def train_and_save_all(trainsize, num_modes, regs):
    """Train and save ROMs with the given dimension and regularization.

    trainsize : int
        Number of snapshots to use to train the ROM(s).

    num_modes : int or list(int)
        Dimension of the ROM(s) to train, i.e., the number of retained POD
        modes (left singular vectors) used to project the training data.

    regs : float or list(float)
        regularization parameter(s) to use in the training.
    utils.reset_logger(trainsize)"TRAINING {len(num_modes)*len(regs)} ROMS")
    for r in num_modes:
        # Load training data.
        X_, Xdot_, time_domain, _ = utils.load_projected_data(trainsize, r)

        # Evaluate inputs over the training time domain.
        Us = config.U(time_domain)

        # Train and save each ROM.
        for reg in regs:
            with utils.timed_block(f"Training ROM with r={r:d}, reg={reg:e}"):
                rom = train_rom(X_, Xdot_, Us, reg)
                if rom:
                    rom.save_model(config.rom_path(trainsize, r, reg),
                                   save_basis=False, overwrite=True)
def save_trained_rom(trainsize, r, regs, rom):
    """Save the trained ROM with the specified attributes.

    trainsize : int
        Number of snapshots used to train the ROM.

    r : int
        Dimension of the ROM. Also the number of retained POD modes
        (left singular vectors) used to project the training data.

    regs : two or three non-negative floats
        regularization hyperparameters (first-order, quadratic, cubic) used
        in the Operator Inference least-squares problem for training the ROM.

    rom : rom_operator_inference.InferredContinuousROM
        Actual trained ROM object. Must have a `save_model()` method.
    save_path = config.rom_path(trainsize, r, regs)
    rom.save_model(save_path, save_basis=False, overwrite=True)"ROM saved to {save_path}")
def save_best_trained_rom(trainsize, r, reg, rom):
    """Save the trained ROM with the specified attributes.

    trainsize : int
        Number of snapshots used to train the ROM.

    r : int
        Dimension of the trained ROM, i.e., the number of retained POD
        modes (left singular vectors) used to project the training data.

    reg : float > 0
        Regularization parameter used in the training.

    rom : rom_operator_inference.InferredContinuousROM
        Actual trained ROM object. Must have a `save_model()` method.
    save_path = config.rom_path(trainsize, r, reg)
    with utils.timed_block(f"Best regularization for r={r:d}: {reg:.0f}"):
        rom.save_model(save_path, save_basis=False, overwrite=True)"ROM saved to {save_path}")
Exemplo n.º 4
def load_rom(trainsize, r, regs):
    """Load a single trained ROM.

    trainsize : int
        Number of snapshots used to train the ROM. This is also the number
        of snapshots that were used when the POD basis (SVD) was computed.

    r : int
        Dimension of the ROM. Also the number of retained POD modes (left
        singular vectors) used to project the training data.

    regs : one, two, or three positive floats
        Regularization hyperparameters used in the Operator Inference
        least-squares problem for training the ROM.

    rom : opinf.InferredContinuousROM
        The trained reduced-order model.
    # Locate the data.
    data_path = _checkexists(config.rom_path(trainsize, r, regs))

    # Extract the trained ROM.
        rom = opinf.load_model(data_path)
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        raise DataNotFoundError(f"could not locate ROM with {trainsize:d} "
                                f"training snapshots, r={r:d}, and "
                                f"{config.REGSTR(regs)}") from e
    # Check ROM dimension.
    if rom.r != r:
        raise RuntimeError(f"rom.r = {rom.r} != {r}")

    rom.trainsize, rom.regs = trainsize, regs
    return rom
Exemplo n.º 5
def load_rom(trainsize, num_modes, reg):
    """Load a single trained ROM.

    trainsize : int
        The number of snapshots used to train the ROM. This is also the number
        of snapshots that were used when the POD basis (SVD) was computed.

    num_modes : int
        The dimension of the ROM. This is also the number of retained POD modes
        (left singular vectors) used to project the training data.

    reg : float
        The regularization factor used in the Operator Inference least-squares
        problem for training the ROM.

    rom : roi.InferredContinuousROM
        The trained reduced-order model.
    # Locate the data.
    data_path = _checkexists(config.rom_path(trainsize, num_modes, reg))

    # Extract the trained ROM.
        rom = roi.load_model(data_path)
    except FileNotFoundError as e:
        raise DataNotFoundError(f"could not locate ROM with {trainsize:d} "
                                f"training snapshots, r={num_modes}, and "
                                f"reg={reg:e}") from e
    # Check data shapes.
    if rom.r != num_modes:
        raise RuntimeError(f"rom.r = {rom.r} != {num_modes}")

    return rom