def vary_weight_loss(i):
    root_dir = '/Users/peterwang/Desktop/PYTHON/Neural_head_direction/experiments/vary_weight_loss'
    stationary_opts = config.stationary_model_config()
    stationary_opts.save_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'files',
                                             str(i).zfill(2), 'stationary')
    stationary_opts.rnn_size = 60
    stationary_opts.load_checkpoint = False
    stationary_opts.epoch = 700
    stationary_opts.time_steps = 25
    stationary_opts.time_loss_start = 5
    stationary_opts.time_loss_end = 25
    stationary_opts.activity_alpha = .1

    moving_opts = config.non_stationary_model_config()
    moving_opts.save_path = os.path.join(root_dir, 'files',
                                         str(i).zfill(2), 'moving')
    moving_opts.load_checkpoint = False
    moving_opts.dir_weights = os.path.join(stationary_opts.save_path,
    moving_opts.initialize_W_ab_diagonal = False
    moving_opts.initialize_W_ba_diagonal = False
    moving_opts.epoch = 700
    moving_opts.velocity_use = 2
    moving_opts.velocity_max = 2
    moving_opts.weight_alpha = 1
    moving_opts.activity_alpha = .1

    hp_ranges = OrderedDict()
    hp_ranges['weight_alpha'] = [0, 1]
    argWhich = 0
    return stationary_opts, moving_opts, hp_ranges, argWhich
Exemplo n.º 2
def stationary_curriculum():
    st_model_opts = config.stationary_model_config()
    st_model_opts.weight_alpha = .5
    st_model_opts.activity_alpha = .1
    st_model_opts.losses = 'full'
    st_model_opts.activation_fn = 'relu'
    st_model_opts.mask = True
def vary_batch(i):
    opts = config.stationary_model_config()
    opts.save_path = '/Users/peterwang/Desktop/PYTHON/Neural_head_direction/experiments' \
                     '/vary_batch/files/' + str(i).zfill(2)
    opts.rnn_size = 60
    opts.load_checkpoint = False
    opts.epoch = 300
    opts.time_steps = 25
    opts.time_loss_start = 5
    opts.time_loss_end = 25

    hp_ranges = OrderedDict()
    hp_ranges['batch_size'] = [5, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100]
    return opts, hp_ranges
Exemplo n.º 4
                        '[*] Epoch %d  total_loss=%.2f xe_loss=%.2f a_loss=%.2f, w_loss=%.2f'
                        % (ep, cur_loss, xe_loss, activity_loss, weight_loss))

            #save latest
                                  os.path.join(save_path, opts.parameter_name))
            save_activity(model, next_element[0], next_element[1])
            with open(os.path.join(save_path, opts.log_name + '.pkl'),
                      'wb') as f:
                pkl.dump(logger, f)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    st_model_opts = config.stationary_model_config()
    opts = st_model_opts
    opts.save_path = './test/stationary'
    opts.epoch = 300
    opts.load_checkpoint = True

    non_st_model_opts = config.non_stationary_model_config()
    opts = non_st_model_opts
    opts.save_path = './test/non_stationary'
    opts.load_checkpoint = True
    opts.load_weights = False
    opts.dir_weights = './test/stationary/weight.pkl'
    opts.epoch = 500
    opts.velocity_use = 2
    opts.velocity_max = 2
Exemplo n.º 5
def curriculum(params):
    # quick settings
    def fast_hd_trig(opts):
        opts.input_mode = 'trig'
        opts.output_mode = 'trig'
        opts.grid_input = False
        opts.linear_track = False
        return opts

    def fast_hd_bump(opts):
        opts.input_mode = 'bump'
        opts.output_mode = 'bump'
        opts.grid_input = False
        opts.linear_track = False
        return opts

    def fast_grid(opts):
        opts.input_mode = 'bump'
        opts.output_mode = 'bump'
        opts.grid_input = True
        opts.linear_track = True
        return opts

    rnn_size, state_size = params
    parser = arg_parser()
    opts = parser.parse_args()
    opts.rnn_size = rnn_size
    linear_track = False
    if linear_track:
        track = 'linear'
        track = 'circular'

    loss = 'error'  # ['error', 'activity', 'weights', 'full']
    # loss = 'activity'  # ['error', 'activity', 'weights', 'full']
    # loss = 'full'  # ['error', 'activity', 'weights', 'full']
    fn = 'relu'  # [relu, tanh]

    st_model_opts = config.stationary_model_config()
    # st_model_opts.output_mode = output_mode
    st_model_opts.weight_alpha = .5
    st_model_opts.activity_alpha = .1
    st_model_opts.rnn_size = rnn_size
    st_model_opts.state_size = state_size
    st_model_opts.linear_track = linear_track
    st_model_opts.losses = loss

    st_model_opts.activation_fn = fn
    st_model_opts.mask = True

    velocity_min = 1
    velocity_max = 3
    nonst_model_opts = config.non_stationary_model_config()
    # nonst_model_opts.output_mode = output_mode
    # nonst_model_opts.input_mode = input_mode
    nonst_model_opts.linear_track = linear_track
    nonst_model_opts.velocity_max = 3
    nonst_model_opts.weight_alpha = .5
    nonst_model_opts.activity_alpha = .1
    nonst_model_opts.rnn_size = rnn_size
    nonst_model_opts.state_size = state_size
    nonst_model_opts.losses = loss
    nonst_model_opts.activation_fn = fn
    nonst_model_opts.mask = True
    nonst_model_opts.boundary_velocity = False
    nonst_model_opts.correlated_path = False

    # get all present dirs
    modeldir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'training')
    exp = re.compile('model([0-9]+)')
    used_ix = []
    with os.scandir(modeldir) as models:
        for m in models:
            rg = exp.match(
            if rg:

    max_ix = np.amax(used_ix)
    full_ix = np.arange(max_ix + 2)  # include the next index above the highest
    free_ix = [a for a in full_ix if a not in used_ix]
    new_ix = np.amin(free_ix)
    nonst_model_opts.save_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'training',
    nonst_model_opts.dir_weights = os.path.join(
        nonst_model_opts.save_path, nonst_model_opts.model_name + '.pkl')

    # first = copy.deepcopy(st_model_opts)
    # # first.epoch = int(201)
    # first.epoch = int(1)
    # first.load_checkpoint = False
    # first_more = copy.deepcopy(st_model_opts)
    # # first_more.epoch = int(101)
    # first_more.epoch = int(201)
    # first_more.learning_rate = 1e-4
    # first_more.load_checkpoint = True

    second = copy.deepcopy(nonst_model_opts)
    second.epoch = int(300)
    # second.epoch = int(1)
    second.load_checkpoint = False
    second.load_weights = False
    second.time_steps = 50
    second.time_loss_start = 5
    second.time_loss_end = second.time_steps
    second.velocity_step = 1
    second.velocity_min = velocity_min
    second.velocity_max = velocity_max
    second.dir_weights = os.path.join(st_model_opts.save_path,
                                      st_model_opts.weight_name + '.pkl')
    second.learning_rate = .001
    # second.debug_weights = True
    # n_env = 10
    # second.subtrack = False
    # second.rescale_env = True
    # second.n_env = n_env

    # second.bump_in_network = False
    # second.grid_input = False

    second.dropout = False
    second.dropout_rate = .4

    second.noise = False
    second.noise_intensity = .1
    second.noise_density = .5

    second.nonneg_input = True
    second.EI_in = False
    second.EI_h = False
    second.EI_out = False
    second.prop_ex = .8

    second = fast_hd_trig(second)
    # second = fast_hd_bump(second)
    # second = fast_grid(second)

    # c = [first]
    # c = [first_more]
    # c = [first, first_more]

    c = [second]
    # c = [second_more]
    # c = [second, second_more]
    # c = [second_last]

    # c = [moving_static, second_more]
    return c