def last_processing2(obj, beta, flats_median, darks_median, bias_median, final_dir): """ New processing for images. Now instead of trying to reopen the FITS files in every 'process' :param obj: file path to object frame :param beta: normalizing value for dark frames ==> OBJ_EXPTIME / DARK_EXPTIME :param flats_median: list of data attributes of super flats image ==> [data0, data1, data2] :param darks_median: list of data attributes of super darks image ==> [data0, data1, data2] :param bias_median: list of data attributes of super bias image ==> [data0, data1, data2] :param final_dir: :return: """ filename = obj.split('/')[-1] this_filename = "Calibrated_" + filename log("Calibrating object frame: %s" % filename) mem = psutil.virtual_memory().percent #if mem > 90.: # log("Memory usage spiked to {}%. Skipping frame {}".format(mem, filename)) # print('Mem problem') # return False save_to_path = os.path.join(final_dir, this_filename) obj_image = ModHDUList(obj) exts = len(bias_median) super_bias = [None if bias_median[i] is None else bias_median[i] + darks_median[i]*beta for i in range(exts)] final_image = (obj_image - super_bias) / flats_median # RIGHT BEFORE SAVING, MUST DO COSMIC RAY REMOVAL... final_image = cosmic_ray(final_image) # INTERPOLATE RIGHT BEFORE SAVING # try to get rid of infs/nans/zeroes final_image.interpolate() final_image[0].header.add_history( "Calibrated Image: Bias subtracted, Flattened, and Cosmic Ray Cleansed" ) final_image.writeto(save_to_path, overwrite=True) final_image.close() collect()
def verify_window(filepath, *args) -> (list, tuple): """ verify existence of windowed file and trim accordingly :param filepath: filepath/HDUList to object image which you want to use as reference windowed frame :param args: ModHDUList/HDUList objects that you want to trim :return: list of given objects trimmed, same order """ window = False isWindowed = False if '/CAHA/' in filepath: # all CAHA images have the DATASEC keyword. We verify if image is windowed by seeing if section # is not equal to maximum detector window [0, 0, 4096, 4112] window = find_val(filepath, 'DATASEC') isWindowed = eval(window) != [0, 0, 4096, 4112] elif 'CASSINI' in filepath: # Cassini's window verification is different due to the fact that windows are manually set # therefore, not every cassini data set will have a 'DATASEC' keyword in the header window = find_val(filepath, 'DATASEC') if 'DATASEC' in fits.getheader(filepath) else False isWindowed = True if window else False if window and isWindowed: log("FOUND CAHA WINDOW:\n\tFile:{}\n\tWINDOW:{}".format(os.path.basename(filepath), window)) ref_window = ModHDUList(filepath) new_args = [] for i in range(len(args)): new_args.append(trim_reference_image(args[i], ref_window)) return new_args else: log("IMAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN CAHA-LIKE WINDOW FRAME") return args
def full_reduction(objects, calibrations, twilight_flats=False, split=3, recycle=False, median_opt=True, print_out=None): """ The function fully reduces the object files given the biases/flats/darks. This processing function works for almost all kinds of scenarios, must keep testing. :param objects: This can be the address of the object files or a list of selected object files. :param calibrations: This can be the address of all calibration files or a list of the following: FLATS MEDIAN FILEPATH, DARKS MEDIAN FILEPATH, BIAS MEDIAN FILEPATH, exposure time of darks value. :param twilight_flats: Set True, and function will only use twilight flats, else it will use regular ones. :param split: Default=3, This parameter will split the reduction into a number of subprocess, possibly speeding up the reduction time :param recycle: Default=False. If set to True, the program will use a compatible MEDIAN calibration file if found. :return: The program saves the final images to a new folder in the given objects-address. """ global printout # printout = print_out log("\n{0}FULL REDUCTION STARTED{0}\n".format("-" * 7)) if print_out is None: printout = print else: printout = print_out.emit printout("FULL REDUCTION STARTED") print(type(objects)) ############################################################ # parse directory folders flag_cal_list = False flag_objs_list = False if type(calibrations) is str: print("Calibrations variable is a string... assuming it is path to calibrations folder") calibrations = calibrations.rstrip(os.sep) x = os.path.isdir(calibrations) else: print("Calibrations variable is a list... assuming it is a list of calibration filepaths") mybool_list = [] for i in range(len(calibrations)): calibrations[i] = calibrations[i].rstrip(os.sep) mybool_list.append(os.path.isfile(calibrations[i])) x = all(mybool_list) flag_cal_list = True if type(objects) is str: print("Objects variable is a string... assuming it is path to object frames folder") objects = objects.rstrip(os.sep) y = os.path.isdir(objects) else: print("Objects variable is a list... assuming it is a list of object frames filepaths") mybool_list = [] for i in range(len(objects)): objects[i].rstrip(os.sep) mybool_list.append(os.path.isfile(objects[i]) or os.path.isdir(objects[i])) y = all(mybool_list) flag_objs_list = True if x and y: log("All Input files exist... continuing processing") else: log("At least one of the input files don't exist, quitting.") raise(ValueError('At least one of the input files don\'t exist, quitting.')) ############################################################# # get compatibility factors (filter/binning/exposure time obj), extra one to see if read noise exists in header if flag_objs_list: comp = get_comp_info(objects[0]) else: comp = get_comp_info(objects) filters, bins, exptime_obj, rdnoise_gain = comp # calculate median/mean calibration fles using search_median if not flag_cal_list: # assumes calibrations is a string (directory path) bias_median, darks_median, flats_median, exptime_dark = search_median(calibrations, comp, twi_flat=twilight_flats, recycle=recycle, median_opt=median_opt, print_out=print_out) elif flag_cal_list: # else assumes calibrations files are given bias_median, darks_median, flats_median, exptime_dark = calibrations else: log("Calibrations variable is neither a sequence or a string, quitting...") raise ValueError("Calibrations variable is neither a sequence or a string, quitting...") # If read noise doesn't exist in at least one header, calculate and put in header files. if not rdnoise_gain: printout("Information about ReadNoise or Gain couldn't be found... Assigning New Values") log("Information about ReadNoise or Gain couldn't be found... Assigning New Values") # parse calibrations folder/file path cal_folder = calibrations if type(calibrations) is str else os.path.dirname(calibrations) mybool_list = [key in cal_folder for key in ['BIAS', 'ZERO', 'FLAT', 'DARK']] if any(mybool_list): cal_folder = os.path.dirname(cal_folder) # setup search for available filters to use all_filters = [] all_filters_append = all_filters.append for filepath in search_all_fits(cal_folder): image_type = find_imgtype(filepath) if image_type == 'FLAT': this_filter = find_val(filepath, 'filter') all_filters_append(this_filter) avfilters = list(set(all_filters)) log("Found set of filters: {}".format(avfilters)) # choosing flat frame filter to use, preference given to clear/blank/open filter labels filtr = random.choice(list(avfilters)) for filter_type in ['clear', 'blank', 'open']: isFound = False for avfilter in avfilters: if filter_type.upper() in avfilter.upper(): filtr = avfilter break if isFound: break log("Applying get_gain_rdnoise function...") gains, read_noises = get_gain_rdnoise(cal_folder, bins=bins, filters=filtr) log("get_gain_rdnoise sucessful") telescop = '/'.join(cal_folder.split('/')[:-1]) printout("Assigninig following gain values:\n{}\n...and readnoise:\n{}".format(gains, read_noises)) for i in range(len(gains)): value_set = 'GAIN{}'.format(i + 1), gains[i] comm = 'EDEN Corrected Gain of AMP{} in units of e-/ADU'.format(i + 1) set_mulifits(telescop, '*.fits', value_set, comment=comm, keep_originals=False) value_set = 'RDNOISE{}'.format(i + 1), read_noises[i] comm = 'EDEN Corrected Read Noise of AMP{} in units of e-'.format(i + 1) set_mulifits(telescop, '*.fits', value_set, comment=comm, keep_originals=False) log("Values have been assigned!... Continuing Calibration.") printout("Values have been assigned!... Continuing Calibration.") # set up object files for calibration if flag_objs_list: final_dir = os.path.dirname(objects[0]).replace("raw", 'cal') if final_dir == os.path.dirname(objects[0]): final_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(objects[0]), 'calibrated') list_objects = objects else: final_dir = objects.replace("raw", 'cal') list_objects = list(search_all_fits(objects)) if final_dir == objects: final_dir = os.path.join(objects, 'calibrated') if not os.path.isdir(final_dir): os.makedirs(final_dir) filtered_objects = [obj_path for obj_path in list_objects if filter_objects(obj_path, bins)] # beta variable is to be multiplied by the corrected_darks to normalize it in respect to obj files betas = [find_val(objs, 'exptime') / exptime_dark for objs in filtered_objects] assert len(betas) == len(filtered_objects), "For some reason betas and objects aren't the same size" # set up calibration files to pickle through multiprocessing t0 = time.time() normflats = ModHDUList(flats_median) medbias = ModHDUList(bias_median) # try to get rid of infs/nans/zeroes normflats.interpolate() if darks_median: meddark = ModHDUList(darks_median) _list = [normflats, meddark, medbias] normflats, meddark, medbias = prepare_cal(filtered_objects[0], *_list) else: _list = [normflats, medbias] normflats, medbias = prepare_cal(filtered_objects[0], *_list) meddark = [np.zeros(normflats[i].shape) for i in range(len(normflats))] lapse = time.time() - t0 log("Preparation right before calibration took %.4f " % lapse) # create arguments list/iterator arguments = [] for obj, beta in zip(filtered_objects, betas): # each argument will have an object frame, normalization constant(Beta), and directory names of # super calibration files, and final directory for object frames. arguments.append((obj, beta, normflats, meddark, medbias, final_dir)) # initialize multiprocessing pool in try/except block in order to avoid problems pool = Pool(processes=split) try: t0 = time.time() pool.starmap(last_processing2, arguments) lapse = time.time() - t0 log("WHOLE CALIBRATION PROCESS IN ALL FILES TOOK %.4f" % lapse) except Exception: log("An error occurred during the multiprocessing, closing pool...") raise finally: # the finally block will ensure the pool is closed no matter what pool.close() pool.join() del arguments[:] log("FULL DATA REDUCTION COMPLETED") printout("REDUCTION COMPLETED!")
def get_gain_rdnoise(calibration, bins=2, filters=None, twi_flat=False): basename = os.path.basename bias = [] append_bias = bias.append flats = [] append_flats = flats.append medbias_path = None if not filters: return None # edit for calibrations in different folders all_calibs = [] for i in range(len(calibration)): for j in search_all_fits(calibration[i]): all_calibs.append(j) for filepath in all_calibs: filename = basename(filepath) this_imagetype = find_imgtype(filepath) if not check_comp(filepath, bins): continue # avoid all median/mean files, except bias if 'MEDIAN' in filename or 'MEAN' in filename.upper(): if "BIAS" in filename.upper(): medbias_path = filepath continue if "BIAS" == this_imagetype or "ZERO" == this_imagetype: append_bias(filepath) continue elif "FLAT" == this_imagetype: if check_comp(filepath, filters, twilight_flats=twi_flat): append_flats(filepath) continue # limit search assert bias and flats, "Either bias or flats files were not detected." if len(flats) > 100: flats = random.sample(flats, 100) if len(bias) > 100: bias = random.sample(bias, 100) # files with lowest sigma least_sigma = 1e6 bias1 = bias2 = None log('looking for bias files with lowest sigma') for bias_file in bias: bias_ = ModHDUList(bias_file) bias_ = overscan_sub(bias_) sigma = bias_.std() if sigma < least_sigma: log("{:1.2f}\t{:s}".format(sigma, bias_file)) # log(str(sigma) + bias_file) bias2 = bias1 bias1 = bias_ least_sigma = sigma log('looking for flats file with lowest sigma') flat1 = flat2 = None least_sigma = 1e6 # we need to account for bias noise if not medbias_path: medbias_path = cross_median(bias, this_type='Bias') medbias = ModHDUList(medbias_path) for flat_file in flats: flat = ModHDUList(flat_file) - medbias flat = overscan_sub(flat) sigma = flat.std() if sigma < least_sigma: log("{:1.2f}\t{:s}".format(sigma, flat_file)) flat2 = flat1 flat1 = flat least_sigma = sigma collect() # MAKE SURE THERE ARE TWO FILES: if flat1 is None or flat2 is None: flat1 = random.sample(flats, 1)[0] diff = set(flats) - {flat1} flat2 = random.sample(list(diff), 1)[0] flat1 = ModHDUList(flat1) flat2 = ModHDUList(flat2) if bias1 is None or bias2 is None: bias1 = random.sample(bias, 1)[0] diff = set(bias) - {bias1} bias2 = random.sample(list(diff), 1)[0] bias1 = ModHDUList(bias1) bias2 = ModHDUList(bias2) # We must collect up all readnoise/gain per amplifier, store them in 'gains' and 'read_noises' in order # read_noises are read noises in units of ADU bias_diff = bias1 - bias2 read_noise_calc = lambda i: bias_diff[i].data.std() / np.sqrt(2) read_noises = np.array([read_noise_calc(i) for i in range(len(bias1)) if bias1[i].data is not None]) log("READ_NOISES:\t{} ADU".format(read_noises)) # Now we get the gain using the flats normflat = flat2.flatten() flatcorr = flat1 / normflat if len(read_noises) == len(flat1) - 1: gain_calc = lambda i: flatcorr[i].data.mean() / (0.5 * flatcorr[i].data.std() ** 2 - read_noises[i - 1] ** 2) else: gain_calc = lambda i: flatcorr[i].data.mean() / (0.5 * flatcorr[i].data.std() ** 2 - read_noises[i] ** 2) gains = np.array([gain_calc(i) for i in range(len(flat1)) if flat1[i].data is not None]) read_noises_e = gains * read_noises return gains, read_noises_e
def search_median(calibration, comp, twi_flat=False, recycle=False, median_opt=True, print_out=None): """ This function searches the calibration files in the given calibrations folder. It searches for specific binning and filter calibration files. :param calibration: address directory of the calibration files necessary for the objects :param comp: compatibility information list, binning and filter :param twi_flat: True if you want to apply twilight flats or False to use regular flats (or anything is found) :param recycle: True if you want to try to find already calculated super calibration files, False otherwise :param median_opt: True if you want to apply MEDIAN to all central tendency applications, False to use MEAN :return: A list of the following [ superbias_path, superdark_path, superflats_path, exposureTime_Darks] """ filters, bins = comp[:2] global num_flats, num_bias, num_darks, printout if print_out is None: printout = print else: printout = print_out.emit if median_opt: method = 'median' central_method = cross_median else: method = 'mean' central_method = cross_mean basename = os.path.basename # setup flags to use in calculation process darks_flag = True darks_norm = False flats_calculation = True bias_calculation = True darks_calculation = True # setup lists to use in search for fits bias = [] darks = [] flats = [] bias_median = False darks_median = False flats_median = False super_cal_found = False central_flag = "MEDIAN" if median_opt else "MEAN" log("Searching and filtering calibration files") # edit for calibrations in different folders all_calibs = [] for i in range(len(calibration)): for j in search_all_fits(calibration[i]): all_calibs.append(j) for filepath in all_calibs: filename = basename(filepath) # Compatibility test is overriden if calibration is done on CASSINI Files. Due to the fact # that there is no binning keyword in their calibrations headers. compatibility = '/CASSINI/' in calibration or check_comp(filepath, bins) if not compatibility: log("%s Not Compatible" % filename) continue log("%s Compatible" % filename) # capture all median/mean files if recycle and central_flag in filename: log("Super Calibration file found while filtering: %s" % filename) if "FLAT" in filename.upper(): if check_comp(filepath, filters, twilight_flats=twi_flat): flats_median = filepath elif "BIAS" in filename.upper(): bias_median = filepath elif "DARK" in filename.upper(): darks_median = filepath super_cal_found = flats_median and bias_median and darks_median continue this_imagetype = find_imgtype(filepath) if "DARK" == this_imagetype: darks.append(filepath) continue elif "BIAS" == this_imagetype or "ZERO" == this_imagetype: bias.append(filepath) continue elif "FLAT" == this_imagetype: if check_comp(filepath, filters, twilight_flats=twi_flat): flats.append(filepath) continue if super_cal_found: break num_bias = len(bias) num_darks = len(darks) num_flats = len(flats) if num_bias == 0 or num_flats == 0: printout("Either no bias or flat files found." " If you want to find the 'superFlat' or 'superBias' sperately," "use cross_median or cross_mean instead of this function. Exiting...") return None # no existing darks, then set flag to False darks_flag = True if super_cal_found else len(darks) > 0 ################ Evaluate found median files for re-using####################### # initialize variables if recycle: if darks_flag: exptime_dark = find_val(darks_median, "exptime") if darks_median else 1 else: darks_median = None exptime_dark = 1 # if all super calibration files are available, then return them if bias_median and flats_median and darks_median is not False: log('------MEDIANS FILES WERE FOUND------') log('{}\t{}\t{}'.format(bias_median, darks_median, flats_median)) printout('Found MEDIAN Files. Skipping MEDIAN calibration files calculations...' " CONTINUING WITH OBJECT FILES") return bias_median, darks_median, flats_median, exptime_dark else: # if at least one is available then re-use them if bias_median: log("----------BIAS ALREADY CALCULATED FOUND----------") bias_calculation = False if darks_median is not False: log("----------DARKS ALREADY CALCULATED FOUND----------") darks_calculation = False if flats_median: log("----------FLATS ALREADY CALCULATED FOUND----------") flats_calculation = False log("----------CALIBRATIONS FILES ARE NOW REDUCING--------") printout("Found: {} bias files\n\t{} darks files\n\t{} " "flats files\nCalibration files are now reducing".format(num_bias, num_darks, num_flats)) # this is done for every flat to make in case exptime was changed at some point if darks_flag: # exptime_dark will be the exptime at all times, normalizing is applied if necessary exptime_flats = [find_val(x, 'exptime') for x in flats] exptime_darks = {find_val(x, 'exptime') for x in darks} exptime_dark = find_val(darks[0], "exptime") if len(exptime_darks) > 1: printout("Exposure time of darks varies, applying normalizing method") darks_norm = True # alphas is a list of normalization constants for the darks during subtraction from super flat alphas = list(map(lambda x: x / exptime_dark, exptime_flats)) else: darks_median = None exptime_dark = 1 alphas = np.zeros(len(flats)) ############################################################################### ##########################----BIAS CALCULATIONS ----########################## if bias_calculation: bias_median = central_method(bias, this_type="Bias.BIN{}".format(bins)) log("----------BIAS CALCULATION COMPLETED----------") printout("----------BIAS CALCULATION COMPLETED----------") ##########################----END BIAS CALCULATIONS ----########################## ################################################################################## ############################################################################### ##########################----DARKS CALCULATIONS ----########################## # open file in memory bias_med =, memmap=False) if darks_calculation and darks_flag: unbiased_darks = [] for dark in darks: raw_dark = ModHDUList(dark) if darks_norm: # applying darks normalization this_exposure = find_val(dark, "exptime") if exptime_dark != this_exposure: # subtract bias raw_dark = raw_dark - bias_med # normalize to exptime_dark constant = exptime_dark / this_exposure raw_dark = raw_dark * constant # change EXPTIME to display normalized exptime raw_dark[0].header['EXPTIME'] = exptime_dark unbiased_darks.append(raw_dark) del raw_dark continue unbiased_darks.append(raw_dark - bias_med) # collect() is python's garbage collector (memory release) collect() root_darks = os.path.dirname(darks[0]) darks_median = central_method(unbiased_darks, root_dir=root_darks, this_type="Darks.BIN{}".format(bins)) # unload the memory space/ a lot of memory must be used for unbiased_darks del unbiased_darks log("----------DARKS CALCULATION COMPLETED----------") printout("----------DARKS CALCULATION COMPLETED----------") ##########################----END DARKS CALCULATIONS ----########################## ################################################################################### ############################################################################### ##########################----FLATS CALCULATIONS ----########################## if flats_calculation: # THIS IS DONE THIS WAY, TO AVOID MISMATCHES OF NORMALIZATION WHEN SUBTRACTING root_flats = os.path.dirname(flats[0]) fixed_flats_list = [] flat_append = fixed_flats_list.append fits.conf.use_memmap = False dark_med = ModHDUList(darks_median) if darks_flag else 1 for i, flat in enumerate(flats): raw_flat = ModHDUList(flat) super_bias = bias_med - (dark_med * alphas[i]) if darks_flag else bias_med # super_bias is either just the bias or the bias minus the dark frame calibrate_flat = raw_flat - super_bias calibrate_flat = calibrate_flat.flatten(method=method) flat_append(calibrate_flat) del raw_flat collect() del bias_med if darks_flag: del dark_med flats_median = central_method(fixed_flats_list, root_dir=root_flats, this_type="Flats.{}.BIN{}".format(filters, bins), twilight=twi_flat) fits.conf.use_memmap = True del fixed_flats_list log("----------FLATS CALCUATION COMPLETED----------") printout("----------FLATS CALCUATION COMPLETED----------") ##########################----END FLATS CALCULATIONS ----########################## ################################################################################### printout("CALIBRATION FILES WERE REDUCED.. CONTINUING WITH OBJECT FILES") return bias_median, darks_median, flats_median, exptime_dark