Exemplo n.º 1
 def Parse(self, file_opened, **_kwargs):
     Parse a opened file to extract information
         file_opened: the open file
         _kwargs: not used
         a tuple with 4 values (All set to None if Parsing wrong file): 
             0. notes: notes to be inserted in tool giving direct info to pentester
             1. tags: a list of tags to be added to tool 
             2. lvl: the level of the command executed to assign to given targets
             3. targets: a list of composed keys allowing retrieve/insert from/into database targerted objects.
     notes = ""
     tags = []
     targets = {}
     result_socket = file_opened.read()
     domain, ip = parse_reverse_python(result_socket)
     if domain is None:
         return None, None, None, None
     ip_m = Ip().initialize(ip)
     res, iid = ip_m.addInDb()
     if not res:
         ip_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid})
     hostnames = list(set(ip_m.infos.get("hostname", []) + [domain]))
     ip_m.updateInfos({"hostname": hostnames})
     targets["ip"] = {"ip": ip}
     notes += "Domain found :" + domain + "\n"
     if notes == "":
         notes = "No domain found\n"
     return notes, tags, "ip", targets
Exemplo n.º 2
    def Parse(self, file_opened, **_kwargs):
        Parse a opened file to extract information

        foe.test.fr.	801	IN	A
        blog.test.fr.	10800	IN	CNAME
            file_opened: the open file
            _kwargs: not used
            a tuple with 4 values (All set to None if Parsing wrong file): 
                0. notes: notes to be inserted in tool giving direct info to pentester
                1. tags: a list of tags to be added to tool 
                2. lvl: the level of the command executed to assign to given targets
                3. targets: a list of composed keys allowing retrieve/insert from/into database targerted objects.
        notes = ""
        tags = []
        countInserted = 0
        for line in file_opened:
            domain, _record_type, ip = parse_crtsh_line(line)
            if domain is not None:
                # a domain has been found
                infosToAdd = {"hostname": ip}
                ip_m = Ip().initialize(domain, infos=infosToAdd)
                res, iid = ip_m.addInDb()
                # failed, domain is out of scope
                if not res:
                    notes += domain + " exists but already added.\n"
                    ip_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid})
                    infosToAdd = {
                        list(set([ip] + ip_m.infos.get("hostname", [])))
                    countInserted += 1
                    notes += domain + " inserted.\n"
        if notes.strip() == "":
            return None, None, None, None
        elif countInserted != 0:
        return notes, tags, "wave", {"wave": None}
Exemplo n.º 3
def getIpPortsNmap(nmapFile):
    Read the given nmap .nmap file results and return a dictionnary with ips and a list of their open ports.
            nmapFile:  the path to the .nmap file generated by an nmap scan

            notes about inseted ip and ports
    notes = ""
    countOpen = 0
    all_text = nmapFile.read().strip()
    lines = all_text.split("\n")
    if len(lines) <= 3:
        # print("Not enough lines to be nmap")
        return None
    if not lines[0].startswith("# Nmap"):
        # print("Not starting with # Nmap")
        return None
    if "scan initiated" not in lines[0]:
        # print("Not scan initiated on first line")
        return None
    if "# Nmap done at" not in lines[-1]:
        # print("Not # Nmap done at at the end : "+str(lines[-1]))
        return None
    ipCIDR_m = None
    ipDom_m = None
    for line in lines:
        # Search ip in file
        # match an ip
        ip = re.search(
            r"^Nmap scan report for (\S+)(?: \(((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})\))?$",
        if ip is not None:  # regex match
            lastIp = [
                ip.group(2) if ip.group(2) is not None else ""
            notes_ip = "ip:" + \
                str(lastIp[1]) if lastIp[1] != "" and lastIp[1] is not None else ""
            ipCIDR_m = Ip().initialize(str(lastIp[0]), notes=notes_ip)
            if lastIp[1].strip() != "" and lastIp[1] is not None:
                ipDom_m = Ip().initialize(str(lastIp[1]),
                                          notes="domain:" + str(lastIp[0]))

                ipDom_m = None
        if " open " in line:
            if ipCIDR_m is None:  # Probably a gnmap
                return None
            notes += line + "\n"
            # regex to find open ports in gnmap file
            port_search = re.search(
                r"^(\d+)\/(\S+)\s+open\s+(\S+)(?: +(.+))?$", line)
            if port_search is not None:
                port_number = str(port_search.group(1))
                proto = str(port_search.group(2))
                service = "unknown" if str(
                    port_search.group(3)) == "" else str(port_search.group(3))
                product = str(port_search.group(4))
                # a port unique key is its protocole/number.
                countOpen += 1
                validIps = []
                if ipCIDR_m is not None:
                    if ipDom_m is not None:
                        res, iid = ipDom_m.addInDb()
                        if not res:
                            ipDom_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid})
                                    list(ipDom_m.infos.get("hostname", [])) +
                for ipFound in validIps:
                    if ip == "":
                    port_o = Port().initialize(ipFound, port_number, proto,
                                               service, product)
                    res_insert, iid = port_o.addInDb()
                    if not res_insert:
                        port_o = Port.fetchObject({"_id": iid})
                    port_o.service = service

    notes = str(countOpen) + " open ports found\n" + notes
    return notes
Exemplo n.º 4
    def Parse(self, file_opened, **_kwargs):
        Parse a opened file to extract information
        "arguments": "./dnsrecon.py -r -j /home/barre/test.json",
        "date": "2020-01-06 11:43:37.701513",
        "type": "ScanInfo"
        "address": "",
        "name": "_gateway",
        "type": "PTR"
        "address": "",
        "name": "barre-ThinkPad-E480",
        "type": "PTR"
        "address": "",
        "name": "barre-ThinkPad-E480.local",
        "type": "PTR"
            file_opened: the open file
            _kwargs: not used
            a tuple with 4 values (All set to None if Parsing wrong file): 
                0. notes: notes to be inserted in tool giving direct info to pentester
                1. tags: a list of tags to be added to tool 
                2. lvl: the level of the command executed to assign to given targets
                3. targets: a list of composed keys allowing retrieve/insert from/into database targerted objects.
        notes = ""
        tags = []
        countInserted = 0
            dnsrecon_content = json.loads(file_opened.read())
        except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
            return None, None, None, None
        if len(dnsrecon_content) == 0:
            return None, None, None, None
        if not isinstance(dnsrecon_content[0], dict):
            return None, None, None, None
        if dnsrecon_content[0].get("type", "") != "ScanInfo":
            return None, None, None, None
        if dnsrecon_content[0].get("date", "") == "":
            return None, None, None, None
        for record in dnsrecon_content[1:]:
            ip = record["address"]
            name = record["name"]
            infosToAdd = {"hostname": name}
            ip_m = Ip().initialize(ip, infos=infosToAdd)
            res, iid = ip_m.addInDb()
            infosToAdd = {"ip": ip}
            ip_m = Ip().initialize(name, infos=infosToAdd)
            res, iid = ip_m.addInDb()
            # failed, domain is out of scope
            if not res:
                notes += name + " exists but already added.\n"
                ip_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid})
                infosToAdd = {"ip": list(set([ip] + ip_m.infos.get("ip", [])))}
                countInserted += 1
                notes += name + " inserted.\n"
        return notes, tags, "wave", {"wave": None}