Exemplo n.º 1
    def __doReplaceCond(self, cond):
        assert(isinstance(cond, str))
        tokens, z3range = parseCondition(cond)
        cc = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
        for token in tokens:
            if len(token.split("#")) != 2:
                # FIXME : ignore complicated conjured cases for now.
                return cc
            tokenKind, tokenExp = [x.strip() for x in token.split("#")]

            if tokenKind[0] != "E":

            # Now we have E kind, so let's unroll it.

            # Locate rc of the target function, which also has the
            # return value in the proper range.
            ftnName, args = parseConjExpr(tokenExp)
            conjuredCc = self.__getConditionByFunction(ftnName, args, z3range)
            if len(conjuredCc) == 0:
                # FIXME: Failed to locate the target function condition.
                return cc

            # TODO: Reppresent into DNF if there's multiple conditions.
            assert(len(conjuredCc) == 1)
            print "conjuredCc:", conjuredCc, type(conjuredCc)
        return cc
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __getConditionByFunction(self, ftnName, args, z3range=None):
        rcList = self.rcDictFtn.get(ftnName, [])
        if z3range == None:
            cc = ConditionContainer(isCNF=False)
            for x in rcList:
                if x["CONDITION"] != None:
                                                 conditions = x["CONDITION"]))
            return cc

        # If z3range is given, check if the return value of condition is in
        # z3range.
        filteredRcs = []
        for rc in rcList:
            # TODO: what if the return value is not integer type?
            retValue = int(rc["RETURN"])
            for minValue, maxValue in z3range:
                if retValue >= minValue and retValue <= maxValue:

        # For each condition, we should replace all arguments into
        # as presented in a conjured form.
        # That is, rcArgs are replaced with args
        newCc = ConditionContainer(isCNF=False)
        for rc in filteredRcs:
            newSubCc = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
            rcArgs = rc.getFunctionArgs()
            rcConds = rc["CONDITION"]
            for rcCond in rcConds:
                newSubCc.append(replaceConditionArgs(rcCond, rcArgs, args))
        return newCc
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getConditionsByKey(self, key):
        l = self.rcDict.get(key,None)

        cc = ConditionContainer(isCNF=False)
        for x in l:
            if x["CONDITION"] != None:
                                             conditions = x["CONDITION"]))
        return cc
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_isEqual():
    cc1 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc1.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 1) : { [0, 0] }")
    cc1.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 8) : { [1, 4294967295] }")

    cc2 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc2.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 1) : { [0, 0] }")
    cc2.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 8) : { [1, 4294967295] }")
    cc2.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 2) : { [0, 0] }")

    cc3 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc3.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 8) : { [1, 4294967295] }")
    cc3.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 1) : { [0, 0] }")

    cc4 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc4.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 8) : { [1, 4294967295] }")

    cc5 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc5.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 1) : { [0, 1] }")
    cc5.append("(S64 # attr->ia_valid) & (I # 8) : { [1, 4294967295] }")

    cc6 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    cc6.append("(S64 # x) : { [0,100]}")
    cc7 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=False)
                                  conditions = ["(S64 # x) : { [0,100]}",
                                                "(S64 # y) : { [-9223372036854775808, -1], [1, 9223372036854775807]}",]))
                                  conditions = ["(S64 # x) : { [0,100]}",
                                                "(S64 # y) : { [0,0]}"]))

    # We don't handle these cases.
    # cc8 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    # cc8.append("(S64 # (S64 # __fdget(fdout)) & (I # 3)) & (I # 1) : { [1, 4294967295] }")

    # cc9 = ConditionContainer(isCNF=True)
    # cc9.append("(S64 # (S64 # __fdget(fdout)) & (I # 3)) & (I # 1) : { [1, 4294967295] }")
    z3f = Z3Helper()
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc1) == True)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc2) == False)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc2) == False)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc3) == True)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc4) == False)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc1, cc5) == False)
    assert(z3f.isEqual(cc6, cc7) == True)
    # assert(z3f.isEqual(cc8, cc9) == True)    