def getNotDoneTools(cls, waveName): """Returns a set of tool mongo ID that are not done yet. """ notDoneTools = set() mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() tools = mongoInstance.find( "tools", { "wave": waveName, "ip": "", "scanner_ip": "None", "dated": "None", "datef": "None" }) for tool in tools: notDoneTools.add(tool["_id"]) scopes = Scope.fetchObjects({"wave": waveName}) for scope in scopes: scopeId = scope.getId() ips = Ip.getIpsInScope(scopeId) for ip in ips: tools = mongoInstance.find( "tools", { "wave": waveName, "ip": ip.ip, "scanner_ip": "None", "dated": "None", "datef": "None" }) for tool in tools: notDoneTools.add(tool["_id"]) return notDoneTools
def addAllTool(self, command_name): """ Kind of recursive operation as it will call the same function in its children ports. Add the appropriate tools (level check and wave's commands check) for this wave. Also add for all registered scopes the appropriate tools. Args: command_name: The command that we want to create all the tools for. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() command = mongoInstance.findInDb("pollenisator", "commands", {"name": command_name}, False) if command["lvl"] == "wave": newTool = Tool() newTool.initialize(command_name, self.wave, "", "", "", "", "wave") newTool.addInDb() return scopes = mongoInstance.find("scopes", {"wave": self.wave}) for scope in scopes: h = Scope(scope) h.addAllTool(command_name)
def onTreeviewSelect(self, event=None): """Called when a line is selected on the treeview Open the selected object view on the view frame. Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ selection = self.selection() if len(selection) == 1: item = super().onTreeviewSelect(event) if isinstance(item, str): mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() self.saveState(mongoInstance.calendarName) if str(item) == "waves": objView = WaveView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, WaveController(Wave())) objView.openInsertWindow() elif str(item) == "commands": objView = CommandView( self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, CommandController( Command({"indb": mongoInstance.calendarName}))) objView.openInsertWindow() elif str(item) == "ips": objView = MultipleIpView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, IpController(Ip())) objView.openInsertWindow() elif "intervals" in str(item): wave = Wave.fetchObject({ "_id": ObjectId(IntervalView.treeviewListIdToDb(item)) }) objView = IntervalView( self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, IntervalController(Interval().initialize(wave.wave))) objView.openInsertWindow() elif "scopes" in str(item): wave = Wave.fetchObject( {"_id": ObjectId(ScopeView.treeviewListIdToDb(item))}) objView = MultipleScopeView( self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, ScopeController(Scope().initialize(wave.wave))) objView.openInsertWindow() else: self.openModifyWindowOf(item) elif len(selection) > 1: # Multi select: multiView = MultiSelectionView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli) for widget in self.appli.viewframe.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() multiView.form.clear() multiView.openModifyWindow()
def prepareCalendar(self, dbName, pentest_type, start_date, end_date, scope, settings, pentesters): """ Initiate a pentest database with wizard info Args: dbName: the database name pentest_type: a pentest type choosen from settings pentest_types. Used to select commands that will be launched by default start_date: a begining date and time for the pentest end_date: ending date and time for the pentest scope: a list of scope valid string (IP, network IP or host name) settings: a dict of settings with keys: * "Add domains whose IP are in scope": if 1, will do a dns lookup on new domains and check if found IP is in scope * "Add domains who have a parent domain in scope": if 1, will add a new domain if a parent domain is in scope * "Add all domains found": Unsafe. if 1, all new domains found by tools will be considered in scope. """ commands = Command.getList({"$or":[{"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":pentest_type}}}, {"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":"Commun"}}}]}) if not commands: commandslist = Command.getList() if not commandslist: dialog = ChildDialogQuestion(self.parent, "No command found", "There is no registered command in the database. Would you like to import the default set?") self.parent.wait_window( if dialog.rvalue != "Yes": return default = os.path.join(Utils.getMainDir(), "exports/pollenisator_commands.gzip") res = self.importCommands(default) if res: default = os.path.join(Utils.getMainDir(), "exports/pollenisator_group_commands.gzip") res = self.importCommands(default) commands = Command.getList({"$or":[{"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":pentest_type}}}, {"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":"Commun"}}}]}) #Duplicate commands in local database allcommands = Command.fetchObjects({}) for command in allcommands: command.indb = MongoCalendar.getInstance().calendarName command.addInDb() Wave().initialize(dbName, commands).addInDb() Interval().initialize(dbName, start_date, end_date).addInDb() values = {"wave":dbName, "Scopes":scope, "Settings":False} ScopeController(Scope()).doInsert(values) self.settings.reloadSettings() self.settings.db_settings["pentest_type"] = pentest_type self.settings.db_settings["include_domains_with_ip_in_scope"] = settings['Add domains whose IP are in scope'] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["include_domains_with_topdomain_in_scope"] = settings["Add domains who have a parent domain in scope"] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["include_all_domains"] = settings["Add all domains found"] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["pentesters"] = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), pentesters.split("\n")))
def addInTreeview(self, parentNode=None, addChildren=True): """Add this view in treeview. Also stores infos in application treeview. Args: parentNode: if None, will calculate the parent. If setted, forces the node to be inserted inside given parentNode. addChildren: If False: skip interval, tools and scope insert. Useful when displaying search results. """ parentNode = self.getParent() self.appliTw.views[str(self.controller.getDbId())] = { "view": self, 'parent': '' } wave_node = self.appliTw.insert(parentNode, "end", str(self.controller.getDbId()), text=str( self.controller.getModelRepr()), tags=self.controller.getTags(), image=self.getClassIcon()) if addChildren: dates_node, scopes_node = self.addChildrenBaseNodes(wave_node) intervals = self.controller.getIntervals() for interval in intervals: interval_vw = IntervalView( self.appliTw, self.appliViewFrame, self.mainApp, IntervalController(Interval(interval))) interval_vw.addInTreeview(dates_node) tools = self.controller.getTools() for tool in tools: tool_o = ToolController(tool) tool_vw = ToolView(self.appliTw, self.appliViewFrame, self.mainApp, tool_o) tool_vw.addInTreeview(str(self.controller.getDbId())) scopes = self.controller.getScopes() for scope in scopes: scope_o = ScopeController(Scope(scope)) scope_vw = ScopeView(self.appliTw, self.appliViewFrame, self.mainApp, scope_o) scope_vw.addInTreeview(scopes_node) if "hidden" in self.controller.getTags(): self.hide()
def _load(self): """ Load the treeview with database information """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() dialog = ChildDialogProgress(self.appli, "Loading "+str( mongoInstance.calendarName), "Opening "+str(mongoInstance.calendarName) + ". Please wait for a few seconds.", 200, "determinate") step = 0 nbObjects = mongoInstance.find("waves").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("scopes").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("intervals").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("scopes").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("ips").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("ports").count() nbObjects += mongoInstance.find("tools").count() onePercentNbObject = nbObjects//100 if nbObjects > 100 else 1 nbObjectTreated = 0 for child in self.get_children(): self.delete(child) self._hidden = [] self._detached = [] self.waves_node = self.insert("", "end", str( "waves"), text="Waves", image=WaveView.getClassIcon()) # Loading every category separatly is faster than recursivly. # This is due to function calls in pymongo # Adding wave objects waves = Wave.fetchObjects({}) for wave in waves: wave_o = WaveController(wave) wave_vw = WaveView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, wave_o) wave_vw.addInTreeview(self.waves_node, False) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) scopes = Scope.fetchObjects({}) for scope in scopes: scope_o = ScopeController(scope) scope_vw = ScopeView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, scope_o) scope_vw.addInTreeview(None, False) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) intervals = Interval.fetchObjects({}) for interval in intervals: interval_o = IntervalController(interval) interval_vw = IntervalView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, interval_o) interval_vw.addInTreeview(None, False) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) # Adding ip objects self.ips_node = self.insert("", "end", str( "ips"), text="IPs", image=IpView.getClassIcon()) ips = Ip.fetchObjects({}) for ip in ips: ip_o = IpController(ip) ip_vw = IpView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, ip_o) ip_vw.addInTreeview(None, False) self.appli.statusbar.notify(ip_vw.controller.getTags()) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) # Adding port objects ports = Port.fetchObjects({}) for port in ports: port_o = PortController(port) port_vw = PortView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, port_o) port_vw.addInTreeview(None, False) self.appli.statusbar.notify(port_vw.controller.getTags()) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) # Adding defect objects defects = Defect.fetchObjects({"ip":{"$ne":""}}) for defect in defects: defect_o = DefectController(defect) defect_vw = DefectView( self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, defect_o) defect_vw.addInTreeview(None) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) # Adding tool objects tools = Tool.fetchObjects({}) for tool in tools: tool_o = ToolController(tool) tool_vw = ToolView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, tool_o) tool_vw.addInTreeview(None, False) self.appli.statusbar.notify(tool_vw.controller.getTags()) nbObjectTreated += 1 if nbObjectTreated % onePercentNbObject == 0: step += 1 dialog.update(step) self.sort(self.ips_node) self.appli.statusbar.update() dialog.destroy()
def notify(self, db, collection, iid, action, _parent): """ Callback for the observer implemented in Each time an object is inserted, updated or deleted the standard way, this function will be called. Args: collection: the collection that has been modified iid: the mongo ObjectId _id that was modified/inserted/deleted action: string "update" or "insert" or "delete". It was the action performed on the iid _parent: Not used. the mongo ObjectId of the parent. Only if action in an insert. Not used anymore """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() if not mongoInstance.hasACalendarOpen(): return if mongoInstance.calendarName != db: return # Delete if action == "delete": if collection == "defects": view = self.getViewFromId(str(iid)) if view is not None: view.beforeDelete() self.appli.statusbar.notify([],view.controller.getTags()) try: self.delete(ObjectId(iid)) except tk.TclError: pass # item was not inserted in the treeview # Insert if action == "insert": view = None res = mongoInstance.find(collection, {"_id": ObjectId(iid)}, False) if collection == "tools": view = ToolView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, ToolController(Tool(res))) elif collection == "waves": view = WaveView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, WaveController(Wave(res))) elif collection == "scopes": view = ScopeView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, ScopeController(Scope(res))) elif collection == "ports": view = PortView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, PortController(Port(res))) elif collection == "ips": view = IpView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, IpController(Ip(res))) elif collection == "intervals": view = IntervalView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, IntervalController(Interval(res))) elif collection == "defects": view = DefectView(self, self.appli.viewframe, self.appli, DefectController(Defect(res))) try: if view is not None: view.addInTreeview() view.insertReceived() self.appli.statusbar.notify(view.controller.getTags()) except tk.TclError: pass if action == "update": try: view = self.getViewFromId(str(iid)) if view is not None: oldTags = self.item(str(iid))["tags"] view.controller.actualize() self.appli.statusbar.notify(view.controller.getTags(), oldTags) self.item(str(iid), text=str( view.controller.getModelRepr()), image=view.getIcon()) except tk.TclError: if view is not None: view.addInTreeview() if str(self.appli.openedViewFrameId) == str(iid): for widget in self.appli.viewframe.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() view.openModifyWindow() if view is not None: view.updateReceived() self.appli.statusbar.update()
def doInsert(self, values): """ Insert the Scope represented by this model in the database with the given values. Args: values: A dictionary crafted by MultipleScopeView or ScopeView containg all form fields values needed. Returns: { '_id': The mongo ObjectId _id of the inserted command document. 'nbErrors': The number of objects that has not been inserted in database due to errors. } """ # Only multi insert exists at the moment for Scope # Get form values wave = values["wave"] ret = [] total = 0 accepted = 0 insert_setting = values["Settings"] split_range_setting = values.get("Split", False) for line in values["Scopes"].split("\n"): if line.strip() != "": # Insert in database scopeToAdd = line.strip() if Utils.isIp(scopeToAdd): scopeToAdd += "/32" if Utils.isNetworkIp(scopeToAdd): if split_range_setting: network_ips = Utils.splitRange(scopeToAdd) if len(network_ips) == 0: model = Scope().initialize(wave, scopeToAdd, "") inserted_res, iid = model.addInDb() else: for network_ip in network_ips: model = Scope().initialize(wave, str(network_ip), "") inserted_res, iid = model.addInDb() if inserted_res: accepted += 1 ret.append(iid) total += 1 else: model = Scope().initialize(wave, scopeToAdd, "") inserted_res, iid = model.addInDb() else: model = Scope().initialize(wave, scopeToAdd, "") inserted_res, iid = model.addDomainInDb(insert_setting) if inserted_res == 1: accepted += 1 ret.append(iid) total += 1 return ret, total-accepted # nb errors = total - accepted