Exemplo n.º 1
    def _RunNm(self, paths_by_type):
        """Calls nm to get symbols and (for non-BC files) string addresses."""
        # Downstream functions rely upon .a not being grouped.
        batches = self._MakeBatches(paths_by_type.arch, None)
        # Combine object files and Bitcode files for nm.
        BATCH_SIZE = 50  # Arbitrarily chosen.
            self._MakeBatches(paths_by_type.obj + paths_by_type.bc,
        results = self._DoBulkFork(nm.RunNmOnIntermediates, batches)

        # Names are still mangled.
        all_paths_by_name = self._paths_by_name
        total_no_symbols = 0
        for encoded_syms, encoded_strs, num_no_symbols in results:
            total_no_symbols += num_no_symbols
            symbol_names_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded_syms)
            for path, names in symbol_names_by_path.iteritems():
                for name in names:

            if encoded_strs != concurrent.EMPTY_ENCODED_DICT:
        if total_no_symbols:
            logging.warn('nm found no symbols in %d objects.',
Exemplo n.º 2
    def AnalyzePaths(self, paths):
        def iter_job_params():
            object_paths = []
            for path in paths:
                # Note: _ResolveStringPieces relies upon .a not being grouped.
                if path.endswith('.a'):
                    yield path, self._tool_prefix, self._output_directory

            BATCH_SIZE = 50  # Chosen arbitrarily.
            for i in xrange(0, len(object_paths), BATCH_SIZE):
                batch = object_paths[i:i + BATCH_SIZE]
                yield batch, self._tool_prefix, self._output_directory

        params = list(iter_job_params())
        # Order of the jobs doesn't matter since each job owns independent paths,
        # and our output is a dict where paths are the key.
        results = concurrent.BulkForkAndCall(_RunNmOnIntermediates, params)

        all_paths_by_name = self._paths_by_name
        for encoded_syms, encoded_strs in results:
            symbol_names_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded_syms)
            for path, names in symbol_names_by_path.iteritems():
                for name in names:

            if encoded_strs != concurrent.EMPTY_ENCODED_DICT:
        logging.debug('worker: AnalyzePaths() completed.')
Exemplo n.º 3
 def GetStringPositions(self):
   self._pipe.recv()  # None
   logging.debug('Decoding string symbol results from forked process')
   result = self._pipe.recv()
   return [concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(x, value_transform=_DecodePosition)
           for x in result]
Exemplo n.º 4
def ResolveStringPiecesIndirect(encoded_string_addresses_by_path, string_data,
                                tool_prefix, output_directory):
    string_addresses_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(
    # Assign |target| as archive path, or a list of object paths.
    any_path = next(string_addresses_by_path.iterkeys())
    target = _ExtractArchivePath(any_path)
    if not target:
        target = string_addresses_by_path.keys()

    # Run readelf to find location of .rodata within the .o files.
    section_positions_by_path = _LookupStringSectionPositions(
        target, tool_prefix, output_directory)
    # Load the .rodata sections (from object files) as strings.
    string_sections_by_path = _ReadStringSections(target, output_directory,

    def GeneratePathAndValues():
        for path, object_addresses in string_addresses_by_path.iteritems():
            for value in _IterStringLiterals(
                    path, object_addresses, string_sections_by_path.get(path)):
                yield path, value

    ret = _AnnotateStringData(string_data, GeneratePathAndValues())
    return [concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(x) for x in ret]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Get(self):
        assert self._process.stdin.closed
        logging.debug('Decoding nm results from forked process')

        encoded_keys_len = int(self._process.stdout.read(8), 16)
        encoded_keys = self._process.stdout.read(encoded_keys_len)
        encoded_values = self._process.stdout.read()
        return concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded_keys, encoded_values)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_Join_Empty(self):
     test_dict1 = {}
     test_dict2 = {}
     expected = {}
     encoded1 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict1)
     encoded2 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict2)
     encoded = concurrent.JoinEncodedDictOfLists([encoded1, encoded2])
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded)
     self.assertEquals(expected, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 7
def ResolveStringPieces(encoded_string_addresses_by_path, string_data,
                        tool_prefix, output_directory):
  string_addresses_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(
  # Assign |target| as archive path, or a list of object paths.
  any_path = next(string_addresses_by_path.iterkeys())
  target = _ExtractArchivePath(any_path)
  if not target:
    target = string_addresses_by_path.keys()

  # Run readelf to find location of .rodata within the .o files.
  section_positions_by_path = _LookupStringSectionPositions(
      target, tool_prefix, output_directory)
  # Load the .rodata sections (from object files) as strings.
  string_sections_by_path = _ReadStringSections(
      target, output_directory, section_positions_by_path)

  # list of elf_positions_by_path.
  ret = [collections.defaultdict(list) for _ in string_data]
  # Brute-force search of strings within ** merge strings sections.
  # This is by far the slowest part of AnalyzeStringLiterals().
  # TODO(agrieve): Pre-process string_data into a dict of literal->address (at
  #     least for ascii strings).
  for path, object_addresses in string_addresses_by_path.iteritems():
    for value in _IterStringLiterals(
        path, object_addresses, string_sections_by_path.get(path)):
      first_match = -1
      first_match_dict = None
      for target_dict, data in itertools.izip(ret, string_data):
        # Set offset so that it will be 0 when len(value) is added to it below.
        offset = -len(value)
        while True:
          offset = data.find(value, offset + len(value))
          if offset == -1:
          # Preferring exact matches (those following \0) over substring matches
          # significantly increases accuracy (although shows that linker isn't
          # being optimal).
          if offset == 0 or data[offset - 1] == '\0':
          if first_match == -1:
            first_match = offset
            first_match_dict = target_dict
        if offset != -1:
      if offset == -1:
        # Exact match not found, so take suffix match if it exists.
        offset = first_match
        target_dict = first_match_dict
      # Missing strings happen when optimization make them unused.
      if offset != -1:
        # Encode tuple as a string for easier mashalling.
            str(offset) + ':' + str(len(value)))

  return [concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(x) for x in ret]
Exemplo n.º 8
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_JoinMultiple(self):
   test_dict1 = {'key1': ['a']}
   test_dict2 = {'key2': ['b']}
   expected = {'key1': ['a'], 'key2': ['b']}
   encoded1 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict1)
   encoded2 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists({})
   encoded3 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict2)
   encoded = concurrent.JoinEncodedDictOfLists([encoded1, encoded2, encoded3])
   decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded)
   self.assertEquals(expected, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 9
def ResolveStringPieces(encoded_strings_by_path, string_data):
    # ast.literal_eval() undoes repr() applied to strings.
    strings_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(
        encoded_strings_by_path, value_transform=ast.literal_eval)

    def GeneratePathAndValues():
        for path, strings in strings_by_path.iteritems():
            for value in strings:
                yield path, value

    ret = _AnnotateStringData(string_data, GeneratePathAndValues())
    return [concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(x) for x in ret]
Exemplo n.º 10
    def testAnalyzer(self):
        # Save global param in bcanalyzer.
        saved_char_width_limit = bcanalyzer._CHAR_WIDTH_LIMIT

        for width_limit, include_4byte_strings in [(2, False), (4, True)]:
            # Tweak global param in bcanalyzer.
            bcanalyzer._CHAR_WIDTH_LIMIT = width_limit

            encoded_results = bcanalyzer.RunBcAnalyzerOnIntermediates(
                ['test.o'], _TEST_TOOL_PREFIX, _TEST_OUTPUT_DIR)
            results = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(
                encoded_results, value_transform=ast.literal_eval)
            self.assertEquals(['test.o'], results.keys())
            str_list = results['test.o']

            # See mock_bcanalyzer.py for details on the C++ test file.
            expected = []
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test1a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test1b', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test2a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test2b', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(16, ['Test3a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(16, ['Test3b', 0]))
            if include_4byte_strings:
                expected.append(_MakeString(32, ['Test4a', 0]))
                expected.append(_MakeString(32, ['Test4b', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test5a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test5b', 1]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(16, ['Test6a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(16, ['Test6b', 1]))
            if include_4byte_strings:
                expected.append(_MakeString(32, ['Test7a', 0]))
                expected.append(_MakeString(32, ['Test7b', 1]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test8a', 0]))
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['Test8b', 0]))
            # Exclude |{u8a, u8b, u16a, u16b, u32a, u32b, u64a, u64b}|.
            # Exclude |{s8empty, s16empty, s32empty}|.
            expected.append(_MakeString(8, ['1a', 0]))
            # Exclude |zeros|, which should be in .bss section.

            self.assertEquals(expected, str_list)

        # Restore globa param in bcanalyzer.
        bcanalyzer._CHAR_WIDTH_LIMIT = saved_char_width_limit
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: nm.py Projeto: sdarses/Qt
  def AnalyzePaths(self, paths):
    def iter_job_params():
      object_paths = []
      for path in paths:
        if path.endswith('.a'):
          yield path, self._tool_prefix, self._output_directory

      BATCH_SIZE = 50  # Chosen arbitrarily.
      for i in xrange(0, len(object_paths), BATCH_SIZE):
        batch = object_paths[i:i + BATCH_SIZE]
        yield batch, self._tool_prefix, self._output_directory

    paths_by_name = collections.defaultdict(list)
    params = list(iter_job_params())
    for encoded_ret in concurrent.BulkForkAndCall(_BatchCollectNames, params):
      names_by_path = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(*encoded_ret)
      for path, names in names_by_path.iteritems():
        for name in names:
Exemplo n.º 12
 def decode(encoded):
     return concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded, key_transform=int)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_Join_Singl(self):
     test_dict1 = {'key1': ['a']}
     encoded1 = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict1)
     encoded = concurrent.JoinEncodedDictOfLists([encoded1])
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded)
     self.assertEquals(test_dict1, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_ValueTransform(self):
     test_dict = {'a': ['0', '1', '2'], 'b': ['3', '4']}
     expected = {'a': [0, 1, 2], 'b': [3, 4]}
     encoded = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict)
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded, value_transform=int)
     self.assertEquals(expected, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_KeyTransform(self):
     test_dict = {0: ['a', 'b', 'c'], 9: ['a', 'b']}
     encoded = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict, key_transform=str)
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded, key_transform=int)
     self.assertEquals(test_dict, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_AllStrings(self):
     test_dict = {'foo': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'foo2': ['a', 'b']}
     encoded = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict)
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded)
     self.assertEquals(test_dict, decoded)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def GetStringPositions(self):
     return [
         concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(x, value_transform=_DecodePosition)
         for x in self._list_of_encoded_elf_string_positions_by_path
Exemplo n.º 18
 def GetSymbolNames(self):
     self._pipe.send((_MSG_GET_SYMBOL_NAMES, ))
     self._pipe.recv()  # None
     logging.debug('Decoding nm results from forked process')
     encoded_paths_by_name = self._pipe.recv()
     return concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded_paths_by_name)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def testEncodeDictOfLists_EmptyValue(self):
     test_dict = {'foo': []}
     encoded = concurrent.EncodeDictOfLists(test_dict)
     decoded = concurrent.DecodeDictOfLists(encoded)
     self.assertEquals(test_dict, decoded)