Exemplo n.º 1
    async def ti_delete(self, ctx, user, id):
        member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
        sender = ctx.message.author

        # If time in channel has not been set
        if config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
            async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
                curr_message = message.content
                if await self.valid_timein_user(
                        message, member.display_name) and (id in curr_message):
                    lines = message.content.splitlines()
                    # Delete whole message
                    if len(lines) <= 5:
                        await message.delete()
                        await ctx.message.delete()
                        for line in lines:
                            if id in line:
                                new_message = curr_message.replace(line, "")
                                new_message_clean = os.linesep.join(
                                    [s for s in new_message.splitlines() if s])
                                await message.edit(content=new_message_clean)
                                await ctx.message.delete()
            await sender.send('[Error] Cannot find time in ID.')
Exemplo n.º 2
 async def ti_cont(self, ctx):
     member = ctx.message.author
     # If time in channel has not been set
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If member has not defined a timezone
     elif config.get_user_val(member, 'time_zone') is None:
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Please define your timezone: .set_timezone <zone_num>\n'
             'Example: .set_timezone 1 \n \n'
             'To find your timezone: .search_timezone <args>\n'
             'Example: .search_timezone Pacific US')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If member is already timed in
     elif await self.is_timed_in(member):
         await member.send('[Error] You already have an' ' active time in.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # Member can time in
         task = await self.get_timein_task(member)
         time_raw = ctx.message.created_at
         time = await self.get_time(member, time_raw)
         await self.time_in(member, task, time)
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def ti_gethours(self, ctx, user):
        member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
        sender = ctx.message.author
        if config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
            if (config.get_payday() is None) or (config.get_user_val(
                    member, 'pay_rate') is None):
                await sender.send(
                    '[Error] Please define a pay day and a pay rate for the user.'
                time_raw = ctx.message.created_at
                time = await self.get_time(member, time_raw)
                time_sum = 0
                async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
                    if await self.valid_calc(member, message, time):
                        time_sum += await self.get_timein_hours(message)

                await sender.send(
                    member.display_name + ' has timed in: ' + str(time_sum) +
                    ' hours and has earned: $' +
                    str(config.get_user_val(member, 'pay_rate') * time_sum) +
                    ' this pay period.')
                await member.send(
                    '[Announcement] A time in report is being generated. Please notify an admin if you are currently timed in or your time ins are incorrect.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def ti_search_timezones(self, ctx, *args):
        member = ctx.message.author
        if config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
            zones = pytz.all_timezones

            output = ''
            if len(args) <= 0:
                await member.send('[Error] Please insert keywords.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
                    for zone in zones:
                        if all(arg.lower() in zone.lower() for arg in args):
                            if len(output) > 0:
                                output += ', '
                            output += '[' + str(
                                zones.index(zone)) + '] ' + zone
                    await member.send(output)
                    await ctx.message.delete()
                    await member.send(
                        '[Error] Can not find time zone matching keywords.')
                    await ctx.message.delete()
            await member.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def ti_set_timezone(self, ctx, user, zone_num):
        member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
        sender = ctx.message.author
        if config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
            zones = pytz.all_timezones

            # Check if zone is int and is valid
            if zone_num.isdigit():
                zone_num = int(zone_num)
                if zone_num >= 0 and zone_num <= len(zones):
                    config.update_user(member, 'time_zone', zones[zone_num])
                    await sender.send('[Success] Updated time zone.')
                    await ctx.message.delete()
                    await sender.send('[Error] Not a valid zone number.')
                    await ctx.message.delete()
                await sender.send('[Error] Please enter a zone number.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 6
    async def ti_update(self, ctx, user, id, in_time, out_time, *description):
        member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
        sender = ctx.message.author

        in_time_raw = datetime.datetime.strptime(in_time, '%H:%M')
        out_time_raw = datetime.datetime.strptime(out_time, '%H:%M')
        task = ' '.join(description)

        # if there is no description
        if len(description) <= 0:
            await sender.send('[Error] Please include a timein description.')
            await ctx.message.delete()
        # If description is too long
        elif len(task) > 65:
            await member.send('[Error] Timein description is too long.')
            await ctx.message.delete()
        # If time in channel has not been set
        elif config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()
        # Member has invalid characters
        elif not await self.message_valid(task):
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Invalid characters in time in description.')
            await ctx.message.delete()
        # Check if time range is valid
        elif not await self.valid_range(in_time_raw, out_time_raw):
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in time must be before time out time.')
            await ctx.message.delete()
            async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
                curr_message = message.content
                if await self.valid_timein_user(
                        message, member.display_name) and (id in curr_message):
                    lines = message.content.splitlines()
                    for line in lines:
                        if id in line:
                            appended = curr_message.replace(
                                line, ' [' + id + '] ' + task + ' {' +
                                in_time_raw.strftime("%H:%M") + ' - ' +
                                out_time_raw.strftime("%H:%M") + '}')
                            await message.edit(content=appended)
                            await ctx.message.delete()
            await sender.send('[Error] Cannot find time in ID.')
            await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 7
 async def timeout(self, ctx):
     member = ctx.message.author
     # If time in channel has not been set
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
         time_raw = ctx.message.created_at
         await ctx.message.delete()
         time = await self.get_time(member, time_raw)
         await self.time_out(member, time)
Exemplo n.º 8
 async def ti_set_pay(self, ctx, user, amount):
     sender = ctx.message.author
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
         member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
         pay = float(amount)
         config.update_user(member, 'pay_rate', pay)
         await sender.send('[Success] Updated pay of ' +
                           member.display_name + ' to: $' + str(pay) + ".")
         await ctx.message.delete()
         await sender.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def timein_dic(self, start_date, end_date):
        output = {}
        timein_users = await self.timein_users()
        # Add all users to dic
        for member in timein_users:
            output[member.display_name] = {}
            for day in self.daterange(start_date, end_date):
                output[member.display_name][day.strftime("%B %d, %Y")] = 0

        # Calculate time ins
        for day in self.daterange(start_date, end_date):
            async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
                curr_message = message.content
                # If message contains date
                if (day.strftime("%B %d, %Y")
                        in curr_message) and message.author.bot:
                    # Check all users for each
                    for user in timein_users:
                        # Add total hours to specified user
                        if user.display_name in curr_message:
                            total = await self.get_timein_hours(message)
                                "%B %d, %Y")] += total

        # Flatten list
        flattened = {}
        for member in timein_users:
            flattened[member.display_name] = []
            for day in self.daterange(start_date, end_date):
                    output[member.display_name][day.strftime("%B %d, %Y")])

        return flattened
Exemplo n.º 10
 async def time_in(self, member, task, time):
     emote = config.get_user_val(member, 'emote')
     emote_id = await self.get_emote_id(emote)
     emote_display = '<:' + emote + ':' + str(emote_id) + '>'
     if emote_id is None:
         emote_display = ':' + emote + ':'
     last_timein = await self.check_timein(member, time)
     # New time in for the day
     if last_timein is None:
         ti_message = '----------------------- \n'
         ti_message += (emote_display + ' ' + member.display_name + ' ' +
         ti_message += '\n----------------------- \n*' + time.strftime(
             "%B %d, %Y") + '*'
         identifier = await self.get_identifier(member)
         task_message = '\n [' + identifier + '] ' + task + ' {' + time.strftime(
             "%H:%M") + ' - ???}'
         await self.bot.get_channel(config.get_timein_channel()
                                    ).send(ti_message + task_message)
     # Add on to an existing time in
         identifier = await self.get_identifier(member)
         updated_timein = last_timein.content + '\n [' + identifier + '] ' + task + ' {' + time.strftime(
             "%H:%M") + ' - ???}'
         await last_timein.edit(content=updated_timein)
Exemplo n.º 11
 async def timeout_message(self, member, time):
     async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
         curr_message = message.content
         if await self.valid_timein_user(message, member.display_name):
             curr_message = curr_message.replace('???', time)
             await message.edit(content=curr_message)
Exemplo n.º 12
 async def is_timed_in(self, member):
     async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
         curr_message = message.content
         if await self.valid_timein_user(message, member.display_name):
             if '???}' in curr_message:
                 return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 13
 async def get_timein_date(self, member):
     async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
         curr_message = message.content
         if await self.valid_timein_user(message, member.display_name):
             init_split = curr_message.split('*')
             date = init_split[1].split('*')
             return date[0]
Exemplo n.º 14
 async def check_timein(self, member, date):
     async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
         curr_message = message.content
         if await self.valid_timein_user(message, member.display_name):
             if date.strftime("%B %d, %Y") in curr_message:
                 return message
     return None
Exemplo n.º 15
 async def check_pay(self):
     for member in self.bot.get_channel(
         if member.id != self.bot.user.id:
             if (config.get_user_val(member, 'pay_rate') is None) and (
                     member.id not in config.get_timein_exclusions()):
                 return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 16
 async def timein_users(self):
     timein_exclude = config.get_timein_exclusions()
     output = []
     for member in self.bot.get_channel(
         if member.id not in timein_exclude and member.id != self.bot.user.id:
     return output
Exemplo n.º 17
 async def get_timein_task(self, member):
     async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
         curr_message = message.content
         if await self.valid_timein_user(message, member.display_name):
             line_split = curr_message.split('\n')
             line_split_len = len(line_split)
             id_split = line_split[line_split_len - 1].split('] ')
             time_split = id_split[1].split(' {')
             return time_split[0]
Exemplo n.º 18
 async def ti_message_limit(self, ctx, num):
     member = ctx.message.author
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
         if num.isdigit():
             if int(num) > 0:
                 await member.send('[Success] Updated message limit.')
                 await member.send('[Error] Please enter a valid number.')
             await member.send('[Error] Please enter a valid number.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 19
 async def ti_set_emote(self, ctx, user, emote):
     member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
     sender = ctx.message.author
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
         # Incorrect syntax
         if ':' in emote:
             await sender.send(
                 '[Error] Please do not include colons (:) with this command.'
             config.update_user(member, 'emote', emote)
             await sender.send('[Success] Time in emote updated.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
         await sender.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 20
 async def timein(self, ctx, *description):
     member = ctx.message.author
     task = ' '.join(description)
     # if there is no description
     if len(description) <= 0:
         await member.send('[Error] Please include a timein description.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If description is too long
     elif len(task) > 65:
         await member.send('[Error] Timein description is too long.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If time in channel has not been set
     elif config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If member has not defined a timezone
     elif config.get_user_val(member, 'time_zone') is None:
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Please define your timezone: .set_timezone <zone_num>\n'
             'Example: .set_timezone 1 \n \n'
             'To find your timezone: .search_timezone <args>\n'
             'Example: .search_timezone Pacific US')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If member is already timed in
     elif await self.is_timed_in(member):
         await member.send('[Error] You already have an' ' active time in.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # Member has invalid characters
     elif not await self.message_valid(task):
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Invalid characters in time in description.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # Member can time in
         time_raw = ctx.message.created_at
         time = await self.get_time(member, time_raw)
         await self.time_in(member, task, time)
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 21
 async def ti_set_payday(self, ctx, day):
     member = ctx.message.author
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
         if day.isdigit():
             if 1 <= int(day) <= 32:
                 await member.send('[Success] Updated pay date.')
                 await member.send(
                     '[Error] Please enter a valid day of the month.')
             await member.send(
                 '[Error] Please enter a numeric day of the month.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 22
 async def switch(self, ctx, *description):
     member = ctx.message.author
     task = ' '.join(description)
     # if there is no description
     if len(description) <= 0:
         await member.send('[Error] Please include a timein description.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If description is too long
     elif len(task) > 65:
         await member.send('[Error] Timein description is too long.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If time in channel has not been set
     elif config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is None or ctx.message.channel.id != config.get_timein_channel():
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # If member is not already timed in
     elif not await self.is_timed_in(member):
         await member.send(
             '[Error] You cannot switch tasks if you are not currently timed in'
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # Member has invalid characters
     elif not await self.message_valid(task):
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Invalid characters in time in description.')
         await ctx.message.delete()
     # Member can switch tasks
         time_raw = ctx.message.created_at
         time = await self.get_time(member, time_raw)
         # Time out the user
         await self.time_out(member, time)
         # Time them back in with the new task
         await self.time_in(member, task, time)
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 23
 async def ti_report(self, ctx):
     member = ctx.message.author
     if config.get_timein_channel(
     ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
         if not await self.check_pay():
             await member.send(
                 "[Error] Not all users have pay rates defined.")
             await ctx.message.delete()
         elif config.get_payday() is None:
             await member.send("[Error] No pay date has been defined.")
             await ctx.message.delete()
             await self.notify_all(
                 'A time in report is being generated. Please notify an admin if you are currently timed in or your time ins are incorrect.'
             await ctx.message.delete()
             output_file = await self.timein_report(ctx.message.created_at)
             await member.send(file=discord.File(output_file))
         await member.send(
             '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
         await ctx.message.delete()
Exemplo n.º 24
    async def ti_manual(self, ctx, user, in_date, in_time, out_time,
        member = ctx.message.mentions[0]
        sender = ctx.message.author
        if config.get_timein_channel(
        ) is not None and ctx.message.channel.id == config.get_timein_channel(
            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(in_date, '%m-%d-%Y')
            in_time_raw = datetime.datetime.strptime(in_time, '%H:%M')
            out_time_raw = datetime.datetime.strptime(out_time, '%H:%M')
            task = ' '.join(description)

            # if there is no description
            if len(description) <= 0:
                await sender.send(
                    '[Error] Please include a timein description.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
            # If description is too long
            elif len(task) > 65:
                await member.send('[Error] Timein description is too long.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
            # Member has invalid characters
            elif not await self.message_valid(task):
                await sender.send(
                    '[Error] Invalid characters in time in description.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
            # Check if time range is valid
            elif not await self.valid_range(in_time_raw, out_time_raw):
                await sender.send(
                    '[Error] Time in time must be before time out time.')
                await ctx.message.delete()
                # See if time in already exists
                async for message in self.bot.get_channel(
                    curr_message = message.content
                    # User has already timed in on this date
                    if await self.valid_timein_user(
                            message, member.display_name) and (
                                date.strftime("%B %d, %Y") in curr_message):
                        identifier = await self.get_identifier(member)
                        curr_message += '\n [' + identifier + '] ' + task + ' {' + in_time_raw.strftime(
                            "%H:%M") + ' - ' + out_time_raw.strftime(
                                "%H:%M") + '}'
                        await message.edit(content=curr_message)
                        await ctx.message.delete()
                # User has not timed in on this date
                emote = config.get_user_val(member, 'emote')
                emote_id = await self.get_emote_id(emote)
                emote_display = '<:' + emote + ':' + str(emote_id) + '>'
                if emote_id is None:
                    emote_display = ':' + emote + ':'
                ti_message = '----------------------- \n'
                ti_message += (emote_display + ' ' + member.display_name +
                               ' ' + emote_display)
                ti_message += '\n----------------------- \n*' + date.strftime(
                    "%B %d, %Y") + '*'
                identifier = await self.get_identifier(member)
                task_message = '\n [' + identifier + '] ' + task + ' {' + in_time_raw.strftime(
                    "%H:%M") + ' - ' + out_time_raw.strftime("%H:%M") + '}'
                await self.bot.get_channel(config.get_timein_channel()
                                           ).send(ti_message + task_message)
                await ctx.message.delete()
            await sender.send(
                '[Error] Time in commands can only be run in the time in channel.'
            await ctx.message.delete()