Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_dcgain(self):
        """Test function dcgain with different systems"""
        if slycot_check():
            #Test MIMO systems
            A, B, C, D = self.make_MIMO_mats()

            gain1 = dcgain(ss(A, B, C, D))
            gain2 = dcgain(A, B, C, D)
            sys_tf = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
            gain3 = dcgain(sys_tf)
            gain4 = dcgain(sys_tf.num, sys_tf.den)
            #print("gain1:", gain1)

                                      array([[0.0269, 0.], [0., 0.0269]]),
            assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain2)
            assert_array_almost_equal(gain3, gain4)
            assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain4)

        #Test SISO systems
        A, B, C, D = self.make_SISO_mats()

        gain1 = dcgain(ss(A, B, C, D))
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, array([[0.0269]]), decimal=4)
Exemplo n.º 2
def c2d(sys, Ts, method='ZOH'):
	@summary: From continuous time convert discrete time
	@param sys:  an instance of the LTI class or a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:

         2: (num, den)        
         4: (A, B, C, D)
    @param Ts: Sampling time
    @param method: The name of the discretization method
    @return: The discrete system    
    if (len(sys) == 2):
        (A, B, C, D) = tf2ss(sys)
        (A, B, C, D) = sys

    n = A.shape[0]
    nb = B.shape[1]
    if (method == 'ZOH'):
        ztmp = zeros((nb, n + nb))
        tmp = hstack((A, B))
        tmp = vstack((tmp, ztmp))
        tmp = expm(tmp * Ts)

        A = tmp[0:n, 0:n]
        B = tmp[0:n, n:n + nb]

    sysd = (A, B, C, D)
    if (len(sys) == 2):
        return ss2tf(sysd)
    return sysd
    def test_dcgain(self):
        """Test function dcgain with different systems"""
        #Test MIMO systems
        A, B, C, D = self.make_MIMO_mats()

        gain1 = dcgain(ss(A, B, C, D))
        gain2 = dcgain(A, B, C, D)
        sys_tf = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
        gain3 = dcgain(sys_tf)
        gain4 = dcgain(sys_tf.num, sys_tf.den)
        #print("gain1:", gain1)

                                  array([[0.0269, 0.    ],
                                         [0.    , 0.0269]]),
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain3, gain4)
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain4)

        #Test SISO systems
        A, B, C, D = self.make_SISO_mats()

        gain1 = dcgain(ss(A, B, C, D))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_tf(self, desired_windspeed, desired_azimuth, desired_input,
        windspeed_ii = np.where(self.windspeeds == desired_windspeed)[0]
        desiredinput_ii = self.inputnames.index(desired_input)

        desiredoutput_ii = self.outputnames.index(desired_output)

        SS = self.SS[windspeed_ii[0]]
        desired_wtg = ctrl.ss2tf(SS.A, SS.B[:, desiredinput_ii],
                                 SS.C[desiredoutput_ii, :],
                                 SS.D[desiredoutput_ii, desiredinput_ii])
        return desired_wtg
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_transfer_functions(statespace_model):
    transfer_functions = ss2tf(statespace_model)

    # Loop through the coefficients and set ones close to zero equal to zero.
    # This will modify the actual transfer_functions arrays
    all_coeffs = [
        transfer_functions.num[0][0], transfer_functions.den[0][0],
        transfer_functions.num[1][0], transfer_functions.den[1][0]
    for i in range(len(all_coeffs)):
        for j in range(len(all_coeffs[i])):
            if abs(all_coeffs[i][j]) < (10**(-10)):
                all_coeffs[i][j] = 0

    theta_tf = tf(all_coeffs[0], all_coeffs[1])
    cart_tf = tf(all_coeffs[2], all_coeffs[3])

    return theta_tf, cart_tf
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_dcgain_mimo(self, MIMO_mats):
        """Test function dcgain with MIMO systems"""
        #Test MIMO systems
        A, B, C, D = MIMO_mats

        gain1 = dcgain(ss(A, B, C, D))
        gain2 = dcgain(A, B, C, D)
        sys_tf = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
        gain3 = dcgain(sys_tf)
        gain4 = dcgain(sys_tf.num, sys_tf.den)
        #print("gain1:", gain1)

                                  array([[0.0269, 0.], [0., 0.0269]]),
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain3, gain4)
        assert_array_almost_equal(gain1, gain4)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def siso(self):
        """Set up some systems for testing out MATLAB functions"""
        s = tsystems()

        A = np.array([[1., -2.], [3., -4.]])
        B = np.array([[5.], [7.]])
        C = np.array([[6., 8.]])
        D = np.array([[9.]])
        s.ss1 = ss(A, B, C, D)

        # Create some transfer functions
        s.tf1 = tf([1], [1, 2, 1])
        s.tf2 = tf([1, 1], [1, 2, 3, 1])

        # Conversions
        s.tf3 = tf(s.ss1)
        s.ss2 = ss(s.tf2)
        s.ss3 = tf2ss(s.tf3)
        s.tf4 = ss2tf(s.ss2)
        return s
Exemplo n.º 8
def c2d(sys, Ts, method="ZOH"):
	@summary: From continuous time convert discrete time
	@param sys:  an instance of the LTI class or a tuple describing the system.
        The following gives the number of elements in the tuple and
        the interpretation:

         2: (num, den)        
         4: (A, B, C, D)
    @param Ts: Sampling time
    @param method: The name of the discretization method
    @return: The discrete system    
    if method == "ZOH":
        if len(sys) == 2:
            (A, B, C, D) = tf2ss(sys)
            (A, B, C, D) = sys

        n = A.shape[0]
        nb = B.shape[1]
        if method == "ZOH":
            ztmp = zeros((nb, n + nb))
            tmp = hstack((A, B))
            tmp = vstack((tmp, ztmp))
            tmp = expm(tmp * Ts)

            A = tmp[0:n, 0:n]
            B = tmp[0:n, n : n + nb]

        sysd = (A, B, C, D)
        if len(sys) == 2:
            return ss2tf(sysd)
        return sysd

    return None
Exemplo n.º 9
    def pid_design(self):

        n_x = self._A.shape[0]  # number of sates
        n_u = self._B.shape[1]  # number of inputs
        n_y = self._C.shape[0]  # number of outputs

        # Augmented state system (for LQR)
        A_lqr = np.block([[self._A, np.zeros((n_x, n_y))],
                          [self._C, np.zeros((n_y, n_y))]])
        B_lqr = np.block([[self._B], [np.zeros((n_y, 1))]])

        # Define Q,R
        Q = np.diag(self._q)
        R = np.array([self._r])
        # Solve for P in continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE)
        #print("A_lqr shape", A_lqr.shape)
        #print("Q shape",Q.shape)
        (P, L, F) = cnt.care(A_lqr, B_lqr, Q, R)

        if self._verbose:
            print("P matrix", P)
            print("Feedback gain", F)

        # Calculate Ki_bar, Kp_bar
        Kp_bar = np.array([F[0][0:n_x]])
        Ki_bar = np.array([F[0][n_x:]])

        if self._verbose:
            print("Kp_bar", Kp_bar)
            print("Ki_bar", Ki_bar)

        # Calculate the PID kp kd gains
        C_bar = np.block(
             [self._C.dot(self._A) - (self._C.dot(self._B)).dot(Kp_bar)]])

        if self._verbose:
            print("C_bar", C_bar)
            print("C_bar shape", C_bar.shape)

        # Calculate PID kp ki gains
        kpd = Kp_bar.dot(np.linalg.inv(C_bar))
        if self._verbose:
            print("kpd: ", kpd, "with shape: ", kpd.shape)
        kp = kpd[0][0]
        kd = kpd[0][1]
        # ki gain
        ki = (1. + kd * self._C.dot(self._B)).dot(Ki_bar)
        self._K = [kp, ki[0][0], kd]

        G_plant = cnt.ss2tf(self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D)

        # create PID transfer function
        d_tc = 1. / 125.  # Derivative time constant at nyquist freq
        p_tf = self._K[0]
        i_tf = self._K[1] * cnt.tf([1], [1, 0])
        d_tf = self._K[2] * cnt.tf([1, 0], [d_tc, 1])
        pid_tf = cnt.parallel(p_tf, i_tf, d_tf)
        open_loop_tf = cnt.series(pid_tf, G_plant)
        closedLoop_tf = cnt.feedback(open_loop_tf, 1)

        if self._verbose:
            print(" *********** PID gains ***********")
            print("kp: ", self._K[0])
            print("ki: ", self._K[1])
            print("kd: ", self._K[2])
            print(" *********************************")

        return pid_tf, closedLoop_tf
Exemplo n.º 10
    def do_sys_id(self):
        num_poles = 2
        num_zeros = 1
        if not self._use_subspace:
            method = 'ARMAX'
            #sys_id = system_identification(self._y.T, self._u[0], method, IC='BIC', na_ord=[0, 5], nb_ord=[1, 5], nc_ord=[0, 5], delays=[0, 5], ARMAX_max_iterations=300, tsample=self._Ts, centering='MeanVal')
            sys_id = system_identification(self._y.T,
                                           ARMAX_orders=[num_poles, 1, 1, 0],


            if self._verbose:
                print("System poles of discrete G: ", cnt.pole(sys_id.G))

            # Convert to continuous tf
            G = harold.Transfer(sys_id.NUMERATOR,
            G_cont = harold.undiscretize(G, method='zoh')
            self._sys_tf = G_cont
            self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D = harold.transfer_to_state(
                G_cont, output='matrices')

            if self._verbose:
                print("Continuous tf:", G_cont)

            # Convert to state space, because ARMAX gives transfer function
            ss_roll = cnt.tf2ss(sys_id.G)
            A = np.asarray(ss_roll.A)
            B = np.asarray(ss_roll.B)
            C = np.asarray(ss_roll.C)
            D = np.asarray(ss_roll.D)
            if self._verbose:

            # simulate identified system using input from data
            xid, yid = fsetSIM.SS_lsim_process_form(A, B, C, D, self._u)
            y_error = self._y - yid
            self._fitness = 1 - (y_error.var() / self._y.var())**2
            if self._verbose:
                print("Fittness %", self._fitness * 100)

            if self._plot:
                plt.plot(self._t[0], self._y[0])
                plt.plot(self._t[0], yid[0])
                plt.title("Time response Y(t)=U*G(t)")
                    self._y_name, self._y_name + '_identified: ' +
                    '{:.3f} fitness'.format(self._fitness)

            sys_id = system_identification(self._y,
            #sys_id = system_identification(self._y, self._u, self._subspace_method, SS_orders=[1,10], SS_p=self._subspace_p, SS_f=50, tsample=self._Ts, SS_A_stability=True, centering='MeanVal')
            if self._verbose:
                print("x0", sys_id.x0)
                print("A", sys_id.A)
                print("B", sys_id.B)
                print("C", sys_id.C)
                print("D", sys_id.D)

            A = sys_id.A
            B = sys_id.B
            C = sys_id.C
            D = sys_id.D

            # Get discrete transfer function from state space
            sys_tf = cnt.ss2tf(A, B, C, D)
            if self._verbose:
                print("TF ***in z domain***", sys_tf)

            # Get numerator and denominator
            (num, den) = cnt.tfdata(sys_tf)

            # Convert to continuous tf
            G = harold.Transfer(num, den, dt=self._Ts)
            if self._verbose:
            G_cont = harold.undiscretize(G, method='zoh')
            self._sys_tf = G_cont
            self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D = harold.transfer_to_state(
                G_cont, output='matrices')
            if self._verbose:
                print("Continuous tf:", G_cont)

            # get zeros
            tmp_tf = cnt.ss2tf(self._A, self._B, self._C, self._D)
            self._zeros = cnt.zero(tmp_tf)

            # simulate identified system using discrete system
            xid, yid = fsetSIM.SS_lsim_process_form(A, B, C, D, self._u,
            y_error = self._y - yid
            self._fitness = 1 - (y_error.var() / self._y.var())**2
            if self._verbose:
                print("Fittness %", self._fitness * 100)

            if self._plot:
                plt.plot(self._t[0], self._y[0])
                plt.plot(self._t[0], yid[0])
                plt.title("Time response Y(t)=U*G(t)")
                    self._y_name, self._y_name + '_identified: ' +
                    '{:.3f} fitness'.format(self._fitness)
Exemplo n.º 11
Input (Espaço de estados)
A = np.array([[0, 1, 0],
              [0, 0, 1],
              [-30, -31, -10]])
B = np.array([[0], 
C = np.array([0, 0, 1])
D = np.array([[0]])

# Espaço de estados -> Funcao de transferencia
S = ctl.ss(A, B, C, D)
G = ctl.ss2tf(S)

# Polos a partir do espaço de estados
print('Polos = ', ctl.pole(S))

Input (Funcao de transferencia)
# num = [0, 0, 1, 0]
# den = [1, 6, 5, 1]
# G = ctl.tf(num, den)

# # Funcao de transferencia -> Espaço de estados
Exemplo n.º 12
# System matrices as 2D arrays :
A = np.array([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [-490, -137, -12, -2],
              [-170, -383, -2.3, -9]])
B = np.array([[0], [0], [1000 / 310], [-693 / 250]])
C = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
# C = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0]])
D = np.array([[0]])

Sp = ctl.ss(A, B, C, D)
print('S =', Sp)

#  Funcao de transferencia
G = ctl.ss2tf(Sp)
print('G =', G)
Input (Funcao de transferencia Gpid)
num = np.array([1, 15000.1, 1500])
den = np.array([0, 1, 0])
Gpid = ctl.tf(num, den)
print('Gpid:', Gpid)

#  Em serie (G*Gpid)
S = ctl.series(G, Gpid)
Exemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np

end = 8
s = cm.tf([1, 0], [1])
A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0],
     [-1, -1, 1, 0],
     [0, 0, 0, 1],
     [1, 0, -1, 1]])

b = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
c = np.array([1, 0, 0, 0])
d = [0]

SS = cm.feedback(cm.ss(A, b, c, d), 1)

TF_conv = cm.ss2tf(SS)
TF = cm.feedback((1) / (s**4 + s**2))

out_SS, t = cm.step(1 * SS, np.linspace(0, end, 200))
out_TF, t = cm.step(1 * TF, np.linspace(0, end, 200))
out_TF_conv, t = cm.step(1 * TF_conv, np.linspace(0, end, 200))

plt.plot(t, out_SS, lw=2, label="ss")
plt.plot(t, out_TF, lw=1, label="tf")
plt.plot(t, out_TF_conv, lw=0.5, label="tf_conv")

# https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(%7B%7Bs,+0,+0,+0%7D,+%7B0,+s,+0,+0%7D,+%7B0,+0,+s,+0%7D,+%7B0,+0,+0,+s%7D%7D+-+%7B%7B0,+1,+0,+0%7D,+%7B-1,+-1,+1,+0%7D,+%7B0,+0,+0,+1%7D,+%7B1,+0,+-1,+1%7D%7D)
Exemplo n.º 14
from control import matlab
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

A = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, -1.8]])
b = np.array([[0], [1]])
c = np.array([1, 0])
d = 0
T = 0.3

S = matlab.ss(A, b, c, d)
Gs = matlab.ss2tf(S)
P = matlab.c2d(S, T, method='zoh')
Gz = matlab.ss2tf(P)  #PはSを離散時間系に変換したやつ
#print(Gz) #p.13の問題6.の答え
#matlab.bode(S ,matlab.logspace(-2, 2)) #ボード線図を描こう!
yt, tt = matlab.step(S, np.arange(0, 10, 0.01))  #まずは連続時間系
#plt.plot(tt, yt) #連続時間系での出力をグラフにする
yk, tk = matlab.step(P, np.arange(0, 10, T))  #次は離散時間系
plt.plot(tk, yk, marker='o')  #離散時間系のプロット、プロット点も描画する
Exemplo n.º 15
def convert_transfer_function_model(ss_model):
    tf_model = ss2tf(ss_model)
    return tf_model