Exemplo n.º 1
def margin_zpk(sys, z, p, k):
    # open-loop system transfer function
        num, den = model(sys)
        # for error detection
        print("Err: system in not defined")
    Gs = control.tf(num, den)

    # define compensator transfer function
    # convert zero and pole to numpy arrays
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # Compensated open-loop transfer function
    DsGs = Ds*Gs

    # phase & gain margins
    gm, pm, wg, wp = control.margin(DsGs)

    # round phase & gain margin variables
    ndigits = 2
    gm = round(gm, ndigits)
    pm = round(pm, ndigits)
    wg = round(wg, ndigits)
    wp = round(wp, ndigits)

    return gm, pm, wg, wp
Exemplo n.º 2
def zpk(z, p, k):
    Gs = control.tf(36, [1, 3.6, 0])
    # Define Compensator transfer function
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # Draw the open-loop frequency resp. for the comp. sys
    DsGs = Ds*Gs
    gm, pm, wg, wp = control.margin(DsGs)
    print(f"Gain margin = {gm} dB")
    print(f"Phase margin = {round(pm, 2)} degrees")
    print(f"Frequency for Gain Margin = {wg} radians/sec")
    print(f"Frequecny for Phase Margin = {wp} radians/sec")
    omega_comp = np.logspace(-2,2,2000)
    mag_comp, phase_comp, omega_comp = control.bode(DsGs, omega=omega_comp)
    mag_comp = 20 * np.log10(mag_comp)
    phase_comp = np.degrees(phase_comp)
    omega_comp = omega_comp.T
    phase_comp = phase_comp.T
    mag_comp = mag_comp.T

    omega_comp = list(omega_comp)
    phase_comp = list(phase_comp)
    mag_comp = list(mag_comp)

    return omega_comp, mag_comp, phase_comp, gm, pm, wp, wg 
Exemplo n.º 3
def action_zpk(sys, final_time, setpoint, z, p, k):
    # open-loop system transfer function
        num, den = model(sys)
        # for error detection
        print("Err: system in not defined")
    Gs = control.tf(num, den)
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)
    # closed-loop unity-feedback transfer function
    Ts = control.feedback(Ds*Gs, 1)

    # simulation time parameters
    initial_time = 0
    nsteps = 40 * int(final_time)   # number of time steps
    t = np.linspace(initial_time, final_time, round(nsteps))

    output, t = matlab.step(Ts, t)
    output = setpoint*output

    # calculate list of error
    setpoint_arr = setpoint * np.ones(nsteps)
    err = setpoint_arr - output

    # calculate control action
    action = matlab.lsim(Ds, err, t)

    # covert numpy arrays to lists
    t = list(t)
    action = list(action[0])

    # round lists to 6 decimal digits
    ndigits = 6
    t = [round(num, ndigits) for num in t]
    action = [round(num, ndigits) for num in action]

    # calculate maximum control action
    max_action = max(action)
    min_action = min(action)
    return t, action, min_action, max_action
Exemplo n.º 4
def step_zpk(sys, final_time, setpoint, z, p, k):
    # open-loop system transfer function
        num, den = model(sys)
        # for error detection
        print("Err: system in not defined")
    Gs = control.tf(num, den)

    # define compensator transfer function
    # convert zero and pole to numpy arrays
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # Compensated open-loop transfer function
    DsGs = Ds*Gs

    # closed-loop unity-feedback transfer function
    Ts = control.feedback(DsGs, 1)

    # simulation time parameters
    initial_time = 0
    nsteps = 40 * final_time   # number of time steps
    t = np.linspace(initial_time, final_time, round(nsteps))
    output, t = matlab.step(Ts, t)
    output = setpoint*output

    # covert numpy arrays to lists
    t = list(t)
    output = list(output)

    # round lists to 6 decimal digits
    ndigits = 6
    t = [round(num, ndigits) for num in t]
    output = [round(num, ndigits) for num in output]

    return t, output
Exemplo n.º 5
def bode_zpk(sys, z, p, k):
    # open-loop system transfer function
        num, den = model(sys)
        # for error detection
        print("Err: system in not defined")
    Gs = control.tf(num, den)

    # define compensator transfer function
    # convert zero and pole to numpy arrays
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # Compensated open-loop transfer function
    DsGs = Ds*Gs

    # bode plot arrays
    omega = np.logspace(-2, 2, 2000)
    mag, phase, omega = control.bode(DsGs, omega=omega)
    mag = 20 * np.log10(mag)  # mag in db
    phase = np.degrees(phase)  # phase in degrees

    # convert numpy arrays to lists
    omega = list(omega)
    phase = list(phase)
    mag = list(mag)

    # round lists to 6 decimal floating digits
    ndigits = 6
    omega = [round(num, ndigits) for num in omega]
    phase = [round(num, ndigits) for num in phase]
    mag = [round(num, ndigits) for num in mag]

    return omega, mag, phase
Exemplo n.º 6
from control import matlab
if True:
    Ps = matlab.tf(*matlab.zpk2tf([
        -0.01960354 - 0.97998085j, -0.01960354 + 0.97998085j, -0.01250354 -
        2.50067649j, -0.01250354 + 2.50067649j, -0.02158274 -
        4.31649435j, -0.02158274 + 4.31649435j, -0.06620907 -
        5.29631139j, -0.06620907 + 5.29631139j, -0.10000737 -
        5.99960852j, -0.10000737 + 5.99960852j, -0.03990608 -
        6.3848482j, -0.03990608 + 6.3848482j, -0.15808494 -
        7.90266611j, -0.15808494 + 7.90266611j, -0.14137167 -
        8.48112199j, -0.14137167 + 8.48112199j, -3.38325363 -
        43.85197895j, -3.38325363 + 43.85197895j
    ], [
        -0.03023783 - 0.48285941j, -0.03023783 + 0.48285941j, -0.02739469 -
        1.36946042j, -0.02739469 + 1.36946042j, -0.01747511 -
        2.79596285j, -0.01747511 + 2.79596285j, -0.02280796 -
        4.56153551j, -0.02280796 + 4.56153551j, -0.05943893 -
        5.34917374j, -0.05943893 + 5.34917374j, -0.10136872 -
        6.08127858j, -0.10136872 + 6.08127858j, -0.04618141 -
        6.46523275j, -0.04618141 + 6.46523275j, -0.21441370 -
        8.57386735j, -0.21441370 + 8.57386735j, -0.19949113 -
        7.97715131j, -0.19949113 + 7.97715131j
    ], 3.64e-4))
    Pa = Ps  #*700
    integ = matlab.tf([1], [1, 0])
Exemplo n.º 7
from gwpy.frequencyseries import FrequencySeries
from control import matlab
from miyopy.utils.trillium import selfnoise

tr120 = matlab.tf(*matlab.zpk2tf([0, 0, -31.63, -160.0, -350.0, -3177.0], [
    -0.036614 + 0.037059j,
    -0.036614 - 0.037059j,
    -364.0 + 404.0j,
    -364.0 - 404.0j,
    -4900.0 + 5200.0j,
    -4900.0 - 5200.0j,
    -7100.0 + 1700.0j,
    -7100.0 - 1700.0j,
], 1202.5 * 8.31871e17))

tr120_u = matlab.tf(*matlab.zpk2tf([0, 0, -31.63, -160.0, -350.0, -3177.0], [
    -0.036614 + 0.037059j,
    -0.036614 - 0.037059j,
    -364.0 + 404.0j,
    -364.0 - 404.0j,
    -4900.0 + 5200.0j,
    -4900.0 - 5200.0j,
    -7100.0 + 1700.0j,
    -7100.0 - 1700.0j,
], 8.31871e17))
Exemplo n.º 8
def step_zpk_servo(final_time, setpoint, z, p, k):

    # Define Servomotor by Differential Equation 
    # 36/(s^2 + 3.6s)
    def servo(y, t, u, extra):
        extra = 0.0
        dy_dt = y[1]
        dy2_dt = 36*u - 3.6* y[1]
        return [dy_dt, dy2_dt]

    # simulation time parameters
    nsteps = int(final_time*40)                  # number of time steps
    t = np.linspace(0,final_time,nsteps)         # linearly spaced time vector
    delta_t = t[1]                               # how long each step is

    # simulate step input operation
    y0 = [0.0, 0.0]                              # servo initial degree
    step = np.zeros(nsteps)
    sp = setpoint                                # set point
    step[0] = 0.0
    step[1:] = sp

    yt = np.zeros(nsteps)                        # for storing degrees results - degrees vector
    yt[0] = y0[1]
    et = np.zeros(1)                             # error value
    #ut = np.zeros(nsteps)                       # actuation vector

    # Controller TF
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # Actuation limits
    max_ac = 5
    min_ac = -5

    # simulate with ODEINT
    for i in range(nsteps):
        error = step[i] - y0[0]
        et[0] = error
        q = matlab.lsim(Ds, [0, et[0]], [0, t[i]])
        q = list(q[0])
        u = q[1]
        # clip input to -100% to 100%
        if u > max_ac:
            u = max_ac
        elif u < min_ac:
            u = min_ac
        # ut[i+1] = u
        y = odeint(servo, y0, [0,delta_t],args=(u,0))
        y0 = y[-1]
        yt[i] = y0[0]
    t = list(t)
    output = list(yt)

    # round lists to 4 decimal digits
    ndigits = 4
    t = [round(num, ndigits) for num in t]
    output = [round(num, ndigits) for num in output]
    return t, output
Exemplo n.º 9
def step_zpk_cruise(final_time, setpoint, z, p, k):
    # Define engine lag
    def lag(p, t, u, extra):
        # inputs
        # u = power demand
        # p = output power
        # t = time
        extra = 0.0
        dp_dt = 2*(u - p)
        return dp_dt

    # Define car plant
    def vehicle(v, t, p, load):
        # inputs
        # v = behicle speed
        # t = time
        # p = power
        # load = cargo + passenger load

        # Car specifications and initialization data
        rho = 1.225       # kg/m3
        CdA = 0.55        # m2
        m = 1800          # kg

        # Calculate derivative of vehicle velocity
        dv_dt = (1.0/m) * (p*hp2watt/v - 0.5*CdA*rho*v**2)

        return dv_dt

    # Conversion factors
    hp2watt = 746
    mps2kmph = 3.6
    kmph2mps = 1/mps2kmph

    # simulation time parameters
    tf = final_time                          # final time for simulation
    nsteps = int(40* final_time)             # number of time steps
    t = np.linspace(0,tf,nsteps)             # linearly spaced time vector
    delta_t = t[1]                           # how long each step is
    v0_kmph = 1.0                            # car initial speed in km/h
    sp_kmph = setpoint                       # car final speed in km/h

    # simulate step input operation
    load = 0.0                               # passenger(s) and cargo load - in Kg
    v0 = v0_kmph*kmph2mps                    # car initial speed
    step = np.zeros(nsteps)
    sp = sp_kmph*kmph2mps
    step[0] = v0
    step[1:] = sp
    vt = np.zeros(nsteps)                    # for storing speed results - speed vector
    vt[0] = v0
    et = np.zeros(1)                         # error value
    #ut = np.zeros(nsteps)                   # actuation vector
    #pt = np.zeros(nsteps)                   # power vector
    p0 = 0.0                                 # initial car power

    # Actuation limits - Car Physical limits
    max_power = 120
    min_power = -120

    # Controller TF
    z = np.array([z])
    p = np.array([p])
    num, den = matlab.zpk2tf(z, p, k)
    Ds = matlab.tf(num, den)

    # simulate with ODEINT
    for i in range(nsteps):
        error = step[i] - v0
        et[0] = error
        q = matlab.lsim(Ds, [0, et[0]], [0, t[i]])
        q = list(q[0])
        u = q[1]
        # clip input to -100% to 100%
        if u > max_power:
            u = max_power
        elif u < min_power:
            u = min_power
        # ut[i+1] = u
        p = odeint(lag, p0, [0,delta_t],args=(u,0))
        v = odeint(vehicle,v0,[0,delta_t],args=(p[-1], load))
        p0 = p[-1]
        v0 = v[-1]
        vt[i] = v0
        # pt[i+1] = p0

    # convert output to km/h
    vt_kmph = vt*mps2kmph
    t = list(t)
    output = list(vt_kmph)

    # round lists to 4 decimal digits
    ndigits = 4
    t = [round(num, ndigits) for num in t]
    output = [round(num, ndigits) for num in output]
    return t, output