Exemplo n.º 1
async def post(request: Request, ident):
    ident = ident.replace('+', ' ')
    if ident.isdigit():
        post_data = await Post.cache(ident=int(ident))
        post_data = await Post.get_by_slug(ident)
    if not post_data:
        raise HTMLResponse(status_code=404)
    post = Post(**post_data)

    stats = await post.stats
    reaction_type = None
    liked_comment_ids = []
    github_user = request.session.get('github_user')
    pageview = await post.incr_pageview()
    related_posts = await post.get_related(limit=4)
    if github_user:
        reaction_type = await post.get_reaction_type(github_user['gid'])
        liked_comment_ids = await post.comment_ids_liked_by(github_user['gid'])

    post = await post.to_async_dict(**post_data)
    post.author = config.AttrDict(post.author)
    return {
        'post': post,
        'github_user': github_user,
        'stats': stats,
        'reaction_type': reaction_type,
        'liked_comment_ids': liked_comment_ids,
        'related_posts': related_posts,
        'pageview': pageview
Exemplo n.º 2
async def page_(request: Request, ident):
    if isinstance(ident, str):
        post = await Post.get_by_slug(ident)
    if not post:
        raise HTMLResponse(status_code=404)
    post = await Post(**post).to_async_dict(**post)
    post.author = config.AttrDict(post.author)
    return {'post': post}
Exemplo n.º 3
 async def to_sync_dict(self):
     rv = self.to_dict()
     for field in self.property_fields:
         coro = getattr(self, field)
         if inspect.iscoroutine(coro) or (PY36 and isinstance(
                 coro, CoroWrapper)):
             rv[field] = await coro
             rv[field] = coro
     rv['url'] = self.url
     return config.AttrDict(rv)
Exemplo n.º 4
 async def to_async_dict(self, **data):
     """some coroutine properties like `post.html_content`
     we have to use it like `await post.html_content`
     however if we use it in Mako template, we have 
     to process it into the obj can use point access.
     rv = { key: value for key, value in data.items() }
     for field in self.property_fields:
         coro = getattr(self, field)
         if inspect.iscoroutine(coro):
             rv[field] = await coro
             rv[field] = coro
     rv['url'] = self.url
     return config.AttrDict(rv)
Exemplo n.º 5
async def index(request: Request, page=1):
    start = (page - 1) * config.PER_PAGE
    posts = await Post.get_all(with_page=False)
    total = len(posts)
    posts = posts[start:start + config.PER_PAGE]
    post_objs = [await Post(**p).to_async_dict(**p) for p in posts]
    paginatior = Pagination(page, config.PER_PAGE, total, post_objs)
    json = {'paginatior': paginatior}

    for partial in config.partials:
        partial = config.AttrDict(partial)
        if partial.name == 'tagcloud':
            tags = await _tags()
            json.update({'tags': tags})

    return json