def printBuysAndSellsCounts(query={}): for bot in db_bots.find(query): buy, sell = 0, 0 ops = bot['history']['operations'] for op in ops: if op[1] > 0: buy += 1 else: sell += 1 print(bot['id'], bot['name'], ' : ', buy, 'buys and', sell, 'sells')
def countBuysAndSells(query={}): buy, sell = 0, 0 for bot in db_bots.find(query): ops = bot['history']['operations'] for op in ops: if op[1] > 0: buy += 1 else: sell += 1 return buy, sell
def filterByEvalutaion(bar=100000, query={}): res = [] for bot in db_bots.find(query): hist = bot['history']['evaluation'] if (len(hist) < 2): pass else: lastHist = hist[-1][1] if lastHist > bar: res.append(bot) return res
def printGoodAndBad(query={}): good, bad, better = 0, 0, 0 for bot in db_bots.find(query): hist = bot['history']['evaluation'] if (len(hist) < 2): pass else: lastHist = hist[-1][1] secLastHist = hist[-2][1] good += 1 if lastHist > 100000 else 0 bad += 1 if lastHist < 100000 else 0 better += 1 if lastHist > secLastHist else 0 print("among 2000 robots,", good, 'are winning,', bad, 'are losing', better, 'are improving')
''' This module is a high-level interface of the system. ''' from crawlbot import downloadData from time import sleep # downloadData(8,way='db') print("Download complete. Now starting to train.") sleep(0.5) from tradebot import Bot from config import db_bots, forestSize # Fill up the forest with new bots while db_bots.count_documents({}) < forestSize: bot = Bot() allBots = db_bots.find() sleep(0.5) for epoch in db_bots.find(): bot = Bot(epoch) bot.operate(way='db') bot.eliminate(way='db', bar=98000)