Exemplo n.º 1
    def vehicle_out_callback(self, msg):
        if (self.pathlocal_received and (self.ctrl_mode in [1, 2])):
            self.state.X = msg.x
            self.state.Y = msg.y
            self.state.psi = msg.yaw
            self.state.psidot = msg.r
            self.state.vx = msg.vx
            self.state.vy = msg.vy
            self.state.s,self.state.d = ptsCartesianToFrenet(np.array(self.state.X), \
                                                             np.array(self.state.Y), \
                                                             np.array(self.pathlocal.X), \
                                                             np.array(self.pathlocal.Y), \
                                                             np.array(self.pathlocal.psi_c), \

        self.state_received = True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def updateState(self):

        self.state_out.X = self.state_in.x
        self.state_out.Y = self.state_in.y
        self.state_out.psi = self.state_in.yaw
        self.state_out.psidot = self.state_in.r
        self.state_out.vx = self.state_in.vx
        self.state_out.vy = self.state_in.vy

        # get s, d and deltapsi

        s,d = ptsCartesianToFrenet(np.array(self.state_out.X), \
                                   np.array(self.state_out.Y), \
                                   np.array(self.pathglobal.X), \
                                   np.array(self.pathglobal.Y), \
                                   np.array(self.pathglobal.psi_c), \
        s_this_lap = s[0]

        # checks for lap counter
        if (s_this_lap > 0.45 * self.s_lap and s_this_lap < 0.55 * self.s_lap
                and not self.passed_halfway):
            self.passed_halfway = True
            print "state est: passed halfway mark"
        if (s_this_lap > 0.0 and s_this_lap < 10.0 and self.passed_halfway):
            self.lapcounter = self.lapcounter + 1
            self.passed_halfway = False
            print "state est: completed lap, lap count = ", self.lapcounter

        # make sure s is >= 0 on first lap
        if (self.lapcounter == 0 and s_this_lap > 0.75 * self.s_lap
                and not self.passed_halfway):
            s_this_lap = 0.0

        self.state_out.s = s_this_lap + self.lapcounter * self.s_lap

        self.state_out.d = d[0]

        psi_c = np.interp(s, self.pathglobal.s, self.pathglobal_psic_cont)

        self.state_out.deltapsi = self.state_out.psi - psi_c
        # correction of detapsi @ psi flips
        self.state_out.deltapsi = angleToInterval(self.state_out.deltapsi)
        self.state_out.deltapsi = self.state_out.deltapsi[0]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def updateState(self):
        self.state.X = self.vehicle_out.X
        self.state.Y = self.vehicle_out.Y
        self.state.psi = self.vehicle_out.psi
        self.state.psidot = self.vehicle_out.psidot
        self.state.vx = self.vehicle_out.vx
        self.state.vy = self.vehicle_out.vy

        # get s, d and deltapsi
        s,d = ptsCartesianToFrenet(np.array(self.state.X), \
                                   np.array(self.state.Y), \
                                   np.array(self.pathlocal.X), \
                                   np.array(self.pathlocal.Y), \
                                   np.array(self.pathlocal.psi_c), \
        self.state.s = s[0]
        self.state.d = d[0]
        psi_c = np.interp(s, self.pathlocal.s, self.pathlocal.psi_c)
        self.state.deltapsi = self.state.psi - psi_c
        self.state.ax = self.vehicle_out.ax
        self.state.ay = self.vehicle_out.ay
stop = 1500

Xpath = pathglobal['X'][start:stop]
Ypath = pathglobal['Y'][start:stop]
psipath = pathglobal['psi_c'][start:stop]
spath = pathglobal['s'][start:stop]

# define pts in s and d
s_in = 270
d_in = -15

# transform frenet --> cart
X, Y = ptsFrenetToCartesian(s_in, d_in, Xpath, Ypath, psipath, spath)

# transform cart --> frenet
s, d = ptsCartesianToFrenet(X, Y, Xpath, Ypath, psipath, spath)

# check results
print 's in          ', s_in
print 's out         ', s
print 's error       ', s_in - s

print 'd in          ', d_in
print 'd out         ', d
print 'd error       ', d_in - d

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
ax.plot(Xpath, Ypath, 'k')