def __init__(self, parent): super(CommPortPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Communication Port Setting', 'Set the serial port through which BitPim communicates with the phone.') self._ports=[{'name': 'auto', 'description': 'BitPim will try to detect the correct port automatically when accessing your phone'}]+\ [x for x in comscan.comscan() if x.get('available', False)] self._populate() self._set_max_size()
def detect(self, using_port=None): coms=comscan.comscan() self.log('coms:'+str(coms)) available_modem_coms=[x['name'] for x in coms if x['available'] \ and x['class']=='modem'] if using_port is None: available_coms=[x['name'] for x in coms if x['available']] else: available_coms=[using_port] available_modem_coms=[x for x in available_coms if x in available_modem_coms] self.log('Available ports: '+str(available_coms)) self.log('Available modem ports: '+str(available_modem_coms)) self.__q_on=True threads=[threading.Thread(target=self.do_get_data, args=(e,)) \ for e in available_modem_coms] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() self.__q_on=False while not self.__q_log.empty(): q=self.__q_log.get_nowait() if isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): self.logdata(*q) else: self.log(q) pm=phones.phonemodels models=pm.keys() models.sort() found_port=found_model=None for model in models: self.log('Checking for model: '+model) module=common.importas(pm[model]) if hasattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone'): likely_ports=[x['name'] for x in coms if \ x['available'] and \ comdiagnose.islikelyport(x, module)] self.log('Likely ports:'+str(likely_ports)) found_port=getattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone')(coms, likely_ports, self.__data, module, self) self.log('Detect Phone result: '+`self.__data`) if found_port is not None: self.log('Phone '+model+' returned port:'+`found_port`) found_model=model break found_port=self.__check_profile(module.Profile) if found_port is not None: found_model=model break if found_port is None: found_port, found_model=self.__check_for_other_cdma() if found_port is not None and found_model is not None: self.log('Found phone:'+found_model+' port:'+`found_port`) return { 'port': found_port, 'phone_name': found_model, 'phone_module': pm[found_model], 'phone_esn': self.__data[found_port]['esn'] }
def __init__(self, parent): super(CommPortPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Communication Port Setting', 'Set the serial port through which BitPim communicates with the phone.') self._ports=[{'name': 'auto', 'description': 'BitPim will try to detect the correct port automatically when accessing your phone'}]+\ [x for x in comscan.comscan()+usbscan.usbscan() \ if x.get('available', False)] self._populate() self._set_max_size()
def GetArduinoCOMPort(): res=comscan.comscan() lst = [] for r in res: rkeys=r.keys() rkeys.sort() if r['active']: if "arduino" in r['driverprovider'] or "Arduino" in r['description']: lst.append((r['name'], r['description'])) return lst
def autoguessports(phonemodule): """Returns a list of ports (most likely first) for finding the phone on""" res=[] ports=[(islikelyportscore(port, phonemodule), port) for port in comscan.comscan()+usbscan.usbscan()+bitflingscan.flinger.scan() if port['available']] ports.sort() return [ (port['name'], port) for score,port in ports if score>=0]
def autoguessports(phonemodule): """Returns a list of ports (most likely first) for finding the phone on""" # this function also demonsrates the use of list comprehensions :-) res = [] # we only care about available ports ports = [(islikelyportscore(port, phonemodule), port) for port in comscan.comscan() + usbscan.usbscan() + bitflingscan.flinger.scan() if port['available']] # sort on score ports.sort() # return all ones with score >=0 return [(port['name'], port) for score, port in ports if score >= 0]
def GetArduinoCOMPort(): res = comscan.comscan() lst = [] for r in res: rkeys = r.keys() rkeys.sort() if r['active']: if "arduino" in r['driverprovider'] or "Arduino" in r[ 'description']: lst.append((r['name'], r['description'])) return lst
def autoguessports(phonemodule): """Returns a list of ports (most likely first) for finding the phone on""" # this function also demonsrates the use of list comprehensions :-) res = [] # we only care about available ports ports = [ (islikelyportscore(port, phonemodule), port) for port in comscan.comscan() + usbscan.usbscan() + bitflingscan.flinger.scan() if port["available"] ] # sort on score ports.sort() # return all ones with score >=0 return [(port["name"], port) for score, port in ports if score >= 0]
def exp_scan(self, context): if usb is None: return comscan.comscan() else: return usbscan.usbscan()+comscan.comscan()
def detect(self, using_port=None, using_model=None): # start the detection process # 1st, get the list of available ports coms = comscan.comscan() + usbscan.usbscan() self.log('coms:' + str(coms)) available_modem_coms=[x['name'] for x in coms if x['available'] \ and x.get('class', None)=='modem'] if not using_port: available_coms = [x['name'] for x in coms if x['available']] else: available_coms = [using_port] available_modem_coms = [ x for x in available_coms if x in available_modem_coms ] # loop through each port and gather data self.log('Available ports: ' + str(available_coms)) self.log('Available modem ports: ' + str(available_modem_coms)) # only try those AT commands on modem ports # using threads self.__q_on = True threads=[threading.Thread(target=self.do_get_data, args=(e,)) \ for e in available_modem_coms] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() self.__q_on = False while not self.__q_log.empty(): q = self.__q_log.get_nowait() if isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): self.logdata(*q) else: self.log(q) # non-thread version ## for e in available_modem_coms: ## self.do_get_data(e) # go through each phone and ask it ## pm=phones.phonemodels if using_model: models = [using_model] else: models = phones.phonemodels found_port = found_model = None for model in models: self.log('Checking for model: ' + model) module = common.importas(phones.module(model)) # check for detectphone in module.Phone or # phone_model and phone_manufacturer in module.Profile if hasattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone'): if using_port is None: likely_ports=[x['name'] for x in coms if \ x['available'] and \ comdiagnose.islikelyport(x, module)] else: likely_ports = [using_port] self.log('Likely ports:' + str(likely_ports)) found_port = getattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone')(coms, likely_ports, self.__data, module, self) self.log('Detect Phone result: ' + ` self.__data `) if found_port is not None: self.log('Phone ' + model + ' returned port:' + ` found_port `) # found it found_model = model break found_port = self.__check_profile(module.Profile) if found_port is not None: found_model = model break if found_port is None and using_port is None and using_model is None: # if we're not looking for a specific model on a specific port, # scan for other CDMA phone found_port, found_model = self.__check_for_other_cdma() if found_port is not None and found_model is not None: self.log('Found phone:' + found_model + ' port:' + ` found_port `) return { 'port': found_port, 'phone_name': found_model, 'phone_module': phones.module(found_model), 'phone_esn': self.__data[found_port]['esn'] }
def get(self, data): pass def set(self, data): pass class CommPortPage (MyPage) : detail_fields=( ('name', 'Name', None), ('description', 'Description', None), ('hardwareinstance', 'Hardware Info', None), ('driverprovider', 'Driver Provider', None), ('driverversion', 'Driver Version', None), ('driverdescription', 'Driver Description', None), ('class', 'Class', None), ('active', 'Active', None), ) def __init__(self, parent): super(CommPortPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Communication Port Setting', 'Set the serial port through which BitPim communicates with the phone.') self._ports=[{'name': 'auto', 'description': 'BitPim will try to detect the correct port automatically when accessing your phone'}]+\ [x for x in comscan.comscan() if x.get('available', False)] self._populate() self._set_max_size() def GetMyControls(self): hs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) _sbs1=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Available Ports'), wx.VERTICAL) self._ports_lb=wx.ListBox(self, -1, style=wx.LB_SINGLE|wx.LB_HSCROLL|wx.LB_NEEDED_SB) wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self._ports_lb.GetId(), self.OnPortSelected) _sbs1.Add(self._ports_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) hs.Add(_sbs1, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) _sbs2=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Port Detail'), wx.VERTICAL) fgs=wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 5, 5) fgs.AddGrowableCol(1) self._w=[] for e in CommPortPage.detail_fields: fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, e[1]), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) w=wx.StaticText(self, -1, 100*' ') fgs.Add(w, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.LEFT, 5) self._w.append(w) _sbs2.Add(fgs, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self._port_details_bs=_sbs2 hs.Add(_sbs2, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) return hs def ok(self): return self._ports_lb.GetSelection()!=wx.NOT_FOUND def get(self, data): data['com']=self._ports_lb.GetStringSelection() def _set_max_size(self): _max_size=wx.Size(0,0) for e in self._ports: self._populate_each(e) _ms=self._port_details_bs.GetMinSize() _max_size[0]=max(_max_size[0], _ms[0]) _max_size[1]=max(_max_size[1], _ms[1]) self._port_details_bs.SetMinSize(_max_size) for w in self._w: w.SetLabel('') def Clear(self): self._ports_lb.Clear() for w in self._w: w.SetLabel('') def _populate(self): self.Clear() for e in self._ports: self._ports_lb.Append(e['name']) def _populate_each(self, data): for i,e in enumerate(CommPortPage.detail_fields): v=data.get(e[0], '') self._w[i].SetLabel(str(v)) self._port_details_bs.Layout() def OnPortSelected(self, evt): self._populate_each(self._ports[evt.GetInt()]) class PhoneModelPage (MyPage) : def __init__(self, parent): super(PhoneModelPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Phone Model Setting', 'Set your phone model.') self._populate() def GetMyControls(self): hs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) _sbs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Carriers'), wx.VERTICAL) self._carriers_lb=wx.ListBox(self, -1, style=wx.LB_SINGLE|wx.LB_HSCROLL|wx.LB_NEEDED_SB) wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self._carriers_lb.GetId(), self.OnCarriersLB) _sbs.Add(self._carriers_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) hs.Add(_sbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) _sbs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Manufacturers'), wx.VERTICAL) self._manuf_lb=wx.ListBox(self, -1, style=wx.LB_SINGLE|wx.LB_HSCROLL|wx.LB_NEEDED_SB) wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self._manuf_lb.GetId(), self.OnCarriersLB) _sbs.Add(self._manuf_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) hs.Add(_sbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) _sbs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'Models'), wx.VERTICAL) self._models_lb=wx.ListBox(self, -1, style=wx.LB_SINGLE|wx.LB_HSCROLL|wx.LB_NEEDED_SB) wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self._models_lb.GetId(), self.OnModelsLB) _sbs.Add(self._models_lb, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) hs.Add(_sbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) return hs def _populate_models(self, carrier=None, brand=None): self._models_lb.Clear() for e in phones.phoneslist(brand, carrier): self._models_lb.Append(e) def _populate(self): self._carriers_lb.Clear() self._manuf_lb.Clear() self._models_lb.Clear() for e in ['All']+phones.phonecarriers: self._carriers_lb.Append(e) for e in ['All']+phones.phonemanufacturers: self._manuf_lb.Append(e) self._carriers_lb.SetSelection(0) self._manuf_lb.SetSelection(0) self._populate_models() def ok(self): return self._models_lb.GetSelection()!=wx.NOT_FOUND def get(self, data): data['phone']=self._models_lb.GetStringSelection() def OnCarriersLB(self, evt): _s=self._carriers_lb.GetStringSelection() if not _s or _s=='All': _carrier=None else: _carrier=_s _s=self._manuf_lb.GetStringSelection() if not _s or _s=='All': _brand=None else: _brand=_s self._populate_models(_carrier, _brand) def OnModelsLB(self, evt): _model=evt.GetString() self._carriers_lb.SetStringSelection(phones.carrier(_model)) self._manuf_lb.SetStringSelection(phones.manufacturer(_model)) class SummaryPage (MyPage) : def __init__(self, parent): super(SummaryPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Summary') def GetMyControls(self): vs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) _sbs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'User Selection'), wx.VERTICAL) _fgs=wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 5, 5) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Phone Model:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._model=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._model, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Port:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._port=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._port, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Detection Status:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._status=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._status, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _sbs.Add(_fgs, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) vs.Add(_sbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self._det_btn=wx.Button(self, -1, 'Detect Phone') vs.Add(self._det_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self._det_btn.GetId(), self.OnDetect) return vs def set(self, data): self._model_name=data.get('phone', '') self._model.SetLabel(self._model_name) self._com_port=data.get('com', '') self._port.SetLabel(self._com_port) _module=common.importas(phones.module(self._model_name)) self._det_btn.Enable(bool(self._model_name and \ hasattr(_module.Phone, 'detectphone'))) def OnDetect(self, _): if self._com_port=='auto': _port_name=None else: _port_name=str(self._com_port) _res=phone_detect.DetectPhone().detect(using_port=_port_name, using_model=self._model_name) _status='FAILED' if _res and _res.get('phone_name', '')==self._model_name: _status='PASSED' self._status.SetLabel(_status) class SetPhoneWizard (wiz.Wizard) : def __init__(self, parent): super(SetPhoneWizard, self).__init__(parent, -1, 'Phone Setting Wizard') self._data={} commport_page=CommPortPage(self) phonemodel_page=PhoneModelPage(self) summary_page=SummaryPage(self) wiz.WizardPageSimple_Chain(commport_page, phonemodel_page) wiz.WizardPageSimple_Chain(phonemodel_page, summary_page) self.first_page=commport_page self.GetPageAreaSizer().Add(commport_page, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGING(self, self.GetId(), self.OnPageChanging) wiz.EVT_WIZARD_PAGE_CHANGED(self, self.GetId(), self.OnPageChanged) def RunWizard(self, firstPage=None): return super(SetPhoneWizard, self).RunWizard(firstPage or self.first_page) def OnPageChanging(self, evt): pg=evt.GetPage() if not evt.GetDirection() or pg.ok(): pg.get(self._data) else: evt.Veto() def OnPageChanged(self, evt): evt.GetPage().set(self._data) def get(self): return self._data if __name__=="__main__": app=wx.PySimpleApp() f=wx.Frame(None, title='setphone_wizard') w=SetPhoneWizard(f) print w.RunWizard() print w._data w.Destroy()
def detect(self, using_port=None, using_model=None): # start the detection process # 1st, get the list of available ports coms=comscan.comscan()+usbscan.usbscan() self.log('coms:'+str(coms)) available_modem_coms=[x['name'] for x in coms if x['available'] \ and x.get('class', None)=='modem'] if not using_port: available_coms=[x['name'] for x in coms if x['available']] else: available_coms=[using_port] available_modem_coms=[x for x in available_coms if x in available_modem_coms] # loop through each port and gather data self.log('Available ports: '+str(available_coms)) self.log('Available modem ports: '+str(available_modem_coms)) # only try those AT commands on modem ports # using threads self.__q_on=True threads=[threading.Thread(target=self.do_get_data, args=(e,)) \ for e in available_modem_coms] for t in threads: t.start() for t in threads: t.join() self.__q_on=False while not self.__q_log.empty(): q=self.__q_log.get_nowait() if isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): self.logdata(*q) else: self.log(q) # non-thread version ## for e in available_modem_coms: ## self.do_get_data(e) # go through each phone and ask it ## pm=phones.phonemodels if using_model: models=[using_model] else: models=phones.phonemodels found_port=found_model=None for model in models: self.log('Checking for model: '+model) module=common.importas(phones.module(model)) # check for detectphone in module.Phone or # phone_model and phone_manufacturer in module.Profile if hasattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone'): if using_port is None: likely_ports=[x['name'] for x in coms if \ x['available'] and \ comdiagnose.islikelyport(x, module)] else: likely_ports=[using_port] self.log('Likely ports:'+str(likely_ports)) found_port=getattr(module.Phone, 'detectphone')(coms, likely_ports, self.__data, module, self) self.log('Detect Phone result: '+`self.__data`) if found_port is not None: self.log('Phone '+model+' returned port:'+`found_port`) # found it found_model=model break found_port=self.__check_profile(module.Profile) if found_port is not None: found_model=model break if found_port is None and using_port is None and using_model is None: # if we're not looking for a specific model on a specific port, # scan for other CDMA phone found_port, found_model=self.__check_for_other_cdma() if found_port is not None and found_model is not None: self.log('Found phone:'+found_model+' port:'+`found_port`) return { 'port': found_port, 'phone_name': found_model, 'phone_module': phones.module(found_model), 'phone_esn': self.__data[found_port]['esn'] }
def exp_scan(self, context): if usb is None: return comscan.comscan() else: return usbscan.usbscan()+comscan.comscan() def exp_getversion(self, context): return version.description def exp_deviceopen(self, port, baud, timeout, hardwareflow, softwareflow, context): return self.stashhandle(context, commport.CommConnection(None, port, baud, timeout, hardwareflow, softwareflow)) def exp_deviceclose(self, handle, context): comm=self.gethandle(context, handle) comm.close() del self.handles[handle] return True def exp_devicesetbaudrate(self, handle, rate, context): return self.gethandle(context, handle).setbaudrate(rate) def exp_devicesetdtr(self, handle, dtr, context): return self.gethandle(context, handle).setdtr(dtr) def exp_devicesetrts(self, handle, rts, context): return self.gethandle(context, handle).setrts(rts) def exp_devicewrite(self, handle, data, context): self.gethandle(context, handle).write( return len( def exp_devicesendatcommand(self, handle, atcommand, ignoreerror, context): "Special handling for empty lists and exceptions" try: res=self.gethandle(context, handle).sendatcommand(, ignoreerror=ignoreerror) if len(res)==0: res=1 except: res=0 return res def exp_devicereaduntil(self, handle, char, numfailures, context): return Binary(self.gethandle(context, handle).readuntil(, numfailures=numfailures)) def exp_deviceread(self, handle, numchars, context): return Binary(self.gethandle(context, handle).read(numchars)) def exp_devicereadsome(self, handle, numchars, context): if numchars==-1: numchars=None return Binary(self.gethandle(context, handle).readsome(log=True,numchars=numchars)) def exp_devicewritethenreaduntil(self, handle, data, char, numfailures, context): return Binary(self.gethandle(context, handle).writethenreaduntil(, False,, False, False, numfailures)) def run(args): theApp=wx.PySimpleApp() menu=wx.Menu() menu.Append(ID_EXIT, "Exit") mw=MainWindow(None, -1, "BitFling") taskwin=MyTaskBarIcon(mw, menu) mw.taskwin=taskwin theApp.MainLoop() if __name__ == '__main__': run() try: import native.usb as usb except ImportError: usb=None if guihelper.IsMSWindows(): parentclass=wx.TaskBarIcon else: parentclass=wx.Frame if __name__ == '__main__': run()