Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_position(self, direction):
		Get the position of the given wire relative to (0,0,0) in this slot. If the
		direction given is None or was not defined, returns (0,0,0).

        return coordinates.Cartesian3D(*self.wire_position.get(
            direction, coordinates.Cartesian3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
Exemplo n.º 2
	def test_cartesian3d(self):
		a = coordinates.Cartesian3D(1,2,3)
		b = coordinates.Cartesian3D(-1,-1,-1)
		# Should always equal their equivilent tuples
		self.assertEqual(a, (1,2,3))
		self.assertEqual(b, (-1,-1,-1))
		# Basic operators
		self.assertEqual(a+b, (0,1,2))
		self.assertEqual(a-b, (2,3,4))
		self.assertEqual(abs(b), (1,1,1))
		# Magnitude
		self.assertEqual(a.magnitude(), (1**2 + 2**2 + 3**2)**0.5)
		self.assertEqual(b.magnitude(), (3)**0.5)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, dimensions, grid_size, spacing, offset=None):
		dimensions is a Cartesian3D(width, height, depth).
		grid_size is a tuple (cols, rows) specifying the number of elements in the
		grid of contained volumes.
		spacing is a tuple (horzontal, vertical) specifying the additional space
		between each contained volume
		offset is the offset of the (0,0)th volume from (0,0,0) of the container. If
		not specified, the volume grid is centered within the container's vertical
		and horizontal axes and placed at depth 0.
		Before this is called an object with a width and height and depth property
		should be defined as "volume" defining the size of the contained volume.

        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.grid_size = grid_size
        self.spacing = spacing

        self.offset = offset if offset is not None \
                      else coordinates.Cartesian3D(
                             (self.width/2.0) - (self.bay_width/2.0),
                             (self.height/2.0) - (self.bay_height/2.0),

        # Make sure the slots fit inside the cabinet...
        assert (self.bay_width + self.offset[0] <= self.width)
        assert (self.bay_height + self.offset[1] <= self.height)
        assert (self.bay_depth <= self.depth)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
                 dimensions=coordinates.Cartesian3D(40.0, 180.0, 25.0),
		dimensions is a Cartesian3D(width, height, depth).
		num_racks is the number of racks the cabinet fits
		rack_spacing is the additional (vertical) space between each rack
		rack_offset is the offset of the 0th rack from (0,0,0) of the rack. If
		not specified, the racks are centered within the rack's vertical and
		horizontal axes and placed at depth 0.
		rack is a Rack definition.
        rack = rack or Rack()
        self.volume = rack
        self.rack = rack

        self.num_racks = num_racks
        self.rack_spacing = rack_spacing

        _Container.__init__(self, dimensions, (1, num_racks),
                            coordinates.Cartesian2D(0.0, rack_spacing),
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self,
                 dimensions=coordinates.Cartesian3D(30.0, 15.0, 20.0),
		dimensions is a Cartesian3D(width, height, depth).
		num_slots is the number of slots the rack fits
		slot_spacing is the additional (horizontal) space between each slot
		slot_offset is the offset of the 0th slot from (0,0,0) of the rack. If
		not specified, the slots are centered within the rack's vertical and
		horizontal axes and placed at depth 0.
		slot is a Slot definition.
        slot = slot or Slot()
        self.volume = slot
        self.slot = slot

        self.num_slots = num_slots
        self.slot_spacing = slot_spacing

        _Container.__init__(self, dimensions, (num_slots, 1),
                            coordinates.Cartesian2D(slot_spacing, 0.0),
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_volume_position(self, volume):
		Get the position of the given volume relative to (0,0,0) in this container.

        col, row = volume

        return coordinates.Cartesian3D(
            x=self.offset[0] + ((self.volume.width + self.spacing.x) * col),
            y=self.offset[1] + ((self.volume.height + self.spacing.y) * row),
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_position(self, rack, slot, direction=None):
		Get the position of the given slot within a rack (and optionally wire)
		relative to (0,0,0) in this cabinet.

        rack_position = self.get_volume_position((0, rack))

        wire_position = self.rack.get_position(slot, direction)

        return coordinates.Cartesian3D(rack_position.x + wire_position.x,
                                       rack_position.y + wire_position.y,
                                       rack_position.z + wire_position.z)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def get_position(self, slot, direction=None):
		Get the position of the given slot (and optionally wire) relative to (0,0,0)
		in this rack.

        slot_position = self.get_volume_position((slot, 0))

        wire_position = self.slot.get_position(direction)

        return coordinates.Cartesian3D(slot_position.x + wire_position.x,
                                       slot_position.y + wire_position.y,
                                       slot_position.z + wire_position.z)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_position(self, coord, direction=None):
		Get the position of the given slot in a rack in a cabinet (and optionally
		wire) in the system.

        wire_position = self.cabinet.get_position(coord[1], coord[2],

        return coordinates.Cartesian3D(
            wire_position.x +
            (self.cabinet.width + self.cabinet_spacing) * coord[0],
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self,
                 dimensions=coordinates.Cartesian3D(1.0, 10.0, 10.0),
		dimensions is a Cartesian3D(width, height, depth).
		wire_position is a mapping {direction:position, ...} which gives the physical
		offset from the bottom, left front corner of the slot of the given wire.
		Defaults to zero offsets for all dimensions.

        self.dimensions = dimensions

        self.wire_position = wire_position or {
            topology.NORTH: (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 0, 0.0),
            (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 1, 0.0),
            topology.EAST: (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 2, 0.0),
            topology.SOUTH: (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 3, 0.0),
            (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 4, 0.0),
            topology.WEST: (self.width / 2.0, (self.height / 6.0) * 5, 0.0),