Exemplo n.º 1
#This may be used as a modifier to the main module

#begin modifier

import config

number = config.x

num1 = 44

num2 = -1

NuSum = config.summation(number, num1)

def NuAverage (MethodSum):
	return MethodSum/2

def myDouble(Number):
        return Number*2

config.x = myDouble(config.x)

config.y = myDouble(config.y)

#end modifier
Exemplo n.º 2
#This here now is our main module it is the implemente module

#begin main

import config
import modifier

    'This program is going to demonstrate the use of methods Average and Summation:'

print('assume that we have the following values: ', config.y, ' and ',

print('The equivalent summation would be: ',
      config.summation(config.y, modifier.num1))

print('And the equivalent Average would be: ',
      modifier.NuAverage(config.summation(config.y, modifier.num1)))
#config was edited to get maximum
print('the maximum will be: ', config.max(config.x, config.y))

print ''
print 'Now let us assume that we have values: ', config.x, ' and ', config.y

print 'The double of ', config.x, ' and ', config.y, 'will be ', modifier.myDouble(
    config.x), ' and ', modifier.myDouble(config.y), 'respectively.'
#modifier was edited to get the double of a number

#end main
Exemplo n.º 3
#This here now is our main module it is the implemente module

#begin main

import config
import modifier

print('This program is going to demonstrate the use of methods Average and Summation:')

print('assume that we have the following values: ',  config.y, ' and ', modifier.num1)

print('The equivalent summation would be: ', config.summation(config.y, modifier.num1))

print('And the equivalent Average would be: ', modifier.NuAverage(config.summation(config.y, modifier.num1)))
#config was edited to get maximum
print('the maximum will be: ', config.max(config.x, config.y))

print ''
print 'Now let us assume that we have values: ', config.x, ' and ', config.y 

print 'The double of ', config.x,' and ' , config.y, 'will be ',modifier.myDouble(config.x ) ,' and ', modifier.myDouble(config.y) , 'respectively.'
#modifier was edited to get the double of a number 

Exemplo n.º 4
#This may be used as a modifier to the main module

#begin modifier

import config

number = config.x

num1 = 44

num2 = -1

NuSum = config.summation(number, num1)

def NuAverage(MethodSum):
    return MethodSum / 2

def myDouble(Number):
    return Number * 2

config.x = myDouble(config.x)

config.y = myDouble(config.y)

#end modifier