Exemplo n.º 1
def demo():
    Simple Demo of this Module
    Equivalent from command line:
    $ python
    >>> from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher 

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher

    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista("CGVISTA", fmqlEP="http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    cgbs = VistaBuilds("CGVISTA", cacher)
    buildNames = cgbs.listBuilds()
    packageNames = cgbs.listPackages()
    print packageNames
    print len(packageNames)
    print len(buildNames)
    print len(cgbs.listBuilds(False))
    print "First build is: %s" % buildNames[0]
    for i, buildName in enumerate(cgbs.listBuilds(True), 1):
        ba = cgbs.describeBuild(buildName)
        print "%d: %s - %s" % (i, buildName, ba["vse:package_name"] if "vse:package_name" in ba else "")
    flsEffected = cgbs.getFiles()
    for i, (fid, fi) in enumerate(flsEffected.items(), 1):
        print "%d: %s - %s" % (i, fid, str(fi))
    print len(list(flsEffected))
    print "Number of specific values available: %d" % cgbs.getNoSpecificValues()
Exemplo n.º 2
def demo():
    Simple Demo of this Module
    Equivalent from command line:
    $ python
    >>> from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher 
    >>> cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    >>> cacher.setVista("CGVISTA") 
    >>> from vistaSchema import *
    >>> var = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    >>> str(vair)
    'Schema of CGVISTA'
    >>> vair.getSchema("2")
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    # cacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP") 
    # vair = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    vair = VistaSchema("GOLD", cacher)
    print "Number of files %d, top only %d" % (len(vair.files()), len(vair.files(True)))
    print "Corrupt Files %d, with corrupt fields %d, deprecated %d, class 3 %d, with .001 field %d, with version set %d" % (len(vair.filesWithAttr(attribute="corruption")), len(vair.filesWithAttr("corruptFields")), len(vair.filesWithAttr("deprecated")), len(vair.filesWithAttr("class3")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("computation001")), len(vair.filesWithAttr("deprecated")))
    topFiles = vair.files(True)
    print "Corrupt Top Files %d, with corrupt fields %d, deprecated %d, class 3 %d, with .001 field %d" % (len(vair.filesWithAttr("corruption", topFiles)), len(vair.filesWithAttr("corruptFields", topFiles)), len(vair.filesWithAttr("deprecated", topFiles)), len(vair.filesWithAssertion(lambda x: "class3" in x, topFiles)), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("computation001", topFiles))) 
    print "Total fields %d, corrupt %d, computed fields %d, with transforms %d, with simple indexes %d, class 3 fields %d, class 3 fields in non class 3 files %d" % (len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr()), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("corruption")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("computation")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("inputTransform")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("index")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("class3")), len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("class3", vair.filesWithoutAttr("class3"))))
    print "Number of data points: %d" % vair.datapoints()
    print "First 10 computed fields - %s" % str(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("computation")[0:10]) 
    print "Package of 2 is: %s" % vair.package("2")
Exemplo n.º 3
def demo():
    Simple Demo of this Module
    Equivalent from command line:
    $ python
    >>> from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher 

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista("CGVISTA", fmqlEP="http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    cgbs = VistaBuilds("CGVISTA", cacher)
    buildNames = cgbs.listBuilds()
    packageNames = cgbs.listPackages()
    print len(packageNames)
    print len(buildNames)
    print len(cgbs.listBuilds(False))
    print "First build is: %s" % buildNames[0]
    for i, buildName in enumerate(cgbs.listBuilds(True), 1):
        ba = cgbs.describeBuild(buildName)
        print "%d: %s - %s" % (i, buildName, ba["vse:package_name"]
                               if "vse:package_name" in ba else "")
    flsEffected = cgbs.getFiles()
    for i, (fid, fi) in enumerate(flsEffected.items(), 1):
        print "%d: %s - %s" % (i, fid, str(fi))
    print len(list(flsEffected))
    print "Number of specific values available: %d" % cgbs.getNoSpecificValues(
Exemplo n.º 4
def demo():
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista("GOLD", fmqlEP="http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    cgps = VistaPackages("GOLD", cacher)
    for i, packageName in enumerate(cgps.listPackages(), 1):
        packageAbout = cgps.describePackage(packageName)
        print "%d. %s - %s - %s - %s" % (i, packageName, packageAbout["class"] if "class" in packageAbout else "NONE", packageAbout["current_version"] if "current_version" in packageAbout else "NONE", "" if "vse:last_installed" not in packageAbout else packageAbout["vse:last_installed"])
Exemplo n.º 5
def demo():
    Simple Demo of this Module
    Equivalent from command line:
    $ python
    >>> from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher 
    >>> cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    >>> cacher.setVista("CGVISTA") 
    >>> from vistaSchema import *
    >>> var = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    >>> str(vair)
    'Schema of CGVISTA'
    >>> vair.getSchema("2")
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    # cacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")

    # vair = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    vair = VistaSchema("GOLD", cacher)
    print "Number of files %d, top only %d" % (len(
        vair.files()), len(vair.files(True)))
    print "Corrupt Files %d, with corrupt fields %d, deprecated %d, class 3 %d, with .001 field %d, with version set %d" % (
        len(vair.filesWithAttr("deprecated")), len(
    topFiles = vair.files(True)
    print "Corrupt Top Files %d, with corrupt fields %d, deprecated %d, class 3 %d, with .001 field %d" % (
        len(vair.filesWithAttr("corruption", topFiles)),
        len(vair.filesWithAttr("corruptFields", topFiles)),
        len(vair.filesWithAttr("deprecated", topFiles)),
        len(vair.filesWithAssertion(lambda x: "class3" in x, topFiles)),
        len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("computation001", topFiles)))
    print "Total fields %d, corrupt %d, computed fields %d, with transforms %d, with simple indexes %d, class 3 fields %d, class 3 fields in non class 3 files %d" % (
        len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr()), len(
        len(vair.allFieldsWithAttr("class3", vair.filesWithoutAttr("class3"))))
    print "Number of data points: %d" % vair.datapoints()
    print "First 10 computed fields - %s" % str(
    print "Package of 2 is: %s" % vair.package("2")
Exemplo n.º 6
def demo():
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista("GOLD", fmqlEP="http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    cgps = VistaPackages("GOLD", cacher)
    for i, packageName in enumerate(cgps.listPackages(), 1):
        packageAbout = cgps.describePackage(packageName)
        print "%d. %s - %s - %s - %s" % (
            i, packageName, packageAbout["class"] if "class" in packageAbout
            else "NONE", packageAbout["current_version"] if "current_version"
            in packageAbout else "NONE", "" if "vse:last_installed"
            not in packageAbout else packageAbout["vse:last_installed"])
Exemplo n.º 7
def demo():
    Audit GOLD
    import logging

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher

    oCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    vbr = VistaMetaAuditer(VistaSchema("GOLD", oCacher), VistaBuilds("GOLD", oCacher))
    reportLocation = vbr.report(format="TEXT")
    print "Report written to %s" % reportLocation
Exemplo n.º 8
def demo():

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "")

    # ex/ python vdm.vistaIdentity CGVISTA HOST PORT 'ACCESS' 'VERIFY'
    if len(args) < 5:
        print "invoke with: python vdm.vistaIdentify vistaname 'host' port 'access 'verify'" 

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista(vistaLabel=args[0], host=args[1], port=int(args[2]), access=args[3], verify=args[4]) 
    vi = VistaIdentity(args[0], cacher)
    # ex/ {u'state': u'STATE/OKLAHOMA', 'domain': u'DOMAIN/VISTA.GOLD.MEDSPHERE.COM', u'facility_type': u'FACILITY TYPE/VAO', u'station_number': u'050', u'name': u'SOFTWARE SERVICE'}
    print vi.identifiers()
Exemplo n.º 9
def demo():

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "")

    # ex/ python vdm.vistaIdentity CGVISTA HOST PORT 'ACCESS' 'VERIFY'
    if len(args) < 5:
        print "invoke with: python vdm.vistaIdentify vistaname 'host' port 'access 'verify'"

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    vi = VistaIdentity(args[0], cacher)
    # ex/ {u'state': u'STATE/OKLAHOMA', 'domain': u'DOMAIN/VISTA.GOLD.MEDSPHERE.COM', u'facility_type': u'FACILITY TYPE/VAO', u'station_number': u'050', u'name': u'SOFTWARE SERVICE'}
    print vi.identifiers()
Exemplo n.º 10
def demo():

    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    gCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    vod = VistaOtherDiffer(VistaBuilds("GOLD", gCacher),
                           VistaBuilds("CGVISTA", oCacher),
                           VistaSchema("GOLD", gCacher),
                           VistaSchema("CGVISTA", oCacher))
    reportLocation = vod.report(format="HTML")
    print "Report written to %s" % reportLocation
Exemplo n.º 11
def demo():
    Simple Demo of this Module
    Equivalent from command line:
    $ python
    >>> from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher 
    >>> cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    >>> cacher.setVista("CGVISTA") 
    >>> from vistaSchema import *
    >>> var = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    >>> str(vair)
    'Schema of CGVISTA'
    >>> vair.getSchema("2")
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    cacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    cacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP") 
    vair = VistaSchema("CGVISTA", cacher)
    print "Name of file 2: %s" % vair.getSchema("2")["name"]
    print vair.listFiles()
Exemplo n.º 12
def demo():
    Demo expects GOLD to be in its Cache and runs against Caregraf's web-hosted version of OpenVistA 'CGVISTA'
    Running this and the result:
    $ python vistaSchemaComparer.py
    GOLD: Schema Building (with caching) took 0:00:03.548585
    CGVISTA: Schema Building (with caching) took 0:00:02.408705
    Report written to Reports/schemaGOLD_vs_CGVISTA.html
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    gCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    vsr = VistaSchemaComparer(VistaSchema("GOLD", gCacher), VistaSchema("CGVISTA", oCacher))
    reportLocation = vsr.compare(format="HTML")
    print "Report written to %s" % reportLocation
Exemplo n.º 13
def demo():

    import logging

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher

    gCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    vod = VistaOtherDiffer(
        VistaBuilds("GOLD", gCacher),
        VistaBuilds("CGVISTA", oCacher),
        VistaSchema("GOLD", gCacher),
        VistaSchema("CGVISTA", oCacher),
    reportLocation = vod.report(format="HTML")
    print "Report written to %s" % reportLocation
def demo():
    Demo expects GOLD to be in its Cache and runs against Caregraf's web-hosted version of OpenVistA 'CGVISTA'
    Running this and the result:
    $ python vistaPackagesComparer.py
    GOLD: Packages Packageing (with caching) took 0:00:03.548585
    CGVISTA: Packages Packageing (with caching) took 0:00:02.408705
    Report written to Reports/schemaGOLD_vs_CGVISTA.html
    import logging
    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(message)s")
    from copies.fmqlCacher import FMQLCacher
    gCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher = FMQLCacher("Caches")
    oCacher.setVista("CGVISTA", "http://vista.caregraf.org/fmqlEP")
    vbr = VistaPackagesComparer(VistaPackages("GOLD", gCacher), VistaPackages("CGVISTA", oCacher))
    reportLocation = vbr.compare(format="HTML")
    print "Report written to %s" % reportLocation