Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, A, B, Q, R, method='c', x0=None, u0=None, ulb=None, uub=None):
     self.A = A
     self.B = B
     self.Q = Q
     self.R = R
     if method == 'c':
         X, L, G = care(A, B, Q, R)
         X, L, G = dare(A, B, Q, R)
     if isinstance(G, np.matrix):
         G = np.array(G)
     # check eigenvalues of A-BK
     logger.debug('Eigen values of care are {}'.format(L))
     super(ABQRLQR, self).__init__(G, x0, u0, ulb, uub)
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_random_sys_and_save_3(m, n):
    while True:

        ss = control.matlab.rss(n, m, m)

        ss.D = 100 * np.asmatrix(np.ones((m, m)))
        R = ss.D + ss.D.H
        ss.A = 10 * ss.A
        # ss.B = 1/10 * ss.B
        ss.C = 1 / 10 * ss.C
        sys = WeightedSystem(ss.A, ss.B, ss.C, ss.D, np.zeros((n, n)), ss.C.H,
        X = control.care(ss.A, ss.B, np.zeros((n, n)), R, ss.C.H,

        alg = get_algorithm_object(sys, 10**(-3))

        if check_positivity(-X):

    def __init__(self):

        Td = par.Tp / par.N

        # linearize model
        X_lin = ca.MX.sym('X_lin', 2, 1)
        U_lin = ca.MX.sym('U_lin', 1, 1)
        A_c = ca.Function('A_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), X_lin)])

        A_c = A_c([0, 0], 0).full()
        B_c = ca.Function('B_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), U_lin)])

        B_c = B_c([0, 0], 0).full()

        # solve continuous-time Riccati equation
        Qt, e, K = cn.care(A_c, B_c, par.Q, par.R)

        # this is the value used in Chen1998!!
        # they do not use LQR, but a modified linear controller
        # Qt = np.array([[16.5926, 11.5926], [11.5926, 16.5926]])

        self.integrator = Integrator(par.ode)
        self.x = self.integrator.x
        self.u = self.integrator.u
        self.Td = Td

        # start with an empty NLP
        w = []
        w0 = []
        lbw = []
        ubw = []
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', 2, 1)
        w += [Xk]
        lbw += [0, 0]
        ubw += [0, 0]
        w0 += [0, 0]
        f = 0

        # formulate the NLP
        for k in range(par.N):

            # new NLP variable for the control
            Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), 1, 1)

            f = f + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk.T, par.Q), Xk) \
                    + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Uk.T, par.R), Uk)

            w += [Uk]
            lbw += [-par.umax]
            ubw += [par.umax]
            w0 += [0.0]

            # integrate till the end of the interval
            Xk_end = self.integrator.eval(Td, Xk, Uk)

            # new NLP variable for state at end of interval
            Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), 2, 1)
            w += [Xk]
            lbw += [-np.inf, -np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf, np.inf]
            w0 += [0, 0]

            # add equality constraint
            g += [Xk_end - Xk]
            lbg += [0, 0]
            ubg += [0, 0]

        f = f + ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk_end.T, Qt), Xk_end)
        g = ca.vertcat(*g)
        w = ca.vertcat(*w)

        # create an NLP solver
        prob = {'f': f, 'x': w, 'g': g}
        self.__nlp_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)
        self.__lbw = lbw
        self.__ubw = ubw
        self.__lbg = lbg
        self.__ubg = ubg
        self.__w0 = np.array(w0)
        self.__sol_lin = np.array(w0).transpose()
        self.__rti_sol = []
        self.__nlp_sol = []

        # create QP solver
        nw = len(w0)
        # define linearization point
        w_lin = ca.MX.sym('w_lin', nw, 1)
        w_qp = ca.MX.sym('w_qp', nw, 1)

        # linearized objective = original LLS objective
        f_lin = ca.substitute(
            f, w, w_qp) + par.alpha * ca.dot(w_qp - w_lin, w_qp - w_lin)

        nabla_g = ca.jacobian(g, w).T
        g_lin = ca.substitute(g, w, w_lin) + \
            ca.mtimes(ca.substitute(nabla_g, w, w_lin).T, w_qp - w_lin)

        # create a QP solver
        prob = {'f': f_lin, 'x': w_qp, 'g': g_lin, 'p': w_lin}
        self.__rti_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)
    def __init__(self, x_lin=[0, 0], u_lin=0):

        Td = par.Tp / par.N

        # linearize model
        X_lin = ca.MX.sym('X_lin', 2, 1)
        U_lin = ca.MX.sym('U_lin', 1, 1)
        A_c = ca.Function('A_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), X_lin)])

        A_c = A_c([0, 0], 0).full()
        B_c = ca.Function('B_c', \
            [X_lin, U_lin], [ca.jacobian(par.ode(X_lin, U_lin), U_lin)])

        B_c = B_c([0, 0], 0).full()

        # solve continuous-time Riccati equation
        Qt, e, K = cn.care(A_c, B_c, par.Q, par.R)

        self.integrator = Integrator(par.ode)
        self.x = self.integrator.x
        self.u = self.integrator.u
        self.Td = Td

        # start with an empty NLP
        w = []
        w0 = []
        w_lin = []
        lbw = []
        ubw = []
        g = []
        lbg = []
        ubg = []
        Xk = ca.MX.sym('X0', 2, 1)
        w += [Xk]
        lbw += [0, 0]
        ubw += [0, 0]
        w0 += [0, 0]
        w_lin += x_lin
        f = 0

        # formulate the NLP
        for k in range(par.N):

            # new NLP variable for the control
            Uk = ca.MX.sym('U_' + str(k), 1, 1)

            f = f + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk.T, par.Q), Xk) \
                    + Td*ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Uk.T, par.R), Uk)

            w += [Uk]
            lbw += [-np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf]
            w0 += [0.0]
            w_lin += [u_lin]

            # integrate till the end of the interval
            Xk_end = self.integrator.eval(Td, Xk, Uk)

            # new NLP variable for state at end of interval
            Xk = ca.MX.sym('X_' + str(k + 1), 2, 1)
            w += [Xk]
            lbw += [-np.inf, -np.inf]
            ubw += [np.inf, np.inf]
            w0 += [0, 0]
            w_lin += x_lin

            # add equality constraint
            g += [Xk_end - Xk]
            lbg += [0, 0]
            ubg += [0, 0]

        f = f + ca.mtimes(ca.mtimes(Xk_end.T, Qt), Xk_end)
        g = ca.vertcat(*g)
        w = ca.vertcat(*w)

        # create an NLP solver
        self.__lbw = lbw
        self.__ubw = ubw
        self.__lbg = lbg
        self.__ubg = ubg
        self.__w0 = np.array(w0)
        self.__lqr_sol = []

        # create QP solver
        nw = len(w0)
        # define linearization point
        # w_lin = ca.MX.sym('w_lin', nw, 1)
        w_qp = ca.MX.sym('w_qp', nw, 1)

        # linearized objective = original LLS objective
        f_lin = ca.substitute(f, w, w_qp)

        nabla_g = ca.jacobian(g, w).T
        g_lin = ca.substitute(g, w, w_lin) + \
            ca.mtimes(ca.substitute(nabla_g, w, w_lin).T, w_qp - w_lin)

        # create a QP solver
        prob = {'f': f_lin, 'x': w_qp, 'g': g_lin}
        self.__lqr_solver = ca.nlpsol('solver', 'ipopt', prob)
Exemplo n.º 5
Dp = np.array([[
], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])
Q = np.eye(4, 4)
R = np.eye(2, 2)

#S1 = sp.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
#K1 = np.linalg.inv(R).dot(B.T).dot(S1)
#E1 = np.linalg.eigvals(A-B.dot(K1))
#print("S1 =\n", S1)
#print("K1 =\n", K1)
#print("E1 =\n", E1)

S2, E2, K2 = ct.care(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS2 =\n", S2)
#print("K2 =\n", K2)
#print("E2 =\n", E2)

print "ctrb = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(Ap, Bp)))
print "obsv = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.obsv(Ap, Cp)))
#K3, S3, E3 = ct.matlab.lqr(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS3 =\n", S3)
#print("K3 =\n", K3)
#print("E3 =\n", E3)
ss_P = ct.ss(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp)
print ss_P
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
stepy = ct.step(ss_P, t)
Exemplo n.º 6
def LQR(A_ss, B_Ss, Q, R):
    SLG = cn.care(A_ss, B_ss, Q, R)
    delta_u = -mtimes(G, X_est[0:4] - xbar_tilde)
    u1 = np.add(ubar, delta_u)
    return u1
Exemplo n.º 7
delta_u_est = [0, 0]

#plotting initilization
s_plot = np.append(s_plot, X_true[0])
n_plot = np.append(n_plot, X_true[1])
alpha_plot = np.append(alpha_plot, delta_x_est[2])
velocity_plot = np.append(velocity_plot, delta_x_est[3])
s_plot_est = np.append(s_plot_est, delta_x_est[0])
n_plot_est = np.append(n_plot_est, delta_x_est[1])
alpha_plot_est = np.append(alpha_plot_est, delta_x_est[2])
velocity_plot_est = np.append(velocity_plot_est, delta_x_est[3])

A_ss = np.array(A_ss)
B_ss = np.array(B_ss)
S, L, G = cn.care(A_ss, B_ss, Q, R)

def plant_dyn(X_true, u, A, P_model_cov_est):
    P_model_cov_true=mtimes(A, mtimes(P_model_cov_est, \
        transpose(A))) + W_cov
    X_true = integrator_fun(X_true, u) + wk
    return (X_true, P_model_cov_true)

def observer_dyn(P_model_cov_true, X_est, u):
    X_est = integrator_fun(X_est, u)
Exemplo n.º 8
# coding: utf-8
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import control as ct

A = np.array([[0, 1], [0, -1]])
B = np.array([[0], [1]])
Q = np.diag([2, 1])
R = np.array([[1]])

S1 = sp.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
K1 = np.linalg.inv(R).dot(B.T).dot(S1)
E1 = np.linalg.eigvals(A - B.dot(K1))
print("S1 =\n", S1)
print("K1 =\n", K1)
print("E1 =\n", E1)

S2, E2, K2 = ct.care(A, B, Q, R)
print("\nS2 =\n", S2)
print("K2 =\n", K2)
print("E2 =\n", E2)

K3, S3, E3 = ct.matlab.lqr(A, B, Q, R)
print("\nS3 =\n", S3)
print("K3 =\n", K3)
print("E3 =\n", E3)
Exemplo n.º 9
Dp = np.array([[  0,   0,],
      [0,   0],
      [0,   0],
      [0,   0]])
Q = np.eye(4,4)
R = np.eye(2,2)

#S1 = sp.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
#K1 = np.linalg.inv(R).dot(B.T).dot(S1)
#E1 = np.linalg.eigvals(A-B.dot(K1))
#print("S1 =\n", S1)
#print("K1 =\n", K1)
#print("E1 =\n", E1)

S2, E2, K2 = ct.care(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS2 =\n", S2)
#print("K2 =\n", K2)
#print("E2 =\n", E2)

print "ctrb = "+ str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(Ap,Bp)))
print "obsv = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.obsv(Ap,Cp)))
#K3, S3, E3 = ct.matlab.lqr(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS3 =\n", S3)
#print("K3 =\n", K3)
#print("E3 =\n", E3)
ss_P = ct.ss(Ap,Bp,Cp,Dp)
print ss_P
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
stepy = ct.step(ss_P,t)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, sysApprox, freqsReal, alpha1, alpha2, R1, R2, Q0, Q1,
                 Q2, ROMorder):
        sysApprox : LinearSystem
            The Galerkin approximation (A^N,B^N,C^N,D) of the control system for the controller design.
        freqsReal : (, N) array_like
            The (real) frequencies (w_k)_{k=0}^q of the reference and disturbance signals.
        alpha1, alpha2 : integer
            Design parameters to determine the closed-loop stability margin. Required to be positive.
        R1, R2, Q0, Q1, Q2 : integer/(N1, M1) array_like
            All these matrices should be chosen to be invertible and positive definite.
            (the dimension Q_0 can be computed with the routine IMdim(freqsReal,p)).
            Q1 and Q2 correspond to  the Galerkin approximations (compatible with sysApprox).
            They can be chosen to correspond to the Galerkin approximations of Q_1=q_1*I and Q_2=q_2*I for some q_1,q_2>0.
            order of the reduced-order observer in the controller.
            The model reduction step can be skipped by setting 'ROMorder=None'

        AN = sysApprox.A
        BN = sysApprox.B
        CN = sysApprox.C
        D = sysApprox.D

        dim_X = AN.shape[0]
        dim_Y = CN.shape[0]
        dim_U = BN.shape[1]

        # Check the consistency of the controller design parameters

        alpha1_check = np.isreal(alpha1) and np.ndim(
            alpha1) == 0 and alpha1 > 0
        alpha2_check = np.isreal(alpha2) and np.ndim(
            alpha2) == 0 and alpha2 > 0

        R1_check = np.allclose(
            np.conj(R1).T) and np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(R1) > 0)
        R2_check = np.allclose(
            np.conj(R2).T) and np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(R2) > 0)

        if not alpha1_check or not alpha2_check:
            raise Exception('"alpha1" and "alpha2" need to be positive!')
        elif not R1_check or not R2_check:
            raise Exception('"R1" and "R2" need to be positive definite')

        # Construct the internal model
        cG1, cG2 = construct_internal_model(freqsReal, dim_Y)
        dim_Z0 = cG1.shape[0]

        # If R1, R2, Q0, Q1, or Q2 have scalar values, these are interpreted as
        # "scalar times identity".
        if dim_Y > 1 and np.ndim(R1) == 0:
            R1 = R1 * np.eye(dim_Y)

        if dim_Y > 1 and np.ndim(R2) == 0:
            R2 = R2 * np.eye(dim_Y)

        if dim_Z0 > 1 and np.ndim(Q0) == 0:
            Q0 = Q0 * np.eye(dim_Z0)

        if dim_X > 1 and np.ndim(Q1) == 0:
            Q1 = Q1 * np.eye(dim_X)

        if dim_X > 1 and np.ndim(Q2) == 0:
            Q2 = Q2 * np.eye(dim_X)

        # Check the consistency of the dimensions of R1, R2, Q0, Q1, and Q2
        if not R1.shape == (dim_Y, dim_Y):
            raise Exception(
                'Dimensions of "R1" are incorrect! (should be [dimY,dimY]).')

        if not R2.shape == (dim_U, dim_U):
            raise Exception(
                'Dimensions of "R1" are incorrect! (should be [dimU,dimU]).')

        if not Q0.shape[1] == dim_Z0:
            raise Exception('Dimensions of "Q0" are incorrect!')

        if not Q1.shape[0] == dim_X:
            raise Exception('Dimensions of "Q1" are incorrect!')

        if not Q2.shape[1] == dim_X:
            raise Exception('Dimensions of "Q2" are incorrect!')

        # Form the extended system (As,Bs)
        As = np.bmat([[cG1, np.dot(cG2, CN)], [np.zeros((dim_X, dim_Z0)), AN]])
        Bs = np.bmat([[np.dot(cG2, D)], [BN]])

        Qs = sp.linalg.block_diag(Q0, Q2)

        # Stabilize the pairs (CN,AN+alpha1) and (As+alpha2,Bs) using LQR/LQG design

        # Stabilize the pair (CN,AN+alpha1)
        t1 = time.time()
        B_ext = np.bmat([[np.conj(CN).T, np.zeros((dim_X, dim_X))]])
        S_ext = np.bmat([[np.zeros((dim_X, dim_Y)), Q1]])
        R1_ext = scipy.linalg.block_diag(R1, -np.eye(dim_X))

        # Using the control library:
        q = np.zeros(((AN + alpha1 * np.eye(dim_X)).shape[0],
                      (AN + alpha1 * np.eye(dim_X)).shape[1]))
        e = np.eye(q.shape[0], q.shape[1])
        X1, evals, L_ext_adj = ctrl.care(A=(AN +
                                            alpha1 * np.eye(dim_X)).conj().T,

        L = -np.conj(L_ext_adj[0:dim_Y, :]).T
        t2 = time.time()
        t = t2 - t1
        print('Stabilization of the pair (CN,AN+alpha1) took %f seconds' % t)

        if np.amax(np.real(evals)) >= 0:
            raise Exception('Stabilization of the pair (CN,AN+alpha1) failed!')

        # Stabilize the pair (As+alpha2,Bs)
        t3 = time.time()
        Bs_ext = np.bmat([[Bs, np.zeros((dim_Z0 + dim_X, dim_Z0 + dim_X))]])
        Ss_ext = np.bmat([[np.zeros((dim_Z0 + dim_X, dim_Y)), np.conj(Qs).T]])
        R2_ext = scipy.linalg.block_diag(R2, -np.eye(dim_Z0 + dim_X))

        # Using the control library:
        qs = np.zeros(((As + alpha2 * np.eye(dim_Z0 + dim_X)).shape[0],
                       (As + alpha2 * np.eye(dim_Z0 + dim_X)).shape[1]))
        es = np.eye(qs.shape[0], qs.shape[1])
        X2, evals, K_ext = ctrl.care(A=(As + alpha2 * np.eye(dim_Z0 + dim_X)),

        K = -K_ext[0:dim_U, :]
        t4 = time.time()
        t = t4 - t3
        print('Stabilization of the pair (As+alpha2,Bs) took %f seconds' % t)

        if np.amax(np.real(evals)) >= 0:
            raise Exception('Stabilization of the pair (As+alpha2,Bs) failed!')

        # Decompose the control gain K into K=[K1N,K2N]
        K1N = K[:, 0:dim_Z0]
        K2N = K[:, dim_Z0:]

        # Complete the model reduction step of the controller design. If the model
        # reduction fails (for example due to too high reduction order), the
        # controller design is by default completed without the model reduction.
        if ROMorder is not None:
                t5 = time.time()
                rsys = ctrl.balred(ctrl.ss(AN + np.dot(L, CN),
                                           np.bmat([[BN + np.dot(L, D),
                                                     L]]), K2N,
                                           np.zeros((dim_U, dim_U + dim_Y))),
                t6 = time.time()
                t = t6 - t5
                print('Model reduction step took %f seconds' % t)

                ALr = rsys.A
                Br_full = rsys.B
                BLr = Br_full[:, 0:dim_U]
                Lr = Br_full[:, dim_U:]
                K2r = rsys.C
                    'Model reduction step failed! Modify "ROMorder", or check that "balred" is available. Proceeding without model reduction (with option "ROMorder=None")'

                ALr = AN + np.dot(L, CN)
                BLr = BN + np.dot(L, D)
                Lr = L
                K2r = K2N
            print('Constructing the controller without model reduction.')

            ALr = AN + np.dot(L, CN)
            BLr = BN + np.dot(L, D)
            Lr = L
            K2r = K2N

        # Construct the controller matrices (G1,G2,K).
        G1 = np.bmat([[cG1, np.zeros((dim_Z0, ALr.shape[0]))],
                      [np.dot(BLr, K1N), ALr + np.dot(BLr, K2r)]])
        G2 = np.bmat([[cG2], [-Lr]])
        K = np.bmat([[K1N, K2r]])
        Dc = np.zeros((dim_U, dim_Y))
        Controller.__init__(self, G1, G2, K, Dc, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def simulateClosedLoop(self):
        n_state = 4;
        n_control = 2;

        theta_offset = np.deg2rad(20); # this is a manual (optional) offset in thetas
        # that trims them to be in a V-shape, which is intuitively more stable in the
        # degrees of freedom not modeled here.  Can be set to 0 and dynamics still work.
        q_abs_init = [np.deg2rad(0), np.deg2rad(0), theta_offset, theta_offset];
        # State: q = [phi; phi_dot; theta1; theta2] (radians, radians/sec)
        # Control: u = [theta1dot; theta2dot] (radians/sec)

        # dynamics is evolved as errors off the reference (which has to be an equilbrium; namely d/dt q_ref = 0)
        # (q - q_ref) = qbar
        # (u - u_ref) = ubar
        # i.e. d/dt (q-q_ref) = A (q-q_ref) + B (u-u_ref)
        # and then at the end the states are offset by the reference values to get
        # the true values.
        A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0],
                      [1/self.J*self.dmz_dphi, 0, 1/self.J*self.dmz_dtheta1, 1/self.J*self.dmz_dtheta2],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype = 'float64');
        B = np.array([[0, 0],
                      [0, 0],
                      [1, 0],
                      [0, 1]], dtype = 'float64');
        # LQR weighting matrices (note the R matrix is a cost on slew rates of 
        # the actuators, while the actual flap angles are in the Q matrix)

        Q = 1*np.diag([30, 15, 1, 1])
        R = 1*np.diag([1, 1])
        # solve the infinite-horizon continuous algebraic riccati eqn for X and then solve for K
        (X, L, G) = control.care(A, B, Q, R);
        K = np.linalg.inv(R) @ np.transpose(B) @ X

        sim_time = 20; # seconds
        self.dt = .1; # seconds
        self.time_vector = np.linspace(0, sim_time, int(sim_time/self.dt)+1)
        qbar_evolution = np.zeros((n_state, len(self.time_vector))); # radians, radians/sec
        ubar_evolution = np.zeros((n_control, len(self.time_vector))); # radians
        ubar_evolution[:, -1] = [np.nan, np.nan] # control array is one index smaller
        self.q_evolution = np.zeros((n_state, len(self.time_vector))); # absolute state
        self.u_evolution = np.zeros((n_control, len(self.time_vector))); # absolute control values
        self.u_evolution[:, -1] = [np.nan, np.nan] # control array is one index smaller
        self.q_evolution[:, 0] = q_abs_init;
        # Set a time-varying reference
        self.q_ref = np.zeros((n_state, len(self.time_vector)))
        # set body roll references for n distinct periods (can make them all equal if you want)
        roll_refs = np.deg2rad([0, 15, 15, 0, 0, 30, 30, 0, 0]);
        roll_refs_expanded = [ref for ref in roll_refs for i in range(int(1+len(self.time_vector)/len(roll_refs)))]
        self.q_ref[0, :] = roll_refs_expanded[0:len(self.time_vector)]
        # body roll rate reference is always 0
        self.q_ref[1, :] = 0;
        # solve for u_ref (feedforward)
        for i in range(len(self.time_vector)):
            # solve for the least-norm flap equilibrium angles that can offset aero torque due to the 
            # body roll reference angle.  This amounts to our feed forward command.
            self.q_ref[2, i] = -self.dmz_dphi*self.dmz_dtheta1*self.q_ref[0, i]/(self.dmz_dtheta1**2 + self.dmz_dtheta2**2) + theta_offset;
            self.q_ref[3, i] = -self.dmz_dphi*self.dmz_dtheta2*self.q_ref[0, i]/(self.dmz_dtheta1**2 + self.dmz_dtheta2**2) + theta_offset;
        # Set the initial conditions
        qbar_evolution[:, 0] = q_abs_init - np.ravel(self.q_ref[:, 0]); 
        # Simulate closed-loop dynamics
        nonlinearAero = True; # if True, will use real-time interpolation of the CFD nonlinear functions
        for i in range(len(self.time_vector) - 1):
            q_curr = self.q_evolution[:, i].reshape(n_state, 1);
            qbar_curr = q_curr - self.q_ref[:, i].reshape(n_state, 1);
            ubar_curr = -K @ qbar_curr
            u_curr = ubar_curr; # u_ref == 0 so we don't have to offset anything here

            if(nonlinearAero == True):
                delta = 1; # deg, for finite differencing
                phi_curr_deg = np.rad2deg(q_curr[0, 0]);
                theta1_curr_deg = np.rad2deg(q_curr[2, 0]);
                theta2_curr_deg = np.rad2deg(q_curr[3, 0]);
                dmz_dphi_local = (self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg + delta, theta1_curr_deg, theta2_curr_deg]) - self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg, theta1_curr_deg, theta2_curr_deg]))/delta;
                dmz_dtheta1_local = (self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg, theta1_curr_deg + delta, theta2_curr_deg]) - self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg, theta1_curr_deg, theta2_curr_deg]))/delta;
                dmz_dtheta2_local = (self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg, theta1_curr_deg, theta2_curr_deg + delta]) - self.mz_interp_func([phi_curr_deg, theta1_curr_deg, theta2_curr_deg]))/delta;
                avg_dtheta_local = (np.abs(dmz_dtheta1_local) + np.abs(dmz_dtheta2_local))/2;
                dmz_dtheta1_local = np.sign(dmz_dtheta1_local)*avg_dtheta_local;
                dmz_dtheta2_local = np.sign(dmz_dtheta2_local)*avg_dtheta_local;
                dmz_dphi_local = dmz_dphi_local[0]*180/np.pi;
                dmz_dtheta1_local = dmz_dtheta1_local[0]*180/np.pi;
                dmz_dtheta2_local = dmz_dtheta2_local[0]*180/np.pi;
                # update our locally-linear A and B matrices for simulation
                A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0],
                          [1/self.J*dmz_dphi_local, 0, 1/self.J*dmz_dtheta1_local, 1/self.J*dmz_dtheta2_local],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0],
                          [0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype = 'float64');
                B = np.array([[0, 0],
                          [0, 0],
                          [1, 0],
                          [0, 1]], dtype = 'float64');
            qbar_next = qbar_curr + self.dt*(A @ qbar_curr + B @ ubar_curr)
            q_next = qbar_next + self.q_ref[:, i].reshape(n_state, 1);
            self.q_evolution[:, i+1] = np.ravel(q_next);
            self.u_evolution[:, i] = np.ravel(u_curr);
            qbar_evolution[:, i+1] = np.ravel(qbar_next);
            ubar_evolution[:, i] = np.ravel(ubar_curr);
        #self.q_evolution[:, -1] = np.ravel(qbar_evolution[:, -1]) + np.ravel(self.q_ref[:, -1])

        fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6));
        ax1[0].plot(self.time_vector, np.rad2deg(self.q_evolution[0, :]), label = 'phi');
        ax1[0].plot(self.time_vector, np.rad2deg(self.q_evolution[1, :]), label = 'phi_dot');
        ax1[0].step(self.time_vector, np.rad2deg(self.q_ref[0, :]), 'k--', alpha = .5, label = 'phi ref');
        ax1[0].set_xlabel("Time [s]");
        ax1[0].set_ylabel("Body Roll, Roll Rate [deg, deg/s]");
        ax1[0].set_title("State Variables");
        ax1[0].legend(loc = 'best')
        ax1[1].plot(self.time_vector, np.rad2deg(self.q_evolution[2, :]), label = "theta1");
        ax1[1].plot(self.time_vector, np.rad2deg(self.q_evolution[3, :]), label = "theta2");
        ax1[1].set_xlabel("Time [s]");
        ax1[1].set_ylabel("Flap Angle [deg]");
        ax1[1].set_title("Control Variables");
        ax1[1].legend(loc = 'best')
        fig1.suptitle("Attitude Reference Tracking, Air Speed = 10 m/s (+y)")