Exemplo n.º 1
    def provide_download_of_zip(zipname, dirname):
        with codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, DEFAULT_PROJECT_FILENAME), 'w', 'utf-8') as f:

        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            assert self._url.endswith(".zip")
            assert self._filename.endswith(".zip")
            shutil.copyfile(zipname, self._filename)
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)

        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, 'data'))
        assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo'))
        assert codecs.open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data', 'foo')).read() == 'hello\n'

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data')
        assert status.logs == ["Removed downloaded file %s." % filename,
                               ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
        assert status.status_description == "Success."
Exemplo n.º 2
 def unprepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
Exemplo n.º 3
def remove_download(project, prepare_result, env_var):
    """Remove file or directory referenced by ``env_var`` from file system and the project.

    The returned ``Status`` will be an instance of ``SimpleStatus``. A False
    status will have an ``errors`` property with a list of error

        project (Project): the project
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare
        env_var (str): env var to store the local filename

        ``Status`` instance
    failed = project.problems_status()
    if failed is not None:
        return failed
    # Modify the project file _in memory only_, do not save
    requirement = project.find_requirements(env_var, klass=DownloadRequirement)
    if not requirement:
        return SimpleStatus(
            description="Download requirement: {} not found.".format(env_var))
    assert len(requirement) == 1  # duplicate env vars aren't allowed
    requirement = requirement[0]

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result, whitelist=[env_var])
    if status:
        project.project_file.unset_value(['downloads', env_var])
        assert project.problems == []

    return status
Exemplo n.º 4
 def unprepare_empty(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
Exemplo n.º 5
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv'), 'w') as out:
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        def mock_remove(path):
            raise IOError("Not gonna remove this")

        monkeypatch.setattr("os.remove", mock_remove)

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status.logs == []
        assert status.status_description == ('Failed to remove %s: Not gonna remove this.' % filename)
        assert status.errors == []
        assert not status
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        monkeypatch.undo()  # so os.remove isn't broken during directory cleanup
Exemplo n.º 6
def remove_download(project, prepare_result, env_var):
    """Remove file or directory referenced by ``env_var`` from file system and the project.

    The returned ``Status`` will be an instance of ``SimpleStatus``. A False
    status will have an ``errors`` property with a list of error

        project (Project): the project
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare
        env_var (str): env var to store the local filename

        ``Status`` instance
    failed = project.problems_status()
    if failed is not None:
        return failed
    # Modify the project file _in memory only_, do not save
    requirement = project.find_requirements(env_var, klass=DownloadRequirement)
    if not requirement:
        return SimpleStatus(success=False, description="Download requirement: {} not found.".format(env_var))
    assert len(requirement) == 1  # duplicate env vars aren't allowed
    requirement = requirement[0]

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result, whitelist=[env_var])
    if status:
        project.project_file.unset_value(['downloads', env_var])
        assert project.problems == []

    return status
Exemplo n.º 7
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            class Res:

            res = Res()
            res.code = 200
            with open(os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv'), 'w') as out:
            self._hash = '12345abcdef'
            raise gen.Return(res)

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert hasattr(result, 'environ')
        assert 'DATAFILE' in result.environ
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        assert os.path.exists(filename)

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status.logs == ["Removed downloaded file %s." % filename,
                               ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
        assert status.status_description == 'Success.'
        assert status
        assert not os.path.exists(filename)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result
        assert 'REDIS_URL' in result.environ

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # be sure we generate the config html that would use the old one
        requirement = _redis_requirement()
        status = requirement.check_status(result.environ, local_state_file,
                                          'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        html = RedisProvider().config_html(requirement, result.environ,
                                           UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        assert 'Use the redis-server we started earlier' in html

        # now try again, and we should re-use the exact same server
        pidfile_mtime = os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content = file.read()
        result2 = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result2

        # port should be the same, and set in the environment
        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(

        # no new pid file
        assert pidfile_mtime == os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content2 = file.read()
        assert pidfile_content == pidfile_content2

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result2)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemplo n.º 9
 def unprepare_nothing(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result, whitelist=[])
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Nothing to clean up.'
Exemplo n.º 10
 def unprepare_nothing(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result, whitelist=[])
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Nothing to clean up.'
Exemplo n.º 11
 def check_env_var_provider_prepare(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(FOO='bar'))
     assert result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert status
     assert status.status_description == 'Success.'
     assert status.logs == ["Nothing to clean up for FOO.",
                            ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
Exemplo n.º 12
 def unprepare_problems(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert not result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert not status
     assert status.status_description == 'Unable to load the project.'
     assert status.errors == ['variables section contains wrong value type 42, ' +
                              'should be dict or list of requirements']
Exemplo n.º 13
 def unprepare_problems(dirname):
     project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
     environ = minimal_environ()
     result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
     assert not result
     status = unprepare(project, result)
     assert not status
     assert status.status_description == 'Unable to load the project.'
     assert status.errors == ['variables section contains wrong value type 42, ' +
                              'should be dict or list of requirements']
Exemplo n.º 14
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result
        assert 'REDIS_URL' in result.environ

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        pidfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(dirname, "services/REDIS_URL/redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # be sure we generate the config html that would use the old one
        requirement = _redis_requirement()
        status = requirement.check_status(result.environ, local_state_file, 'default', UserConfigOverrides())
        html = RedisProvider().config_html(requirement, result.environ, local_state_file, UserConfigOverrides(), status)
        assert 'Use the redis-server we started earlier' in html

        # now try again, and we should re-use the exact same server
        pidfile_mtime = os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content = file.read()
        result2 = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result2

        # port should be the same, and set in the environment
        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result2.environ)

        # no new pid file
        assert pidfile_mtime == os.path.getmtime(pidfile)
        with codecs.open(pidfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as file:
            pidfile_content2 = file.read()
        assert pidfile_content == pidfile_content2

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result2)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemplo n.º 15
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        # now clean it up, but arrange for that to fail
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        local_state_file.set_service_run_state('REDIS_URL', {'shutdown_commands': [['false']]})
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert not status
        assert status.status_description == 'Shutdown commands failed for REDIS_URL.'
Exemplo n.º 16
def remove_service(project, prepare_result, variable_name):
    """Remove a service to kapsel.yml.

    Returns a ``Status`` instance which evaluates to True on
    success and has an ``errors`` property (with a list of error
    strings) on failure.

        project (Project): the project
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare
        variable_name (str): environment variable name for the service requirement

        ``Status`` instance
    failed = project.problems_status()
    if failed is not None:
        return failed

    requirements = [
        req for req in project.find_requirements(klass=ServiceRequirement)
        if req.service_type == variable_name or req.env_var == variable_name
    if not requirements:
        return SimpleStatus(
            description="Service '{}' not found in the project file.".format(

    if len(requirements) > 1:
        return SimpleStatus(
                "Conflicting results, found {} matches, use list-services"
                " to identify which service you want to remove").format(

    env_var = requirements[0].env_var

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result, whitelist=[env_var])
    if not status:
        return status

    project.project_file.unset_value(['services', env_var])
    assert project.problems == []

    return SimpleStatus(
        description="Removed service '{}' from the project file.".format(
Exemplo n.º 17
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        # now clean it up, but arrange for that to fail
        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
            'REDIS_URL', {'shutdown_commands': [['false']]})
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert not status
        assert status.status_description == 'Shutdown commands failed for REDIS_URL.'
Exemplo n.º 18
    def prepare_project_scoped_env_fails(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert not result

        assert 'CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV' not in result.environ
        assert 'CONDA_ENV_PATH' not in result.environ

        # unprepare should not have anything to do
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status
        assert status.errors == []
        assert status.status_description == "Nothing to clean up for environment 'default'."
Exemplo n.º 19
def clean(project, prepare_result):
    """Blow away auto-provided state for the project.

    This should not remove any potential "user data" such as

    This includes a call to ``conda_kapsel.prepare.unprepare``
    but also removes the entire services/ and envs/ directories
    even if they contain leftovers that we didn't prepare in the
    most recent prepare() call.

        project (Project): the project instance
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare

        a ``Status`` instance

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result)
    logs = status.logs
    errors = status.errors
    if status:
        logs = logs + [status.status_description]
        errors = errors + [status.status_description]

    # we also nuke any "debris" from non-current choices, like old
    # environments or services
    def cleanup_dir(dirname):
        if os.path.isdir(dirname):
            logs.append("Removing %s." % dirname)
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append("Error removing %s: %s." % (dirname, str(e)))

    cleanup_dir(os.path.join(project.directory_path, "services"))
    cleanup_dir(os.path.join(project.directory_path, "envs"))

    if status and len(errors) == 0:
        return SimpleStatus(success=True,
        return SimpleStatus(success=False,
                            description="Failed to clean everything up.",
Exemplo n.º 20
    def prepare_project_scoped_env_not_attempted(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ, mode=provide.PROVIDE_MODE_CHECK)
        assert not result
        expected_env_path = os.path.join(dirname, "envs", "default")
        assert [
            ('missing requirement to run this project: ' +
             'The project needs a Conda environment containing all required packages.'),
            "  '%s' doesn't look like it contains a Conda environment yet." % expected_env_path
        ] == result.errors

        # unprepare should not have anything to do
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status
        assert status.errors == []
        assert status.status_description == ("Nothing to clean up for environment 'default'.")
Exemplo n.º 21
    def provide_download(dirname):
        def mock_downloader_run(self, loop):
            raise Exception('error')

        monkeypatch.setattr("conda_kapsel.internal.http_client.FileDownloader.run", mock_downloader_run)
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname))
        assert not result
        assert ('missing requirement to run this project: A downloaded file which is referenced by DATAFILE.'
                ) in result.errors

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        filename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.csv')
        assert status.logs == ["No need to remove %s which wasn't downloaded." % filename,
                               ("Current environment is not in %s, no need to delete it." % dirname)]
        assert status.status_description == 'Success.'
Exemplo n.º 22
def clean(project, prepare_result):
    """Blow away auto-provided state for the project.

    This should not remove any potential "user data" such as

    This includes a call to ``conda_kapsel.prepare.unprepare``
    but also removes the entire services/ and envs/ directories
    even if they contain leftovers that we didn't prepare in the
    most recent prepare() call.

        project (Project): the project instance
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare

        a ``Status`` instance

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result)
    logs = status.logs
    errors = status.errors
    if status:
        logs = logs + [status.status_description]
        errors = errors + [status.status_description]

    # we also nuke any "debris" from non-current choices, like old
    # environments or services
    def cleanup_dir(dirname):
        if os.path.isdir(dirname):
            logs.append("Removing %s." % dirname)
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append("Error removing %s: %s." % (dirname, str(e)))

    cleanup_dir(os.path.join(project.directory_path, "services"))
    cleanup_dir(os.path.join(project.directory_path, "envs"))

    if status and len(errors) == 0:
        return SimpleStatus(success=True, description="Cleaned.", logs=logs, errors=errors)
        return SimpleStatus(success=False, description="Failed to clean everything up.", logs=logs, errors=errors)
Exemplo n.º 23
def remove_service(project, prepare_result, variable_name):
    """Remove a service to kapsel.yml.

    Returns a ``Status`` instance which evaluates to True on
    success and has an ``errors`` property (with a list of error
    strings) on failure.

        project (Project): the project
        prepare_result (PrepareResult): result of a previous prepare
        variable_name (str): environment variable name for the service requirement

        ``Status`` instance
    failed = project.problems_status()
    if failed is not None:
        return failed

    requirements = [req
                    for req in project.find_requirements(klass=ServiceRequirement)
                    if req.service_type == variable_name or req.env_var == variable_name]
    if not requirements:
        return SimpleStatus(success=False,
                            description="Service '{}' not found in the project file.".format(variable_name))

    if len(requirements) > 1:
        return SimpleStatus(success=False,
                            description=("Conflicting results, found {} matches, use list-services"
                                         " to identify which service you want to remove").format(len(requirements)))

    env_var = requirements[0].env_var

    status = prepare.unprepare(project, prepare_result, whitelist=[env_var])
    if not status:
        return status

    project.project_file.unset_value(['services', env_var])
    assert project.problems == []

    return SimpleStatus(success=True, description="Removed service '{}' from the project file.".format(variable_name))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def unprepare(self, project, prepare_result, whitelist=None):
        """Attempt to clean up project-scoped resources allocated by prepare().

        This will retain any user configuration choices about how to
        provide requirements, but it stops project-scoped services.
        Global system services or other services potentially shared
        among projects will not be stopped.

        To stop a single service, use ``whitelist=["SERVICE_VARIABLE"]``.

            project (Project): the project
            prepare_result (PrepareResult): result from the previous prepare
            whitelist (iterable of str or type): ONLY call shutdown commands for the listed env vars' requirements

        return prepare.unprepare(project=project,
Exemplo n.º 25
    def prepare_project_scoped_env(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        fake_old_path = "foo" + os.pathsep + "bar"
        environ = dict(PROJECT_DIR=dirname, PATH=fake_old_path)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result
        expected_env = os.path.join(dirname, "envs", "default")
        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            expected_new_path = expected_env + os.pathsep + os.path.join(
                expected_env, script_dir) + os.pathsep + os.path.join(expected_env, "Library",
                                                                      "bin") + os.pathsep + "foo" + os.pathsep + "bar"
            expected_new_path = os.path.join(expected_env, script_dir) + os.pathsep + "foo" + os.pathsep + "bar"
        expected = dict(PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path, PATH=expected_new_path)
        conda_api.environ_set_prefix(expected, expected_env)

        expected == result.environ
        assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(expected_env, "conda-meta"))
        conda_meta_mtime = os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(expected_env, "conda-meta"))

        # bare minimum default env shouldn't include these
        # (contrast with the test later where we list them in
        # requirements)
        installed = conda_api.installed(expected_env)
        assert 'ipython' not in installed
        assert 'numpy' not in installed

        # Prepare it again should no-op (use the already-existing environment)
        environ = dict(PROJECT_DIR=dirname, PATH=fake_old_path)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result
        expected = dict(PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path, PATH=expected_new_path)
        conda_api.environ_set_prefix(expected, expected_env)
        assert expected == result.environ
        assert conda_meta_mtime == os.path.getmtime(os.path.join(expected_env, "conda-meta"))

        # Now unprepare
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status
        assert status.status_description == ('Deleted environment files in %s.' % (expected_env))
        assert status.errors == []
        assert not os.path.exists(expected_env)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def prepare_project_scoped_env(dirname):
        project = Project(dirname)
        environ = minimal_environ(PROJECT_DIR=dirname)
        result = prepare_without_interaction(project, environ=environ)
        assert result
        expected_env = os.path.join(dirname, "envs", "default")

        # Now unprepare

        def mock_rmtree(path):
            raise IOError("I will never rm the tree!")

        monkeypatch.setattr('shutil.rmtree', mock_rmtree)

        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status.status_description == ('Failed to remove environment files in %s: I will never rm the tree!.' %
        assert not status

        assert os.path.exists(expected_env)

        # so we can rmtree our tmp directory
Exemplo n.º 27
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state('REDIS_URL')
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        servicedir = os.path.join(dirname, "services")
        redisdir = os.path.join(servicedir, "REDIS_URL")

        pidfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(logfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(redisdir)
        assert not os.path.exists(servicedir)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")
Exemplo n.º 28
    def start_local_redis(dirname):
        project = project_no_dedicated_env(dirname)
        result = _prepare_printing_errors(project, environ=minimal_environ())
        assert result

        local_state_file = LocalStateFile.load_for_directory(dirname)
        state = local_state_file.get_service_run_state('REDIS_URL')
        assert 'port' in state
        port = state['port']

        assert dict(REDIS_URL=("redis://localhost:" + str(port)),
                    PROJECT_DIR=project.directory_path) == strip_environ(result.environ)
        assert len(can_connect_args_list) >= 2

        servicedir = os.path.join(dirname, "services")
        redisdir = os.path.join(servicedir, "REDIS_URL")

        pidfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.pid")
        logfile = os.path.join(redisdir, "redis.log")
        assert os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert os.path.exists(logfile)

        assert real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        # now clean it up
        status = unprepare(project, result)
        assert status

        assert not os.path.exists(pidfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(logfile)
        assert not os.path.exists(redisdir)
        assert not os.path.exists(servicedir)
        assert not real_can_connect_to_socket(host='localhost', port=port)

        assert dict() == local_state_file.get_service_run_state("REDIS_URL")