # Spin up the new IDL parser.
    self.build = Build(self)

    # Global typedef to mapping.
    self.global_type_defs = monitored.Dict('databasebuilder.global_type_defs', {
      'Transferable' : 'MessagePort',

  # TODO(terry): Consider keeping richer type information (e.g.,
  #              IdlArrayOrSequenceType from the Blink parser) instead of just
  #              a type name.
  def _resolve_type_defs(self, idl_file):
    for type_node in idl_file.all(IDLType):
      resolved = False
      type_name = type_node.id
      for typedef in self.global_type_defs:
        seq_name_typedef = 'sequence<%s>' % typedef
        if type_name == typedef:
          type_node.id = self.global_type_defs[typedef]
          resolved = True
        elif type_name == seq_name_typedef:
          type_node.id = 'sequence<%s>' % self.global_type_defs[typedef]
          resolved = True
      if not(resolved):
        for typedef in idl_file.typeDefs:
          if type_name == typedef.id:
            type_node.id = typedef.type.id
            resolved = True

  def _strip_ext_attributes(self, idl_file):
    """Strips unuseful extended attributes."""
    for ext_attrs in idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs):
      # TODO: Decide which attributes are uninteresting.

  def _rename_types(self, idl_file, import_options):
    """Rename interface and type names with names provided in the
    options. Also clears scopes from scoped names"""

    strip_modules = lambda name: name.split('::')[-1]

    def rename_node(idl_node):

    def rename_ext_attrs(ext_attrs_node):
      for type_valued_attribute_name in ['DartSupplemental']:
        if type_valued_attribute_name in ext_attrs_node:
          value = ext_attrs_node[type_valued_attribute_name]
          if isinstance(value, str):
            ext_attrs_node[type_valued_attribute_name] = strip_modules(value)

    map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLInterface))
    map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLType))
    map(rename_ext_attrs, idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs))

  def _annotate(self, interface, import_options):
    """Adds @ annotations based on the source and source_attributes
    members of import_options."""

    source = import_options.source
    if not source:

    def add_source_annotation(idl_node):
      annotation = IDLAnnotation(
      idl_node.annotations[source] = annotation
      if ((isinstance(idl_node, IDLInterface) or
           isinstance(idl_node, IDLMember)) and
        annotation['suppressed'] = None


    map(add_source_annotation, interface.parents)
    map(add_source_annotation, interface.constants)
    map(add_source_annotation, interface.attributes)
    map(add_source_annotation, interface.operations)

  def _sign(self, node):
    """Computes a unique signature for the node, for merging purposed, by
    concatenating types and names in the declaration."""
    if isinstance(node, IDLType):
      res = node.id
      if res.startswith('unsigned '):
        res = res[len('unsigned '):]
      return res

    res = []
    if isinstance(node, IDLInterface):
      res = ['interface', node.id]
    elif isinstance(node, IDLParentInterface):
      res = ['parent', self._sign(node.type)]
    elif isinstance(node, IDLOperation):
      res = ['op']
      for special in node.specials:
      if node.id is not None:
      for arg in node.arguments:
    elif isinstance(node, IDLAttribute):
      res = []
      if node.is_read_only:
    elif isinstance(node, IDLConstant):
      res = []
      raise TypeError("Can't sign input of type %s" % type(node))
    return ':'.join(res)

  def _build_signatures_map(self, idl_node_list):
    """Creates a hash table mapping signatures to idl_nodes for the
    given list of nodes"""
    res = {}
    for idl_node in idl_node_list:
      sig = self._sign(idl_node)
      if sig is None:
      if sig in res:
        op = res[sig]
        # Only report if the operations that match are either both suppressed
        # or both not suppressed.  Optional args aren't part of type signature
        # for this routine. Suppressing a non-optional type and supplementing
        # with an optional type appear the same.
        if idl_node.is_fc_suppressed == op.is_fc_suppressed:
          raise RuntimeError('Warning: Multiple members have the same '
                           '  signature: "%s"' % sig)
      res[sig] = idl_node
    return res

  def _get_parent_interfaces(self, interface):
    """Return a list of all the parent interfaces of a given interface"""
    res = []

    def recurse(current_interface):
      if current_interface in res:
      for parent in current_interface.parents:
        parent_name = parent.type.id
        if self._database.HasInterface(parent_name):

    return res[1:]

  def _merge_ext_attrs(self, old_attrs, new_attrs):
    """Merges two sets of extended attributes.

    Returns: True if old_attrs has changed.
    changed = False
    for (name, value) in new_attrs.items():
      if name in old_attrs and old_attrs[name] == value:
        pass # Identical
        if name == 'ImplementedAs' and name in old_attrs:
        old_attrs[name] = value
        changed = True
    return changed

  def _merge_nodes(self, old_list, new_list, import_options):
    """Merges two lists of nodes. Annotates nodes with the source of each

      True if the old_list has changed.

      old_list -- the list to merge into.
      new_list -- list containing more nodes.
      import_options -- controls how merging is done.
    changed = False

    source = import_options.source

    old_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(old_list)
    new_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(new_list)

    # Merge new items
    for (sig, new_node) in new_signatures_map.items():
      if sig not in old_signatures_map:
        # New node:
        changed = True
        # Merge old and new nodes:
        old_node = old_signatures_map[sig]
        if (source not in old_node.annotations
            and source in new_node.annotations):
          old_node.annotations[source] = new_node.annotations[source]
          changed = True
        # Maybe rename arguments:
        if isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation):
          for i in range(0, len(old_node.arguments)):
            old_arg = old_node.arguments[i]
            new_arg = new_node.arguments[i]

            old_arg_name = old_arg.id
            new_arg_name = new_arg.id
            if (old_arg_name != new_arg_name
                and (old_arg_name == 'arg'
                     or old_arg_name.endswith('Arg')
                     or import_options.rename_operation_arguments_on_merge)):
              old_node.arguments[i].id = new_arg_name
              changed = True

            if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_arg.ext_attrs, new_arg.ext_attrs):
              changed = True

            # Merge in [Default=Undefined] and DOMString a = null handling in
            # IDL.  The IDL model (IDLArgument) coalesces these two different
            # default value syntaxes into the default_value* models.
            old_default_value = old_arg.default_value
            new_default_value = new_arg.default_value
            old_default_value_is_null = old_arg.default_value_is_null
            new_default_value_is_null = new_arg.default_value_is_null
            if old_default_value != new_default_value:
              old_arg.default_value = new_default_value
              changed = True
            if old_default_value_is_null != new_default_value_is_null:
              old_arg.default_value_is_null = new_default_value_is_null
              changed = True

            # Merge in any optional argument differences.
            old_optional = old_arg.optional
            new_optional = new_arg.optional
            if old_optional != new_optional:
              old_arg.optional = new_optional
              changed = True
        # Maybe merge annotations:
        if (isinstance(old_node, IDLAttribute) or
            isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation)):
          if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_node.ext_attrs, new_node.ext_attrs):
            changed = True

    # Remove annotations on obsolete items from the same source
    if import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:
      for (sig, old_node) in old_signatures_map.items():
        if (source in old_node.annotations
            and sig not in new_signatures_map):
          _logger.warn('%s not available in %s anymore' %
            (sig, source))
          del old_node.annotations[source]
          changed = True

    return changed

  def _merge_interfaces(self, old_interface, new_interface, import_options):
    """Merges the new_interface into the old_interface, annotating the
    interface with the sources of each change."""

    changed = False

    source = import_options.source
    if (source and source not in old_interface.annotations and
        source in new_interface.annotations and
        not new_interface.is_supplemental):
      old_interface.annotations[source] = new_interface.annotations[source]
      changed = True

    def merge_list(what):
      old_list = old_interface.__dict__[what]
      new_list = new_interface.__dict__[what]

      if what != 'parents' and old_interface.id != new_interface.id:
        for node in new_list:
          node.doc_js_interface_name = old_interface.id
          node.ext_attrs['ImplementedBy'] = new_interface.id

      changed = self._merge_nodes(old_list, new_list, import_options)

      # Delete list items with zero remaining annotations.
      if changed and import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:

        def has_annotations(idl_node):
          return len(idl_node.annotations)

        old_interface.__dict__[what] = filter(has_annotations, old_list)

      return changed

    # Smartly merge various declarations:
    if merge_list('parents'):
      changed = True
    if merge_list('constants'):
      changed = True
    if merge_list('attributes'):
      changed = True
    if merge_list('operations'):
      changed = True

    if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_interface.ext_attrs, new_interface.ext_attrs):
      changed = True

    _logger.info('merged interface %s (changed=%s, supplemental=%s)' %
      (old_interface.id, changed, new_interface.is_supplemental))

    return changed

  def _merge_impl_stmt(self, impl_stmt, import_options):
    """Applies "X implements Y" statemetns on the proper places in the
    implementor_name = impl_stmt.implementor.id
    implemented_name = impl_stmt.implemented.id
    _logger.info('merging impl stmt %s implements %s' %
                 (implementor_name, implemented_name))

    source = import_options.source
    if self._database.HasInterface(implementor_name):
      interface = self._database.GetInterface(implementor_name)
      if interface.parents is None:
        interface.parents = []
      for parent in interface.parents:
        if parent.type.id == implemented_name:
          if source and source not in parent.annotations:
            parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
      # not found, so add new one
      parent = IDLParentInterface(None)
      parent.type = IDLType(implemented_name)
      if source:
        parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(

  def merge_imported_interfaces(self):
    """Merges all imported interfaces and loads them into the DB."""
    imported_interfaces = self._imported_interfaces

    # Step 1: Pre process imported interfaces
#    for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces.iteritems():
    for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
      self._annotate(interface, import_options)

    # Step 2: Add all new interfaces and merge overlapping ones
    for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
      if not interface.is_supplemental:
        if self._database.HasInterface(interface.id):
          old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(interface.id)
          self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface, import_options)
          if import_options.add_new_interfaces:

    # Step 3: Merge in supplemental interfaces
    for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
      if interface.is_supplemental:
        target = interface.id
        if self._database.HasInterface(target):
          old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(target)
          self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface, import_options)
          _logger.warning("Supplemental target '%s' not found", target)

    # Step 4: Resolve 'implements' statements
    for impl_stmt, import_options in self._impl_stmts:
      self._merge_impl_stmt(impl_stmt, import_options)

    self._impl_stmts = []
    self._imported_interfaces = []

  def _compute_dart_idl_implements(self, idl_filename):
    full_path = os.path.realpath(idl_filename)

    with open(full_path) as f:
        idl_file_contents = f.read()

    implements_re = (r'^\s*'

    implements_matches = re.finditer(implements_re, idl_file_contents, re.MULTILINE)
    return [match.groups() for match in implements_matches]

  # Compile the IDL file with the Blink compiler and remember each AST for the
  # IDL.
  def _blink_compile_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl):
    if not(is_dart_idl):
      start_time = time.time()

    # Compute information for individual files
    # Information is stored in global variables interfaces_info and
    # partial_interface_files.
      for file_path in file_paths:

      end_time = time.time()
      print 'Compute dependencies %s seconds' % round((end_time - start_time), 2)
      # Compute the interface_info for dart.idl for implements defined.  This
      # file is special in that more than one interface can exist in this file.
      implement_pairs = self._compute_dart_idl_implements(file_paths[0])

      self._info_collector.interfaces_info['__dart_idl___'] = {
        'implement_pairs': implement_pairs,

    # Parse the IDL files serially.
    start_time = time.time()

    for file_path in file_paths:
      file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
      ast = _compile_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
      self._process_ast(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0], ast)

    end_time = time.time()
    print 'Compiled %s IDL files in %s seconds' % (len(file_paths),
                                                  round((end_time - start_time), 2))

  def _process_ast(self, filename, ast):
    if len(ast) == 1:
      ast = ast.values()[0]
      print 'ERROR: Processing AST: ' + os.path.basename(file_name)
    new_asts[filename] = ast

  def import_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl):
    self._blink_compile_idl_files(file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl)

    start_time = time.time()

    # Parse the IDL files in serial.
    for file_path in file_paths:
      file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
      idl_file = _load_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
      _logger.info('Processing %s' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0])
      self._process_idl_file(idl_file, import_options, is_dart_idl)

    end_time = time.time()

    for warning in report_unions_to_any():

    print 'Total %s files %sprocessed in databasebuilder in %s seconds' % \
    (len(file_paths), '', round((end_time - start_time), 2))

  def _process_idl_file(self, idl_file, import_options, dart_idl = False):
    # TODO(terry): strip_ext_attributes on an idl_file does nothing.
    self._rename_types(idl_file, import_options)

    def enabled(idl_node):
      return self._is_node_enabled(idl_node, import_options.idl_defines)

    for interface in idl_file.interfaces:
      if not self._is_node_enabled(interface, import_options.idl_defines):
        _logger.info('skipping interface %s (source=%s)'
          % (interface.id, import_options.source))

      _logger.info('importing interface %s (source=%s file=%s)'
        % (interface.id, import_options.source, os.path.basename(idl_file.filename)))

      interface.attributes = filter(enabled, interface.attributes)
      interface.operations = filter(enabled, interface.operations)
      self._imported_interfaces.append((interface, import_options))

    # If an IDL dictionary then there is no implementsStatements.
    if hasattr(idl_file, 'implementsStatements'):
      for implStmt in idl_file.implementsStatements:
        self._impl_stmts.append((implStmt, import_options))

    for enum in idl_file.enums:

    for dictionary in idl_file.dictionaries:

    # TODO(terry): Hack to remember all typedef unions they're mapped to any
    #              - no type.
    for typedef in idl_file.typeDefs:

  def _is_node_enabled(self, node, idl_defines):
    if not 'Conditional' in node.ext_attrs:
      return True

    def enabled(condition):
      return 'ENABLE_%s' % condition in idl_defines

    conditional = node.ext_attrs['Conditional']
    if conditional.find('&') != -1:
      for condition in conditional.split('&'):
        condition = condition.strip()
        if not enabled(condition):
          return False
      return True

    for condition in conditional.split('|'):
      condition = condition.strip()
      if enabled(condition):
        return True
    return False

  def fix_displacements(self, source):
    """E.g. In W3C, something is declared on HTMLDocument but in WebKit
    its on Document, so we need to mark that something in HTMLDocument
    with @WebKit(via=Document). The 'via' attribute specifies the
    parent interface that has the declaration."""

    for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
      changed = False

      _logger.info('fixing displacements in %s' % interface.id)

      for parent_interface in self._get_parent_interfaces(interface):
        _logger.info('scanning parent %s of %s' %
          (parent_interface.id, interface.id))

        def fix_nodes(local_list, parent_list):
          changed = False
          parent_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(
          for idl_node in local_list:
            sig = self._sign(idl_node)
            if sig in parent_signatures_map:
              parent_member = parent_signatures_map[sig]
              if (source in parent_member.annotations
                  and source not in idl_node.annotations
                  and _VIA_ANNOTATION_ATTR_NAME
                      not in parent_member.annotations[source]):
                idl_node.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
                    {_VIA_ANNOTATION_ATTR_NAME: parent_interface.id})
                changed = True
          return changed

        changed = fix_nodes(interface.constants,
                  parent_interface.constants) or changed
        changed = fix_nodes(interface.attributes,
                  parent_interface.attributes) or changed
        changed = fix_nodes(interface.operations,
                  parent_interface.operations) or changed
      if changed:
        _logger.info('fixed displaced declarations in %s' %

  def normalize_annotations(self, sources):
    """Makes the IDLs less verbose by removing annotation attributes
    that are identical to the ones defined at the interface level.

      sources -- list of source names to normalize."""
    for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
      _logger.debug('normalizing annotations for %s' % interface.id)
      for source in sources:
        if (source not in interface.annotations or
            not interface.annotations[source]):
        top_level_annotation = interface.annotations[source]

        def normalize(idl_node):
          if (source in idl_node.annotations
              and idl_node.annotations[source]):
            annotation = idl_node.annotations[source]
            for name, value in annotation.items():
              if (name in top_level_annotation
                  and value == top_level_annotation[name]):
                del annotation[name]

        map(normalize, interface.parents)
        map(normalize, interface.constants)
        map(normalize, interface.attributes)
        map(normalize, interface.operations)

  def map_dictionaries(self):
    """Changes the type of operations/constructors arguments from an IDL
       dictionary to a Dictionary.  The IDL dictionary is just an enums of
       strings which are checked at run-time."""
    def dictionary_to_map(type_node):
      if self._database.HasDictionary(type_node.id):
        type_node.dictionary = type_node.id
        type_node.id = 'Dictionary'

    def all_types(node):
      map(dictionary_to_map, node.all(IDLType))

    for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
      map(all_types, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))
      map(all_types, interface.attributes)
      map(all_types, interface.operations)

  def fetch_constructor_data(self, options):
    window_interface = self._database.GetInterface('Window')
    for attr in window_interface.attributes:
      type = attr.type.id
      if not type.endswith('Constructor'):
      type = re.sub('(Constructor)+$', '', type)
      # TODO(antonm): Ideally we'd like to have pristine copy of WebKit IDLs and fetch
      # this information directly from it.  Unfortunately right now database is massaged
      # a lot so it's difficult to maintain necessary information on Window itself.
      interface = self._database.GetInterface(type)
      if 'V8EnabledPerContext' in attr.ext_attrs:
        interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledPerContext'] = \
      if 'V8EnabledAtRuntime' in attr.ext_attrs:
        interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledAtRuntime'] = \
            attr.ext_attrs['V8EnabledAtRuntime'] or attr.id

  # Iterate of the database looking for relationships between dictionaries and
  # interfaces marked with NoInterfaceObject.  This mechanism can be used for
  # other IDL analysis.
  def examine_database(self):
    # Contains list of dictionary structure: {'dictionary': dictionary, 'usages': []}
    self._diag_dictionaries = [];
    self._dictionaries_used_types = [];

    # Record any dictionary.
    for dictionary in self._database.GetDictionaries():
      self._diag_dictionaries.append({'dictionary': dictionary, 'usages': []});

    # Contains list of NoInterfaceObject structures: {'no_interface_object': dictionary, 'usages': []}
    self._diag_no_interfaces = [];
    self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];

    # Record any interface with Blink IDL Extended Attribute 'NoInterfaceObject'.
    for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
      if interface.is_no_interface_object:
        self._diag_no_interfaces.append({'no_interface_object': interface, 'usages': []});

    for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
      self._constructors(interface, check_dictionaries=False)

      for attribute in interface.attributes:
        self._attribute_operation(interface, attribute)
        self._attribute_operation(interface, attribute, check_dictionaries=False)

      for operation in interface.operations:
        self._attribute_operation(interface, operation)
        self._attribute_operation(interface, operation, check_dictionaries=False)

    # Report all dictionaries and their usage.
    # Report all interface marked with NoInterfaceObject and their usage.

    print '\nKey:'
    print '  (READ-ONLY) - read-only attribute has relationship'
    print '  (GET/SET)   - attribute has relationship'
    print '  RETURN      - operation\'s returned value has relationship'
    print '  (ARGUMENT)  - operation\'s argument(s) has relationship'
    print ''
    print '  (New)       - After dictionary name if constructor(s) exist'
    print '  (Ops,Props,New) after a NoInterfaceObject name is defined as:'
    print '    Ops       - number of operations for a NoInterfaceObject'
    print '    Props     - number of properties for a NoInterfaceObject'
    print '    New       - T(#) number constructors for a NoInterfaceObject'
    print '                F no constructors for a NoInterfaceObject'
    print '                e.g., an interface 5 operations, 3 properties and 2'
    print '                      constructors would display (5,3,T(2))'

    print '\n\nExamination Complete\n'

  def _output_examination(self, check_dictionaries=True):
    # Output diagnostics. First columns is Dictionary or NoInterfaceObject e.g.,
    # |  Dictionary  |  Used In Interface  |  Usage Operation/Attribute  |
    print '\n\n'
    title_bar = ['Dictionary', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute'] if check_dictionaries \
                else ['NoInterfaceObject (Ops,Props,New)', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute']
    diags = self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces
    for diag in diags:
      if not(check_dictionaries):
        interface = diag['no_interface_object']
        ops_count = len(interface.operations)
        properties_count = len(interface.attributes)
        any_constructors = 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs
        constructors = 'T(%s)' % len(interface.ext_attrs['Constructor']) if any_constructors else 'F'
        interface_detail = '%s (%s,%s,%s)' % \
        self._tabulate([interface_detail, '', ''])
        dictionary = diag['dictionary']
        any_constructors = 'Constructor' in dictionary.ext_attrs
        self._tabulate(['%s%s' % (dictionary.id, ' (New)' if any_constructors else ''), '', ''])
      for usage in diag['usages']:
        detail = ''
        if 'attribute' in usage:
          attribute_type = 'READ-ONLY' if not usage['argument'] else 'GET/SET'
          detail = '(%s) %s' % (attribute_type, usage['attribute'])
        elif 'operation' in usage:
          detail = '%s %s%s' % ('RETURN' if usage['result'] else '',
                                         '(ARGUMENT)' if usage['argument'] else '')
        self._tabulate([None, usage['interface'], detail])

  # operation_or_attribute either IDLOperation or IDLAttribute if None then
  # its a constructor (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue).
  def _mark_usage(self, interface, operation_or_attribute = None, check_dictionaries=True):
    for diag in self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces:
      for usage in diag['usages']:
        if not usage['interface']:
          usage['interface'] = interface.id
          if isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLOperation):
            usage['operation'] = operation_or_attribute.id
            if check_dictionaries:
              usage['result'] = hasattr(operation_or_attribute.type, 'dictionary') and \
                operation_or_attribute.type.dictionary == diag['dictionary'].id
              usage['result'] = operation_or_attribute.type.id == diag['no_interface_object'].id
            usage['argument'] = False
            for argument in operation_or_attribute.arguments:
              if check_dictionaries:
                arg = hasattr(argument.type, 'dictionary') and argument.type.dictionary == diag['dictionary'].id
                arg = argument.type.id == diag['no_interface_object'].id
              if arg:
                usage['argument'] = arg
          elif isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLAttribute):
            usage['attribute'] = operation_or_attribute.id
            usage['result'] = True
            usage['argument'] = not operation_or_attribute.is_read_only
          elif not operation_or_attribute:
            # Its a constructor only argument is dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject.
            usage['operation'] = 'constructor'
            usage['result'] = False
            usage['argument'] = True

  def _remember_usage(self, node, check_dictionaries=True):
    if check_dictionaries:
      used_types = self._dictionaries_used_types
      diag_list = self._diag_dictionaries
      diag_name = 'dictionary'
      used_types = self._no_interfaces_used_types
      diag_list = self._diag_no_interfaces
      diag_name = 'no_interface_object'

    if len(used_types) > 0:
      normalized_used = list(set(used_types))
      for recorded_id in normalized_used:
        for diag in diag_list:
          if diag[diag_name].id == recorded_id:
            diag['usages'].append({'interface': None, 'node': node})

  # Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is a dictionary then remember
  # that dictionary.
  def _dictionary_used(self, type_node):
    if hasattr(type_node, 'dictionary'):
      dictionary_id = type_node.dictionary
      if self._database.HasDictionary(dictionary_id):
        for diag_dictionary in self._diag_dictionaries:
          if diag_dictionary['dictionary'].id == dictionary_id:
            # Record the dictionary that was referenced.

      # If we get to this point, the IDL dictionary was never defined ... oops.
      print 'DIAGNOSE_ERROR: IDL Dictionary %s doesn\'t exist.' % dictionary_id

  # Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is an interface marked with
  # NoInterfaceObject then remember that interface.
  def _no_interface_used(self, type_node):
    if hasattr(type_node, 'id'):
      no_interface_id = type_node.id
      if self._database.HasInterface(no_interface_id):
        no_interface = self._database.GetInterface(no_interface_id)
        if no_interface.is_no_interface_object:
          for diag_no_interface in self._diag_no_interfaces:
            if diag_no_interface['no_interface_object'].id == no_interface_id:
              # Record the interface marked with NoInterfaceObject.

  def _constructors(self, interface, check_dictionaries=True):
    if check_dictionaries:
      self._dictionaries_used_types = []
      constructor_function = self._dictionary_constructor_types
      self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
      constructor_function = self._no_interface_constructor_types

    map(constructor_function, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))

    self._mark_usage(interface, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)

  # Scan an attribute or operation for a dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject
  # reference.  
  def _attribute_operation(self, interface, operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=True):
    if check_dictionaries:
      self._dictionaries_used_types = []
      used = self._dictionary_used
      self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
      used = self._no_interface_used

    map(used, operation_attribute.all(IDLType))

    self._remember_usage(operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)
    self._mark_usage(interface, operation_attribute, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)

  # Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
  # (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that have a dictionary reference.
  def _dictionary_constructor_types(self, node):
    self._dictionaries_used_types = []
    map(self._dictionary_used, node.all(IDLType))

  # Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
  # (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that reference an interface with NoInterfaceObject.
  def _no_interface_constructor_types(self, node):
    self._no_interfaces_used_types = [];
    map(self._no_interface_used, node.all(IDLType))
    self._remember_usage(node, check_dictionaries=False)

  # Maximum width of each column.
  def _TABULATE_WIDTH(self):
    return 45

  def _tabulate_title(self, row_title):
    title_separator = "=" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
    self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])
    self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])

  def _tabulate_break(self):
    break_separator = "-" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
    self._tabulate([break_separator, break_separator, break_separator])

  def _tabulate(self, columns):
    """Tabulate a list of columns for a row.  Each item in columns is a column
       value each column will be padded up to _TABULATE_WIDTH.  Each
       column starts/ends with a vertical bar '|' the format a row:

           | columns[0] | columns[1] | columns[2] | ... |
    if len(columns) > 0:
      for column in columns:
        value = '' if not column else column
        sys.stdout.write('|{0:^{1}}'.format(value, self._TABULATE_WIDTH()))
      sys.stdout.write('|{0:^{1}}'.format('', self._TABULATE_WIDTH()))

Exemplo n.º 4
class DatabaseBuilder(object):
    def __init__(self, database):
        """DatabaseBuilder is used for importing and merging interfaces into
    the Database"""
        self._info_collector = InterfaceInfoCollector()

        self._database = database
        self._imported_interfaces = []
        self._impl_stmts = []
        self.conditionals_met = set()

        # Spin up the new IDL parser.
        self.build = Build(self)

        # Global typedef to mapping.
        self.global_type_defs = monitored.Dict(
            'databasebuilder.global_type_defs', {
                'Transferable': 'MessagePort',

    # TODO(terry): Consider keeping richer type information (e.g.,
    #              IdlArrayOrSequenceType from the Blink parser) instead of just
    #              a type name.
    def _resolve_type_defs(self, idl_file):
        for type_node in idl_file.all(IDLType):
            resolved = False
            type_name = type_node.id
            for typedef in self.global_type_defs:
                seq_name_typedef = 'sequence<%s>' % typedef
                if type_name == typedef:
                    type_node.id = self.global_type_defs[typedef]
                    resolved = True
                elif type_name == seq_name_typedef:
                    type_node.id = 'sequence<%s>' % self.global_type_defs[
                    resolved = True
            if not (resolved):
                for typedef in idl_file.typeDefs:
                    if type_name == typedef.id:
                        type_node.id = typedef.type.id
                        resolved = True

    def _strip_ext_attributes(self, idl_file):
        """Strips unuseful extended attributes."""
        for ext_attrs in idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs):
            # TODO: Decide which attributes are uninteresting.

    def _rename_types(self, idl_file, import_options):
        """Rename interface and type names with names provided in the
    options. Also clears scopes from scoped names"""

        strip_modules = lambda name: name.split('::')[-1]

        def rename_node(idl_node):

        def rename_ext_attrs(ext_attrs_node):
            for type_valued_attribute_name in ['DartSupplemental']:
                if type_valued_attribute_name in ext_attrs_node:
                    value = ext_attrs_node[type_valued_attribute_name]
                    if isinstance(value, str):
                            type_valued_attribute_name] = strip_modules(value)

        map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLInterface))
        map(rename_node, idl_file.all(IDLType))
        map(rename_ext_attrs, idl_file.all(IDLExtAttrs))

    def _annotate(self, interface, import_options):
        """Adds @ annotations based on the source and source_attributes
    members of import_options."""

        source = import_options.source
        if not source:

        def add_source_annotation(idl_node):
            annotation = IDLAnnotation(
            idl_node.annotations[source] = annotation
            if ((isinstance(idl_node, IDLInterface)
                 or isinstance(idl_node, IDLMember))
                    and idl_node.is_fc_suppressed):
                annotation['suppressed'] = None


        map(add_source_annotation, interface.parents)
        map(add_source_annotation, interface.constants)
        map(add_source_annotation, interface.attributes)
        map(add_source_annotation, interface.operations)

    def _sign(self, node):
        """Computes a unique signature for the node, for merging purposed, by
    concatenating types and names in the declaration."""
        if isinstance(node, IDLType):
            res = node.id
            if res.startswith('unsigned '):
                res = res[len('unsigned '):]
            if hasattr(node, 'nullable') and node.nullable:
                res += '?'
            return res

        res = []
        if isinstance(node, IDLInterface):
            res = ['interface', node.id]
        elif isinstance(node, IDLParentInterface):
            res = ['parent', self._sign(node.type)]
        elif isinstance(node, IDLOperation):
            res = ['op']
            for special in node.specials:
            if node.id is not None:
            for arg in node.arguments:
        elif isinstance(node, IDLAttribute):
            res = []
            if node.is_read_only:
        elif isinstance(node, IDLConstant):
            res = []
            raise TypeError("Can't sign input of type %s" % type(node))
        return ':'.join(res)

    def _build_signatures_map(self, idl_node_list):
        """Creates a hash table mapping signatures to idl_nodes for the
    given list of nodes"""
        res = {}
        for idl_node in idl_node_list:
            sig = self._sign(idl_node)
            if sig is None:
            if sig in res:
                op = res[sig]
                # Only report if the operations that match are either both suppressed
                # or both not suppressed.  Optional args aren't part of type signature
                # for this routine. Suppressing a non-optional type and supplementing
                # with an optional type appear the same.
                if idl_node.is_fc_suppressed == op.is_fc_suppressed:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Warning: Multiple members have the same '
                        '  signature: "%s"' % sig)
            res[sig] = idl_node
        return res

    def _get_parent_interfaces(self, interface):
        """Return a list of all the parent interfaces of a given interface"""
        res = []

        def recurse(current_interface):
            if current_interface in res:
            for parent in current_interface.parents:
                parent_name = parent.type.id
                if self._database.HasInterface(parent_name):

        return res[1:]

    def _merge_ext_attrs(self, old_attrs, new_attrs):
        """Merges two sets of extended attributes.

    Returns: True if old_attrs has changed.
        changed = False
        for (name, value) in new_attrs.items():
            if name in old_attrs and old_attrs[name] == value:
                pass  # Identical
                if name == 'ImplementedAs' and name in old_attrs:
                old_attrs[name] = value
                changed = True
        return changed

    def _merge_nodes(self, old_list, new_list, import_options):
        """Merges two lists of nodes. Annotates nodes with the source of each

      True if the old_list has changed.

      old_list -- the list to merge into.
      new_list -- list containing more nodes.
      import_options -- controls how merging is done.
        changed = False

        source = import_options.source

        old_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(old_list)
        new_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(new_list)

        # Merge new items
        for (sig, new_node) in new_signatures_map.items():
            if sig not in old_signatures_map:
                # New node:
                changed = True
                # Merge old and new nodes:
                old_node = old_signatures_map[sig]
                if (source not in old_node.annotations
                        and source in new_node.annotations):
                    old_node.annotations[source] = new_node.annotations[source]
                    changed = True
                # Maybe rename arguments:
                if isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation):
                    for i in range(0, len(old_node.arguments)):
                        old_arg = old_node.arguments[i]
                        new_arg = new_node.arguments[i]

                        old_arg_name = old_arg.id
                        new_arg_name = new_arg.id
                        if (old_arg_name != new_arg_name and
                            (old_arg_name == 'arg'
                             or old_arg_name.endswith('Arg') or
                            old_node.arguments[i].id = new_arg_name
                            changed = True

                        if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_arg.ext_attrs,
                            changed = True

                        # Merge in [Default=Undefined] and DOMString a = null handling in
                        # IDL.  The IDL model (IDLArgument) coalesces these two different
                        # default value syntaxes into the default_value* models.
                        old_default_value = old_arg.default_value
                        new_default_value = new_arg.default_value
                        old_default_value_is_null = old_arg.default_value_is_null
                        new_default_value_is_null = new_arg.default_value_is_null
                        if old_default_value != new_default_value:
                            old_arg.default_value = new_default_value
                            changed = True
                        if old_default_value_is_null != new_default_value_is_null:
                            old_arg.default_value_is_null = new_default_value_is_null
                            changed = True

                        # Merge in any optional argument differences.
                        old_optional = old_arg.optional
                        new_optional = new_arg.optional
                        if old_optional != new_optional:
                            old_arg.optional = new_optional
                            changed = True
                # Maybe merge annotations:
                if (isinstance(old_node, IDLAttribute)
                        or isinstance(old_node, IDLOperation)):
                    if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_node.ext_attrs,
                        changed = True

        # Remove annotations on obsolete items from the same source
        if import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:
            for (sig, old_node) in old_signatures_map.items():
                if (source in old_node.annotations
                        and sig not in new_signatures_map):
                    _logger.warn('%s not available in %s anymore' %
                                 (sig, source))
                    del old_node.annotations[source]
                    changed = True

        return changed

    def _merge_interfaces(self, old_interface, new_interface, import_options):
        """Merges the new_interface into the old_interface, annotating the
    interface with the sources of each change."""

        changed = False

        source = import_options.source
        if (source and source not in old_interface.annotations
                and source in new_interface.annotations
                and not new_interface.is_supplemental):
            old_interface.annotations[source] = new_interface.annotations[
            changed = True

        def merge_list(what):
            old_list = old_interface.__dict__[what]
            new_list = new_interface.__dict__[what]

            if what != 'parents' and old_interface.id != new_interface.id:
                for node in new_list:
                    node.doc_js_interface_name = old_interface.id
                    node.ext_attrs['ImplementedBy'] = new_interface.id

            changed = self._merge_nodes(old_list, new_list, import_options)

            # Delete list items with zero remaining annotations.
            if changed and import_options.obsolete_old_declarations:

                def has_annotations(idl_node):
                    return len(idl_node.annotations)

                old_interface.__dict__[what] = filter(has_annotations,

            return changed

        # Smartly merge various declarations:
        if merge_list('parents'):
            changed = True
        if merge_list('constants'):
            changed = True
        if merge_list('attributes'):
            changed = True
        if merge_list('operations'):
            changed = True

        if self._merge_ext_attrs(old_interface.ext_attrs,
            changed = True

            'merged interface %s (changed=%s, supplemental=%s)' %
            (old_interface.id, changed, new_interface.is_supplemental))

        return changed

    def _merge_impl_stmt(self, impl_stmt, import_options):
        """Applies "X implements Y" statemetns on the proper places in the
        implementor_name = impl_stmt.implementor.id
        implemented_name = impl_stmt.implemented.id
        _logger.info('merging impl stmt %s implements %s' %
                     (implementor_name, implemented_name))

        source = import_options.source
        if self._database.HasInterface(implementor_name):
            interface = self._database.GetInterface(implementor_name)
            if interface.parents is None:
                interface.parents = []
            for parent in interface.parents:
                if parent.type.id == implemented_name:
                    if source and source not in parent.annotations:
                        parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(
            # not found, so add new one
            parent = IDLParentInterface(None)
            parent.type = IDLType(implemented_name)
            if source:
                parent.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation(

    def merge_imported_interfaces(self):
        """Merges all imported interfaces and loads them into the DB."""
        imported_interfaces = self._imported_interfaces

        # Step 1: Pre process imported interfaces
        for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
            self._annotate(interface, import_options)

        # Step 2: Add all new interfaces and merge overlapping ones
        for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
            if not interface.is_supplemental:
                if self._database.HasInterface(interface.id):
                    old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(interface.id)
                    self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface,
                    if import_options.add_new_interfaces:

        # Step 3: Merge in supplemental interfaces
        for interface, import_options in imported_interfaces:
            if interface.is_supplemental:
                target = interface.id
                if self._database.HasInterface(target):
                    old_interface = self._database.GetInterface(target)
                    self._merge_interfaces(old_interface, interface,
                    _logger.warning("Supplemental target '%s' not found",

        # Step 4: Resolve 'implements' statements
        for impl_stmt, import_options in self._impl_stmts:
            self._merge_impl_stmt(impl_stmt, import_options)

        self._impl_stmts = []
        self._imported_interfaces = []

    def _compute_dart_idl_implements(self, idl_filename):
        full_path = os.path.realpath(idl_filename)

        with open(full_path) as f:
            idl_file_contents = f.read()

        implements_re = (r'^\s*' r'(\w+)\s+' r'implements\s+' r'(\w+)\s*' r';')

        implements_matches = re.finditer(implements_re, idl_file_contents,
        return [match.groups() for match in implements_matches]

    # Compile the IDL file with the Blink compiler and remember each AST for the
    # IDL.
    def _blink_compile_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options,
        if not (is_dart_idl):
            start_time = time.time()

            # Compute information for individual files
            # Information is stored in global variables interfaces_info and
            # partial_interface_files.
            for file_path in file_paths:

            end_time = time.time()
            print('Compute dependencies %s seconds' % round(
                (end_time - start_time), 2))
            # Compute the interface_info for dart.idl for implements defined.  This
            # file is special in that more than one interface can exist in this file.
            implement_pairs = self._compute_dart_idl_implements(file_paths[0])

            self._info_collector.interfaces_info['__dart_idl___'] = {
                'implement_pairs': implement_pairs,

        # Parse the IDL files serially.
        start_time = time.time()

        for file_path in file_paths:
            file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
            ast = _compile_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
                os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0], ast)

        end_time = time.time()
        print('Compiled %s IDL files in %s seconds' %
              (len(file_paths), round((end_time - start_time), 2)))

    def _process_ast(self, filename, ast):
        if len(ast) == 1:
            ast = ast.values()[0]
            print('ERROR: Processing AST: ' + os.path.basename(file_name))
        new_asts[filename] = ast

    def import_idl_files(self, file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl):
        self._blink_compile_idl_files(file_paths, import_options, is_dart_idl)

        start_time = time.time()

        # Parse the IDL files in serial.
        for file_path in file_paths:
            file_path = os.path.normpath(file_path)
            idl_file = _load_idl_file(self.build, file_path, import_options)
            _logger.info('Processing %s' %
            self._process_idl_file(idl_file, import_options, is_dart_idl)

        end_time = time.time()

        for warning in report_unions_to_any():

        print('Total %s files %sprocessed in databasebuilder in %s seconds' % \
        (len(file_paths), '', round((end_time - start_time), 2)))

    def _process_idl_file(self, idl_file, import_options, dart_idl=False):
        # TODO(terry): strip_ext_attributes on an idl_file does nothing.
        self._rename_types(idl_file, import_options)

        def enabled(idl_node):
            return self._is_node_enabled(idl_node, import_options.idl_defines)

        for interface in idl_file.interfaces:
            if not self._is_node_enabled(interface,
                _logger.info('skipping interface %s (source=%s)' %
                             (interface.id, import_options.source))

            _logger.info('importing interface %s (source=%s file=%s)' %
                         (interface.id, import_options.source,

            interface.attributes = filter(enabled, interface.attributes)
            interface.operations = filter(enabled, interface.operations)
            self._imported_interfaces.append((interface, import_options))

        # If an IDL dictionary then there is no implementsStatements.
        if hasattr(idl_file, 'implementsStatements'):
            for implStmt in idl_file.implementsStatements:
                self._impl_stmts.append((implStmt, import_options))

        for enum in idl_file.enums:

        for dictionary in idl_file.dictionaries:

        # TODO(terry): Hack to remember all typedef unions they're mapped to any
        #              - no type.
        for typedef in idl_file.typeDefs:

    def _is_node_enabled(self, node, idl_defines):
        if not 'Conditional' in node.ext_attrs:
            return True

        def enabled(condition):
            return 'ENABLE_%s' % condition in idl_defines

        conditional = node.ext_attrs['Conditional']
        if conditional.find('&') != -1:
            for condition in conditional.split('&'):
                condition = condition.strip()
                if not enabled(condition):
                    return False
            return True

        for condition in conditional.split('|'):
            condition = condition.strip()
            if enabled(condition):
                return True
        return False

    def fix_displacements(self, source):
        """E.g. In W3C, something is declared on HTMLDocument but in WebKit
    its on Document, so we need to mark that something in HTMLDocument
    with @WebKit(via=Document). The 'via' attribute specifies the
    parent interface that has the declaration."""

        for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
            changed = False

            _logger.info('fixing displacements in %s' % interface.id)

            for parent_interface in self._get_parent_interfaces(interface):
                _logger.info('scanning parent %s of %s' %
                             (parent_interface.id, interface.id))

                def fix_nodes(local_list, parent_list):
                    changed = False
                    parent_signatures_map = self._build_signatures_map(
                    for idl_node in local_list:
                        sig = self._sign(idl_node)
                        if sig in parent_signatures_map:
                            parent_member = parent_signatures_map[sig]
                            if (source in parent_member.annotations
                                    and source not in idl_node.annotations
                                    and _VIA_ANNOTATION_ATTR_NAME
                                    not in parent_member.annotations[source]):
                                idl_node.annotations[source] = IDLAnnotation({
                                changed = True
                    return changed

                changed = fix_nodes(interface.constants,
                                    parent_interface.constants) or changed
                changed = fix_nodes(interface.attributes,
                                    parent_interface.attributes) or changed
                changed = fix_nodes(interface.operations,
                                    parent_interface.operations) or changed
            if changed:
                _logger.info('fixed displaced declarations in %s' %

    def normalize_annotations(self, sources):
        """Makes the IDLs less verbose by removing annotation attributes
    that are identical to the ones defined at the interface level.

      sources -- list of source names to normalize."""
        for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
            _logger.debug('normalizing annotations for %s' % interface.id)
            for source in sources:
                if (source not in interface.annotations
                        or not interface.annotations[source]):
                top_level_annotation = interface.annotations[source]

                def normalize(idl_node):
                    if (source in idl_node.annotations
                            and idl_node.annotations[source]):
                        annotation = idl_node.annotations[source]
                        for name, value in annotation.items():
                            if (name in top_level_annotation
                                    and value == top_level_annotation[name]):
                                del annotation[name]

                map(normalize, interface.parents)
                map(normalize, interface.constants)
                map(normalize, interface.attributes)
                map(normalize, interface.operations)

    def map_dictionaries(self):
        """Changes the type of operations/constructors arguments from an IDL
       dictionary to a Dictionary.  The IDL dictionary is just an enums of
       strings which are checked at run-time."""
        def dictionary_to_map(type_node):
            if self._database.HasDictionary(type_node.id):
                type_node.dictionary = type_node.id
                type_node.id = 'Dictionary'

        def all_types(node):
            map(dictionary_to_map, node.all(IDLType))

        for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
            map(all_types, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))
            map(all_types, interface.attributes)
            map(all_types, interface.operations)

    def fetch_constructor_data(self, options):
        window_interface = self._database.GetInterface('Window')
        for attr in window_interface.attributes:
            type = attr.type.id
            if not type.endswith('Constructor'):
            type = re.sub('(Constructor)+$', '', type)
            # TODO(antonm): Ideally we'd like to have pristine copy of WebKit IDLs and fetch
            # this information directly from it.  Unfortunately right now database is massaged
            # a lot so it's difficult to maintain necessary information on Window itself.
            interface = self._database.GetInterface(type)
            if 'V8EnabledPerContext' in attr.ext_attrs:
                interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledPerContext'] = \
            if 'V8EnabledAtRuntime' in attr.ext_attrs:
                interface.ext_attrs['synthesizedV8EnabledAtRuntime'] = \
                    attr.ext_attrs['V8EnabledAtRuntime'] or attr.id

    # Iterate of the database looking for relationships between dictionaries and
    # interfaces marked with NoInterfaceObject.  This mechanism can be used for
    # other IDL analysis.
    def examine_database(self):
        # Contains list of dictionary structure: {'dictionary': dictionary, 'usages': []}
        self._diag_dictionaries = []
        self._dictionaries_used_types = []

        # Record any dictionary.
        for dictionary in self._database.GetDictionaries():
                'dictionary': dictionary,
                'usages': []

        # Contains list of NoInterfaceObject structures: {'no_interface_object': dictionary, 'usages': []}
        self._diag_no_interfaces = []
        self._no_interfaces_used_types = []

        # Record any interface with Blink IDL Extended Attribute 'NoInterfaceObject'.
        for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
            if interface.is_no_interface_object:
                    'no_interface_object': interface,
                    'usages': []

        for interface in self._database.GetInterfaces():
            self._constructors(interface, check_dictionaries=False)

            for attribute in interface.attributes:
                self._attribute_operation(interface, attribute)

            for operation in interface.operations:
                self._attribute_operation(interface, operation)

        # Report all dictionaries and their usage.
        # Report all interface marked with NoInterfaceObject and their usage.

  (READ-ONLY) - read-only attribute has relationship
  (GET/SET)   - attribute has relationship
  RETURN      - operation\'s returned value has relationship
  (ARGUMENT)  - operation\'s argument(s) has relationship

  (New)       - After dictionary name if constructor(s) exist
  (Ops,Props,New) after a NoInterfaceObject name is defined as:
    Ops       - number of operations for a NoInterfaceObject
    Props     - number of properties for a NoInterfaceObject
    New       - T(#) number constructors for a NoInterfaceObject
                F no constructors for a NoInterfaceObject
                e.g., an interface 5 operations, 3 properties and 2
                      constructors would display (5,3,T(2))

Examination Complete

    def _output_examination(self, check_dictionaries=True):
        # Output diagnostics. First columns is Dictionary or NoInterfaceObject e.g.,
        # |  Dictionary  |  Used In Interface  |  Usage Operation/Attribute  |
        title_bar = ['Dictionary', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute'] if check_dictionaries \
                    else ['NoInterfaceObject (Ops,Props,New)', 'Used In Interface', 'Usage Operation/Attribute']
        diags = self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces
        for diag in diags:
            if not (check_dictionaries):
                interface = diag['no_interface_object']
                ops_count = len(interface.operations)
                properties_count = len(interface.attributes)
                any_constructors = 'Constructor' in interface.ext_attrs
                constructors = 'T(%s)' % len(interface.ext_attrs['Constructor']
                                             ) if any_constructors else 'F'
                interface_detail = '%s (%s,%s,%s)' % \
                self._tabulate([interface_detail, '', ''])
                dictionary = diag['dictionary']
                any_constructors = 'Constructor' in dictionary.ext_attrs
                    '%s%s' %
                    (dictionary.id, ' (New)' if any_constructors else ''), '',
            for usage in diag['usages']:
                detail = ''
                if 'attribute' in usage:
                    attribute_type = 'READ-ONLY' if not usage[
                        'argument'] else 'GET/SET'
                    detail = '(%s) %s' % (attribute_type, usage['attribute'])
                elif 'operation' in usage:
                    detail = '%s %s%s' % ('RETURN' if usage['result'] else '',
                                          usage['operation'], '(ARGUMENT)'
                                          if usage['argument'] else '')
                self._tabulate([None, usage['interface'], detail])

    # operation_or_attribute either IDLOperation or IDLAttribute if None then
    # its a constructor (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue).
    def _mark_usage(self,
        for diag in self._diag_dictionaries if check_dictionaries else self._diag_no_interfaces:
            for usage in diag['usages']:
                if not usage['interface']:
                    usage['interface'] = interface.id
                    if isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLOperation):
                        usage['operation'] = operation_or_attribute.id
                        if check_dictionaries:
                            usage['result'] = hasattr(operation_or_attribute.type, 'dictionary') and \
                              operation_or_attribute.type.dictionary == diag['dictionary'].id
                                'result'] = operation_or_attribute.type.id == diag[
                        usage['argument'] = False
                        for argument in operation_or_attribute.arguments:
                            if check_dictionaries:
                                arg = hasattr(
                                    argument.type, 'dictionary'
                                ) and argument.type.dictionary == diag[
                                arg = argument.type.id == diag[
                            if arg:
                                usage['argument'] = arg
                    elif isinstance(operation_or_attribute, IDLAttribute):
                        usage['attribute'] = operation_or_attribute.id
                        usage['result'] = True
                            'argument'] = not operation_or_attribute.is_read_only
                    elif not operation_or_attribute:
                        # Its a constructor only argument is dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject.
                        usage['operation'] = 'constructor'
                        usage['result'] = False
                        usage['argument'] = True

    def _remember_usage(self, node, check_dictionaries=True):
        if check_dictionaries:
            used_types = self._dictionaries_used_types
            diag_list = self._diag_dictionaries
            diag_name = 'dictionary'
            used_types = self._no_interfaces_used_types
            diag_list = self._diag_no_interfaces
            diag_name = 'no_interface_object'

        if len(used_types) > 0:
            normalized_used = list(set(used_types))
            for recorded_id in normalized_used:
                for diag in diag_list:
                    if diag[diag_name].id == recorded_id:
                            'interface': None,
                            'node': node

    # Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is a dictionary then remember
    # that dictionary.
    def _dictionary_used(self, type_node):
        if hasattr(type_node, 'dictionary'):
            dictionary_id = type_node.dictionary
            if self._database.HasDictionary(dictionary_id):
                for diag_dictionary in self._diag_dictionaries:
                    if diag_dictionary['dictionary'].id == dictionary_id:
                        # Record the dictionary that was referenced.

            # If we get to this point, the IDL dictionary was never defined ... oops.
            print('DIAGNOSE_ERROR: IDL Dictionary %s doesn\'t exist.' %

    # Iterator function to look for any IDLType that is an interface marked with
    # NoInterfaceObject then remember that interface.
    def _no_interface_used(self, type_node):
        if hasattr(type_node, 'id'):
            no_interface_id = type_node.id
            if self._database.HasInterface(no_interface_id):
                no_interface = self._database.GetInterface(no_interface_id)
                if no_interface.is_no_interface_object:
                    for diag_no_interface in self._diag_no_interfaces:
                        if diag_no_interface[
                                'no_interface_object'].id == no_interface_id:
                            # Record the interface marked with NoInterfaceObject.

    def _constructors(self, interface, check_dictionaries=True):
        if check_dictionaries:
            self._dictionaries_used_types = []
            constructor_function = self._dictionary_constructor_types
            self._no_interfaces_used_types = []
            constructor_function = self._no_interface_constructor_types

        map(constructor_function, interface.all(IDLExtAttrFunctionValue))

        self._mark_usage(interface, check_dictionaries=check_dictionaries)

    # Scan an attribute or operation for a dictionary or interface with NoInterfaceObject
    # reference.
    def _attribute_operation(self,
        if check_dictionaries:
            self._dictionaries_used_types = []
            used = self._dictionary_used
            self._no_interfaces_used_types = []
            used = self._no_interface_used

        map(used, operation_attribute.all(IDLType))


    # Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
    # (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that have a dictionary reference.
    def _dictionary_constructor_types(self, node):
        self._dictionaries_used_types = []
        map(self._dictionary_used, node.all(IDLType))

    # Iterator function for map to iterate over all constructor types
    # (IDLExtAttrFunctionValue) that reference an interface with NoInterfaceObject.
    def _no_interface_constructor_types(self, node):
        self._no_interfaces_used_types = []
        map(self._no_interface_used, node.all(IDLType))
        self._remember_usage(node, check_dictionaries=False)

    # Maximum width of each column.
    def _TABULATE_WIDTH(self):
        return 45

    def _tabulate_title(self, row_title):
        title_separator = "=" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
        self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])
        self._tabulate([title_separator, title_separator, title_separator])

    def _tabulate_break(self):
        break_separator = "-" * self._TABULATE_WIDTH()
        self._tabulate([break_separator, break_separator, break_separator])

    def _tabulate(self, columns):
        """Tabulate a list of columns for a row.  Each item in columns is a column
       value each column will be padded up to _TABULATE_WIDTH.  Each
       column starts/ends with a vertical bar '|' the format a row:

           | columns[0] | columns[1] | columns[2] | ... |
        if len(columns) > 0:
            for column in columns:
                value = '' if not column else column
            sys.stdout.write('|{0:^{1}}'.format('', self._TABULATE_WIDTH()))
