Exemplo n.º 1
def enable_https(options):
    from installer_io import InstallerIO
    from chorus_executor import ChorusExecutor
    from log import logger
    from configParser import ConfigParser
    from text import text
    io = InstallerIO(options.silent)

    config_file = os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/chorus.properties")
    chorus_config = ConfigParser(config_file)
    if chorus_config.has_key("ssl.enabled") and chorus_config["ssl.enabled"].lower() == "true":
        if not io.require_confirmation(text.get("interview_question", "https_question"), default="no"):

    executor = ChorusExecutor(options.chorus_path)
    server_key = os.path.join(os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/server.key"))
    server_csr = os.path.join(os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/server.csr"))
    executor.run("openssl genrsa -des3 -out %s 1024" % server_key)
    ret = executor.call("openssl req -new -key %s -out %s" % (server_key, server_csr))
    if ret != 0:
        logger.error("failed to enable https, try again.")
    server_key_org = os.path.join(os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/server.key.org"))
    executor.run("cp %s %s" % (server_key, server_key_org))
    executor.run("openssl rsa -in %s -out %s" % (server_key_org, server_key))
    server_crt = os.path.join(os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/server.crt"))
    executor.run("openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in %s -signkey %s -out %s" % \
                 (server_csr, server_key, server_crt))

    port = io.prompt_int(text.get("interview_question", "https_port"), default=8443)

    chorus_config["ssl.enabled"] = "true"
    chorus_config["ssl_server_port"] = port
    chorus_config["ssl_certificate"] = server_crt
    chorus_config["ssl_certificate_key"] = server_key

    alpine_conf = os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/ALPINE_DATA_REPOSITORY/configuration/alpine.conf")
    with open(alpine_conf, "r") as f:
        contents = f.read()
        content = re.findall(r"chorus *{(.*?)}", contents, re.DOTALL)[0]
        replace = "active = true\n" + "scheme = HTTPS\n" + "port = %d\n" % port
        contents = contents.replace(content, replace)
    with open(alpine_conf, "w") as f:
        logger.info("https has been configured successfully on port %d" % port)
Exemplo n.º 2
def configure_default_port(options):
    from log import logger
    from installer_io import InstallerIO
    from configParser import ConfigParser
    from text import text
    io = InstallerIO(options.silent)

    config_file = os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/chorus.properties")
    chorus_config = ConfigParser(config_file)
    alpine_config_file = os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/ALPINE_DATA_REPOSITORY/configuration/deploy.properties")
    alpine_config = ConfigParser(alpine_config_file)

    ports = ["server_port", "solr_port"]

    menu = "\n".join(str(i+1) + ". %s: [default: %s]" % (ports[i], chorus_config[ports[i]]) for i in xrange(0, len(ports)))
    menu += "\n"
    alpine_ports = ["alpine_port"]

    menu += "\n".join(str(len(ports)+i+1) + ". %s: [default: %s]" % (alpine_ports[i], alpine_config[alpine_ports[i].replace("_", ".")]) \
                      for i in xrange(0, len(alpine_ports)))
    menu += "\n%d. exit" % (len(ports) + len(alpine_ports) + 1)
    num = io.require_menu(text.get("interview_question", "port_menu")  % menu,
                          range(1, len(ports)+len(alpine_ports)+2), default=len(ports)+len(alpine_ports)+1)
    if num in range(1, len(ports)+1):
        new_port = io.prompt_int(text.get("interview_question", "change_port") % ports[num-1], default=int(chorus_config[ports[num-1]]))
        chorus_config[ports[num-1]] = new_port
        logger.info("%s has successfully changed to %d" % (ports[num-1], new_port))
    elif num in range(len(ports)+1, len(ports)+1+len(alpine_ports)):
        new_port = io.prompt_int(text.get("interview_question", "change_port") % alpine_ports[num-len(ports)-1], default=int(alpine_config[alpine_ports[num-len(ports)-1].replace("_", ".")]))
        alpine_config[alpine_ports[num-len(ports)-1].replace("_", ".")] = new_port
        chorus_config["workflow.url"] = "http://%s:%d" % (alpine_config["alpine.host"], new_port)
        logger.info("%s has successfully changed to %d" % (alpine_ports[num-len(ports)-1], new_port))
Exemplo n.º 3
def configure_default_port(options):
    from log import logger
    from installer_io import InstallerIO
    from configParser import ConfigParser
    from text import text
    io = InstallerIO(options.silent)

    config_file = os.path.join(options.chorus_path, "shared/chorus.properties")
    chorus_config = ConfigParser(config_file)
    alpine_config_file = os.path.join(
    alpine_config = ConfigParser(alpine_config_file)

    ports = ["server_port", "solr_port"]

    menu = "\n".join(
        str(i + 1) + ". %s: [default: %s]" %
        (ports[i], chorus_config[ports[i]]) for i in xrange(0, len(ports)))
    menu += "\n"
    alpine_ports = ["alpine_port"]

    menu += "\n".join(str(len(ports)+i+1) + ". %s: [default: %s]" % (alpine_ports[i], alpine_config[alpine_ports[i].replace("_", ".")]) \
                      for i in xrange(0, len(alpine_ports)))
    menu += "\n%d. exit" % (len(ports) + len(alpine_ports) + 1)
    num = io.require_menu(text.get("interview_question", "port_menu") % menu,
                                len(ports) + len(alpine_ports) + 2),
                          default=len(ports) + len(alpine_ports) + 1)
    if num in range(1, len(ports) + 1):
        new_port = io.prompt_int(
            text.get("interview_question", "change_port") % ports[num - 1],
            default=int(chorus_config[ports[num - 1]]))
        chorus_config[ports[num - 1]] = new_port
        logger.info("%s has successfully changed to %d" %
                    (ports[num - 1], new_port))
    elif num in range(len(ports) + 1, len(ports) + 1 + len(alpine_ports)):
        new_port = io.prompt_int(
            text.get("interview_question", "change_port") %
            alpine_ports[num - len(ports) - 1],
            default=int(alpine_config[alpine_ports[num - len(ports) -
                                                   1].replace("_", ".")]))
        alpine_config[alpine_ports[num - len(ports) - 1].replace(
            "_", ".")] = new_port
        chorus_config["workflow.url"] = "http://%s:%d" % (
            alpine_config["alpine.host"], new_port)
        logger.info("%s has successfully changed to %d" %
                    (alpine_ports[num - len(ports) - 1], new_port))