Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [
         ('numpy 1.7*', True),
         ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.7', False),
         ('numpy 1.5*', False),
         ('numpy >=1.5', True),
         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
         ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),
         ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
         ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),
         ('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy >=1.8|1.7*', True),
         ('numpy ==1.7', False),
         ('numpy >=1.5,>1.6', True),
         ('numpy ==1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),
         ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
         ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),
         ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),
         ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
         ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False),
         ('python', False),
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)
Exemplo n.º 2
def solve(specs: List[str], r: Resolve) -> Union[bool, Iterable[str]]:
    features = set()  # type: Set
    for spec in specs:
        if conda.config.platform == 'win32' and spec == 'python':
        # XXX: This does not work when a spec only contains the name,
        # and different versions of the package have different features.
        ms = MatchSpec(spec)
        for pkg in r.get_pkgs(ms, max_only=False):
            fn = pkg.fn
    for spec in specs:
        for pkg in r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(spec), max_only=False):
            fn = pkg.fn
            r.update_with_features(fn, features)

    print("Solving package specifications: ", end='')
        return r.explicit(specs) or r.solve2(specs,
    except RuntimeError:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
def execute(args, parser):
    import re

    import conda.install as install
    from conda.api import get_index
    from conda.resolve import MatchSpec, Resolve

    if args.regex:
        pat = re.compile(args.regex, re.I)
        pat = None

    prefix = common.get_prefix(args)
    if not args.canonical:
        linked = install.linked(prefix)

    # XXX: Make this work with more than one platform
    platform = args.platform or ''
    common.ensure_override_channels_requires_channel(args, dashc=False)
    channel_urls = args.channel or ()
    index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls,
                      prepend=not args.override_channels,

    r = Resolve(index)
    for name in sorted(r.groups):
        disp_name = name
        if pat and pat.search(name) is None:

        if args.outdated:
            vers_inst = [
                dist.rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked
                if dist.rsplit('-', 2)[0] == name
            if not vers_inst:
            assert len(vers_inst) == 1, name
            pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(name)))
            if not pkgs:
            latest = pkgs[-1]
            if latest.version == vers_inst[0]:

        for pkg in sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(name))):
            dist = pkg.fn[:-8]
            if args.canonical:
            inst = '*' if dist in linked else ' '
            print('%-25s %s  %-15s %15s  %-15s %s' % (
            disp_name = ''
Exemplo n.º 4
def handle_config_version(ms, ver, dep_type='run'):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else:  # regular version
            return ms

    # If we don't have a configured version, or we are dealing with a simple
    # numpy runtime dependency; just use "numpy"/the name of the package as
    # the specification. In practice this means that a recipe which just
    # defines numpy as a runtime dependency will match any version of numpy
    # at install time.
    if ver is None or (dep_type == 'run' and ms.strictness == 1
                       and ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Exemplo n.º 5
def add_defaults_to_specs(r, linked, specs, update=False):
    # TODO: This should use the pinning mechanism. But don't change the API:
    # cas uses it.
    if r.explicit(specs):
    log.debug('H0 specs=%r' % specs)
    linked = [fn if fn.endswith('.tar.bz2') else fn + '.tar.bz2' for fn in linked]
    names_linked = {r.index[fn]['name']: fn for fn in linked}
    names_ms = {MatchSpec(s).name: MatchSpec(s) for s in specs}

    for name, def_ver in [('python', default_python),
                          # Default version required, but only used for Python
                          ('lua', None)]:
        ms = names_ms.get(name)
        if ms and not ms.is_simple():
            # if any of the specifications mention the Python/Numpy version,
            # we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H1 %s' % name)

        any_depends_on = any(ms2.name == name
                             for spec in specs
                             for fn in r.find_matches(spec)
                             for ms2 in r.ms_depends(fn))
        log.debug('H2 %s %s' % (name, any_depends_on))

        if not any_depends_on and name not in names_ms:
            # if nothing depends on Python/Numpy AND the Python/Numpy is not
            # specified, we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2A %s' % name)

        if (any_depends_on and len(specs) >= 1 and
            # if something depends on Python/Numpy, but the spec is very
            # explicit, we also don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2B %s' % name)

        if name in names_linked:
            # if Python/Numpy is already linked, we add that instead of the
            # default
            log.debug('H3 %s' % name)
            fkey = names_linked[name]
            info = r.index[fkey]
            ver = '.'.join(info['version'].split('.', 2)[:2])
            spec = '%s %s*' % (info['name'], ver)
            if update:
                spec += ' (target=%s)' % fkey

        if (name, def_ver) in [('python', '3.3'), ('python', '3.4'),
                               ('python', '3.5')]:
            # Don't include Python 3 in the specs if this is the Python 3
            # version of conda.

        specs.append('%s %s*' % (name, def_ver))
    log.debug('HF specs=%r' % specs)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ('numpy 1.7*', True),          ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.7', False),          ('numpy 1.5*', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5', True),         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),   ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
            ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8|1.7*', True),    ('numpy ==1.7', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5,>1.6', True),    ('numpy ==1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.7.*', True),     ('numpy *.7.*,>=1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.8.*', False),    ('numpy >=2,*.7.*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),     ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),    ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),  ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
            ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False), ('numpy >1.7.1a', True),
            ('python', False),
            m = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)

        # both version numbers conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2'))
        # both version numbers non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1*.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        # one conforming, other non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1a').match('numpy-1.0.1z-0.tar.bz2'))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def ms_depends(self, typ='run'):
        res = []
        name_ver_list = [('python', CONDA_PY), ('numpy', CONDA_NPY),
                         ('perl', CONDA_PERL)]
        for spec in self.get_value('requirements/' + typ, []):
                ms = MatchSpec(spec)
            except AssertionError:
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid package specification: %r" % spec)
            for name, ver in name_ver_list:
                if ms.name == name:
                    if ms.strictness != 1:
    You cannot specify a version for package '%s' in the requirements.
    Please use the environment variables CONDA_PY, CONDA_NPY, or CONDA_PERL.
""" % name)
                    str_ver = str(ver)
                    if '.' not in str_ver:
                        str_ver = '.'.join(str_ver)
                    ms = MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (name, str_ver))
            for c in '=!@#$%^&*:;"\'\\|<>?/':
                if c in ms.name:
                    sys.exit("Error: bad character '%s' in package name "
                             "dependency '%s'" % (c, ms.name))
        return res
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setUp(self):
     self.res = generate_mocked_resolve([
         ("ranenv", "test-spec", "rando_chnl", "1"),
         (None, "test-spec", "defaults", "5"),
         ("test1", "test-spec2", "defaults", "1")
     self.specs = [MatchSpec("test-spec"), MatchSpec("test-spec2")]
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ('numpy 1.7*', True),          ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.7', False),          ('numpy 1.5*', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5', True),         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),   ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
            ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8|1.7*', True),    ('numpy ==1.7', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5,>1.6', True),    ('numpy ==1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.7.*', True),     ('numpy *.7.*,>=1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.8.*', False),    ('numpy >=2,*.7.*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),     ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),    ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),  ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
            ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False), ('numpy >1.7.1a', True),
            ('python', False),
            m = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)

        # both version numbers conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2'))
        # both version numbers non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1*.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        # one conforming, other non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2'))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1a').match('numpy-1.0.1z-0.tar.bz2'))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_to_filename(self):
        ms = MatchSpec('foo 1.7 52')
        self.assertEqual(ms.to_filename(), 'foo-1.7-52.tar.bz2')

        for spec in 'bitarray', 'pycosat 0.6.0', 'numpy 1.6*':
            ms = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(ms.to_filename(), None)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_to_filename(self):
        ms = MatchSpec("foo 1.7 52")
        self.assertEqual(ms.to_filename(), "foo-1.7-52.tar.bz2")

        for spec in "bitarray", "pycosat 0.6.0", "numpy 1.6*":
            ms = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(ms.to_filename(), None)
Exemplo n.º 12
def remove_actions(prefix, specs, index=None, pinned=True):
    linked = install.linked(prefix)

    mss = [MatchSpec(spec) for spec in specs]

    if index:
        r = Resolve(index)
        r = None

    pinned_specs = get_pinned_specs(prefix)

    actions = defaultdict(list)
    actions[inst.PREFIX] = prefix
    for dist in sorted(linked):
        fn = dist + '.tar.bz2'
        if any(ms.match(fn) for ms in mss):
            if pinned and any(MatchSpec(spec).match('%s.tar.bz2' % dist) for spec in
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot remove %s because it is pinned. Use --no-pin to override." % dist)

            if r and fn in index and r.track_features(fn):
                features_actions = remove_features_actions(prefix, index, r.track_features(fn))
                for action in features_actions:
                    if isinstance(actions[action], list):
                        for item in features_actions[action]:
                            if item not in actions[action]:
                        assert actions[action] == features_actions[action]

    return actions
Exemplo n.º 13
def parse_specifications(requirements):
    Parse a list of specifications, turning multi-line specifications into
    a single specification.
    requirement_specs = defaultdict(list)
    # Generate a list of requirements for each spec name to ensure that
    # multi-line specs are handled.
    for spec in requirements:
        spec_details = spec.split(None, 1)
        if len(spec_details) == 2:
            # Package name and version spec were given, append the
            # version spec.
        elif spec_details[0] not in requirement_specs:
            # Only package name given (e.g. 'numpy'), and the package name is
            # not in the requirements yet, so add an empty list.
            requirement_specs[MatchSpec(spec).name] = []

    # Combine multi-line specs into a single line by assuming the requirements
    # should be and-ed.
    for spec_name, spec_list in requirement_specs.items():
        requirement_specs[spec_name] = ','.join(spec_list)

    # Turn these into MatchSpecs.
    requirement_specs = {
        name: MatchSpec(' '.join([name, spec]).strip())
        for name, spec in requirement_specs.items()

    return requirement_specs
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [
         ("numpy 1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy 1.7", False),
         ("numpy 1.5*", False),
         ("numpy >=1.5", True),
         ("numpy >=1.5,<2", True),
         ("numpy >=1.8,<1.9", False),
         ("numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1", False),
         ("numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7", False),
         ("numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy >=1.8|1.7*", True),
         ("numpy ==1.7", False),
         ("numpy >=1.5,>1.6", True),
         ("numpy ==1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy >=1,*.7.*", True),
         ("numpy *.7.*,>=1", True),
         ("numpy >=1,*.8.*", False),
         ("numpy >=2,*.7.*", False),
         ("numpy 1.6*|1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.6*|1.8*", False),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0", False),
         ("numpy 1.7.1 py27_0", True),
         ("numpy 1.7.1 py26_0", False),
         ("python", False),
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match("numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2"), res)
Exemplo n.º 15
def handle_config_version(ms, ver):
    'ms' is an instance of MatchSpec, and 'ver' is the version from the
    configuration, e.g. for ms.name == 'python', ver = 26 or None,
    return a (sometimes new) MatchSpec object
    if ms.strictness == 3:
        return ms

    if ms.strictness == 2:
        if ms.spec.split()[1] == 'x.x':
            if ver is None:
                raise RuntimeError("'%s' requires external setting" % ms.spec)
            # (no return here - proceeds below)
        else:  # regular version
            return ms

    if ver is None or (ms.strictness == 1 and ms.name == 'numpy'):
        return MatchSpec(ms.name)

    ver = text_type(ver)
    if '.' not in ver:
        if ms.name == 'numpy':
            ver = '%s.%s' % (ver[0], ver[1:])
            ver = '.'.join(ver)
    return MatchSpec('%s %s*' % (ms.name, ver))
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_hash(self):
     a, b = MatchSpec('numpy 1.7*'), MatchSpec('numpy 1.7*')
     self.assertTrue(a is not b)
     self.assertEqual(a, b)
     self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(b))
     c, d = MatchSpec('python'), MatchSpec('python 2.7.4')
     self.assertNotEqual(a, c)
     self.assertNotEqual(hash(a), hash(c))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def setUp(self):
     pkgs = [(None, "test-spec", "default", "1"),
             ("ranenv", "test-spec", "default", "5"),
             ("test1", "test-spec2", "default", "1")]
     self.res = generate_mocked_resolve(pkgs)
     self.specs = [MatchSpec("test-spec"), MatchSpec("test-spec2")]
     self.context = generate_mocked_context(
         "some/prefix", "some/prefix",
         ["some/prefix/envs", "some/prefix/envs/_pre_"])
Exemplo n.º 18
def add_defaults_to_specs(r, linked, specs, update=False):
    # TODO: This should use the pinning mechanism. But don't change the API:
    # cas uses it.
    if r.explicit(specs):
    log.debug('H0 specs=%r' % specs)
    names_linked = {install.name_dist(dist): dist for dist in linked}
    names_ms = {MatchSpec(s).name: MatchSpec(s) for s in specs}

    for name, def_ver in [
        ('python', config.default_python),
            # Default version required, but only used for Python
        ('lua', None)
        ms = names_ms.get(name)
        if ms and ms.strictness > 1:
            # if any of the specifications mention the Python/Numpy version,
            # we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H1 %s' % name)

        any_depends_on = any(ms2.name == name for spec in specs
                             for fn in r.find_matches(spec)
                             for ms2 in r.ms_depends(fn))
        log.debug('H2 %s %s' % (name, any_depends_on))

        if not any_depends_on and name not in names_ms:
            # if nothing depends on Python/Numpy AND the Python/Numpy is not
            # specified, we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2A %s' % name)

        if (any_depends_on and len(specs) >= 1
                and MatchSpec(specs[0]).strictness == 3):
            # if something depends on Python/Numpy, but the spec is very
            # explicit, we also don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2B %s' % name)

        if name in names_linked:
            # if Python/Numpy is already linked, we add that instead of the
            # default
            log.debug('H3 %s' % name)
            spec = dist2spec3v(names_linked[name])
            if update:
                spec = '%s (target=%s.tar.bz2)' % (spec, names_linked[name])

        if (name, def_ver) in [('python', '3.3'), ('python', '3.4'),
                               ('python', '3.5')]:
            # Don't include Python 3 in the specs if this is the Python 3
            # version of conda.

        specs.append('%s %s*' % (name, def_ver))
    log.debug('HF specs=%r' % specs)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ('numpy 1.7*', True),          ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.7', False),          ('numpy 1.5*', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5', True),         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),   ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
            ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1.8|1.7*', True),    ('numpy ==1.7', False),
            ('numpy >=1.5,>1.6', True),    ('numpy ==1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.7.*', True),     ('numpy *.7.*,>=1', True),
            ('numpy >=1,*.8.*', False),    ('numpy >=2,*.7.*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),     ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),    ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
            ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),  ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
            ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False), ('numpy >1.7.1a', True),
            ('python', False),
            m = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(m.match(Dist('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2')), res)

        # both version numbers conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2')))
        # both version numbers non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1*.vc11').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2')))
        # one conforming, other non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1.vc11-0.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy <1.0.1').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1.vc11').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1a').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1z-0.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('numpy >=1.0.1a py27*').match(Dist('numpy-1.0.1z-py27_1.tar.bz2')))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('blas * openblas').match(Dist('blas-1.0-openblas.tar.bz2')))

        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('blas 1.0').is_simple())
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('blas 1.0').is_exact())
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('blas 1.0 1').is_simple())
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec('blas 1.0 1').is_exact())
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec('blas 1.0 *').is_exact())

        m = MatchSpec('blas 1.0', optional=True)
        m2 = MatchSpec(m, optional=False)
        m3 = MatchSpec(m2, target='blas-1.0-0.tar.bz2')
        m4 = MatchSpec(m3, target=None, optional=True)
        self.assertTrue(m.spec == m2.spec and m.optional != m2.optional)
        self.assertTrue(m2.spec == m3.spec and m2.optional == m3.optional and m2.target != m3.target)
        self.assertTrue(m == m4)

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, MatchSpec, 'blas (optional')
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, MatchSpec, 'blas (optional,test)')
Exemplo n.º 20
def add_defaults_to_specs(r, linked, specs):
    if r.explicit(specs):
    log.debug('H0 specs=%r' % specs)
    names_linked = {install.name_dist(dist): dist for dist in linked}
    names_ms = {MatchSpec(s).name: MatchSpec(s) for s in specs}

    for name, def_ver in [
        ('python', config.default_python),
        #('numpy', config.default_numpy)]:
        ms = names_ms.get(name)
        if ms and ms.strictness > 1:
            # if any of the specifications mention the Python/Numpy version,
            # we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H1 %s' % name)

        any_depends_on = any(ms2.name == name for spec in specs
                             for fn in r.get_max_dists(MatchSpec(spec))
                             for ms2 in r.ms_depends(fn))
        log.debug('H2 %s %s' % (name, any_depends_on))

        if not any_depends_on and name not in names_ms:
            # if nothing depends on Python/Numpy AND the Python/Numpy is not
            # specified, we don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2A %s' % name)

        if (any_depends_on and len(specs) >= 1
                and MatchSpec(specs[0]).strictness == 3):
            # if something depends on Python/Numpy, but the spec is very
            # explicit, we also don't need to add the default spec
            log.debug('H2B %s' % name)

        if name in names_linked:
            # if Python/Numpy is already linked, we add that instead of the
            # default
            log.debug('H3 %s' % name)

        if (name, def_ver) == ('python', '3.3'):
            # Don't include Python 3 in the specs if this is the Python 3
            # version of conda.

        specs.append('%s %s*' % (name, def_ver))
    log.debug('HF specs=%r' % specs)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [('numpy 1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7', False),
                       ('numpy 1.5*', False),
                       ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False),
                       ('python', False)]:
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [('numpy 1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7', False),
                       ('numpy 1.5*', False),
                       ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
                       ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
                       ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False),
                       ('python', False)]:
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_hash(self):
     a, b = MatchSpec('numpy 1.7*'), MatchSpec('numpy 1.7*')
     # optional should not change the hash
     d = MatchSpec('numpy 1.7* (optional)')
     self.assertTrue(a is not b)
     self.assertTrue(a is not d)
     self.assertEqual(a, b)
     self.assertNotEqual(a, d)
     self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(b))
     self.assertEqual(hash(a), hash(d))
     c, d = MatchSpec('python'), MatchSpec('python 2.7.4')
     self.assertNotEqual(a, c)
     self.assertNotEqual(hash(a), hash(c))
     self.assertNotEqual(c, d)
     self.assertNotEqual(hash(c), hash(d))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_numpy(self):
        for spec, ver, res_spec in [
            ('numpy', None, 'numpy'),
            ('numpy', 18, 'numpy'),
            ('numpy', 110, 'numpy'),
            ('numpy x.x', 17, 'numpy 1.7*'),
            ('numpy x.x', 110, 'numpy 1.10*'),
            ('numpy 1.9.1', 18, 'numpy 1.9.1'),
            ('numpy 1.9.0 py27_2', None, 'numpy 1.9.0 py27_2'),
            ms = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(handle_config_version(ms, ver),

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, handle_config_version,
                          MatchSpec('numpy x.x'), None)
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_package_versions(package):
    index = get_index()
    r = Resolve(index)
    if package in r.groups:
        return r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(package))
        return []
Exemplo n.º 26
def arg2spec(arg, json=False, update=False):
        spec = MatchSpec(spec_from_line(arg))
        error_and_exit('invalid package specification: %s' % arg,
    name = spec.name
    if name in config.disallow:
        error_and_exit("specification '%s' is disallowed" % name,
    if spec.strictness > 1 and update:
        error_and_exit("""version specifications not allowed with 'update'; use
    conda update  %s%s  or
    conda install %s""" % (name, ' ' * (len(arg) - len(name)), arg),
    if spec.strictness != 2:
        return str(spec)
    ver = spec.vspecs.spec
    if isinstance(ver, tuple) or ver.startswith(
        ('=', '>', '<', '!')) or ver.endswith('*'):
        return str(spec)
    elif ver.endswith('.0'):
        return '%s %s|%s*' % (name, ver[:-2], ver)
        return '%s %s*' % (name, ver)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = {
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_dists(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.solve(['package1']) == r.solve(['package2']) == \
        r.solve(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Exemplo n.º 28
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [
         ('numpy 1.7*', True),          ('numpy 1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.7', False),          ('numpy 1.5*', False),
         ('numpy >=1.5', True),         ('numpy >=1.5,<2', True),
         ('numpy >=1.8,<1.9', False),   ('numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1', False),
         ('numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7', False),('numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy >=1.8|1.7*', True),    ('numpy ==1.7', False),
         ('numpy >=1.5,>1.6', True),    ('numpy ==1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.6*|1.7*', True),     ('numpy 1.6*|1.8*', False),
         ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7*', True),    ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1', True),
         ('numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0', False),  ('numpy 1.7.1 py27_0', True),
         ('numpy 1.7.1 py26_0', False), ('python', False),
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match('numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2'), res)
Exemplo n.º 29
def create_rpm_installer(target, config, python_spec='python'):
    rpm_prefix = config['rpm']['prefix']
    index = conda.api.get_index()
    matches = Resolve(index).get_pkgs(MatchSpec(python_spec))
    if not matches:
        raise RuntimeError('No python found in the channels.')
    # Pick the latest Python match.
    pkg_info = sorted(matches)[-1].info
    dist_name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(pkg_info['name'], pkg_info['version'],
    pkg_cache = os.path.join(target, 'SOURCES') 
    if not conda_install.is_fetched(pkg_cache, dist_name):
        print('Fetching {}'.format(dist_name))
        conda.fetch.fetch_pkg(pkg_info, pkg_cache)

    installer_source = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'install.py')
    installer_target = os.path.join(pkg_cache, 'install.py')

    shutil.copyfile(installer_source, installer_target)

    spec_dir = os.path.join(target, 'SPECS')
    if not os.path.exists(spec_dir):

    specfile = os.path.join(spec_dir, '{}-installer.spec'.format(rpm_prefix))
    with open(specfile, 'w') as fh:
        fh.write(generate.render_installer(pkg_info, config))
Exemplo n.º 30
def filter_cases(cases, index, extra_specs):
    cases might look like:

        cases = ([('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.8')],
                 [('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.9')],
                 [('python', '3.5'), ('numpy', '1.8')],

    Typically extra_specs comes from the environment specification.

    cases might look like:

            cases = ([('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.8')],
                 [('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.9')],
                 [('python', '3.5'), ('numpy', '1.8')],

    Typically extra_specs comes from the environment specification.

    specs = [MatchSpec(spec) for spec in extra_specs]

    for case in cases:
        cases_by_pkg_name = {name: '{}-{}.0-0.tar.bz2'.format(name, version)
                  for name, version in case}
        match = []
        for spec in specs:
            if spec.name in cases_by_pkg_name:
        if all(match):
            yield case
Exemplo n.º 31
 def test_llvm(self):
     ms = MatchSpec('llvm')
     pkgs = [Package(fn, r.index[Dist(fn)]) for fn in r.find_matches(ms)]
         [p.fn for p in pkgs],
         ['llvm-3.1-0.tar.bz2', 'llvm-3.1-1.tar.bz2', 'llvm-3.2-0.tar.bz2'])
Exemplo n.º 32
def filter_cases(cases, extra_specs):
    cases might look like:

        cases = ([('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.8')],
                 [('python', '2.7'), ('numpy', '1.9')],
                 [('python', '3.5'), ('numpy', '1.8')],

    Typically extra_specs comes from the environment specification.

    specs = [MatchSpec(spec) for spec in extra_specs]

    for case in cases:
        # Invent a sensible "tar.bz2" name which we can use to invoke conda's
        # MatchSpec matching.
        cases_by_pkg_name = {
            name: '{}-{}.0-0.tar.bz2'.format(name, version)
            for name, version in case
        match = []
        for spec in specs:
            # Only run the filter on the packages in cases.
            if spec.name in cases_by_pkg_name:
        if all(match):
            yield case
Exemplo n.º 33
def warn_on_old_conda_build(index):
    root_linked = linked(cc.root_dir)
    vers_inst = [
        dist.rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in root_linked
        if dist.rsplit('-', 2)[0] == 'conda-build'
    if not len(vers_inst) == 1:
        print("WARNING: Could not detect installed version of conda-build",
    r = Resolve(index)
        pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec('conda-build')))
    except NoPackagesFound:
            "WARNING: Could not find any versions of conda-build in the channels",
    if pkgs[-1].version != vers_inst[0]:
WARNING: conda-build appears to be out of date. You have version %s but the
latest version is %s. Run

conda update -n root conda-build

to get the latest version.
""" % (vers_inst[0], pkgs[-1].version),
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_circular_dependencies():
    index2 = index.copy()
    index2['package1-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package2'],
        'name': 'package1',
        'requires': ['package2'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2['package2-1.0-0.tar.bz2'] = IndexRecord(**{
        'build': '0',
        'build_number': 0,
        'depends': ['package1'],
        'name': 'package2',
        'requires': ['package1'],
        'version': '1.0',
    index2 = {Dist(key): value for key, value in iteritems(index2)}
    r = Resolve(index2)

    assert set(r.find_matches(MatchSpec('package1'))) == {
    assert set(r.get_reduced_index(['package1']).keys()) == {
    assert r.install(['package1']) == r.install(['package2']) == \
        r.install(['package1', 'package2']) == [
Exemplo n.º 35
 def test_explicit1(self):
     self.assertEqual(r.explicit(['pycosat 0.6.0 py27_0']), None)
     self.assertEqual(r.explicit(['zlib']), None)
     self.assertEqual(r.explicit(['zlib 1.2.7']), None)
     # because zlib has no dependencies it is also explicit
     exp_result = r.explicit([MatchSpec('zlib 1.2.7 0', schannel='defaults')])
     self.assertEqual(exp_result, [Dist('defaults::zlib-1.2.7-0.tar.bz2')])
Exemplo n.º 36
def arg2spec(arg, json=False, update=False):
        spec = MatchSpec(spec_from_line(arg), normalize=True)
        error_and_exit('invalid package specification: %s' % arg,
                       json=json, error_type="ValueError")
    name = spec.name
    if name in disallow:
        error_and_exit("specification '%s' is disallowed" % name,
    if not spec.is_simple() and update:
        error_and_exit("""version specifications not allowed with 'update'; use
    conda update  %s%s  or
    conda install %s""" % (name, ' ' * (len(arg)-len(name)), arg),
                       json=json, error_type="ValueError")
    return str(spec)
Exemplo n.º 37
 def test_match(self):
     for spec, res in [
         ("numpy 1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy 1.7", False),
         ("numpy 1.5*", False),
         ("numpy 1.6*|1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.6*|1.8*", False),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7*", True),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1", True),
         ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0", False),
         ("numpy 1.7.1 py27_0", True),
         ("numpy 1.7.1 py26_0", False),
         ("python", False),
         m = MatchSpec(spec)
         self.assertEqual(m.match("numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2"), res)
Exemplo n.º 38
    def test_python(self):
        for spec, ver, res_spec in [
            ('python', '3.4', 'python 3.4*'),
            ('python 2.7.8', '2.7', 'python 2.7.8'),
            ('python 2.7.8', '3.5', 'python 2.7.8'),
            ('python 2.7.8', None, 'python 2.7.8'),
            ('python', None, 'python'),
            ('python x.x', '2.7', 'python 2.7*'),
            ('python', '27', 'python 2.7*'),
            ('python', 27, 'python 2.7*'),
            ms = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(handle_config_version(ms, ver),

        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, handle_config_version,
                          MatchSpec('python x.x'), None)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_match(self):
        for spec, res in [
            ("numpy 1.7*", True),
            ("numpy 1.7.1", True),
            ("numpy 1.7", False),
            ("numpy 1.5*", False),
            ("numpy >=1.5", True),
            ("numpy >=1.5,<2", True),
            ("numpy >=1.8,<1.9", False),
            ("numpy >1.5,<2,!=1.7.1", False),
            ("numpy >1.8,<2|==1.7", False),
            ("numpy >1.8,<2|>=1.7.1", True),
            ("numpy >=1.8|1.7*", True),
            ("numpy ==1.7", False),
            ("numpy >=1.5,>1.6", True),
            ("numpy ==1.7.1", True),
            ("numpy >=1,*.7.*", True),
            ("numpy *.7.*,>=1", True),
            ("numpy >=1,*.8.*", False),
            ("numpy >=2,*.7.*", False),
            ("numpy 1.6*|1.7*", True),
            ("numpy 1.6*|1.8*", False),
            ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7*", True),
            ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.1", True),
            ("numpy 1.6.2|1.7.0", False),
            ("numpy 1.7.1 py27_0", True),
            ("numpy 1.7.1 py26_0", False),
            ("numpy >1.7.1a", True),
            ("python", False),
            m = MatchSpec(spec)
            self.assertEqual(m.match("numpy-1.7.1-py27_0.tar.bz2"), res)

        # both version numbers conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec("numpy >=1.0.1").match("numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2"))
        # both version numbers non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec("numpy >=1.0.1.vc11").match("numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2"))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec("numpy >=1.0.1*.vc11").match("numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2"))
        # one conforming, other non-conforming to PEP 440
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec("numpy <1.0.1").match("numpy-1.0.1.vc11-0.tar.bz2"))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec("numpy <1.0.1").match("numpy-1.0.1a.vc11-0.tar.bz2"))
        self.assertFalse(MatchSpec("numpy >=1.0.1.vc11").match("numpy-1.0.1a-0.tar.bz2"))
        self.assertTrue(MatchSpec("numpy >=1.0.1a").match("numpy-1.0.1z-0.tar.bz2"))
Exemplo n.º 40
print repo

r = Resolve(repo['packages'])
r.solve(env_lts['packages'], features=set())

r.solve2(env_lts['packages'], features=set())

# conda.api.fetch_repodata is the underlying index loader.

#index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls,
#                              prepend=not args.override_channels,
#                              use_cache=args.use_index_cache,
#                              unknown=args.unknown,
#                              json=args.json,
#                              offline=args.offline)

from conda.resolve import MatchSpec

fn = 'numpy-1.8.3-py27_0.tar.bz2'

ms = MatchSpec('numpy >=1.7,<1.9')

print ms.match(fn)

#for name in orig_packages:
#    pkgs = sorted(r.get_pkgs(MatchSpec(name)))