Exemplo n.º 1
def kalmd(sys, Q, R):
    """Solves for the steady state kalman gain and error covariance matrices.

    Keyword arguments:
    sys -- discrete state-space model
    Q -- process noise covariance matrix
    R -- measurement noise covariance matrix

    Kalman gain, error covariance matrix.
    m = sys.A.shape[0]

    observability_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.obsv(sys.A, sys.C))
    if observability_rank != m:
        print("Warning: Observability of %d != %d, unobservable state",
              observability_rank, m)

    # Compute the steady state covariance matrix
    P_prior = sp.linalg.solve_discrete_are(a=sys.A.T, b=sys.C.T, q=Q, r=R)
    S = sys.C * P_prior * sys.C.T + R
    K = P_prior * sys.C.T * np.linalg.inv(S)
    P = (np.eye(m) - K * sys.C) * P_prior

    return K, P
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _reduce_state_space(self):
     x_al    = self.fsf_dict['x_al']
     x_sp_al = self.fsf_dict['x_sp_al']
     x_er_al = self.fsf_dict['x_er_al']
     u_al    = self.fsf_dict['u_al']
     u_sp_al = self.fsf_dict['u_sp_al']
     u_er_al = self.fsf_dict['u_er_al']
     al_sys  = self.fsf_dict['al_sys']
     #Construct reduced state space
     x_ral    = x_al[7:]
     x_sp_ral = x_sp_al[7:]
     x_er_ral = x_er_al[7:]
     u_ral    = u_al[np.ix_([0,1,3,4])]
     u_sp_ral = u_sp_al[np.ix_([0,1,3,4])]
     u_er_ral = u_er_al[np.ix_([0,1,3,4])]
     A        = al_sys.A
     B        = al_sys.B
     C        = al_sys.C
     D        = al_sys.D
     A_ral    = A[np.ix_([7,8,9,10,11,12],[7,8,9,10,11,12])]
     B_ral    = B[np.ix_([7,8,9,10,11,12],[0,1,3,4])]
     C_ral    = C[np.ix_([7,8,9,10,11,12],[7,8,9,10,11,12])]
     D_ral    = D[np.ix_([7,8,9,10,11,12],[0,1,3,4])]
     #Lateral and longitudinal state spaces
     ral_sys = control.StateSpace(A_ral, B_ral, C_ral, D_ral)
     ral_ctrb = control.ctrb(ral_sys.A, ral_sys.B)
     ral_obsv = control.obsv(ral_sys.A, ral_sys.C)
     #Update FSF dictionary
     self.fsf_dict.update(x_ral = x_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(x_sp_ral = x_sp_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(x_er_ral = x_er_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(u_ral = u_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(u_sp_ral = u_sp_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(u_er_ral = u_er_ral)
     self.fsf_dict.update(ral_sys = ral_sys)
Exemplo n.º 3
def kalmd(A, C, Q, R):
	"""Solves for the steady state kalman gain and error covariance matrices.
	Keyword arguments:
	sys -- discrete state-space model
	Q -- process noise covariance matrix
	R -- measurement noise covariance matrix
	Kalman gain, error covariance matrix.
	m = A.shape[0]

	observability_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.obsv(A, C))
	if observability_rank != m:
	        "Warning: Observability of %d != %d, unobservable state"
	        % (observability_rank, m)

	# Compute the steady state covariance matrix
	# P_prior = sp.linalg.solve_discrete_are(a=A.T, b=C.T, q=Q, r=R)
	P_prior = np.array([[R]])
	S = C * P_prior * C.T + R
	K = P_prior * C.T * np.linalg.inv(S)
	P = (np.eye(m) - K * C) * P_prior
	print(str(P_prior[0, 0]) + "  " + str(S[0, 0]) + "  " + str(P[0, 0]) + "   " + str(K[0, 0]))
	return K, P
Exemplo n.º 4
def regulator_with_observer(sys,
    final_poles = []

    if poles is not None:
        final_poles = poles

    if po is not None and ts is not None:
        log_po = np.log(100 / po)
        psi = log_po / np.sqrt(np.pi**2 + log_po**2)
        wn = 4 / psi / ts

        s1 = -psi * wn + 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)
        s2 = -psi * wn - 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)


    for p in extra_poles:

    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(sys.A, sys.B))

    total_poles = len(final_poles)

    if total_poles < rank:
        raise BaseException(
            f"you have {total_poles} but you need {rank} to implement a FSFB")

    k = ct.acker(sys.A, sys.B, final_poles)

    mo = ct.obsv(sys.A, sys.C)
    obs_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(mo)

    print("obs_rank=", obs_rank)

    final_poles_obs = 5 * final_poles

    L = ct.acker(sys.A.T, sys.C.T, final_poles_obs)
    L = L.T

    pa = np.concatenate([sys.A, -sys.B * k], axis=1)
    pb = np.concatenate([L * sys.C, sys.A - sys.B * k - L * sys.C], axis=1)

    alc = np.concatenate([pa, pb], axis=0)
    blc = np.concatenate(
        [np.zeros((sys.A.shape[0], 1)),
         np.zeros((sys.A.shape[0], 1))])
    clc = np.concatenate([sys.C, -sys.D * k], axis=1)
    dlc = np.array([[0]])

    return ct.ss(alc, blc, clc, dlc)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __isObservable(self, th=None):
     if th is None:
         th = self.__th
     F = np.array(self.__F(th))
     C = np.array(self.__C(th))
     n = self.__n
     obsv_matrix = control.obsv(F, C)
     rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(obsv_matrix)
     return rank == n
def full_observer(system, poles_o, poles_s, debug=False) -> ObserverResult:
    """implementation of the complete observer for an autonomous system
    :param system : tuple (a, b, c) of system matrices
    :param poles_o: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the observer
    :param poles_s: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the closed
    :param debug: output control for debugging in unittest(False:normal
    output,True: output local variables and normal output)
    :return: dataclass ObserverResult (controller function, feedback matrix, observer_gain, and pre-filter)

    # systemically relevant matrices
    a = system[0]
    b = system[1]
    c = system[2]
    d = system[3]

    # ignore the PendingDeprecationWarning for built-in packet control
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

    ctr_matrix = ctr.ctrb(a, b)  # controllabilty matrix
    assert np.linalg.det(ctr_matrix) != 0, 'this system is not controllable'

    # State feedback
    f_t = ctr.acker(a, b, poles_s)

    # pre-filter
    a1 = a - b * f_t
    v = (-1 * (c * a1**(-1) * b)**(-1))  # pre-filter

    obs_matrix = ctr.obsv(a, c)  # observability matrix
    assert np.linalg.det(obs_matrix) != 0, 'this system is unobservable'

    # calculate observer gain
    l_v = ctr.acker(a.T, c.T, poles_o).T

    # controller function
    # in this case controller function is: -1 * feedback * states + pre-filter * reference output
    # disturbance value ist not considered
    # t = sp.Symbol('t')
    # sys_input = -1 * (f_t * sys_state)[0]
    # input_func = sp.lambdify((sys_state, t), sys_input, modules='numpy')

    # this method returns controller function, feedback matrix, observer gain and pre-filter
    result = ObserverResult(f_t, l_v, v, None)

    # return internal variables for unittest
    if debug:
        c_locals = Container(fetch_locals=True)
        result.debug = c_locals

    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def feed_forward(self, A, B, C, D, K):
        """creates the feed forward matrix F to compute
        control inputs using a desired state"""

        F = np.linalg.pinv(-C * np.linalg.inv(A - B * K) * B)

        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(control.ctrb(A - B * K, B * F)) < A.shape[0]:
            print "System is not fully controllable"
            print "System is fully controllable"
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(control.obsv(A - B * K,
                                              C - D * K)) < A.shape[0]:
            print "System is not fully observable"
            print "System is fully observable"

        return F
Exemplo n.º 8
def kalmd(sys, Q, R):
    """Solves for the steady-state kalman gain matrix.

    Keyword arguments:
    sys -- discrete state-space model
    Q -- process noise covariance matrix
    R -- measurement noise covariance matrix

    K -- numpy.array(states x outputs), Kalman gain matrix.
    if np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.obsv(sys.A, sys.C)) < sys.A.shape[0]:
            f"Warning: The system is unobservable\n\nA = {sys.A}\nC = {sys.C}\n"

    P = sp.linalg.solve_discrete_are(a=sys.A.T, b=sys.C.T, q=Q, r=R)
    S = sys.C @ P @ sys.C.T + R
    return np.linalg.solve(S.T, sys.C @ P.T).T
Exemplo n.º 9
def design_regredob(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital reduced order observer regulator with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        desired_observer_settling_time (optional): The desired observer settling time
            in seconds. If not provided the observer settling time will be 4 times faster
            than the overall settling time. Default is None.
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sopoles (optional): The desired observer poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        disp: Print debugging output. Default is True.

        tuple: (sys_d_ol, L1, L2, K, F, G, H) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant, L is the stablizing
            gain matrix, and K is the observer gain matrix.

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]
    num_measured_states = num_outputs
    num_unmeasured_states = num_states - num_measured_states

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print(rank, num_states)
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that eig(phi - gamma*L) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phi, gamma, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) >= 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable")
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if sopoles is None:
        sopoles = []
        if desired_observer_settling_time == None:
            desired_observer_settling_time = desired_settling_time / 4

        # TODO: Find existing poles based on the rules. For now just use bessel

        num_sopoles_left = num_unmeasured_states - len(sopoles)

        if num_sopoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest
            if disp:
                print("Using normalized bessel for the remaining",
                      num_sopoles_left, "sopoles")

    zopoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sopoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("sopoles = ", sopoles)
        print("zopoles = ", zopoles)

    # partition out the phi and gamma matrix
    phi11 = phi[:num_measured_states, :num_measured_states]
    phi12 = phi[:num_measured_states, num_measured_states:]
    phi21 = phi[num_measured_states, :num_measured_states]
    phi22 = phi[num_measured_states:, num_measured_states:]
    gamma1 = gamma[:num_measured_states]
    gamma2 = gamma[num_measured_states:]
    C1 = C[:num_measured_states, :num_measured_states]

    if num_measured_states >= num_states / 2 and LA.matrix_rank(
            phi12) == num_unmeasured_states:
        # case 1
        if num_unmeasured_states % 2 == 0:
            F = np.matrix([[zopoles[0].real, zopoles[0].imag],
                           [zopoles[1].imag, zopoles[1].real]])
            # We only support 1 real pole
            F = np.matrix([zopoles[0].real])
        cp = C1 * phi12
        cp_t = np.transpose(cp)

        K = (phi22 - F) * np.linalg.inv(cp_t * cp) * cp_t

    elif num_measured_states == 1:
        # case 2 (unsupported)
        print("unsupported design with measured states = 1")
        full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(np.transpose(phi22),
                                                 np.transpose(C1 * phi12),
        K = np.transpose(full_state_feedback.gain_matrix)
        F = phi22 - K * C1 * phi12

    H = gamma2 - K * C1 * gamma1
    G = (phi21 - K * C1 * phi11) * np.linalg.inv(C1) + (F * K)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zopole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zopole) > 1:
            print("Computed observer pole is not stable")
            return None

    return (sys_d_ol, np.matrix(L), np.matrix(K), np.matrix(F), np.matrix(G),
Exemplo n.º 10
def design_regob(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital full order observer regulator with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        desired_observer_settling_time (optional): The desired observer settling time
            in seconds. If not provided the observer settling time will be 4 times faster
            than the overall settling time. Default is None.
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sopoles (optional): The desired observer poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        disp: Print debugging output. Default is True.

        tuple: (sys_d_ol, L, K) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant, L is the stablizing
            gain matrix, and K is the observer gain matrix.

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print(rank, num_states)
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that eig(phi - gamma*L) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phi, gamma, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) >= 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable")
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if sopoles is None:
        sopoles = []
        if desired_observer_settling_time == None:
            desired_observer_settling_time = desired_settling_time / 4

        # TODO: Find existing poles based on the rules. For now just use bessel

        num_sopoles_left = num_states - len(sopoles)

        if num_sopoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest
            if disp:
                print("Using normalized bessel for the remaining",
                      num_sopoles_left, "sopoles")

    zopoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sopoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("sopoles = ", sopoles)
        print("zopoles = ", zopoles)

    # Find K such that eig(phi - KC) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(np.transpose(phi),
                                             np.transpose(C), zopoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zopole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zopole) > 1:
            print("Computed observer pole is not stable")
            return None

    K = np.transpose(full_state_feedback.gain_matrix)

    return (sys_d_ol, np.matrix(L), np.matrix(K))
Exemplo n.º 11
C = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0, 0, 1, 0]])
D = 0

sys_Cont = ct.StateSpace(A, B, C, D)
sys_Dis = cm.c2d(sys_Cont, dt)

Ad = sys_Dis.A
Bd = sys_Dis.B
Cd = sys_Dis.C

# Controlability test
Controlable = ct.ctrb(Ad, Bd)
# print(np.linalg.matrix_rank(Controlable))     # full rank - therefore controllable

# Observability Test:
Observable = ct.obsv(Ad, Cd)
# print(np.linalg.matrix_rank(Observable))    # full rank - therefore observable

def pendControl(sys, sysC, x0, x0_est):

    A = sys.A
    B = sys.B
    C = sys.C
    dt = sys.dt
    sim_Time = 8
    t = np.linspace(0, sim_Time, sim_Time / dt)

    Overshoot_LQR = performance_specs[0]
    settle_LQR = performance_specs[1]
    Overshoot_KF = performance_specs[2]
Exemplo n.º 12
print('K: ', K)
print('ki: ', ki)

#                 Observer

# Observer design
obs_th_wn = 5.0*th_wn
obs_z_wn = 5.0*z_wn
obs_des_char_poly = np.convolve([1,2.0*z_zeta*obs_z_wn,obs_z_wn**2],
obs_des_poles = np.roots(obs_des_char_poly)

if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.obsv(A,C))!=4:
	print('System Not Observable')
	L = place(A.T,C.T,obs_des_poles).gain_matrix.T
	print('L:', L)

#          Uncertainty Parameters
	alpha = 0.0                                   # Uncertainty parameter
	m1 = m1*(1+2*alpha*np.random.rand()-alpha)  # Mass of the pendulum, kg
	m2 =  m2*(1+2*alpha*np.random.rand()-alpha)   # Length of the rod, m
	l = l*(1+2*alpha*np.random.rand()-alpha)   # Damping coefficient, Ns
Exemplo n.º 13
    def testConvert(self):
        """Test state space to transfer function conversion."""
        verbose = self.debug
        from control.statesp import _mimo2siso
        #print __doc__

        # Machine precision for floats.
        eps = np.finfo(float).eps

        for states in range(1, self.maxStates):
            for inputs in range(1, self.maxIO):
                for outputs in range(1, self.maxIO):
                    # start with a random SS system and transform to TF then
                    # back to SS, check that the matrices are the same.
                    ssOriginal = matlab.rss(states, outputs, inputs)
                    if (verbose):
                        self.printSys(ssOriginal, 1)

                    # Make sure the system is not degenerate
                    Cmat = control.ctrb(ssOriginal.A, ssOriginal.B)
                    if (np.linalg.matrix_rank(Cmat) != states):
                        if (verbose):
                            print("  skipping (not reachable)")
                    Omat = control.obsv(ssOriginal.A, ssOriginal.C)
                    if (np.linalg.matrix_rank(Omat) != states):
                        if (verbose):
                            print("  skipping (not observable)")

                    tfOriginal = matlab.tf(ssOriginal)
                    if (verbose):
                        self.printSys(tfOriginal, 2)
                    ssTransformed = matlab.ss(tfOriginal)
                    if (verbose):
                        self.printSys(ssTransformed, 3)

                    tfTransformed = matlab.tf(ssTransformed)
                    if (verbose):
                        self.printSys(tfTransformed, 4)

                    # Check to see if the state space systems have same dim
                    if (ssOriginal.states != ssTransformed.states):
                        print("WARNING: state space dimension mismatch: " + \
                            "%d versus %d" % \
                            (ssOriginal.states, ssTransformed.states))

                    # Now make sure the frequency responses match
                    # Since bode() only handles SISO, go through each I/O pair
                    # For phase, take sine and cosine to avoid +/- 360 offset
                    for inputNum in range(inputs):
                        for outputNum in range(outputs):
                            if (verbose):
                                print("Checking input %d, output %d" \
                                    % (inputNum, outputNum))
                            ssorig_mag, ssorig_phase, ssorig_omega = \
                                control.bode(_mimo2siso(ssOriginal, \
                                                        inputNum, outputNum), \
                                                 deg=False, Plot=False)
                            ssorig_real = ssorig_mag * np.cos(ssorig_phase)
                            ssorig_imag = ssorig_mag * np.sin(ssorig_phase)

                            # Make sure TF has same frequency response
                            num = tfOriginal.num[outputNum][inputNum]
                            den = tfOriginal.den[outputNum][inputNum]
                            tforig = control.tf(num, den)
                            tforig_mag, tforig_phase, tforig_omega = \
                                control.bode(tforig, ssorig_omega, \
                                                 deg=False, Plot=False)

                            tforig_real = tforig_mag * np.cos(tforig_phase)
                            tforig_imag = tforig_mag * np.sin(tforig_phase)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_real, tforig_real)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_imag, tforig_imag)

                            # Make sure xform'd SS has same frequency response
                            ssxfrm_mag, ssxfrm_phase, ssxfrm_omega = \
                                control.bode(_mimo2siso(ssTransformed, \
                                                        inputNum, outputNum), \
                                                 ssorig_omega, \
                                                 deg=False, Plot=False)
                            ssxfrm_real = ssxfrm_mag * np.cos(ssxfrm_phase)
                            ssxfrm_imag = ssxfrm_mag * np.sin(ssxfrm_phase)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_real, ssxfrm_real)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_imag, ssxfrm_imag)

                            # Make sure xform'd TF has same frequency response
                            num = tfTransformed.num[outputNum][inputNum]
                            den = tfTransformed.den[outputNum][inputNum]
                            tfxfrm = control.tf(num, den)
                            tfxfrm_mag, tfxfrm_phase, tfxfrm_omega = \
                                control.bode(tfxfrm, ssorig_omega, \
                                                 deg=False, Plot=False)
                            tfxfrm_real = tfxfrm_mag * np.cos(tfxfrm_phase)
                            tfxfrm_imag = tfxfrm_mag * np.sin(tfxfrm_phase)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_real, tfxfrm_real)
                            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal( \
                                ssorig_imag, tfxfrm_imag)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def obs(self):
     # whether the system is observable
     import control
     obs = control.obsv(self.A, self.C)
     rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(obs)
     print("rank", rank, "n", self.n)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def observable(self):
     O_mat = control.obsv(self.F, self.H)
     d = numpy.linalg.matrix_rank(O_mat)
     return d
Exemplo n.º 16
g = 9.8  # gravity
d = 4.0  # dampping term

# Linearized system and place pole
A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, -d, -(g * m) / M, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],
              [0, 0, (g * m + M * g) / (L * M), -0.1 * d]],

B = np.array([[0], [1.0 / M], [0], [-1.0 / (L * M)]], dtype=np.float)

C = np.array(
    [1, 0, 0, 0], dtype=np.float
)  # only observable if x measured... because x can't be reconstructed

O = control.obsv(A, C)
print("Obsv A,C: ", O)
print("rank(obsv): ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(O))

print('Which measurements are best if we omit "x"')
A = A[1:, 1:]
B = B[1:]

C = np.array([1, 0, 0], dtype=np.float)
print('C: ', C)
O = control.obsv(A, C)
print("Obsv A,C: ", O)
print("rank(obsv): ", np.linalg.matrix_rank(O))

C = np.array([0, 1, 0], dtype=np.float)
Exemplo n.º 17
def check_ctrb_obsv(A, B, C):
    ctrb_matrix = ctrb(A, B.T)
    obsv_matrix = obsv(A, C)

    print("Controllability matrix rank: %d" % matrix_rank(ctrb_matrix))
    print("Observability matrix rank: %d" % matrix_rank(obsv_matrix))
Exemplo n.º 18
print np.matrix(B)

A_eig = list(A.eigenvals().keys())

for i in range(0, len(A_eig)):

print "A_eig:="
print np.matrix(A_eig)

# Controllability
control_matrix = co.ctrb(A, B)
control_matrix = sp.Matrix(control_matrix)

# Observability:
observe_matrix = co.obsv(A, C)
observe_matrix = sp.Matrix(observe_matrix)

print "Rank of control_matrix: "+str(control_matrix.rank())
print "Rank of observe_matrix: "+str(observe_matrix.rank()) ## tODO this is a problem!?

# pole wish position:
poles_wish = [-6, -6, -6, -6, -6, -6, -6, -6]

A = np.matrix(A)
B = np.matrix(B)
C = np.matrix(C)
A = A.astype(float)
B = B.astype(float)
C = C.astype(float)
Exemplo n.º 19
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank
from control import ctrb, obsv

g = 9.8
L = 0.43  # pendulum length
d = 0.01  # friction coefficent

A = np.matrix([[.0, 1., .0, .0], [-g / L, -d / L, .0, .0], [.0, .0, .0, 1.],
               [.0, .0, .0, .0]])

B = np.matrix([[.0, 1. / L, .0, 1.]])

C = np.matrix([[1.0, .0, 1., .0]])

ctrb_matrix = ctrb(A, np.transpose(B))
obsv_matrix = obsv(A, C)

print "Ctrb matrix rank: %d" % matrix_rank(ctrb_matrix)
print "Obsv matrix rank: %d" % matrix_rank(obsv_matrix)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def linearize_matricies(self, x, u, dt):
        """creates discritized linearized F,G,H & M matricies

            x (array_like): linearization point-states
            u (array_like): linearization point-inputs
            dt (float): discrete interval

        dxdotdot_dxdot = -(self.A_x * self.Cd_x * self.rho * x[1]) / self.m
        dxdotdot_dtheta = -self.g * cos(x[10]) * cos(x[8]) + (
            (self.Fb * cos(x[10]) * cos(x[8])) / self.m)
        dxdotdot_dpsi = self.g * sin(x[10]) * sin(x[8]) - (
            (self.Fb * sin(x[10]) * sin(x[8])) / self.m)
        dxdotdot_dTL = 1 / self.m
        dxdotdot_dTR = 1 / self.m

        dydotdot_dydot = -(self.A_y * self.Cd_y * self.rho * x[3]) / self.m
        dydotdot_dphi = self.g * cos(x[6]) * cos(x[10]) - (
            (self.Fb * cos(x[10]) * cos(x[6])) / self.m)
        dydotdot_dpsi = -self.g * sin(x[6]) * sin(x[10]) + (
            (self.Fb * sin(x[10]) * sin(x[6])) / self.m)
        dydotdot_dTF = 1 / self.m
        dydotdot_dTB = 1 / self.m

        dzdotdot_dzdot = -(self.A_z * self.Cd_z * self.rho * x[5]) / self.m
        dzdotdot_dphi = -self.g * cos(x[8]) * sin(x[6]) + (
            (self.Fb * cos(x[8]) * sin(x[6])) / self.m)
        dzdotdot_dtheta = -self.g * cos(x[6]) * sin(x[8]) + (
            (self.Fb * cos(x[6]) * sin(x[8])) / self.m)
        dzdotdot_dTFL = 1 / self.m
        dzdotdot_dTFR = 1 / self.m
        dzdotdot_dTBL = 1 / self.m
        dzdotdot_dTBR = 1 / self.m

        dphidotdot_dydot=-.5*self.Ixx*self.rho*(2*self.A_yB*self.Cd_yB*self.dz_yB* \
        dphidotdot_dzdot=-.5*self.Ixx*self.rho*(2*self.A_zL*self.Cd_zL*self.dy_zL* \
        dphidotdot_dphi = (self.Fb /
                           self.Ixx) * (self.phi_bz * cos(x[6]) * cos(x[8]) +
                                        self.phi_by * cos(x[8]) * sin(x[6]))
        dphidotdot_dphidot=-.5*self.Ixx*self.rho*(2*self.A_yB*self.Cd_yB*self.dz_yB**2* \
                (self.dz_yB*x[7]+x[3])+2*self.A_yT*self.Cd_yT*self.dz_yT**2*(self.dz_yT*x[7]+x[3])+ \
                2*self.A_zL*self.Cd_zL*self.dy_zL**2*(self.dy_zL*x[7]+x[5])+2*self.A_zR*self.Cd_zR* \
        dphidotdot_dtheta = (self.Fb /
                             self.Ixx) * (self.phi_by * cos(x[6]) * sin(x[8]) -
                                          self.phi_bz * sin(x[6]) * sin(x[8]))
        dphidotdot_dTFL = -self.phi_L / self.Ixx
        dphidotdot_dTFR = self.phi_R / self.Ixx
        dphidotdot_dTBL = -self.phi_L / self.Ixx
        dphidotdot_dTBR = self.phi_R / self.Ixx

        dthetadotdot_dxdot=-.5*self.Iyy*self.rho*(2*self.A_xB*self.Cd_xB*self.dz_xB* \
        dthetadotdot_dzdot=-.5*self.Iyy*self.rho*(2*self.A_zB*self.Cd_zB*self.dx_zB* \
        dthetadotdot_dphi = (-self.Fb / self.Iyy) * (self.theta_bx *
                                                     cos(x[8]) * sin(x[6]))
        dthetadotdot_dtheta = (self.Fb / self.Iyy) * (
            self.theta_bz * cos(x[8]) - self.theta_bx * cos(x[6]) * sin(x[8]))
        dthetadotdot_dthetadot=-.5*self.Iyy*self.rho*(2*self.A_xB*self.Cd_xB*self.dz_xB**2* \
                (self.dz_xB*x[9]+x[1])+2*self.A_xT*self.Cd_xT*self.dz_xT**2*(self.dz_xT*x[9]+x[1])+ \
                2*self.A_zB*self.Cd_zB*self.dx_zB**2*(self.dx_zB*x[9]+x[5])+2*self.A_zF*self.Cd_zF* \
        dthetadotdot_dTFL = self.theta_F / self.Iyy
        dthetadotdot_dTFR = self.theta_F / self.Iyy
        dthetadotdot_dTBL = -self.theta_B / self.Iyy
        dthetadotdot_dTBR = -self.theta_B / self.Iyy

        dpsidotdot_dxdot=-.5*self.Izz*self.rho*(2*self.A_xL*self.Cd_xL*self.dy_xL* \
        dpsidotdot_dydot=-.5*self.Izz*self.rho*(2*self.A_yBa*self.Cd_yBa*self.dx_yBa* \
        dpsidotdot_dphi = (self.Fb / self.Izz) * (self.psi_bx * cos(x[8]) *
        dpsidotdot_dtheta = (self.Fb / self.Izz) * (
            -self.psi_by * cos(x[8]) - self.psi_bx * sin(x[6]) * sin(x[8]))
        dpsidotdot_dpsidot=-.5*self.Izz*self.rho*(2*self.A_xL*self.Cd_xL*self.dy_xL**2* \
                (self.dy_xL*x[11]+x[1])+2*self.A_xR*self.Cd_xR*self.dy_xR**2*(self.dy_xR*x[11]+x[1])+ \
                2*self.A_yBa*self.Cd_yBa*self.dx_yBa**2*(self.dx_yBa*x[11]+x[3])+2*self.A_yF*self.Cd_yF* \
        dpsidotdot_dTL = self.psi_L / self.Izz
        dpsidotdot_dTR = -self.psi_R / self.Izz
        dpsidotdot_dTF = self.psi_F / self.Izz
        dpsidotdot_dTB = -self.psi_B / self.Izz

        # A should be a 12x12
        # B should be a 12x8
        # C should be a 10x12 (12x12 with DVL)
        # D should be a 10x8 (12x8 with DVL)
        A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, dxdotdot_dxdot, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dxdotdot_dtheta,
                          0, dxdotdot_dpsi, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, dydotdot_dydot, 0, 0, dydotdot_dphi, 0, 0,
                          0, dydotdot_dpsi, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dzdotdot_dzdot, dzdotdot_dphi, 0,
                          dzdotdot_dtheta, 0, 0, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, dphidotdot_dydot, 0, dphidotdot_dzdot,
                          dphidotdot_dphi, dphidotdot_dphidot,
                          dphidotdot_dtheta, 0, 0, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                          0, dthetadotdot_dxdot, 0, 0, 0, dthetadotdot_dzdot,
                          dthetadotdot_dphi, 0, dthetadotdot_dtheta,
                          dthetadotdot_dthetadot, 0, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                          0, dpsidotdot_dxdot, 0, dpsidotdot_dydot, 0, 0,
                          dpsidotdot_dphi, 0, dpsidotdot_dtheta, 0,
                          dxdotdot_dpsi, dpsidotdot_dpsidot

        B = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [dxdotdot_dTL, dxdotdot_dTR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, dydotdot_dTF, dydotdot_dTB, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, 0, dzdotdot_dTFL, dzdotdot_dTFR,
                          dzdotdot_dTBL, dzdotdot_dTBR
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, 0, dphidotdot_dTFL, dphidotdot_dTFR,
                          dphidotdot_dTBL, dphidotdot_dTBR
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, 0, dthetadotdot_dTFL, dthetadotdot_dTFR,
                          dthetadotdot_dTBL, dthetadotdot_dTBR
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          dpsidotdot_dTL, dpsidotdot_dTR, dpsidotdot_dTF,
                          dpsidotdot_dTB, 0, 0, 0, 0

        C = np.array([[
            0, dxdotdot_dxdot, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dxdotdot_dtheta, 0,
            dxdotdot_dpsi, 0
                          0, 0, 0, dydotdot_dydot, 0, 0, dydotdot_dphi, 0, 0,
                          0, dydotdot_dpsi, 0
                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, dzdotdot_dzdot, dzdotdot_dphi, 0,
                          dzdotdot_dtheta, 0, 0, 0
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

        D = np.array([[dxdotdot_dTL, dxdotdot_dTR, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, dydotdot_dTF, dydotdot_dTB, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                          0, 0, 0, 0, dzdotdot_dTFL, dzdotdot_dTFR,
                          dzdotdot_dTBL, dzdotdot_dTBR
                      ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])

        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(control.ctrb(A, B)) < A.shape[0]:
            print "System is not fully controllable"
            print "System is fully controllable"
        #  print np.sum(control.obsv(A,C),axis=1)
        if np.linalg.matrix_rank(control.obsv(A, C)) < A.shape[0]:
            print "System is not fully observable"
            print "System is fully observable"
        state_space = StateSpace(A, B, C, D, dt)
        return state_space
Exemplo n.º 21
#                 Observer

# Observer design
obs_th_wn = 5.0 * th_wn
obs_z_wn = 5.0 * z_wn
obs_h_wn = 5.0 * h_wn
obs_des_char_poly_lat = np.convolve(
    [1, 2.0 * z_zeta * obs_z_wn, obs_z_wn**2],
    [1, 2.0 * th_zeta * obs_th_wn, obs_th_wn**2])
obs_des_char_poly_lon = [1, 2.0 * h_zeta * obs_h_wn, obs_h_wn**2]
obs_des_poles_lat = np.roots(obs_des_char_poly_lat)
obs_des_poles_lon = np.roots(obs_des_char_poly_lon)

if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.obsv(A_lat, C_lat)) != 4:
    print('Latitudinal System Not Observable')
    L_lat = place(A_lat.T, C_lat.T, obs_des_poles_lat).gain_matrix.T
    print('L_lat:', L_lat)

if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.obsv(A_lon, C_lon)) != 2:
    print('Longitudinal System Not Observable')
    L_lon = place(A_lon.T, C_lon.T, obs_des_poles_lon).gain_matrix.T
    print('L_lon:', L_lon)

#          Uncertainty Parameters
Exemplo n.º 22
def design_tsob(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital full order observer tracking system with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        desired_observer_settling_time (optional): The desired observer settling time
            in seconds. If not provided the observer settling time will be 4 times faster
            than the overall settling time. Default is None.
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sopoles (optional): The desired observer poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        sapoles (optional): The poles of the reference input and disturbance vectors.
            If not supplied the reference input is assumed to be a step. Default is None.
        disp: Print debugging output. Default is True.

        tuple: (sys_d_ol, phia, gammaa, L1, L2, K) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant,
            phia is the discrete additional dynamics A matrix, gammaa is the discrete
            additional dynamics B matrix, L1 is the plant gain matrix, L2 is the
            additional gain matrix, and K is the observer gain matrix.

    if disp:
        print("Designing a tracking system with full order observer.")

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]
    num_tracked = Ca.shape[0]

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print(rank, num_states)
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Create the design model with additional dynamics
    if sapoles is None:
        # assume tracking a step input (s=0, z=1)
        sapoles = [0]

    zapoles = [
        -p for p in np.poly(
            control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sapoles, sampling_interval))
    zapoles = np.delete(zapoles, 0)  # the first coefficient isn't important

    gammaa = np.transpose(np.matrix(zapoles))
    q = gammaa.shape[0]

    phia_left = np.matrix(gammaa)
    phia_right = np.concatenate((np.eye(q - 1), np.zeros((1, q - 1))), axis=0)
    phia = np.concatenate((phia_left, phia_right), axis=1)
    if num_tracked > 1:
        # replicate the additional dynamics
        phia = np.kron(np.eye(num_tracked), phia)
        gammaa = np.kron(np.eye(num_tracked), gammaa)

    # Form the design matrix
    phid_top_row = np.concatenate((phi, np.zeros(
        (num_states, q * num_tracked))),
    phid_bot_row = np.concatenate((gammaa * Ca, phia), axis=1)
    phid = np.concatenate((phid_top_row, phid_bot_row), axis=0)
    gammad = np.concatenate((gamma, np.zeros((gammaa.shape[0], num_tracked))),

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that eig(phi - gamma*L) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phid, gammad, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) >= 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable", zpole)
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix
    L1 = L[:, 0:num_states]
    L2 = L[:, num_states:]

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if sopoles is None:
        sopoles = []
        if desired_observer_settling_time == None:
            desired_observer_settling_time = desired_settling_time / 4

        # TODO: Find existing poles based on the rules. For now just use bessel

        num_sopoles_left = num_states - len(sopoles)

        if num_sopoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zopoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(sopoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("sopoles = ", sopoles)
        print("zopoles = ", zopoles)

    # Find K such that eig(phi - KC) are inside the unit circle
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(np.transpose(phi),
                                             np.transpose(C), zopoles)

    # Check the poles for stability just in case
    for zopole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zopole) > 1:
            print("Computed observer pole is not stable", zopole)
            return None

    K = np.transpose(full_state_feedback.gain_matrix)

    return (sys_d_ol, phia, gammaa, np.matrix(L1), np.matrix(L2), np.matrix(K))
Exemplo n.º 23
def design_regsf(sys_c_ol,
    """ Design a digital full state feedback regulator with the desired settling time.
        sys_c_ol (StateSpace): The continouous plant model
        sampling_interval: The sampling interval for the digital control system in seconds.
        desired_settling_time: The desired settling time in seconds
        spoles (optional): The desired closed loop poles. If not supplied, then optimal
            poles will try to be used. Default is None.
        tuple: (sys_d_ol, L) Where sys_d_ol is the discrete plant and L is the stablizing
            gain matrix.

    # Make sure the system is in fact continuous and not discrete
    if sys_c_ol.dt != None:
        print("Error: Function expects continuous plant")
        return None

    A = sys_c_ol.A
    B = sys_c_ol.B
    C = sys_c_ol.C
    D = sys_c_ol.D

    num_states = A.shape[0]
    num_inputs = B.shape[1]
    num_outputs = C.shape[0]

    # Convert to discrete system using zero order hold method
    sys_d_ol = sys_c_ol.to_discrete(sampling_interval, method="zoh")
    phi = sys_d_ol.A
    gamma = sys_d_ol.B

    # Check controlability of the discrete system
    controllability_mat = control.ctrb(phi, gamma)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(controllability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not controlable")
        return None

    # Check observability of the discrete system
    observability_mat = control.obsv(phi, C)
    rank = LA.matrix_rank(observability_mat)
    if rank != num_states:
        print("Error: System is not observable")
        return None

    # Choose poles if none were given
    if spoles is None:
        spoles = find_candadate_spoles(sys_c_ol, desired_settling_time, disp)

        num_spoles_left = num_states - len(spoles)
        if num_spoles_left > 0:
            # Use normalized bessel poles for the rest

    zpoles = control_poles.spoles_to_zpoles(spoles, sampling_interval)

    if disp:
        print("spoles = ", spoles)
        print("zpoles = ", zpoles)

    # place the poles such that ...
    full_state_feedback = signal.place_poles(phi, gamma, zpoles)

    # Check the poles for stability
    for zpole in full_state_feedback.computed_poles:
        if abs(zpole) > 1:
            print("Computed pole is not stable")
            return None

    L = full_state_feedback.gain_matrix

    return (sys_d_ol, np.matrix(L))
def reduced_observer(system, poles_o, poles_s, x0, tt, debug=False):
    :param system: tuple (A, B, C) of system matrices
    :param poles_o: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the
                    observer dynamics
    :param poles_s: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the
                    closed system
    :param x0: initial condition
    :param tt: vector for the time axis
    :param debug: output control for debugging in unittest
                  (False:normal output,True: output local variables
                  and normal output)
    :return yy: output of the system
    :return xx: states of the system
    :return tt: time of the simulation

    # renumber the matrices to construct the matrices
    # in the form of the reduced observer
    a, b, c, d = ob_func.transformation(system, debug=False)

    # row rank of the output matrix
    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(c[0])

    # submatrices of the system matrix A
    # and the input matrix
    a_11 = a[0:rank, 0:rank]

    a_12 = a[0:rank, rank:a.shape[1]]
    a_21 = a[rank:a.shape[1], 0:rank]
    a_22 = a[rank:a.shape[1], rank:a.shape[1]]
    b_1 = b[0:rank, :]
    b_2 = b[rank:b.shape[0], :]

    # construct the observability matrix
    # q_1 = a_12
    # q_2 = a_12 * a_22
    # q = np.vstack([q_1, q_2])

    obs_matrix = ctr.obsv(a_22, a_12)  # observability matrix
    rank_q = np.linalg.matrix_rank(obs_matrix)
    assert np.linalg.det(obs_matrix) != 0, 'this system is unobservable'

    # ignore the PendingDeprecationWarning for built-in packet control
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

    # state feedback
    f_t = ctr.acker(a, b, poles_s)
    c_ = c - d * f_t
    f_1 = f_t[:, 0:1]
    f_2 = f_t[:, 1:]
    l_ = ctr.acker(a_22.T, a_12.T, poles_o).T

    # State representation of the entire system
    # Original system and observer error system,
    # Dimension: 4 x 4)
    sys = ob_func.state_space_func(a, a_11, a_12, a_21, a_22, b, b_1, b_2, c_,
                                   l_, f_1, f_2)

    # simulation for the proper movement
    yy, tt, xx = ctr.matlab.initial(sys, tt, x0, return_x=True)
    result = yy, xx, tt, sys

    # return internal variables for unittest
    if debug:
        c_locals = Container(fetch_locals=True)
        return result, c_locals

    return result
Exemplo n.º 25
def main():
    init_data = None
    with open('/vagrant/client/init_data.json') as f:
        init_data = json.load(f)

    num_states = init_data['num_states']
    if type(num_states) is not int:
        raise TypeError("num_states must be int")
    num_inputs = init_data['num_inputs']
    if type(num_inputs) is not int:
        raise TypeError("num_inputs must be int")
    delay = init_data['delay']
    if type(delay) is not int:
        raise TypeError("delay must be int")
    nonlinearity = init_data['nonlinearity']
    if type(nonlinearity) is not str:
        raise TypeError("nonlinearity must be str")
    error_dist_mu = init_data['error_dist_mu']
    if type(error_dist_mu) is not float:
        raise TypeError("error_dist_mu must be float")
    error_dist_sigma = init_data['error_dist_sigma']
    if type(error_dist_sigma) is not float:
        raise TypeError("error_dist_sigma must be float")
    feed_forward = init_data['feed_forward']
    if type(feed_forward) is not list:
        raise TypeError("feed_forward must be list")
    A = init_data['A']
    if type(A) is not list:
        raise TypeError("A must be list")
    B = init_data['B']
    if type(B) is not list:
        raise TypeError("B must be list")
    C = init_data['C']
    if type(C) is not list:
        raise TypeError("C must be list")
    D = init_data['D']
    if type(D) is not list:
        raise TypeError("D must be list")

    controller = Controller(num_states, num_inputs)
    if not controller.set_matrix('A', A):
    if not controller.set_matrix('B', B):
    if not controller.set_matrix('C', C):
    if not controller.set_matrix('D', D):

    dyn_process_session = DynamicProcessSession()
    dyn_process_session.set_coefficient('A', json.dumps(A))
    dyn_process_session.set_coefficient('B', json.dumps(B))
    dyn_process_session.set_coefficient('C', json.dumps(C))

    W_c = control.ctrb(controller.A, controller.B)
    W_o = control.obsv(controller.A, controller.C)
    print('The rank of controlability matrix is: {}'.format(
    print('The rank of observability matrix is: {}'.format(

    queue_ = queue.Queue()
    commands = Commands(logger, queue_)
    commands_thread = CommandsThread(commands)

    t0 = time.perf_counter()
    freq_counter = 0
    freq = 0
        freq_counter += 1
        t = time.perf_counter()
        if (t - t0) > 1:
            freq = freq_counter
            freq_counter = 0
            t0 = t
        logger.info("freq: {}".format(freq))
        y = dyn_process_session.get_output()
        y = json_to_np(y)
        logger.info('y: {}'.format(y))
        u = controller.get_control_signal(y, feed_forward)
            [action, matrix_name, values] = queue_.get_nowait()
            if action is 'exit':
            getattr(controller, action)(matrix_name, values)
        except queue.Empty:
Exemplo n.º 26
Q = np.eye(4,4)
R = np.eye(2,2)

#S1 = sp.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
#K1 = np.linalg.inv(R).dot(B.T).dot(S1)
#E1 = np.linalg.eigvals(A-B.dot(K1))
#print("S1 =\n", S1)
#print("K1 =\n", K1)
#print("E1 =\n", E1)

S2, E2, K2 = ct.care(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS2 =\n", S2)
#print("K2 =\n", K2)
#print("E2 =\n", E2)

print "ctrb = "+ str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(Ap,Bp)))
print "obsv = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.obsv(Ap,Cp)))
#K3, S3, E3 = ct.matlab.lqr(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS3 =\n", S3)
#print("K3 =\n", K3)
#print("E3 =\n", E3)
ss_P = ct.ss(Ap,Bp,Cp,Dp)
print ss_P
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
stepy = ct.step(ss_P,t)
#bode plot only implemented for SISO system.omg
Exemplo n.º 27
Aa = np.array([[A[0, 0], A[0, 1], 0], [A[1, 0], A[1, 1], 0],
               [np.dot(C, A)[0], np.dot(C, A)[1], 1]])

Ba = np.array([[B[0, 0], B[0, 1]], [B[1, 0], B[1, 1]],
               [np.dot(C, B)[0], np.dot(C, B)[1]]])

Ca = np.array([0, 0, 1])
Da = 0

# %% Controllability and Observability analysis

Co = control.ctrb(Aa, Ba)
if matrix_rank(Co) == len(Aa):
    print('The augmented system is controllable.')

Ob = control.obsv(Aa, Ca)
if matrix_rank(Ob) == len(Aa):
    print('The augmented system is observable.')

# %% LQR controller

#               y | Delta*x1 | Delta*x2
Qlqr = np.diag([1, 100, 1])
Rlqr = 1 * np.eye(2)
# K, X, eigVals = dlqr(Aa, Ba, Qlqr, Rlqr)

# Recursive Riccati Difference Equation (RDE)
P = 100 * np.eye(3)

for k in range(300):
    P = np.dot(np.dot(Aa.T, P), Aa) - np.dot(
C, Qe, Re = model.compute_noise_cov(sys_i, sens)

print('\n Sensors: ', sens)

print('\nQe = ')

print('\nRe = ')

print('\nRank of observability matrix: %d of %d' %
      (np.linalg.matrix_rank(control.obsv(model.rsys[sys_i].A, C)), nx))

Ts = 5
print('Mode frequencies:')
print(np.abs(np.angle(np.diag(model.sys_eig[sys_i]))) / (2.0 * np.pi * Ts))
    Save full model & final model
pickle.dump(model, open('data/model_full.p', 'wb'))

final_model = [model.rsys[sys_i], C, Qe, Re, sens]
pickle.dump(final_model, open('data/model_sparse.p', 'wb'))
    Plot results
Exemplo n.º 29
Q = np.eye(4, 4)
R = np.eye(2, 2)

#S1 = sp.linalg.solve_continuous_are(A, B, Q, R)
#K1 = np.linalg.inv(R).dot(B.T).dot(S1)
#E1 = np.linalg.eigvals(A-B.dot(K1))
#print("S1 =\n", S1)
#print("K1 =\n", K1)
#print("E1 =\n", E1)

S2, E2, K2 = ct.care(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS2 =\n", S2)
#print("K2 =\n", K2)
#print("E2 =\n", E2)

print "ctrb = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(Ap, Bp)))
print "obsv = " + str(np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.obsv(Ap, Cp)))
#K3, S3, E3 = ct.matlab.lqr(Ap, Bp, Q, R)
#print("\nS3 =\n", S3)
#print("K3 =\n", K3)
#print("E3 =\n", E3)
ss_P = ct.ss(Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp)
print ss_P
t = np.linspace(0, 3, 1000)
stepy = ct.step(ss_P, t)
#bode plot only implemented for SISO system.omg
Exemplo n.º 30
import sys
sys.path.append('..')  # add parent directory
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control
import pendulumParam as P
from kalmanFilter import kalmanFilter, kalmanFilterEC
from pendulumNonlinearDynamics import Pendulum
from pendulumAnimation import pendulumAn
from plotDataZ import plotData
from signalGenerator import signalGen

#Compute controller
dpoles = np.array([-1.1, -1.2, -1.3, -1.4])
Kr = control.place(P.A * 1.01, P.B * 1.01, dpoles)

print(control.obsv(P.A, P.C))  # which states of A, C are observable?
    P.A, P.C)))  # expect a rank of 0 if observable

#Initialize and rename for convenience
ref = signalGen(amplitude=.5, frequency=0.05, y_offset=0)
pendulum = Pendulum(param=P)

states = [np.array([[P.z0], [P.zdot0], [P.theta0], [P.thetadot0]])]
states_est = [states[0]]
mu = np.array([[P.z0 + 0.1], [P.zdot0 + 0.1], [P.theta0 + 0.1],
               [P.thetadot0 + 0.1]])
sigma = np.eye(4) * 0.00001
u = 0

#performs very simple first order integration
Exemplo n.º 31
# _p = [-3.0, -3.1, -3.2, -3.3]  # aggressive
# _p = [-3.5, -3.6, -3.7, -3.8]  # breaks
# _p = [-10,-10.1,-10.2,-10.3]  # breaks
# _p = [-10,-10.1,-10.2,-10.3]  # breaks

p = np.array(_p)

x0 = np.array([0, 0, -np.pi + 0.1, 1])  # intial x

Q = np.array([[10, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2]])
R = 0.1

# K = control.place(A, B, p)
K = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R)[0]
# controllability = control.ctrb(A, B)
observability = control.obsv(A, C)
sys = control.ss(A, B, C, D)

def xDot(t, y):
    # print(t)
    error = y - [0, 0, -np.pi, 0]
    u = -K * ((error)[np.newaxis].T)
    return cartpend(y, m, M, L, g, d, u[0][0])

t0 = 0
t1 = 2
dt = 0.02
Exemplo n.º 32
def dare(F, G1, G2, H):
    """Solves the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation

    0 = F ^ T * X * F
        - X - F ^ T * X * G1 * (G2 + G1 ^ T * X * G1) ^ -1 * G1 ^ T * X * F + H

    Under the assumption that X ^ -1 exists, this equation is equivalent to

    0 = F ^ T * (X ^ -1 + G1 * G2 ^ -1 * G1 ^ T) ^ -1 * F - X + H

    Inputs are real matrices:

    F : n x n
    G1 : n x m
    G2 : m x m, symmetric, positive definite
    H : n x n, symmetric, positive semi-definite

    (F, G1) is a stabilizable pair
    (C, F) is a detectable pair (where C is full rank factorization of H, i.e.,
        C ^ T * C = H and rank(C) = rank(H).
    F is invertible


    Unique nonnegative definite solution of discrete Algrebraic Ricatti

    This is an implementation of the Schur method for solving algebraic Riccati
    eqautions as described in dx.doi.org/10.1109/TAC.1979.1102178

    # Verify that F is non-singular
    u, s, v = la.svd(F)
    assert(np.all(s > 0.0))
    # Verify that (F, G1) controllable
    C = ctrb(F, G1)
    u, s, v = la.svd(C)
    assert(np.all(s > 0.0))
    # Verify that (H**.5, F) is observable
    O = obsv(H**.5, F)
    u, s, v = la.svd(O)
    assert(np.all(s > 0.0))
    n = F.shape[0]
    m = G2.shape[0]

    G = np.dot(G1, np.dot(inv(G2), G1.T))
    Finv = inv(F)
    Finvt = Finv.T

    # Form symplectic matrix
    Z = empty((2*n, 2*n))
    Z[:n, :n] = F + np.dot(G, np.dot(Finvt, H))
    Z[:n, n:] = -np.dot(G, Finvt)
    Z[n:, :n] = -np.dot(Finvt, H)
    Z[n:, n:] = Finvt

    S, U, sdim = schur(Z, sort='iuc')

    # Verify that the n eigenvalues of the upper left block stable
    assert(sdim == n)

    U11 = U[:n, :n]
    U21 = U[n:, :n]
    return solve(U[:n, :n].T, U[n:, :n].T).T