Exemplo n.º 1
        def __init__(self):
            app_name = 'dbhandler_test'
            logfile = 'system'
            log_level = 10
            screendump = True

            #             log.info('Starting DentrixReporting logger...',
            #                      app_name = app_name,
            #                      logfile    = logfile,
            #                      log_level  = log_level,
            #                      screendump = screendump
            #                      )

            self.config = ConfigHandler(

            DBO = DBHandler.handler('mssql')
            print 'DBO = ', DBO
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.config = ConfigHandler()
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.default = DBHandler_defaults()


        # Sets database parameters from dbvars.cfg
        #         self._set_db_vars()
        #         # Check for overriding vars passed into __init__
        #         if host     is not None: self.dbvars['host'] = str(host)
        #         if database is not None: self.dbvars['database'] = str(database)
        #         if port     is not None: self.dbvars['port'] = str(port)
        #         if user     is not None: self.dbvars['user'] = str(user)
        #         if password is not None: self.dbvars['password'] = str(password)
        #         # Actually create the DB connection and cursor
        #         self._set_db()
        #         self.values = {}

        log.debug("DBHandler set successfully.")
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, base_dir, lib_name):
     self.app = None
     self.lib_name = lib_name
     self.base_dir = base_dir
     self.static_handler = StaticHandler(self.base_dir)
     self.template_handler = TemplateHandler()
     self.force_overwrite = False
     self.config = ConfigHandler(self.get_conf_path())
Exemplo n.º 4
	def __init__(self):
		logging.info('Creating RESTHandler');
		self.lock = threading.RLock()
		self.since_id = None
		# Get Config and set since_id
		self.config = ConfigHandler()
		self.since_id = self.config.mention_id()
		# Attempt to get OAuth Client
		self.oauthhandler = OAuthHandler(self.config)		
			logging.info('OAuth Client created successfully')
			logging.critical('Unable to birth OAuth Client')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfg = ConfigHandler('thm.cfg')
        self.groups = []
        self.floor = None
        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = (0.0, 0.0)
        self.space.damping = 0.0
        self.space.add_collision_handler(1, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.space.add_collision_handler(2, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.speshulCaller = callSpeshulEffect
        self.postStepQueue = []

        self.gameLogicManager = ActualManager(self)
        self.justEditing = False

        self.spaceGhost = None

        #If this is true, devtools will class update EVERYTHING.
        self.forceUpdateEverything = False

        self.boundaryBody = pymunk.Body()
        self.boundaries = []

        #A list of int values that represent the index values of a
        #group in self.groups, each group is drawn in order of the
        # values in this list. Use addGroup() to add one, by default
        # it puts the group in the last index of self.drawOrder,
        # unless passed a index value.
        self.drawOrder = []
        self.interweaveOrder = {}

        self.curInputDict = {}

        self.playersGroup = None

        self.namedGroups = {'playersGroup': self.playersGroup}

        self.lineVisualiser = LineVisualiser(self)

        self.rerenderEverything = False

        self.soundManager = SoundManager(self)

        self.hudList = []

        self.fileName = "Untitled"
        self.amountOfEntsOnLoad = None

        self.hardBlockInput = False
        self.inputDictLog = []

        #These to variables are the displacement from the state's (0,0) and the screen's (0,0), so they can be used for panning.
        self.panX, self.panY = 0, 0
        self.limitX1, self.limitX2, self.limitY1, self.limitY2 = None, None, None, None

        #This is the idSource, I use it for give ids to Entitys.
        self.idSource = IdSource()

        self.isClient = False
        self.isHost = False
        self.networkRate = 20.0
        self.networkTicker = 0
        self.networkNode = None
        self.networkingStarted = False

        #This is set by the DevMenu init
        self.devMenuRef = None

        self.paused = False
        self.keyboardInputEnabled = False
        self.deleteLastChar = False
        self.checkFocus = False
        self.pausedByFocus = False

        #So this is quite an important boolean.
        #If this is true everything in the PlayState will be drawn in order of the bottom of it's bounding rect, which I will refer
        #to as 'the foot'. If the foot is higher up the screen, the item will be drawn sooner.
        #If this is False, everything will be drawn according to the drawOrder and interweaveOrder system.
        #DrawByFeet is more suitable for some topdown/isometric games.
        self.drawByFeet = False

        self.useSuggestedGravityEntityPhysics = False

        self.stateToSwap = None
Exemplo n.º 6
 def config(self):
     return ConfigHandler(self.beets)
Exemplo n.º 7
import os
from confighandler import ConfigHandler

if os.path.exists('settings.json') and os.path.exists('settings_default.json'):
    CONFIG = ConfigHandler('settings.json', os.environ,
    CONFIG = ConfigHandler(os.environ)
Exemplo n.º 8
#Apparently all the scripts ran by extention of this have this in their paths, huh.
    ["modules/stockfunctions", "modules/stockclasses", "extern_modules"])

from entity import EntityGroup

from floor import Floor

from devtools import DevMenu

from state import PlayState

from confighandler import ConfigHandler

cfg = ConfigHandler('thm.cfg')

#from modules import *

timer = pygame.time.Clock()

if int(cfg.getVal('fullscreen')) == 1:
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()),
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()))

cheatScreen = pygame.Surface((800, 600)).convert()

#pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP])