Exemplo n.º 1
    def skill_info(self, X):
        X = [X] if not isinstance(X, list) else X
        feature_names = self.named_steps["dict vect"].get_feature_names()
        classifier = self.steps[-1][-1]

        ft = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()
        lvf = ListValueFlattener()

        X = lvf.transform(X)
        X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X]

        # X = self.named_steps["dict vect"].transform(x)
        # X = self._transform(X)

        # ft = Flattener()
        # tup = Tuplizer()
        # print("BAE1",X)
        # print("PEEP",feature_names)
        # print("BAE",[tup.transform(x) for x in X])
        # print(type(self))
        # X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X]
        Xt = X
        for name, transform in self.steps[:-1]:
            if transform is not None:
                # print("HEY",transform.get_feature_names())
                Xt = transform.transform(Xt)
                # print("BAE_"+name,Xt)

        return classifier.skill_info(Xt,feature_names)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def predict(self, X):
     ft = Flattener()
     tup = Tuplizer()
     X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X]
     # print("BEEP", X)
     # print("PRED:",X)
     # print("VAL:", super(CustomPipeline, self).predict(X))
     return super(CustomPipeline, self).predict(X)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def fit(self, X, y):

        # print("X",X)
        # NOTE: Only using boolean values
        X = [{k: v for k, v in d.items() if isinstance(v, bool)} for d in X]
        print("FITX", X)
        ft = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()

        self.X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X]
        self.y = [int(x) if not isinstance(x, tuple) else x for x in y]

        super(CustomPipeline, self).fit(self.X, self.y)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def ifit(self, x, y):
        if not hasattr(self, 'X'):
            self.X = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'y'):
            self.y = []

        ft = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()

        # pprint(x)
        # print(self.y)
        return self.fit(self.X, self.y)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def ifit(self, x, y):
        if not hasattr(self, 'X'):
            self.X = []
        if not hasattr(self, 'y'):
            self.y = []

        ft = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()

        # pprint(x)
        self.y.append(int(y) if not isinstance(y, tuple) else y)

        # print("IFIT:",self.X)
        # print(self.y)
        return super(CustomPipeline, self).fit(self.X, self.y)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def fit(self, X, y):

        # print("X",X)
        # NOTE: Only using boolean values
        # X = [{k: v for k, v in d.items() if isinstance(v, bool)} for d in X]
        # print("FITX", X)
        # print("GIN JEF", X[-1])
        ft = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()
        lvf = ListValueFlattener()

        X = lvf.transform(X)
        # print("GIN FEF", X[-1])

        self.X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X] 
        self.y = [int(x) if not isinstance(x, tuple) else x for x in y] 
        # print("GIN IN")
        # print(self.X[-1])
        # print("BLOOP:",len(self.y))
        super(CustomPipeline, self).fit(self.X, self.y)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def request(self, state):
        ff = Flattener()
        tup = Tuplizer()

        state = tup.transform(state)
        state = ff.transform(state)


        # foa_state = {attr: state[attr] for attr in state
        #              if (isinstance(attr, tuple) and attr[0] != "value") or
        #              not isinstance(attr, tuple)}

        # This is basically conflict resolution here.
        skills = []
        for label in self.skills:
            for seq in self.skills[label]:
                corrects = self.skills[label][seq]['correct']
                accuracy = sum(corrects) / len(corrects)
                s = ((label, seq), accuracy)
                # s = (random(), len(corrects), label, seq)
        # skills.sort(reverse=True)

        # for _,_,label,seq in skills:
        #     s = self.skills[label][seq]
        #     print(str(seq))

        while len(skills) > 0:
            # probability matching (with accuracy) conflict resolution
            # (label, seq), accuracy = weighted_choice(skills)

            # random conflict resolution
            (label, seq), accuracy = choice(skills)

            skills.remove(((label, seq), accuracy))

            s = self.skills[label][seq]

            for m in s['where_classifier'].get_matches(state):
                print("MATCH", label, m)
                if isinstance(m, tuple):
                    mapping = {
                        "?foa%i" % i: str(ele)
                        for i, ele in enumerate(m)
                    mapping = {'?foa0': m}
                # print('trying', m)

                if state[('value', mapping['?foa0'])] != "":
                    # print('no selection')

                limited_state = {}
                for foa in mapping:
                    limited_state[('name', foa)] = state[('name',
                    limited_state[('value', foa)] = state[('value',

                    print('SEQ:', seq)
                    grounded_plan = tuple([
                        self.planner.execute_plan(ele, limited_state)
                        for ele in seq
                except Exception as e:
                    # print('plan could not execute')
                    # pprint(limited_state)
                    # print("EXECPTION WITH", e)

                vX = {}
                for foa in mapping:
                    vX[('value', foa)] = state[('value', mapping[foa])]

                if self.what:
                    what_features = {}
                    for attr in vX:
                        if isinstance(vX[attr], str) and vX[attr] != "":
                            seq = [
                                c for c in vX[attr].lower().replace(
                                    '"', "").replace("\\", "")
                            # print(seq)
                            # print(self.what.parse(seq))
                            new_what_f = self.what.get_features(attr, seq)
                            for attr in new_what_f:
                                what_features[attr] = new_what_f[attr]
                # what_training += [x[attr] for attr in x if isinstance(x[attr],
                #                                                       str) and
                #                  x[attr] != ""]

                    compute_features(vX, self.action_set.get_feature_dict()))

                if self.what:
                # for attr, value in self.compute_features(vX, features):
                #     vX[attr] = value
                # for foa in mapping:
                #     vX[('name', foa)] = state[('name', mapping[foa])]

                vX = tup.undo_transform(vX)

                print("WHEN PREDICTION STATE")
                when_pred = s['when_classifier'].predict([vX])[0]
                # print(label, seq, s['when_classifier'])
                # pprint(when_pred)

                if when_pred == 0:

                # pprint(limited_state)
                print("FOUND SKILL MATCH!")
                # pprint(limited_state)
                # pprint(seq)

                response = {}
                response['label'] = label
                response['selection'] = grounded_plan[2]
                response['action'] = grounded_plan[1]
                # response['inputs'] = list(grounded_plan[3:])

                # TODO replace value here with input_args, which need to be
                # tracked.
                if grounded_plan[2] == 'done':
                    response['inputs'] = {}
                    response['inputs'] = {
                        a: grounded_plan[3 + i]
                        for i, a in enumerate(['value'])
                response['foas'] = []
                # response['foas'].append("|" +
                #                         limited_state[("name", "?foa0")] +
                #                         "|" + grounded_plan[3])
                for i in range(1, len(mapping)):
                                                           "?foa%i" % i)])
                    # response['foas'].append("|" +
                    #                         limited_state[("name", "?foa%i" % i)]
                    #                         +
                    #                         "|" +
                    #                         limited_state[('value', "?foa%i" % i)])

                return response

            # import time
            # time.sleep(5)

        return {}
Exemplo n.º 8
    def train(self, state, label, foas, selection, action, inputs, correct):

        # create example dict
        example = {}
        example['state'] = state
        example['label'] = label
        example['selection'] = selection
        example['action'] = action
        example['inputs'] = inputs
        example['correct'] = correct
        example['foa_args'] = tuple(['?obj-' + foa for foa in foas])
        example['foa_names'] = {("name", "?foa%i" % i): foa
                                for i, foa in enumerate(foas)}

        example['foa_values'] = {("value", "?foa%i" % i):
                                 state['?obj-' + foa]['value']
                                 for i, foa in enumerate(foas)}
        example['foa_values'][("value", "?foa0")] = ""
        example['limited_state'] = {("value", "?foa%i" % i):
                                    state['?obj-' + foa]['value']
                                    for i, foa in enumerate(foas)}
        example['limited_state'][("value", "?foa0")] = ""
        for attr in example['foa_names']:
            example['limited_state'][attr] = example['foa_names'][attr]

        tup = Tuplizer()
        flt = Flattener()
        # pprint(state)
        example['flat_state'] = flt.transform(tup.transform(state))

        # pprint(example['flat_state'])
        # import time
        # time.sleep(1000)

        # pprint(example)

        if label not in self.skills:
            self.skills[label] = {}

        # add example to examples
        if label not in self.examples:
            self.examples[label] = []

        if label not in self.how_instances:
            self.how_instances[label] = self.how(planner=self.planner)
        # how = self.how(functions=functions, how_params=self.how_params)
        how_result = self.how_instances[label].ifit(example)

        # print(len(self.examples[label]))
        # for exp in how_result:
        #     correctness = [e['correct'] for e in how_result[exp]]
        #     print(label, len(correctness), sum(correctness) /
        #           len(correctness) , exp)
        # print()

        # act_plan = ActionPlanner(actions=functions,
        #                          act_params=self.how_params)
        # explanations = []

        # for exp in self.skills[label]:
        #     #print("CHECKING EXPLANATION", exp)
        #     try:
        #         grounded_plan = tuple([act_plan.execute_plan(ele,
        #                                 example['limited_state'])
        #                                for ele in exp])
        #         if act_plan.is_sais_equal(grounded_plan, sai):
        #             #print("found existing explanation")
        #             explanations.append(exp)
        #     except Exception as e:
        #         #print("EXECPTION WITH", e)
        #         continue

        # if len(explanations) == 0:
        #     explanations = act_plan.explain_sai(example['limited_state'],
        #                                         sai)

        # #print("EXPLANATIONS")
        # #pprint(explanations)

        # first delete old skill description
        del self.skills[label]
        self.skills[label] = {}

        # build new skill descriptions
        for exp in how_result:
            print('EXP', exp, correct)
            self.skills[label][exp] = {}
            self.skills[label][exp]['args'] = []
            self.skills[label][exp]['foa_states'] = []
            self.skills[label][exp]['examples'] = []
            self.skills[label][exp]['correct'] = []
            where = self.where()
            when = when_learners[self.when](self.when_params)
            # when = Pipeline([('dict_vect', DictVectorizer(sparse=False)),
            #                  ('clf', self.when())])
            self.skills[label][exp]['where_classifier'] = where
            self.skills[label][exp]['when_classifier'] = when

            for e in how_result[exp]:

            T = self.skills[label][exp]['args']
            y = self.skills[label][exp]['correct']

            # foa_state = {attr: example['flat_state'][attr]
            #              for attr in example['flat_state']
            #              #if (isinstance(attr, tuple) and attr[0] != "value") or
            #              #not isinstance(attr, tuple)
            #             }
            # print("FOA STATE")
            # pprint(T[0])
            # pprint(foa_state)

            # structural_X = [e['flat_state'] for e in
            #                 self.skills[label][exp]['examples']]

            #  Should rewrite this so that I use the right values.
            # structural_X = [foa_state for t in T]
            # structural_X = self.skills[label][exp]['foa_states']

            structural_X = []
            for i, e in enumerate(self.skills[label][exp]['examples']):
                x = {attr: e['flat_state'][attr] for attr in e['flat_state']}
                # x_vals = {a: x[a] for a in x if isinstance(a, tuple) and a[0] ==
                #         "value" and a[1] in self.skills[label][exp]['args'][i]}

                # print("COMPUTED FEATURES")
                # pprint([a for a in
                #         compute_features(x_vals,self.action_set.get_feature_dict())])
                # x.update(compute_features(x_vals,self.action_set.get_feature_dict()))
                # pprint(x)

            value_X = []
            for e in self.skills[label][exp]['examples']:
                x = {attr: e['foa_values'][attr] for attr in e['foa_values']}

                if self.what:
                    what_features = {}
                    for attr in x:
                        if isinstance(x[attr], str) and x[attr] != "":
                            seq = [
                                c for c in x[attr].lower().replace(
                                    '"', "").replace("\\", "")
                            # print(seq)
                            # print(self.what.parse(seq))
                            new_what_f = self.what.get_features(attr, seq)
                            for attr in new_what_f:
                                what_features[attr] = new_what_f[attr]

                    compute_features(x, self.action_set.get_feature_dict()))

                if self.what:

                # for attr, value in self.compute_features(x, features):
                #     x[attr] = value
                # for attr in e['foa_names']:
                #     x[attr] = e['foa_names'][attr]
                x = tup.undo_transform(x)


                #if example['label'] == "convert-different-num2":
                #    print("CORRECTNESS:", e['correct'])
                #    pprint(x)

            self.skills[label][exp]['where_classifier'].fit(T, structural_X, y)
            self.skills[label][exp]['when_classifier'].fit(value_X, y)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def predict(self, X):
     ft = Flattener()
     tup = Tuplizer()
     X = [tup.undo_transform(ft.transform(x)) for x in X]
     return super(CustomPipeline, self).predict(X)