Exemplo n.º 1
def test_channel_priority():
    fn1 = 'pandas-0.10.1-np17py27_0.tar.bz2'
    fn2 = 'other::' + fn1
    spec = ['pandas', 'python 2.7*']
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2[Dist(fn2)] = index2[Dist(fn1)].copy()
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r2 = Resolve(index2)
    rec = r2.index[Dist(fn2)]

    os.environ['CONDA_CHANNEL_PRIORITY'] = 'True'

    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=0)
    # Should select the "other", older package because it
    # has a lower channel priority number
    installed1 = r2.install(spec)
    # Should select the newer package because now the "other"
    # package has a higher priority number
    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=2)
    installed2 = r2.install(spec)
    # Should also select the newer package because we have
    # turned off channel priority altogether

    os.environ['CONDA_CHANNEL_PRIORITY'] = 'False'

    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=0)
    installed3 = r2.install(spec)
    assert installed1 != installed2
    assert installed1 != installed3
    assert installed2 == installed3
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_install_package_with_feature():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-featurepy33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': 'featurepy33_0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['python 3.3*'],
            'name': 'mypackage',
            'version': '1.0',
            'features': 'feature',
    index2['feature-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': 'py33_0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['python 3.3*'],
            'name': 'feature',
            'version': '1.0',
            'track_features': 'feature',

    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    # It should not raise
    r.install(['mypackage', 'feature 1.0'])
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_install_package_with_feature():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-featurepy33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            'build': 'featurepy33_0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['python 3.3*'],
            'name': 'mypackage',
            'version': '1.0',
            'features': 'feature',
    index2['feature-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            'build': 'py33_0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['python 3.3*'],
            'name': 'feature',
            'version': '1.0',
            'track_features': 'feature',

    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    # It should not raise
    r.install(['mypackage', 'feature 1.0'])
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_channel_priority():
    fn1 = 'pandas-0.10.1-np17py27_0.tar.bz2'
    fn2 = 'other::' + fn1
    spec = ['pandas', 'python 2.7*']
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2[Dist(fn2)] = index2[Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(fn1))].copy()
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r2 = Resolve(index2)
    rec = r2.index[Dist(fn2)]

    os.environ['CONDA_CHANNEL_PRIORITY'] = 'True'

    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=0)
    # Should select the "other", older package because it
    # has a lower channel priority number
    installed1 = r2.install(spec)
    # Should select the newer package because now the "other"
    # package has a higher priority number
    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=2)
    installed2 = r2.install(spec)
    # Should also select the newer package because we have
    # turned off channel priority altogether

    os.environ['CONDA_CHANNEL_PRIORITY'] = 'False'

    r2.index[Dist(fn2)] = IndexRecord.from_objects(r2.index[Dist(fn2)], priority=0)
    installed3 = r2.install(spec)
    assert installed1 != installed2
    assert installed1 != installed3
    assert installed2 == installed3
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_install_tarball_from_local_channel(self):
        with make_temp_env("flask=0.10.1") as prefix:
            assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask-0.10.1')
            flask_data = [
                p for p in itervalues(linked_data(prefix))
                if p['name'] == 'flask'
            run_command(Commands.REMOVE, prefix, 'flask')
            assert not package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask-0.10.1')
            assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'python')

            flask_fname = flask_data['fn']
            tar_old_path = join(context.pkgs_dirs[0], flask_fname)

            # Regression test for #2812
            # install from local channel
            flask_data = flask_data.dump()
            for field in ('url', 'channel', 'schannel'):
                del flask_data[field]
            repodata = {
                'info': {},
                'packages': {
                    flask_fname: IndexRecord(**flask_data)
            with make_temp_env() as channel:
                subchan = join(channel, context.subdir)
                noarch_dir = join(channel, 'noarch')
                channel = path_to_url(channel)
                tar_new_path = join(subchan, flask_fname)
                copyfile(tar_old_path, tar_new_path)
                with bz2.BZ2File(join(subchan, 'repodata.json.bz2'), 'w') as f:
                with bz2.BZ2File(join(noarch_dir, 'repodata.json.bz2'),
                                 'w') as f:
                    f.write(json.dumps({}, cls=EntityEncoder).encode('utf-8'))

                run_command(Commands.INSTALL, prefix, '-c', channel, 'flask',
                assert_package_is_installed(prefix, channel + '::' + 'flask-')

                run_command(Commands.REMOVE, prefix, 'flask')
                assert not package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask-0')

                # Regression test for 2970
                # install from build channel as a tarball
                conda_bld = join(sys.prefix, 'conda-bld')
                conda_bld_sub = join(conda_bld, context.subdir)
                if not isdir(conda_bld_sub):
                tar_bld_path = join(conda_bld_sub, flask_fname)
                copyfile(tar_new_path, tar_bld_path)
                # CondaFileNotFoundError: '/home/travis/virtualenv/python2.7.9/conda-bld/linux-64/flask-0.10.1-py27_2.tar.bz2'.
                run_command(Commands.INSTALL, prefix, tar_bld_path)
                assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask-')
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_optional_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2 >1.0 (optional)'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': [],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': [],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-2.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': [],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': [],
        'version': '2.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == [
    assert r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == r.install(['package1', 'package2 >1.0']) == [
    assert raises(UnsatisfiableError, lambda: r.install(['package1', 'package2 <2.0']))
    assert raises(UnsatisfiableError, lambda: r.install(['package1', 'package2 1.0']))
Exemplo n.º 8
def DPkg(s, **kwargs):
    d = Dist(s)
    return IndexRecord(
        build_number=int(d.build_string.rsplit('_', 1)[-1]),
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': '0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['package2'],
            'name': 'package1',
            'requires': ['package2'],
            'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(
            "channel": "defaults",
            "subdir": context.subdir,
            "md5": "0123456789",
            "fn": "doesnt-matter-here",
            'build': '0',
            'build_number': 0,
            'depends': ['package1'],
            'name': 'package2',
            'requires': ['package1'],
            'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Exemplo n.º 10
def DPkg(s, **kwargs):
    d = Dist(s)
    return IndexRecord(fn=d.to_filename(),
                       build_number=int(d.build_string.rsplit('_', 1)[-1]),
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_plan_link_menuinst(self):
        menuinst = Dist('menuinst-1.4.2-py27_0')
        menuinst_record = IndexRecord.from_objects(menuinst)
        ipython = Dist('ipython-5.1.0-py27_1')
        ipython_record = IndexRecord.from_objects(ipython)
        actions = defaultdict(list)
            'PREFIX': 'aprefix',
            'LINK': [ipython, menuinst],

        conda_plan = plan.plan_from_actions(actions, {
            menuinst: menuinst_record,
            ipython: ipython_record,

        expected_plan = [
            ('PREFIX', 'aprefix'),
            ('PRINT', 'Linking packages ...'),
            # ('PROGRESS', '2'),
             ProgressiveFetchExtract(index, (ipython, menuinst))),
            ('UNLINKLINKTRANSACTION', ((), (ipython), menuinst)),

        if on_win:
            # menuinst should be linked first
            expected_plan = [
                ('PREFIX', 'aprefix'),
                ('PRINT', 'Linking packages ...'),
                # ('PROGRESS', '1'),
                 ProgressiveFetchExtract(index, (menuinst, ipython))),
                ('UNLINKLINKTRANSACTION', ((), (menuinst, ipython))),

            # last_two = expected_plan[-2:]
            # expected_plan[-2:] = last_two[::-1]
        assert expected_plan[0] == conda_plan[0]
        assert expected_plan[1] == conda_plan[1]
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_plan_link_menuinst(self):
        menuinst = Dist('menuinst-1.4.2-py27_0')
        menuinst_record = IndexRecord.from_objects(menuinst)
        ipython = Dist('ipython-5.1.0-py27_1')
        ipython_record = IndexRecord.from_objects(ipython)
        actions = {
            'PREFIX': 'aprefix',
            'LINK': [ipython, menuinst],

        conda_plan = plan.plan_from_actions(actions, {
            menuinst: menuinst_record,
            ipython: ipython_record,

        expected_plan = [
            ('PREFIX', 'aprefix'),
            ('PRINT', 'Linking packages ...'),
            # ('PROGRESS', '2'),
            ('PROGRESSIVEFETCHEXTRACT', ProgressiveFetchExtract(index, (ipython, menuinst))),
            ('UNLINKLINKTRANSACTION', ((), (ipython), menuinst)),

        if on_win:
            # menuinst should be linked first
            expected_plan = [
                ('PREFIX', 'aprefix'),
                ('PRINT', 'Linking packages ...'),
                # ('PROGRESS', '1'),
                ('PROGRESSIVEFETCHEXTRACT', ProgressiveFetchExtract(index, (menuinst, ipython))),
                ('UNLINKLINKTRANSACTION', ((), (menuinst, ipython))),

            # last_two = expected_plan[-2:]
            # expected_plan[-2:] = last_two[::-1]
        assert expected_plan[0] == conda_plan[0]
        assert expected_plan[1] == conda_plan[1]
        assert expected_plan[2] == conda_plan[2]
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_broken_install():
    installed = r.install(['pandas', 'python 2.7*', 'numpy 1.6*'])
    assert installed == [Dist(fname) for fname in [

    # Add a fake package and an incompatible numpy
    installed2 = list(installed)
    installed2[1] = Dist('numpy-1.7.1-py33_p0.tar.bz2')
    assert r.install([], installed2) == installed2
    installed3 = r.install(['numpy'], installed2)
    installed4 = r.remove(['pandas'], installed2)
    assert set(installed4) == set(installed2[:3] + installed2[4:])

    # Remove the installed version of pandas from the index
    index2 = index.copy()
    d = Dist('pandas-0.11.0-np16py27_1.tar.bz2')
    index2[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index2[d], priority=MAX_CHANNEL_PRIORITY)
    r2 = Resolve(index2)
    installed2 = r2.install(['pandas', 'python 2.7*', 'numpy 1.6*'], installed)
    assert installed2 == [Dist(d) for d in [
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_broken_install():
    installed = r.install(['pandas', 'python 2.7*', 'numpy 1.6*'])
    assert installed == [Dist(fname) for fname in [

    # Add a fake package and an incompatible numpy
    installed2 = list(installed)
    installed2[1] = Dist('numpy-1.7.1-py33_p0.tar.bz2')
    assert r.install([], installed2) == installed2
    installed3 = r.install(['numpy'], installed2)
    installed4 = r.remove(['pandas'], installed2)
    assert set(installed4) == set(installed2[:3] + installed2[4:])

    # Remove the installed version of pandas from the index
    index2 = index.copy()
    d = Dist('pandas-0.11.0-np16py27_1.tar.bz2')
    index2[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index2[d], priority=MAX_CHANNEL_PRIORITY)
    r2 = Resolve(index2)
    installed2 = r2.install(['pandas', 'python 2.7*', 'numpy 1.6*'], installed)
    assert installed2 == [Dist(d) for d in [
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_package_info(self):
        index_json_record = IndexRecord(build=0,
        icondata = "icondata"
        package_metadata = PackageMetadata(
            noarch=Noarch(type="python", entry_points=["test:foo"]),

        paths = [
            PathData(_path="test/path/3", path_type=PathType.softlink),
            PathData(_path="menu/test.json", path_type=PathType.hardlink)
        paths_data = PathsData(paths_version=0, paths=paths)

        package_info = PackageInfo(

        self.assertIsInstance(package_info.paths_data.paths[0], PathData)
        self.assertIsInstance(package_info.index_json_record, IndexRecord)
        self.assertIsInstance(package_info.package_metadata.noarch, Noarch)
        assert package_info.paths_data.paths[0].path == "test/path/1"
Exemplo n.º 16
def supplement_index_with_repodata(index, repodata, channel, priority):
    repodata_info = repodata['info']
    arch = repodata_info.get('arch')
    platform = repodata_info.get('platform')
    subdir = repodata_info.get('subdir')
    if not subdir:
        subdir = "%s-%s" % (repodata_info['platform'], repodata_info['arch'])
    auth = channel.auth
    for fn, info in iteritems(repodata['packages']):
        rec = IndexRecord.from_objects(info,
                                       # schannel=schannel,
                                       # url=join_url(channel_url, fn),
        dist = Dist(rec)
        index[dist] = rec
Exemplo n.º 17
from conda.common.compat import iteritems, text_type
from conda.exceptions import NoPackagesFoundError, UnsatisfiableError
from conda.models.dist import Dist
from conda.models.index_record import IndexRecord
from conda.resolve import MatchSpec, Resolve
from conda.models.package import Package
from os.path import dirname, join

import pytest

from conda.resolve import MatchSpec, Package, Resolve, NoPackagesFound, Unsatisfiable
from tests.helpers import raises

with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'index.json')) as fi:
    index = {
        Dist(key): IndexRecord(**value)
        for key, value in iteritems(json.load(fi))

r = Resolve(index)

f_mkl = set(['mkl'])

class TestMatchSpec(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ('numpy 1.7*', True),
            ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.7', False),
            ('numpy 1.5*', False),
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_no_features():
    # Without this, there would be another solution including 'scipy-0.11.0-np16py26_p3.tar.bz2'.
    assert r.install(['python 2.6*', 'numpy 1.6*', 'scipy 0.11*'],
        returnall=True) == [[Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(fname)) for fname in [

    assert r.install(['python 2.6*', 'numpy 1.6*', 'scipy 0.11*', 'mkl@'],
        returnall=True) == [[Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(fname)) for fname in [
            'mkl-rt-11.0-p0.tar.bz2',           # This,
            'numpy-1.6.2-py26_p4.tar.bz2',      # this,
            'scipy-0.11.0-np16py26_p3.tar.bz2', # and this are different.

    index2 = index.copy()
    index2["defaults::pandas-0.12.0-np16py27_0.tar.bz2"] = IndexRecord(**{
            "build": "np16py27_0",
            "build_number": 0,
            "depends": [
              "numpy 1.6*",
              "python 2.7*",
            "name": "pandas",
            "requires": [
              "dateutil 1.5",
              "numpy 1.6",
              "python 2.7",
            "version": "0.12.0"
    # Make it want to choose the pro version by having it be newer.
    index2["defaults::numpy-1.6.2-py27_p5.tar.bz2"] = IndexRecord(**{
            "build": "py27_p5",
            "build_number": 5,
            "depends": [
              "mkl-rt 11.0",
              "python 2.7*"
            "features": "mkl",
            "name": "numpy",
            "pub_date": "2013-04-29",
            "requires": [
              "mkl-rt 11.0",
              "python 2.7"
            "version": "1.6.2"

    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r2 = Resolve(index2)

    # This should not pick any mkl packages (the difference here is that none
    # of the specs directly have mkl versions)
    assert r2.solve(['pandas 0.12.0 np16py27_0', 'python 2.7*'],
        returnall=True) == [[Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(fname)) for fname in [

    assert r2.solve(['pandas 0.12.0 np16py27_0', 'python 2.7*', 'mkl@'],
        returnall=True)[0] == [[Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(fname)) for fname in [
            'mkl-rt-11.0-p0.tar.bz2',           # This
            'numpy-1.6.2-py27_p5.tar.bz2',      # and this are different.
Exemplo n.º 19
from conda.base.constants import MAX_CHANNEL_PRIORITY
from conda.base.context import reset_context
from conda.common.compat import iteritems, text_type
from conda.exceptions import NoPackagesFoundError, UnsatisfiableError
from conda.models.dist import Dist
from conda.models.index_record import IndexRecord
from conda.resolve import MatchSpec, Resolve
from os.path import dirname, join

import pytest

from conda.resolve import MatchSpec, Resolve, NoPackagesFound, Unsatisfiable
from tests.helpers import raises

with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'index.json')) as fi:
    index = {Dist(key): IndexRecord(**value) for key, value in iteritems(json.load(fi))}

r = Resolve(index)

f_mkl = set(['mkl'])

class TestMatchSpec(unittest.TestCase):

    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ('numpy 1.7*', True),          ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.7', False),          ('numpy 1.5*', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5', True),         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),   ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
            ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_nonexistent_deps():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index2['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    target_result = r.install(['mypackage'])
    assert target_result == r.install(['mypackage 1.1'])
    assert target_result == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0']))
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.0', 'burgertime 1.0']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [

    # This time, the latest version is messed up
    index3 = index.copy()
    index3['mypackage-1.1-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*', 'notarealpackage 2.0*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.1',
    index3['mypackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'python 3.3*'],
        'name': 'mypackage',
        'requires': ['nose 1.2.1', 'python 3.3'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-1.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage 1.0'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index3['anotherpackage-2.0-py33_0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': 'py33_0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'name': 'anotherpackage',
        'requires': ['nose', 'mypackage'],
        'version': '2.0',
    index3 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index3)}
    r = Resolve(index3)

    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.find_matches(MatchSpec('mypackage'))) == {
    assert set(d.to_filename() for d in r.get_reduced_index(['mypackage']).keys()) == {

    assert r.install(['mypackage']) == r.install(['mypackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname)) for dname in [
    assert raises(NoPackagesFoundError, lambda: r.install(['mypackage 1.1']))

    assert r.install(['anotherpackage 1.0']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname))for dname in [

    # If recursive checking is working correctly, this will give
    # anotherpackage 2.0, not anotherpackage 1.0
    assert r.install(['anotherpackage']) == [
        Dist(add_defaults_if_no_channel(dname))for dname in [
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_display_actions_show_channel_urls():
    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'True'
    actions = defaultdict(list, {"FETCH": ['sympy-0.7.2-py27_0',
    # The older test index doesn't have the size metadata
    d = Dist('sympy-0.7.2-py27_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, size=4374752)
    d = Dist('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, size=5994338)

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    sympy-0.7.2                |           py27_0         4.2 MB  defaults
    numpy-1.7.1                |           py27_0         5.7 MB  defaults
                                           Total:         9.9 MB


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'PREFIX':
    '/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda/envs/test', 'SYMLINK_CONDA':
    ['/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda'], 'LINK': ['python-3.3.2-0', 'readline-6.2-0', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0', 'tk-8.5.13-0', 'zlib-1.2.7-0']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    python:   3.3.2-0  <unknown>
    readline: 6.2-0    <unknown>
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0 <unknown>
    tk:       8.5.13-0 <unknown>
    zlib:     1.2.7-0  <unknown>


    actions['UNLINK'] = actions['LINK']
    actions['LINK'] = []

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be REMOVED:

    python:   3.3.2-0  <unknown>
    readline: 6.2-0    <unknown>
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0 <unknown>
    tk:       8.5.13-0 <unknown>
    zlib:     1.2.7-0  <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0'], 'UNLINK':

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython: 0.19-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython: 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19-py33_0 <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',
        'dateutil-1.5-py33_0', 'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0'], 'UNLINK':
        ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1', 'pip-1.3.1-py33_1']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0 <unknown>

The following packages will be REMOVED:

    pip:      1.3.1-py33_1 <unknown>

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0  <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1   <unknown> --> 1.5-py33_0    <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',
        'dateutil-2.1-py33_1'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  <unknown> --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19-py33_0 <unknown>
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    <unknown> --> 1.5-py33_0  <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    d = Dist('cython-0.19.1-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, channel='my_channel')
    d = Dist('dateutil-1.5-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, channel='my_channel')

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown>  --> 0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  my_channel --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown> \n\


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_display_actions_link_type():
    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'False'

    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0 2', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 2',
                'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 2', 'python-3.3.2-0 2', 'readline-6.2-0 2',
                'sqlite-3.7.13-0 2', 'tk-8.5.13-0 2', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 2'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    (softlink)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  (softlink)
    python:   3.3.2-0       (softlink)
    readline: 6.2-0         (softlink)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      (softlink)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      (softlink)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 2', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 2'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1    (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 2', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 2'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0  (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0 1', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 1',
                'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 1', 'python-3.3.2-0 1', 'readline-6.2-0 1',
                'sqlite-3.7.13-0 1', 'tk-8.5.13-0 1', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 1'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0   \n\
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0 \n\
    python:   3.3.2-0      \n\
    readline: 6.2-0        \n\
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0     \n\
    tk:       8.5.13-0     \n\
    zlib:     1.2.7-0      \n\


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 1', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 1'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1   \n\


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 1', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 1'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0 \n\


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3',
                'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 3', 'python-3.3.2-0 3', 'readline-6.2-0 3',
                'sqlite-3.7.13-0 3', 'tk-8.5.13-0 3', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 3'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    (copy)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  (copy)
    python:   3.3.2-0       (copy)
    readline: 6.2-0         (copy)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      (copy)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      (copy)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 3'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1    (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0  (copy)

    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'True'

    d = Dist('cython-0.19.1-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], channel='my_channel')

    d = Dist('dateutil-1.5-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], channel='my_channel')

    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3',
                'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 3', 'python-3.3.2-0 3', 'readline-6.2-0 3',
                'sqlite-3.7.13-0 3', 'tk-8.5.13-0 3', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 3'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    my_channel (copy)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  <unknown>  (copy)
    python:   3.3.2-0       <unknown>  (copy)
    readline: 6.2-0         <unknown>  (copy)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      <unknown>  (copy)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      <unknown>  (copy)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       <unknown>  (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 3'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown>  --> 0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  my_channel --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown>  (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_display_actions_show_channel_urls():
    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'True'
    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {"FETCH": ['sympy-0.7.2-py27_0', "numpy-1.7.1-py27_0"]})
    # The older test index doesn't have the size metadata
    d = Dist('sympy-0.7.2-py27_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, size=4374752)
    d = Dist('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, size=5994338)

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    sympy-0.7.2                |           py27_0         4.2 MB  <unknown>
    numpy-1.7.1                |           py27_0         5.7 MB  <unknown>
                                           Total:         9.9 MB


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'SYMLINK_CONDA': ['/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda'],
            'LINK': [
                'python-3.3.2-0', 'readline-6.2-0', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0',
                'tk-8.5.13-0', 'zlib-1.2.7-0'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """Package plan for environment '/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda/envs/test':

The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    python:   3.3.2-0  <unknown>
    readline: 6.2-0    <unknown>
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0 <unknown>
    tk:       8.5.13-0 <unknown>
    zlib:     1.2.7-0  <unknown>


    actions['UNLINK'] = actions['LINK']
    actions['LINK'] = []

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """Package plan for environment '/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda/envs/test':

The following packages will be REMOVED:

    python:   3.3.2-0  <unknown>
    readline: 6.2-0    <unknown>
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0 <unknown>
    tk:       8.5.13-0 <unknown>
    zlib:     1.2.7-0  <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(list, {
        'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0'],
        'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython: 0.19-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    cython: 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19-py33_0 <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0',
            ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1', 'pip-1.3.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0 <unknown>

The following packages will be REMOVED:

    pip:      1.3.1-py33_1 <unknown>

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0  <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1   <unknown> --> 1.5-py33_0    <unknown>


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown>
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  <unknown> --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 <unknown> --> 0.19-py33_0 <unknown>
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    <unknown> --> 1.5-py33_0  <unknown>


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    d = Dist('cython-0.19.1-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, channel='my_channel')
    d = Dist('dateutil-1.5-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(d, channel='my_channel')

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown>  --> 0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  my_channel --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown> \n\


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
Exemplo n.º 24
from conda.models.match_spec import MatchSpec
from conda.plan import display_actions
import conda.plan as plan
from conda.resolve import Resolve
from conda.utils import on_win
from .decorators import skip_if_no_mock
from .gateways.disk.test_permissions import tempdir
from .helpers import captured, mock, tempdir

    from unittest.mock import patch
except ImportError:
    from mock import patch

with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'index.json')) as fi:
    index = {Dist(k): IndexRecord(**v) for k, v in iteritems(json.load(fi))}
    r = Resolve(index)

def solve(specs):
    return [Dist.from_string(fn) for fn in r.solve(specs)]

class add_unlink_TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def generate_random_dist(self):
        return "foobar-%s-0" % random.randint(100, 200)

    def mock_platform(self, windows=False):
        with mock.patch.object(plan, "sys") as sys:
            sys.platform = "win32" if windows else "not win32"
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_display_actions_link_type():
    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'False'

    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 2', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 2',
    'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 2', 'python-3.3.2-0 2', 'readline-6.2-0 2', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0 2', 'tk-8.5.13-0 2', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 2']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    (softlink)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  (softlink)
    python:   3.3.2-0       (softlink)
    readline: 6.2-0         (softlink)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      (softlink)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      (softlink)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 2',
        'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 2'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1    (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 2',
        'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 2'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0 (softlink)
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0  (softlink)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 1', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 1',
    'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 1', 'python-3.3.2-0 1', 'readline-6.2-0 1', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0 1', 'tk-8.5.13-0 1', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 1']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0   \n\
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0 \n\
    python:   3.3.2-0      \n\
    readline: 6.2-0        \n\
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0     \n\
    tk:       8.5.13-0     \n\
    zlib:     1.2.7-0      \n\


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 1',
        'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 1'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1   \n\


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 1',
        'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 1'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0 \n\


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3',
    'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 3', 'python-3.3.2-0 3', 'readline-6.2-0 3', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0 3', 'tk-8.5.13-0 3', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 3']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    (copy)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  (copy)
    python:   3.3.2-0       (copy)
    readline: 6.2-0         (copy)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      (copy)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      (copy)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3',
        'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 3'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1    (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 3',
        'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0 (copy)
    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1    --> 1.5-py33_0  (copy)

    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'True'

    d = Dist('cython-0.19.1-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], channel='my_channel')

    d = Dist('dateutil-1.5-py33_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], channel='my_channel')

    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3',
    'numpy-1.7.1-py33_0 3', 'python-3.3.2-0 3', 'readline-6.2-0 3', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0 3', 'tk-8.5.13-0 3', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 3']})

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    cython:   0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0    my_channel (copy)
    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0  <unknown>  (copy)
    python:   3.3.2-0       <unknown>  (copy)
    readline: 6.2-0         <unknown>  (copy)
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0      <unknown>  (copy)
    tk:       8.5.13-0      <unknown>  (copy)
    zlib:     1.2.7-0       <unknown>  (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0 3',
        'dateutil-2.1-py33_1 3'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 <unknown>  --> 0.19.1-py33_0 my_channel (copy)
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  my_channel --> 2.1-py33_1    <unknown>  (copy)


    actions = defaultdict(list, {'LINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0 3',
        'dateutil-1.5-py33_0 3'], 'UNLINK':  ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0',

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_display_actions():
    os.environ['CONDA_SHOW_CHANNEL_URLS'] = 'False'
    actions = defaultdict(
        {"FETCH": [Dist('sympy-0.7.2-py27_0'),
    # The older test index doesn't have the size metadata
    d = Dist.from_string('sympy-0.7.2-py27_0.tar.bz2')
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], size=4374752)
    d = Dist.from_string("numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2")
    index[d] = IndexRecord.from_objects(index[d], size=5994338)

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be downloaded:

    package                    |            build
    sympy-0.7.2                |           py27_0         4.2 MB
    numpy-1.7.1                |           py27_0         5.7 MB
                                           Total:         9.9 MB


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'SYMLINK_CONDA': ['/Users/aaronmeurer/anaconda'],
            'LINK': [
                'python-3.3.2-0', 'readline-6.2-0 1', 'sqlite-3.7.13-0 1',
                'tk-8.5.13-0 1', 'zlib-1.2.7-0 1'

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    python:   3.3.2-0 \n\
    readline: 6.2-0   \n\
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0
    tk:       8.5.13-0
    zlib:     1.2.7-0 \n\


    actions['UNLINK'] = actions['LINK']
    actions['LINK'] = []

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be REMOVED:

    python:   3.3.2-0 \n\
    readline: 6.2-0   \n\
    sqlite:   3.7.13-0
    tk:       8.5.13-0
    zlib:     1.2.7-0 \n\


    actions = defaultdict(list, {
        'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0'],
        'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython: 0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    cython: 0.19.1-py33_0 --> 0.19-py33_0


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': [
                'cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0',
            ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1', 'pip-1.3.1-py33_1']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:

    numpy:    1.7.1-py33_0

The following packages will be REMOVED:

    pip:      1.3.1-py33_1

The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0  --> 0.19.1-py33_0

The following packages will be DOWNGRADED due to dependency conflicts:

    dateutil: 2.1-py33_1   --> 1.5-py33_0   \n\


    actions = defaultdict(
        list, {
            'LINK': ['cython-0.19.1-py33_0', 'dateutil-2.1-py33_1'],
            'UNLINK': ['cython-0.19-py33_0', 'dateutil-1.5-py33_0']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """
The following packages will be UPDATED:

    cython:   0.19-py33_0 --> 0.19.1-py33_0
    dateutil: 1.5-py33_0  --> 2.1-py33_1   \n\


    actions['LINK'], actions['UNLINK'] = actions['UNLINK'], actions['LINK']

    with captured() as c:
        display_actions(actions, index)

    assert c.stdout == """