Exemplo n.º 1
def main(conf, args, opts):
    if opts.dump:
        return 0

    if opts.all:
        for sec in args:
            if conf.has_section(sec):
                print("[%s]" % (sec))
                items = conf.items(sec)
                for (n, v) in items:
                    print("%s = %s" % (n, v))
        return 0

    sep = ','
    if opts.list:
        sep = ' '

    option = args[0]
    for sec in args[1:]:
        if conf.has_section(sec):
            if conf.has_option(sec, option):
                    configtools.get_list(conf.get(sec, option)), sep)
                return 0
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 2
def main(conf, args, opts):
    if not conf:
        return 1

    if opts.dump:
        return 0

    if opts.all:
        for sec in args:
            if conf.has_section(sec):
                print("[%s]" % (sec))
                items = conf.items(sec)
                for (n, v) in items:
                    print("%s = %s" % (n, v))
        return 0

    sep = ','
    if opts.list:
        sep =  ' '

    if args:
        option = args[0]
        for sec in args[1:]:
            if conf.has_section(sec):
                if conf.has_option(sec, option):
                    configtools.print_list(configtools.get_list(conf.get(sec, option)), sep)
                    return 0
    return 1
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(conf, args, opts):
    sep = ','
    if opts.list:
        sep = ' '

    hostclasses = configtools.get_host_classes(conf)
    if opts.listclasses:
        configtools.print_list(hostclasses, sep)
        return 0

    # all hosts
    if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'all':
        opts.all = True
    if opts.all:
        hosts = []
        for hostclass in hostclasses:
            hosts.extend(configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", hostclass)))
        configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
        return 0

    # hosts in a single class
    if opts.listclass in hostclasses:
        hosts = configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", opts.listclass))
        configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
        return 0

    # otherwise all the args should be classes: gather up their hosts:
    hosts = []
    for a in args:
        if a in hostclasses:
            hosts.extend(configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", a)))
            return 1
    configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(conf, args, opts):
    sep = ','
    if opts.list:
        sep = ' '

    hostclasses = configtools.get_host_classes(conf)
    if opts.listclasses:
        configtools.print_list(hostclasses, sep)
        return 0

    # all hosts
    if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'all':
        opts.all = True
    if opts.all:
        hosts = []
        for hostclass in hostclasses:
            hosts.extend(configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", hostclass)))
        configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
        return 0

    # hosts in a single class
    if opts.listclass in hostclasses:
        hosts = configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", opts.listclass))
        configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
        return 0

    # otherwise all the args should be classes: gather up their hosts:
    hosts = []
    for a in args:
        if a in hostclasses:
            hosts.extend(configtools.get_list(conf.get("hosts", a)))
            return 1
    configtools.print_list(hosts, sep)
    return 0