Exemplo n.º 1
def mean(pmf: PMF) -> num:
    fs = pmf >> names
    ws = pmf >> values
        return np.average(fs, weights=ws) >> to(_, pyfloat)
    except TypeError:
        fs, ws = list([fs, ws] >> zip) >> select >> (
            lambda fv: not isinstance(fv[0], str)) >> zip
        return np.average(fs, weights=ws) >> to(_, pyfloat)
Exemplo n.º 2
def testBTFn():
    fn = (tSally + null) ^ (tFred * tJoe)
    rep = [tSally, null] \
        >> sortUsing >> (lambda x: x.id) \
        >> each >> (lambda x: x >> to(_, pystr)) \
        >> joinAll(_, ' + ')
    repr(fn) >> check >> equal >> f'(({rep}) -> (fred * joe))'
    assert isinstance(fn, BTFn)
Exemplo n.º 3
def rep1(pad: cluedo_pad, handId) -> display_table:
    cfg = tvstruct(nameWidth=17,

    handIds = (pad >> values >> first >> keys >> to(_, pylist) |
               (N**pystr)[tvseq]) >> drop >> TBI

    titlesPadding = ' ' * (cfg.nameWidth + cfg.hasWidth + cfg.noCountWidth +
                           cfg.suggestCountWidth + cfg.likeWidth)
    tTitle = [
        titlesPadding +
        (handIds >> each >>
         ((lambda hId:
           ('Me' if hId == handId else hId) >> padWith(_, left=cfg.cellWidth))
          | pystr ^ pystr) >> joinAll)
    ] | display_table

    tNames = (people, weapons, rooms)  \
        >> interleave >> ['----']  \
        >> each >> (lambda c: c >> padWith(_, left=cfg.nameWidth)) | display_table

    # show TBI, countHands - noCount, sum priors, sum suggests
    stats = genStats(pad, handId)

    cHands = handIds >> count  # i.e. the number of players in the game, the number of hands less the TBI hand
    tSummary = (people, weapons, rooms)  \
        >> each >> (lambda g: g
            >> each >> (lambda c: c
                >> ppCardSummary(_, handId, pad, stats, cfg, cHands)
        )  \
        >> interleave >> ['']  \
        >> each >> (lambda c: c >> padWith(_, left=cfg.nameWidth))  \
        | display_table

    tHands = (people, weapons, rooms)  \
        >> each >> (lambda g: g
            >> each >> (lambda c: handIds  \
                >> each >> ((lambda hId:  \
                    pad[c][hId] >> ppCell(_, stats[c], cfg)
                ) | pystr^pystr)
                >> joinAll
        )  \
        >> interleave >> ['']  \
        >> each >> (lambda c: c >> padWith(_, left=cfg.nameWidth))  \
        | display_table

    return tTitle >> join >> (tNames >> hjoin >> tSummary >> hjoin >> tHands
                              | display_table)
Exemplo n.º 4
def testDrop():
    card = pystr['card']
    cards = (N**card)[tvseq].setPP('deck').setConstructor(tvseq)
    Gr = 'Green'
    Mu = 'Mustard'
    Or = 'Orchid'
    Pe = 'Peacock'
    Pl = 'Plum'
    Sc = 'Scarlet'
    people = [Gr, Mu, Or, Pe, Pl, Sc] >> to(_, cards)
    people >> drop >> [0, 5] >> _v >> check >> equal >> [Mu, Or, Pe, Pl]
Exemplo n.º 5
def test():
    renames = {
        'Date': 'date',
        '1 Mo': '_1m',
        '2 Mo': '_2m',
        '3 Mo': '_3m',
        '6 Mo': '_6m',
        '1 Yr': '_1y',
        '2 Yr': '_2y',
        '3 Yr': '_3y',
        '5 Yr': '_5y',
        '7 Yr': '_7y',
        '10 Yr': '_10y',
        '20 Yr': '_20y',
        '30 Yr': '_30y'

    conversions = dict(
        date=vec.to(_, pydate, 'MM/DD/YY'),
        _1m=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _2m=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _3m=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _6m=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _1y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _2y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _3y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _5y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _7y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _10y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _20y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),
        _30y=vec.to(_, pyfloat),

    filename = 'us yields.csv'
    ytms = (path + '/' + filename) >> fromCsv(_, renames, conversions)

    # take logs
    ytms2 = ytms \
        >> names >> drop >> ['date', '_2m'] \
        >> inject(_, agg(ytms), _) >> (lambda prior, name:
            prior >> atPut(_,
                'log' >> join >> (name >> drop >> 1),
                prior >> at(_, name) >> vec.log

    # select the desired date range
    d1 = '2021.01.01' >> to(_, pydate, 'YYYY.MM.DD')
    d2 = '2021.04.01' >> to(_, pydate, 'YYYY.MM.DD')
    usD1ToD2 = ytms2 >> select >> (lambda r: d1 <= r.date and r.date < d2)

    # diff and calc covariance matrices
    usDiffs = usD1ToD2 \
        >> names >> drop >> 'date' \
        >> inject(_, agg(), _) >> (lambda p, f:
            p >> atPut(_, f, usD1ToD2 >> at(_, f) >> vec.diff)

    t1 = usDiffs >> names
    t2 = t1 >> select >> startsWith(_, '_')

    usDiffCov = usDiffs \
        >> take >> (usDiffs >> names >> select >> startsWith(_, '_')) \
        >> to(_, tvarray) >> stats.core.cov

    usLogDiffCov = usDiffs \
        >> take >> (usDiffs >> names >> select >> startsWith(_, 'log')) \
        >> to(_, tvarray) >> stats.core.cov

    usDiffCov >> check >> sameShape >> usLogDiffCov
    usDiffCov >> check >> different >> usLogDiffCov
Exemplo n.º 6
def dateAsDayString(d):
    return d >> day >> to(_, pystr) >> pad(_, right=3)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_repr_or_str():
    [Fred(1)] >> to(_, str) >> assertEquals >> '[rep(1)]'
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_misc():
    [[1, 2], [3, 5]] >> to(_,matrix[tvarray]) >> shape >> check >> equal >> (2,2)
    adhoc(a=1,b=2,c=3) >> drop >> ['a', 'b'] >> to(_,pydict) >> check >> equal >> dict(c=3)
    [dict(a=1)] >> at(_, 0) >> at(_, "a") >> check >> equal >> 1
    dict(b=1, a=2) >> keys >> to(_, pylist) >> sort