Exemplo n.º 1
import dash_html_components as html
import json
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objs as go

from connect import Connect

external_stylesheets = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css']

app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)
server = app.server

NO_DATA_GRAPH = {'data': [], 'layout': go.Layout()}

connection = Connect.get_connection()
print("Databases:", connection.list_database_names())

# creating or accessing a new database
db = connection["imdb_database"]

category_dict = OrderedDict({
    'top_movies': 'Top Movies',
    'top_tvshows': 'Top TV Shows',
    'top_budgets': 'Top Movie Budgets',
    'top_revenues': 'Top Movie Revenues',
    'top_budgets_revenues': 'Top Movie Budgets and their Revenues',
    'top_revenues_budgets': 'Top Movie Revenues and their Budgets',
    'movies_count': 'Number of Movies per Year',
    'tvshows_count': 'Number of TV Shows per Year',
    'budgets_max': 'Highest Movie Budget per Year',
Exemplo n.º 2

# table_name here is the schema_name.table_name (e.g. etltest.campaign)
add_col = """ALTER TABLE {table_name} 
ADD {col_name} {data_type} NULL;"""

insert_query = """ INSERT INTO {table_name}({attributes}) VALUES ({values}); """

createTable_query = """CREATE TABLE {schema_name}.{table_name} ( _id VARCHAR(100) ); """

schema_name = "etltest"

	conn = establishConnection() #Redshift

	client = Connect.get_connection() #MongoDb
	db =  client['test']	

	## Add any other mongo collections here // Rename existing collections
	# collections = ['organization', 'campaign', 'user', 'checkout', 'tickets']
	collections = ['organization']

	# Initialize Tables
	for ele in collections:
		sql = createTable_query.format(schema_name=schema_name, table_name=ele)
		print("Creating Table - " + ele)

	for ele in collections: